Stanislaus County









            Among the able, progressive, successful and prosperous practicing physicians of Stanislaus County, California, none has attained higher rank than the subject of this sketch, who is a leading citizen at Modesto.  Dr. Evans was born in Cleburne County, Alabama, July 1, 1859, and is descended from English and Dutch ancestors, who settled early in the south.  William Henry Evans, his great-grandfather, was a pioneer in Alabama and was the American progenitor of his family.  The Evans’s were prominent in the history of both Alabama and South Carolina and was active participants on the patriot side in the Revolutionary War.

            Dr. Evans, who was the second child of his parents, came to California in 1871, when he was about twelve years old, and here completed his English and classical education.  He was graduated in medicine in the medical department of the University of California, in the class of 1881, and began the practice of his profession at Modesto.  He at once identified himself with local interests and was accorded the esteem of the general public to an unusual degree, and, being a talented, well equipped and enthusiastic physician and surgeon, he soon acquired a large and remunerative practice in Stanislaus and adjoining counties and took a high place professionally in his part of the state.  He has served the county eighteen years as county physician and has charge of the county hospital.

            Dr. Evans is an extensive land-owner and devotes himself in his leisure time to raising trotting horses and thoroughbred cattle.  He keeps ten of his best horses in his own stable and loses no time when called to attend to a patient or when he drives into the country for business or pleasure, and it is not probable that there is another physician in the state who has a stable of faster horses for his own driving.  He is the owner of a splendid herd of Holstein-Friesian cattle purchased by him from the Leland Stanford estate, which are considered as fine as any in the state.  He is an active member of the Democratic Party and takes a deep interest in all public questions, whether of national or local importance, and his public spirit is such that he has proven a helpful friend to every interest affecting the advancement of the beautiful little city of Modesto, and his residence is one of the most attractive and hospitable there.

            In 1881, soon after receiving his medical diploma, Dr. Evans married Miss Bessie McLean, a daughter of Dr. S. M. McLean, an eminent physician and surgeon of California, and who was at the time Dr. Evan’s partner.  Mrs. Evans bore her husband children named Herbert M. (now at the California State University), Maron and Samuel N. (students in the high school), and died when the son last named was an infant.  Dr. Evans’ present wife was Miss Minnie Hurd, a native of California, who has born him a son names John A. and a daughter named Martha Jean.  



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 351-352. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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