Stanislaus County








            George T. McCabe, a representative of the mercantile interests of Oakdale, Stanislaus County, is a native of Driftwood, Cameron County, Pennsylvania, born on the 6th of February, 1858, and he traces his ancestry back to a Scotch-Irish source.  His father, Asa McCabe, was born June 24, 1824, in Nova Scotia, learned the trade of a shipbuilder and removed to Philadelphia where he followed his chosen occupation.  He was also for some time engaged in building bridges for the Philadelphia & Pittsburg Railroad Company, during the construction of its line.  He continued in business in the Keystone state throughout the remainder of his life, and died September 30, 1884, at the age of sixty years.  He married Miss Nancy Sullivan, a native of Ireland, born July 4, 1828, who yet survives her husband and is now living with her son George in Oakdale, at the age of seventy-six years.

            George T. McCabe is their only child.  He attended the public schools of his native county and in early life engaged in clerking, being employed in several mercantile concerns in the east, where he acquired a thorough knowledge of the business.  In 1884 he came to California, locating at Knight’s Ferry, where in 1885 he established a general mercantile business, meeting with excellent success and soon becoming a leading merchant in the town.  He continued in business until 1897, when he removed to his present location in Oakdale.  Here he keeps a carefully selected stock of goods, including everything found in a first-class general mercantile establishment, and he enjoys the good will and patronage of a large portion of the best people of the town and surrounding country.  He is known to be a merchant of the highest honor and probity of character and is an obliging and genial gentleman, so that he makes friends, which has much to do with his success as a businessman.

            Mr. McCabe was happily married on the 16th of September, 1887, to Miss Kate Parker, a native daughter of California, born at Knight’s Ferry, July 31, 1866.  Her father, Domin Parker, was a respected California pioneer.  Their union has been blessed with four children, namely:  Velma B., Asa D., James Garfield and Ruth Naomi.  Mr. McCabe is a Republican in his political views, and while at Knight’s Ferry he served for four years as the postmaster of his town, by appointment of President Harrison.  While there he also acted as notary public and justice of the peace and was the agent for the Wells-Fargo Express Company.  Prominent in the Masonic fraternity, he has taken the symbolic degrees and the chapter degrees and is now a past master of his lodge.  He is thoroughly informed on all its teachings, its tenets and its principles and holds high the standard of masonry, having no sympathy with anything that will lower it.  For the past four years he has had the honor of being district inspector of the order, and both he and his wife are members of the Eastern Star, in which she has taken an active and prominent part, filling the position of associate conductress.  They have made hosts of warm friends since coming to Stanislaus County to reside and are highly respected by all who have the pleasure of their acquaintance.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 650-651. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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