Sutter County










            SYLVANUS SANBORN.  Remembered among the pioneers of the state of California is Sylvanus Sanborn, who located in Sutter county in 1853 and engaged in raising cattle and sheep until his death, which occurred at the age of forty years.  A native of Sanbornville, N. H., he was born in 1819, and while in young manhood located in St. Louis, where he made his home until 1850.  During the year just mentioned he made the trip to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama.  For a time after his arrival in the state he engaged in mining, but later became identified with the Gold Hill quartz crusher at Grass Valley.  Removing to Sutter county in 1853, with others Mr. Sanborn embarked in the stock business, a line of endeavor which engaged his attention the remainder of his life.  After his death, in 1859, Mrs. Sanborn purchased the interest of the other heirs and carried on the business which he had so successfully planned.

            In 1855 Mr. Sanborn married Cynthia Eliza McMurtry, a daughter of William McMurtry, M. D., a prominent pioneer of Sutter county, a sketch of whose life appears elsewhere.  Mrs. Sanborn was born in Hardin county, Ky., November 15, 1832, and was reared and educated in that state until 1852, when her parents came overland to California, settling in Grass Valley, Nevada county.  Two years later they removed to Sutter county and purchased land near Pennington, which Mr. McMurtry continued to farm until his death.  After the death of her husband Mrs. Sanborn assumed the management of the property and added to her small band of sheep until they numbered four thousand, but as the country became more thickly settled she was obliged to dispose of her sheep and devote the land to farming.  The property now consists of two thousand acres, lying in Butte and Sutter counties, Mrs. Sanborn adding to the original tract from time to time, paying $7 to $15 per acre for the land.  In 1870 in order to give her children better educational advantages, Mrs. Sanborn moved to Marysville, where she had built a pleasant residence at the corner of Seventh and D streets, where she spends the winters, moving to her country home for the summer.  She has two children, Jeannie M., who is still with her mother, and Oscar Suydam, who is married and lives on the place, assisting his mother in the management of the farm.  Mrs. Sanborn is a successful, strong-minded woman, and although she has passed the age of three score and ten, is gifted with an activity unusual to one of her years, and takes a lively interest in her extensive property.  She has assisted unstintingly in the advancement of measures that have for their object the betterment of the county where she has lived for so many years.




Transcribed by Doralisa Palomares.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California” by J. M. Guinn.  Pages 599-600. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2017  Doralisa Palomares.








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