Stanislaus County








            The combination of pure Scotch and English blood with that of good American families has in all period of our history been productive of a high order of citizenship.  Of such stock is Thomas Robert Scoon, the deputy auditor and recorder of Stanislaus County, California, and in 1900 the candidate of the Republican Party to represent his district in the state legislature.  James Scoon, his father, was born in Scotland, and came to the United States with his parents when he was seven years old.  The family settled first in the state of New York and removed thence to Michigan and thence to Marshall County, Illinois, where in the course of events James Scoon married Alice Manock, a native of England and a daughter of Thomas Manock, who had lived in the United States since her childhood.  James Scoon became influential in his township in Marshall County, Illinois, and held many important offices there.

            Thomas Robert Scoon was born at his father’s old home in Marshall County, Illinois, April 3, 1874, and came with his father’s family to California in 1886.  The family settled in Tulare County, where James Scoon, who had served through the Civil War, was a member of Company D, Seventy-seventh Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, soon became well acquainted through other ex-soldiers and was for a time a prominent stock raiser.  He now lives in Alameda County, where he is well known as a stockman and produce and meat dealer.  He has attained to the age of fifty-six and his wife to the age of fifty-two.  They have had five children, four of whom are living, their two daughters in the parents’ household and their son, Walter T., at Fresno, where he is in the employ of the First National Bank of Fresno.

            Thomas Robert Scoon was educated in public schools in Tulare County and at the University of California.  For three years he was a grocer at Oakdale, Stanislaus County, and during that time was the assistant postmaster at that place.  In October, 1899, he was appointed deputy auditor and recorder of Stanislaus County, a position for which his ability as a businessman and his special qualifications as a fine penman and expert accountant have eminently fitted him.  His activity in the work of his party no less than his efficiency in office commended him so strongly to the good opinion of his fellow citizens that he was in 1900 nominated by the Republicans to represent his county in the state legislature.  Although he was defeated he ran one hundred and fifty ahead of the ticket in his own county, and was later appointed to a position in the navy department, bureau of construction and repairs, by the secretary of the navy.

            Mr. Scoon is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and holds the offices of keeper of records and seals and master of finances in the local organization of that order.  He has identified himself with many movements which in his opinion have promised to benefit his fellow citizens, and his public spirit has been found equal to all demands upon it under any and all conditions.  His fidelity and ability are such that he is most worthy to fill any high position to which he may be called, and he occupies so safe a place in the good will of his fellow citizens that his further advancement is a matter only of time and opportunity.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 625-626. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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