Sutter County









      It is doubtful if a more popular young man lives in Sutter County than Joseph W. Algeo, who is making a distinctive success of the sheep business, in which he is engaged on a large scale.  He was born on the old Algeo home farm, four miles northwest of Pleasant Grove, Sutter county, on the 25th of October, 1900, and is a son of Frank W. and Mary M. (Howsley) Algeo, of whose four children he is the youngest.  The family is one of the oldest in this locality, being numbered among the pioneers of Sutter County and Frank W. Algeo has long ranked as one of the leading farmers and influential citizens of the Pleasant Grove neighborhood.  To him and his wife were born four children, namely:  Lillian is the wife of Michael McNamara and the mother of a daughter, Evelyn, residing at Dixon, where Mr. McNamara is engaged in farming and dairying.  Ruth, a graduate of the Chico Normal School, and the widow of the late Joseph Brennan and the mother of a son, Joe, lives at home with her parents.  George F., a graduate of the Chico Normal School, is the principal of the Pleasant Grove Union grammar school and is now a candidate for the office of county superintendent of schools of Sutter County.  He is married and has three children:  Marian, George Jr., and Mervin, and lives at his home, which was built on a part of the Frank W. Algeo ranch.  Joseph Wesley completes the family.

      Mrs. Mary M. (Howsley) Algeo is a daughter of William and Ruth (White) Howsley, the former born in Manchester, England, and the latter in Yorkshire, England, April 27, 1842.  The mother was twice married, her husband’s being brothers.  Her first husband, whom she married in March, 1863, in Wisconsin, was William, the father of Mary M. Algeo.  He was a miner and followed that line of work in Nevada, where his daughter Mary M. was born.  He had made the trip from Wisconsin to California by way of the isthmus of Panama, and thence to Nevada.  There William Howsley was accidentally killed in 1868, after which his widow moved to Sutter County to make her home.  On November 23, 1869, she became the wife of George Howsley, by whom she had two sons and three daughters, namely:  Mrs. Mary B. Baker, a widow, who is a rancher and resides in the Pleasant Grove district of Sutter County; Thomas, who also is engaged in ranching in the Pleasant Grove district; Sophia M., the wife of Peter Darrach, an extensive grain grower near Pleasant Grove; Annie M., the wife of William Horner, residing in the state of Washington; and George S., extensively engaged in farming in the Pleasant Grove neighborhood, and supervisor of the fifth district of Sutter County.

      Joseph Wesley Algeo attended the public schools, graduating from the Sutter Union high school in 1919, after which he entered the University of California, at Berkeley, from which he graduated, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in 1923.  He next took the regular law course at his alma mater, and during his college career he chummed with Desmond A. Winship, who is now practicing law in Yuba City, California, and is at present a candidate for district attorney of Sutter County.  There is still an intimate friendship between these two men.  Mr. Algeo has never practiced law.  In early childhood he was afflicted with infantile paralysis, which left his lower extremities somewhat crippled, though not so seriously as to prevent him from driving a car or a tractor or horses.  He is devoting his attention to the sheep business in which he is meeting with success.  He keeps a drove of several hundred sheep on his father’s ranch, having a share agreement with his father, and lives at home.  His sheep are principally Hampshire’s, crossed on grade Merinos and are in splendid shape.  Mr. Algeo sells several hundred fattened lambs for the general market every spring and also obtains large clips of wool.

            Mr. Algeo is a Republican and is active in local political affairs, being a member of the Sutter County central committee.  He is a charter member of the Orinda Country Club, he enjoys a wide acquaintance and throughout this section of the valley he has a host of warm and loyal friends, who respect him for his courage and strength of character, as well as for his genial and kindly manner.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 121-123. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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