Sutter County









            Frank W. Algeo is a worthy representative of one of Sutter county’s most highly honored families, which was established here during the historic period of the great gold rush of 1849, and during all of the subsequent years its members have done their full part in the development of the locality in which they live and have contributed to its stability and prosperity.  The family was founded in this country by the parents of James I. Algeo, a native of Ireland who settled in the state of Ohio.  He was living at Steubenville, Jefferson County, that state, in 1849, when the news reached the east of the wonderful deposits of gold that were being discovered in California.  He and his family at once began the long and dangerous overland journey, with ox teams and covered wagons, and on their arrival in this state the men at once went to the mines.  In the spring of 1851 they came to the vicinity of Nicolaus and camped, while James I. Algeo busied himself with whatever offered a living.  For a while he was employed at haying, but later he did teaming to Sacramento and to the mountains, which proved fairly remunerative, as he received from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars a ton for transporting freight.  He followed that business until 1860 and during that period located a number of claims in Sutter County, upon which the family engaged in farming.  He died on his ranch here about 1877, at the age of seventy-six years.  His son, John Algeo, who was born in Steubenville, Ohio, continued the work inaugurated by his father, carrying it on successfully until his death, in July, 1889, at the age of sixty-six years.  He married Amy Vestal, a native of North Carolina, who had come overland to California with her parents in 1851.  She died in May, 1903, at the age of sixty-eight years, leaving ten children, one of whom is Frank W. Algeo, of this review.  John Algeo was, as was also his father before him, a Democrat in his political alignment and he served for sixteen years prior to his death as justice of the peace, being a man of prominence and influence in his community.

            Frank W. Algeo, whose home ranch is located about four miles northwest of Pleasant Grove, Sutter County, was born in this vicinity, November 29, 1858, and has spent practically his entire life here.  He attended the public schools and early became accustomed to the work of farming and stockraising.  On attaining his majority he rented land adjoining the home place and farmed there until 1888, when he bought two hundred and forty acres, to which he added one hundred and sixty acres about a year later.  In 1902 he purchased another one hundred and sixty acre tract and has subsequently bought other acreage until today he is numbered among the largest landowners of this section of the state.  This estate has been acquired entirely through his own industry and good management and he has long been regarded as one of Sutter county’s most successful business men. 

            In 1888 Mr. Algeo was united in marriage to Miss Mary M. Howsley, a native of Nevada, who came to Sutter County with her parents in young girlhood.  Further reference is made to the Howsley family in the sketch of Joseph Algeo, on other pages of this work.  Mr. and Mrs. Algeo have four children, Lillie, Ruth, George and Joseph.  The last named is now engaged in sheep raising on his father’s ranch, on a share arrangement, and lives at home with his parents.

            Frank W. Algeo gives his political support to the Republican Party and has always evinced a keen interest in matters affecting the welfare of his community.  In 1904 he ran independently for the office of supervisor and made a strong race, being defeated by only twenty-three votes.  He served as clerk of the school board for several years and proved an efficient and faithful officer.  During all the years of his activities here he has been ably seconded and assisted by Mrs. Algeo, who has been a true helpmate in the best sense of the term and is well liked by all who know her.  Mr. Algeo has been a witness of the remarkable development of this section of the state and to such as he the state is indebted for its present standing among the foremost commonwealths of the Union, for he has been loyal to its best interests and in his own life has exemplified a high type of citizenship.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 110-112. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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