Stanislaus County






William David & Frank Beam



            Among the native sons of California are William David and Frank Beam Logan, natives of Stanislaus County, the former born in 1854, the latter in 1856.  They are the sons of James Logan, now deceased; who was one of California’s honored pioneers, having come to the state in 1849.  He was a native of Missouri, born August 20, 1817 and in 1831 he became a resident of Arkansas, where he was married to Miss Jennette C. Johnson, a native of Tennessee.  He served his country faithfully in the Mexican War, and in 1849, lured by the gold discovery in California; he crossed the plains to the Pacific coast and became identified with mining interests at Wood’s Creek, Tuolumne County, and meeting with fair success.  In 1852 he retraced his steps to the Mississippi valley in order to bring his family to his new home, this time making the journey by way of the Isthmus of Panama.  During the passage their eldest daughter was born, but died in infancy at Sonora.  On their arrival in California they located in Sonora, but shortly afterward removed to a farm in Stanislaus County, near the present home of their sons.  There the father conducted a hotel and also engaged in raising stock.  In 1863 he removed to the farm now owned by his widow and her sons, filing a soldier’s warrant and purchasing other land until he had one thousand acres.  He had been a life member of the Democratic Party, but was never a politician in the sense of office seeker, preferring to give his time and attention to his business affairs and to promoting the welfare, comfort and happiness of his wife and children.  He was an honored member of the association of Mexican Veterans at Stockton.  As a man and citizen he was highly respected by all who knew him.  His widow still survives him and is now, in 1900, in the seventy-third year of her age, one of the brave pioneer residents who came to California during its early history to share the good or ill fortunes of those men who laid the foundation for the present prosperity of the commonwealth.  By her marriage she became the mother of six children, four of whom were born in California, namely:  Lilly J., now the wife of George T. Hanscom; Minnie, the wife of B. F. Wulff; and William D. and Frank B., whose names are found at the head of this sketch.  James J., the eldest child, was born October 6, 1848, in Arkansas and died September 15, 1850.

            William D. Logan was educated in the public schools of his native county and in the Pacific Business College, being graduated in the latter institution in 1875, after which he clerked for a time, acquiring a good knowledge of business.  He was afterward deputy assessor of Stanislaus County, from 1880 until 1884, but is now devoting his attention to agricultural pursuits, in connection with his brother.  In 1879 he was married to Miss Sarah Gardiner, who was born at Knight’s Ferry, Stanislaus County, and their union has been blessed with one son and one daughter:  William Francis, and Hattie May.  The father is a well informed Freemason and now has the honor of being master of Summit Lodge, No. 112, F. & A. M., at Knight’s Ferry.

            Frank B. Logan, the younger brother, is indebted to the public school system for the educational privileges he enjoyed.  He has been a life-long farmer, associated with his brother in the successful operation of the land which was left by their father.  The place is under a high state of cultivation and the well-tilled fields yield a golden tribute in return for the care and labor bestowed upon them by the owners.  Upon the place are found all modern improvements and accessories and the farm is characterized by neatness and thrift.

            Frank B. Logan was married to Miss Ella M. Lewis, also a native of Stanislaus County, and a neighbor of the Logan family.  They now have three children:  Callie A., Sidney E., and James.

            The Logan brothers are supporters of the Democratic Party and are citizens of sterling worth, giving an earnest and commendable support to all measures calculated to prove of public benefit.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 647-648. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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