Stanislaus County








            Thomas F. Snedigar is a prominent farmer of Stanislaus County, owning a large tract of land four miles west of the town of Oakdale.  In the year which witnessed the arrival of so many of California’s prominent pioneers, 1852, this gentleman cast in his lot with the early settlers and through the period which has since elapsed he has been an important factor in the development and progress of the state.

            Mr. Snedigar was born in Pike County, Illinois, December 25, 1840, and is of German lineage, his ancestors having been early settlers of Kentucky, in which state his father, Japtha Snedigar, was born and reared.  He removed to Pike County, Missouri, and afterward to Pike County, Illinois, where he married Miss Mary Jane Richardson, a sister of Thomas Richardson, one of California’s prominent pioneers, whose history appears elsewhere in this work.  The father of our subject died when the son was only two years of age, and he was reared by his uncle, Thomas Richardson, with whom he came to California in 1852, crossing the plains.  He was then but twelve years of age and during much of the journey he walked, driving his uncle’s loose stock.  He enjoyed the free life very much, although the journey continued for six months.  Buffaloes were killed on the plains and thus the party was provided with fresh meat.  Mr. Snedigar has always looked back to that trip with pleasure.  As a boy he had lived upon the farm, never going away from home except for visits in the neighborhood, and it was an entirely new and pleasant experience.  Until he was twenty-two years of age he resided with his uncle, assisting him in stock raising.  He then secured one hundred and sixty acres of land, and as his financial resources have increased he has added to his property until he now owns sixteen hundred acres, on which he raises wheat, hay and fruit.  He has a good residence and farm buildings and is one of the prominent agriculturists in his section of the state.  The wide fields of grain with the billowy harvests give promise of excellent financial return, and the extensive orchards stocked with fine varieties of fruits are also a source of income.

            On the 24th of March, 1864, Mr. Snedigar married Miss Emeline C. Dotson, a native of Missouri, and a daughter of John Thomas Dotson, who with his family came to California in 1853.  Mr. Snedigar has had twelve children, seven of whom are living, namely:  W. S., a physician in Stockton, California; Otis J., who is operating a farm near his father’s home; Dertha, now the wife of Clarence Petty, of Stockton; Olie F., who is a student in the State University; Marietta, Catherine and Thomas, who are at home.  The mother died in February, 1897, and in July, 1898, Mr. Snedigar was again married, his second union being with Miss Hady C. Millark, a daughter of Julius and Tilla (Waler) Millark, both natives of Germany, who came to this country in 1881 and are farmers living in Henry County, Illinois.  Mrs. Snedigar came to California in 1896.  Their children are Charles Hanfred and Lenard Llewellyn.

            Mr. Snedigar is a Republican, but the honors and emoluments of public office have had no attraction for him.  He is an active and useful member of the United Brethren Church, serving as one of its trustees and superintendent of the Sunday school.  He gives his support to every measure and movement calculated to prove of public benefit along material, intellectual and moral lines.  For forty-eight years he has been a resident of California and is widely and favorably known throughout the northern portion of the state.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 641-642. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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