Sutter County











At the foot of North Butte, and located near Pennington, Sutter county, Cal., lies a ranch of eight hundred acres of rolling pasture land, owned by Thomas S. Clyma, a man past seventy-one years of age, but still hale and hearty and enjoying the best of health.  He is one of the first pioneers of this section, having purchased his land in 1852, when the town of Pennington was a barren, unsettled waste, and since his location here has devoted his time and energy to the development of his community.

Francis Clyma, the father of Thomas S. Clyma, was born in Cornwall, England, March 16, 1792.  There he was reared to manhood and in 1815 married Frances Maynard, and some years later came to the United States, being employed in the salt mines of Virginia and Kentucky for several years.  In 1821 his wife joined him and six years later they located on land now the site of Galena, Ill., where he engaged in lead mining.  During his residence in the Prairie state he participated in the Winnebago and Black Hawk wars, in the latter serving as a lieutenant.  Interested in farming in Wisconsin he took up government land which he cultivated until the year 1865, when he sold out and moved to Apple River, Wis.  There he lived until his death, which occurred September 12, 1874.  His wife survived him for five years, dying June 13, 1879.  During the gold excitement in California Mr. Clyma made a trip overland in 1850 and for two years was interested in mining, meeting with fair success.  He afterward returned to Wisconsin, where he made his home.

Born in Lafayette, Wis., July 6, 1834, Thomas S. Clyma remained at home until 1850, when he came to California with his father and worked in the mines with him for two years.  In the fall of 1852 he came to the Sacramento valley and took up government land upon which he and his brother Frank lived until they had received a deed of ownership, when they sold out for a good sum.  Mr. Clyma engaged in mining again until 1867, when he purchased his present home, which then comprised four hundred acres.  He has since added to this property until now he owns about eight hundred acres, the greater portion of which is devoted to pasturage, as it is a hill range, only about one hundred and sixty acres being valley land.  He also rents the nine hundred acres adjoining, seven hundred being farming land while the rest is wet pasturage.  At one time he was an extensive sheep raiser and at the present time raises horses and cattle.

In 1861 Mr. Clyma married Annie O'Brien, who was born in Ireland and came to America in girlhood.  They are the parents of six children, namely:  William R., who now conducts the home ranch for his father; George, deceased; David, a rancher in this section; Frank, deceased; Alice, the wife of Edward Hubbs, a rancher of Sutter county; and Jane, the wife of Alison Manaugh.  Mr. Clyma is a stanch Democrat and always votes the party ticket.  He is a liberal minded man, conscientious and upright in all the walks of life.  Fraternally he is a member of Yuba City Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M., of Yuba City, Cal., and takes a lively interest in all of its affairs.




Transcribed by Alison Bentley.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California” by J. M. Guinn.  Page 619. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2017  Alison Bentley.








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