Stanislaus County








            More than a half century has passed since Albert Burnett came to this state and therefore throughout the greater part of his life he has resided on the Pacific slope.  As one of the honored pioneers of this section of the country he has been prominently identified with its development, progress and upbuilding from an early day.  He was born in Dutchess County, New York, in 1836.  His father, Jacob Burnett, was a successful farmer of the Empire state.  Upon the homestead farm the subject of this review was reared and early became familiar with all the labors and duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist.  The public schools afforded him his educational privileges, and in 1849 he crossed the plains, driving a mule team.  The company started from Galveston, Texas, with fifteen teams, stopping at different places along the way, and completed the journey after four months.

            Mr. Burnett was engaged in mining on Wood’s Creek where he took out eighteen thousand dollars the first winter.  Farther up the creek he afterward engaged in mining with good success, and for four years he followed that occupation.  He then purchased cattle and brought them to his present location in 1865.  Since that time he has been successfully engaged in stock raising and farming and in his business affairs he has met with very desirable success.  Today he is the owner of two thousand acres of land, constituting a fine farm in an excellent location.  His broad acres are under a high state of cultivation.  All are devoted to use as pasture lands whereon his herds of cattle graze, being thus fitted for the market.  In 1898, while he was in the mountains, his residence was destroyed by fire and he is now preparing to erect a new home.  He has various other farm buildings upon the place, all kept in good repair, which indicates the thrift that characterizes everything on his farm.

            Mr. Burnett is a staunch Democrat, but is not an office-seeker.  He has never joined any societies, giving his attention strictly to his business affairs and in this way he has prospered, becoming one of the successful men of Stanislaus County.  He enjoys a very enviable reputation in business circles, being straightforward and honorable in all his dealings.  His life serves as an illustration of what may be accomplished through determined purpose and resolute effort, guided by sound judgment, and should serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration to others who have to depend upon their own resources.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 738-739. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.




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