Sutter County









      Among the extensive and successful dairy farmers of the Sacramento Valley, none has a higher reputation for the purity of product or cleanliness of property than has Louis Regli, whose well improved farm lies about four miles south of Nicolaus, Sutter County.  Mr. Regli was born in Canton Uri, Switzerland, on the 24th of October, 1879, and is a son of Casper and Agatha Regli.  His parents were lifelong residents of Switzerland, the father dying at the age of seventy-five years and the mother when ninety years old.  They were the parents of five children:  four sons and a daughter, of whom Louis is the only one in California.  The father, who was a carpenter by trade, was a capable and successful builder, doing work in both France and Switzerland.

      Louis Regli attended the public schools of his home neighborhood, after which he learned the trade of cabinetmaking.  Later he completed the military service required by the government, and in 1904, at the age of twenty-five years, sailed for the United States, determined to take advantage of the opportunities afforded here for individual advancement.  He arrived at Sacramento, California, with a cash capital of fifteen dollars, but happened to meet Morris Scheiber, who had gone to Sacramento looking for young men to work on the dairy farm of his brother Albin Scheiber at Nicolaus.  It did not take Mr. Regli long to accept the work offered him and, coming to Nicolaus, he entered the employ of Albin Scheiber, with whom he remained for three and a half years.  Mr. Scheiber was at that time operating the old Valley place, immediately south of Nicolaus.  From that time to the present Mr. Regli has always been busy and has confined his efforts to dairy farming with the exception of one year spent as a car builder in the Southern Pacific Railroad shops at Sacramento and about three months in the pottery works of Gladding, McBean & Company, at Lincoln, California.

      In 1909, in partnership with his brother-in-law, Oswald Scheiber, Mr. Regli rented a dairy farm, on which they started operations with very limited capital.  He worked extremely hard, milked seventy-five cows twice a day, and by unfaltering effort and careful management attained success in this venture.  The business was continued under the firm name of Scheiber & Regli for three years, when it was dissolved.  Mr. Regli then rented land and worked in close association with Morris Scheiber in the dairy business.  In 1925 Mr. Regli bought his present farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres, known as the old McNamara place.  Through persistent effort, backed by keen judgment, he has achieved pronounced success in the operation of this place.  He has made many permanent and substantial improvements on his ranch, including the remodeling of the residence, and the erection of a dairy barn which has a capacity of two hundred and fifty tons of hay and will accommodate ninety milch cows.  The milking is done by two improved Empire milking machines, and employs two men, who, with himself and his son, do all of the work on the place, including the milk and the refrigerating of the milk in the splendid milk house which he has erected.  He has spared no expense in the erection and equipping of the various buildings on the ranch, the barn and milk house being built on concrete foundations.  An abundant water supply is obtained from a well one hundred feet deep, while he also has other wells, the water from which is used for irrigating his alfalfa fields.  The greatest care is given to sanitation, the barn and milk houses being kept scrupulously clean, to a degree that warranted the California dairy inspector in giving him credit for having the cleanest and most sanitary dairy farm in the Sacramento valley.  Long and varied experience in the dairy business has taught him every angle of the game and he takes justifiable pride in what he has accomplished.  He is strong and active and most ably assisted by his son, a husky young man who takes a genuine interest in the work of the farm and is very capable and dependable.  Mr. Regli sells to the Crystal Dairy of Sacramento, which sends its trucks daily and collects the milk.  Mr. Regli has altogether one hundred and seventy-five high grade Holsteins, large and small, of which there are ninety milch cows.  His bulls also are high grade Holsteins and he has an excellent herd of cattle.

      On June 3, 1909, in Sacramento, California, Mr. Regli was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Scheiber, a daughter of Ambrose and Barbara (Bear) Scheiber, and they are the parents of two children, Melvin A, who is a student in the Sutter Union high school in East Nicolaus, and is proving an able assistant to his father on the farm, and Alice E., who is a sophomore in the State Teachers’ College, where she is majoring in music, being a very proficient pianist.  Mr. Regli is a member of the Order of Herman’s Sons, of which he is a past president, while Mrs. Regli belongs to the Companion Ladies’ Order.  Mr. Regli takes a keen interest in athletics and is the president of the Swiss Sports Club of Sacramento.  He received his naturalization papers in January, 1914.  He is a strong Republican in his political views and has shown a deep interest in matters affecting the general welfare and progress of his locality.  He and his family are members of the Roman Catholic Church and give liberally in support of worthy benevolent objects.  Mr. Regli deserves great credit for what he has accomplished since coming to this state and is worthy of the high respect which accorded him by his fellowmen.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 86-88. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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