Stanislaus County









            Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, has several old businessmen who have been identified with its leading interests in nearly all periods of its progressive history, and there is not one of them who is held in higher esteem than Herman Christ, who established the Modesto Bakery in 1873 and has managed it continuously and successfully ever since.

            Herman Christ was born in Frankenhausen am Kypfhauser in Germany, September 20, 1844, a son of Albinus and Amelia Christ, natives of the “fatherland.”  Albinus Christ was a forwarding agent, a member of the Lutheran Church and a man of high character, who lived to be seventy years old.  His good wife, also a Lutheran, died in her thirty-sixth year.  Herman Christ was educated in Germany and came to the United States in 1864 and located in Philadelphia, where he was employed as a baker for two years.  In 1866 he came to California, by way of the Isthmus.  He worked at his trade at Stockton and San Francisco until 1873, when he came to Modesto and purchased the lot on which his fine business block now stands.  He opened his bakery in February of the year mentioned in a small building which stood on the lot and which was later destroyed by fire.  He purchased an adjoining lot, thus acquiring a frontage of fifty feet, and in 1891 built upon the property a good brick structure, one-half of the ground floor of which is occupied by his bakery, the other half by a grocery, and the upper stories being fitted up for use as a lodging house.  Mr. Christ owns another good business building in the town, that in which the hall of the Druids is located, and has eight acres adjoining the town line on which he grows oranges and grapes.  He is a man of much public spirit and is active and influential in local politics as a Democrat and has served the city as trustee for five years.  He is an Odd Fellow, a Druid and a Knight of Pythias, and has been the treasurer of his lodge of Odd Fellows and prominent in his encampment, and has been the treasurer also of the Druidical body with which he is identified, and is respected not only in fraternal circles but in social and business circles as well.  He has advanced to his present good station in life by honesty, industry and perseverance and richly deserves the success he has achieved.

            In 1873 Mr. Christ married Miss Amalia Simon, who was born in Niederalben, Rheinpreuhsen, Germany, who bore him seven children, two of whom are living, viz.:  Annie and Bertha.  Their mother died in 1886.  The following year Mr. Christ married Mrs. Charlotte Muller, a sister of his first wife, who has a son by the name of Philip Muller.  By her union with Mr. Christ she has one son, named Ernest. 



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 583-584. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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