Stanislaus County








            The subject of this sketch, who is one of the representative women of California, came to the state in June, 1855.  She was born Caroline Cotton in Schoharie County, New York, April 16, 1832, a daughter of Sir John Cotton.  The latter was born in Columbia County, New York, January 26, 1788, and his father, the grandfather of Mrs. DeYoe, was a native of Germany, who after living some years in England immigrated to New York where his descendants were prominent in the Dutch Reformed Church.  Sir John Cotton married Miss Maria Bame, also a native of Columbia County, New York, where they began their married life favorably, and Mr. Cotton lived to be seventy-three years old.  A lady and gentleman of the highest respectability, they exerted an influence for good upon all with whom they associated during their long and useful lives and were especially helpful to the Dutch Reformed Church.  Mrs. Cotton, who lived to the advanced age of eighty-four years, bore her husband ten children and three of their daughters are living, the eldest near Hudson, New York, aged eighty-three years.

            Mrs. DeYoe was educated in her native county, finishing her studies at a ladies’ seminary at North Chatham.  She was married April 7, 1850, to Stephen Rogers, who was born in Saratoga County, New York, August 20, 1822, a son of Platt Rogers, whose pilgrim ancestor landed at Plymouth Rock. In 1853 Mr. Rogers came to California, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, pulling a boat up the Chagres River and crossing the land on a mule.  He mined half a day and made a “bit,” as he was fond of saying, and then turned his attention to farming and the Calaveras River near Stockton.  After he began to attain a little permanent success he several times asked her to join him, but her parents opposed her making the journey and prevailed upon her to remain with them for a time.  At last he sent to her by a friend a letter which led her to override her parents’ objections and she came to California, by way of Panama, bringing with her their little son, Stimpson P. Rogers.  She visited her parents frequently as long as they lived, making the journey by way of the Isthmus five times and later crossing the continent several times by rail.

            Mr. Rogers prospered so well that it was not long before they owned one thousand acres of land on the Calaveras River.  He became prominent as a sheep and cattle raiser and gave such careful attention to his stock that in one dry season, when sheep were perishing all around him; he looked after eleven thousand sheep and saved them all.  As he prospered he added to his landed possessions, acquiring in addition to the land already mentioned, seventeen hundred and fifty acres in Stanislaus County.  He had two good residences on his home ranch and one hundred and ten acres of it was planted in fruit, and he had a vineyard of ten thousand grapevines.  Late in life he moved to Modesto, where he died in 1888.  He took a deep interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the town, was helpful to the cause of education and was one of the organizers of, and until his death, a stockholder in the First National Bank of Modesto.  In politics he was a staunch Republican, but declined the many offices offered him.

            Stimpson P. Rogers, a son of Stephen and Caroline (Cotton) Rogers, became one of the most prominent businessmen of Stanislaus County and died in his thirty-fifth year, deeply regretted by all who had known him, for his honest, upright character and many lovable traits attracted the friendship of all whom he met.  He built the first brick block at Modesto and the first stone sidewalk and was prominently identified with numerous public improvements and, until his untimely death, was a stockholder in and cashier of the First National Bank.  His little son and only child, Stephen Roy Rogers, died in the sixth year of his age, leaving his grandmother bereft of all relatives in California, and she erected to the memory of the boy and his father a costly and handsome water fountain at the central point in Modesto.

            For six years after the death of her husband, Mrs. Rogers lived a sad and lonely life.  On April 25, 1894, she married Nathan Emory DeYoe a furniture merchant and prominent resident of Modesto, and after their marriage they visited her relatives and his in the east.  Mrs. DeYoe has proved herself a true friend to Modesto and has advanced its interests in every way possible.  She was prominent in founding the Roger’s Ladies’ Library Association, which has a library of nearly one thousand volumes, and to which additions are frequently made.  She formerly owned five thousand acres of land on the Coast Range, thirty-two miles east of Modesto, but has sold it and is in receipt of one hundred dollars per month interest on deferred payments on account of it.  She has built one of the handsomest residences in the city and her home is widely known as one of refinement and elegant hospitality.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 131-132. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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