Stanislaus County







            M. V. Mann, who is now practically engaged in the undertaking business at Oakdale, was born in West Monroe, Oswego County, New York, January 5, 1836, and his Scotch ancestry were early settlers of the Empire state.  His father, Moses T. Mann, married Miss Abigail Paine, also a native of New York and a daughter of Thomas Paine, a Revolutionary soldier, who was born in Scotland and became one of the early settlers of the state in which her birth occurred.  Two of their sons and a nephew fought in the Union army in the Civil War.  With his family Moses T. Mann removed to Wisconsin in 1855, and in 1858 went to Kansas, locating in the Miami reservation, where he remained throughout the troublesome times that preceded the rebellion.  His good wife departed this life at the advanced age of ninety-three, and he was ninety-five years of age when called to his final rest.  Throughout his life he was a strong temperance man and served as president of the Temperance Society in New York.  His total-abstinence principles were undoubtedly one of the means of prolonging his life.  He was a thoroughly reliable and worthy citizen and enjoyed and merited the respect of all with whom he was associated.  Of the Methodist Church his wife was a consistent member.  They became the parents of thirteen children, eight of whom are living, and with one exception all reached years of maturity.  One of the sons, A. J. Mann, is now a resident of Oakdale.

            M. V. Mann, whose name introduces this record, acquired his education in the public schools of New York, but his privileges were limited and the greater part of his knowledge has been obtained through reading, observation and experience.  He arrived in Los Angeles, California, on the 10th of May, 1861.  He followed mining in Nevada and also worked at farming and did carpentering for a time, and in October of the same year became a resident of Stanislaus County.  However, he afterward engaged for some years in sheep raising in the southern part of the state and found that industry a very profitable one.  For a long period he engaged in farming on Sherman’s Island, but a flood caused him to leave that place and in 1870 he returned to Stanislaus County, taking up his abode on a farm a half mile south of Oakdale, where he remained for two years.  On the expiration of that period he took up his abode in this city, invested in town lots, erected a store building and embarked in the grocery business, which he continued until 1888.  He then sold out and after a short time opened a cigar and stationery store, which he carried on for two years, when, in 1890, he again took up the farming business, which he successfully followed for three years and then devoted his time to carpentering in Oakdale until the spring of 1897.  He then launched in the undertaking business in Oakdale, becoming the manager for Howe & Smallwood, where he continued until July, 1899, when he purchased their business and became the sole proprietor and manager.  He keeps a good stock of undertaking supplies and has the entire business of the county over a radius of fifteen miles.

            Mr. Mann was married on the 24th of December, 1861, to Miss Ellen Rodgers, a native of Virginia and a daughter of Hayden Rodgers, who came to California in 1853.  They lost their only child.  Mr. Mann is a valued member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, with which he has been identified since 1880, and in both its branches he has filled all the chairs.  He was made a Master Mason in Oakdale Lodge, No. 275, and is an exemplary representative of that organization.  He has twice served as master and was presented by the lodge with a splendid past master’s jewel, which he prizes very highly.  He is in thorough sympathy with the work of the craft, which is based upon the underlying principles of mutual helpfulness, benevolence and brotherly kindness.  Since 1856, when he cast his first presidential vote for John C. Fremont, he has been a loyal Republican and is a citizen who is true to all interests that are calculated to promote the welfare and progress of the town and county with which he is identified.  His has been an upright career, worthy of public confidence, and his circle of friends is almost co-extensive with the circle of his acquaintances.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 671-673. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.




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