Sutter County






      One of the leading dairy farmers in the Sacramento Valley is Albert Lienert, who owns a well improved and productive place three miles south of East Nicolaus, Sutter county.  Mr. Lienert is essentially a self-made man, for he began at the bottom of the ladder of success, which he has mounted steadily through persistent and well directed effort until today he is numbered among the solid and substantial men of his locality.  He was born in Canton Schwyz, Switzerland, on the 3rd of August, 1868, and is a son of Benedict and Mary Lienert, both of whom are deceased.  The parents and their ancestors were natives of Switzerland and there Benedict Lienert was the owner of a profitable brickyard.

      Albert Lienert, who is the second in order of birth of six children, attended the public schools of his native land and remained at home until fifteen years of age, when he decided to seek his fortune in the New World, his uncle, Frank Linggi, being successfully engaged in farming in Yolo county, California.  On arriving in this country he came at once to the coast and soon afterward, through the influence of his uncle, obtained a place as a milker on a dairy farm in Yolo county.  He worked hard at that job but when the discovery of gold in the Klondike was made known he decided to go there and try his fortune as a miner.  He crossed over the Chilcoot Pass in 1898 and for ten years applied himself tirelessly to mining, in which he met with fair success.  He carefully saved his earnings and on his return to Yolo County was able to become a partner in a rented dairy in Yolo County.  With the exception of the ten years he spent in Alaska, he has devoted his entire attention to dairy farming since coming to America.  He is experienced in every branch of the business and during the past twenty years has greatly improved his dairy herd.  His persistence in this direction has been abundantly rewarded and he is now the owner of a herd of one hundred and forty cattle, including one hundred high grade Holstein cows, ninety of which are milch cows.  He also has two registered pure bred Holstein bulls.  He milks twice a day, for which purpose he employs six experienced helpers, and all the milk is sold to the Crystal Creamery at Sacramento, which collects it twice a day.

      In 1920 Mr. Lienert came to Sutter County and bought the old Stribling ranch of three hundred acres, which he sowed to alfalfa and clover.  He has operated this place very successfully as a dairy farm—in fact; it is recognized as one of the best dairy farms in Sutter county.  He prospered financially despite the fact that he bought his farm in 1920 at top-peak prices, since which time there has been a deflation of land values.  He is a hard worker, an excellent manager and an expert judge of cattle and dairying methods, as well as of the growing of alfalfa, chillean and clover, of which he raises several hundred tons annually, almost enough feed to supply his extensive herd.

            In 1929, in Sacramento, California, Mr. Lienert was united in marriage to Miss Angelina Eggli, of San Francisco, a native of California.  They are the parents of a daughter, Rosa, ten months old.  Mrs. Lienert is an able and faithful helpmate and manages the large household in a very creditable manner.  Mr. Lienert is a real asset to his adopted country, for it is to such men as he that this country owes its wonderful development and prosperity.  About twenty years ago he made a visit to his native land, where his father was still living.  He has gained a host of loyal friends since coming to Sutter county and all who know him hold him in high regard.


Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 120-121. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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