Sutter County










      Among Sutter county’s progressive, reliable and prosperous farmers is numbered Julius C. Rolufs, who has developed a valuable and attractive homestead of thirty acres of choice land about two and a half miles south of Nicolaus, where he has a large prune orchard and a thriving poultry plant.  Mr. Rolufs was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on the 19th of February, 1861, and is the only child of Richard and Stine (Christenson) Rolufs, also natives of that country.  His father was a sailor in young manhood, but later came to California, lured by the stories of fortunes made in the gold mines.  He worked in the placer mines and was successful in winning a stake, which he took back to his home in Schleswig-Holstein, where he was married.  California still attracted him and, in the hope of acquiring more wealth, he again came, leaving his young wife in their German home.  He located in the gold fields of El Dorado County and was there engaged in mining when he met with an accidental death, at the age of thirty-two years.  His widow never came to California, but lived to advanced years, dying at the age of ninety.

      Julius C. Rolufs was reared in Schleswig-Holstein to the age of sixteen years and received a fair education in the public schools.  He then bade goodbye to his mother and his native land and started for California.  Here he worked as a farm hand for John and Martin Small, and other of the pioneer farmers in this valley, particularly around Nicolaus, for some years.  Starting at the foot of the ladder, he did well whatever he undertook, earning a reputation for reliability and for hard and efficient work.  Later he went to Butte County, this state, where he engaged in farm work.  In 1884 Mr. Rolufs visited his mother and the old homeland, returning to California in 1885, his future wife coming with him.  Later Mr. Rolufs bought his present place of thirty acres and on this has lived continuously a period of thirty-three years.  During this time he has made many substantial improvements and now has one of the choice ranches of this locality.  In the development of this place he has been ably assisted by his wife, who has been a real helpmate.  They have planted prunes, which are now in full bearing, and otherwise have the place in a high state of cultivation.  Through years of hard and persistent work Mr. Rolufs has become an expert and successful poultry man, and has fifteen hundred White Leghorn hens on this place, many of which are of the best and purest stock in the valley.  His aim is chiefly egg production and through his careful and painstaking effort he has built up as good an equipment as can be found in this part of the valley.

      In 1885, in Sacramento, Mr. Rolufs was united in marriage to Miss Marie Hendrickson, of Yuba City, California, who was born and reared on the island of Foehr, in the North Sea, off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein.  She also comes from a strong, hardy and long lived family, her father living to the age of seventy-four years and her mother to the age of eighty-six years.  Mr. and Mrs. Rolufs are the parents of ten children, namely:  Richard, who is a yardmaster for the Southern Pacific Railroad at Truckee, California; George S., who assists in the operation of the home place; Henry, who is assistant sales manager for the Crane Company, plumbers’ supplies, at Sacramento; Stine, the wife of Captain Art Trimble, dredge master on the levee; Minnie, the wife of Ed Wilson, of Sacramento; Ted, who is a rancher in Sutter County; Fred, who is employed as a bookkeeper in the Farmers’ Warehouse at Lincoln, California; Emma, who is office manager for the Sacramento Union, a daily paper; Cecelia, who is a trained nurse in the Sutter Hospital at Sacramento; and Geraldine, who graduated from the Sutter Union high school in 1930, expects to become a stenographer.  No more hospitable, kindly or generous people can be found in this section of the valley than Mr. and Mrs. Rolufs and they command the sincere respect of all who know them.  Regardless of age, they appear to be in the best health and apparently have before them, many years of continued pleasure and joy on their home ranch, to the upbuilding of which they have devoted the best years of their lives.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 94-96. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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