Stanislaus County








            When we take cognizance of the importance of a profession or business calling we cannot but accord to the medical fraternity a high place, for its representatives are men whose lives are devoted to humanitarian interests and whose efforts contribute in a marked degree to the welfare and happiness of their fellow men.  There is nothing man so highly prizes as the gift of health.  It is a necessary foundation for all accomplishment, and a man whose labors can restore this much high prized possession is indeed a public benefactor.  Dr. Bayley has attained a wide and merited reputation as a prominent physician and surgeon at Oakdale, Stanislaus County.  He was born in New York, October 16, 1845, and is of English and Scotch-Irish ancestry.  His paternal great-grandfather was a general in the Revolutionary War.  Representatives of the family followed commercial and agricultural pursuits and in religious belief were Presbyterians and Methodists.

            Cyrus Moore Bayley, the Doctor’s father, was a representative of the family of Thomas Moore, the Irish poet, his mother being a cousin of Sir Thomas Moore.  He was born in Vermont, and in his native state was united in marriage to Miss Mary Sanborn, a native of New Hampshire.  They removed to St. Lawrence County, New York, where Mr. Bayley purchased a farm, taking up his abode thereon and spending his remaining days as an industrious and respected agriculturist of his community.  His wife died at the age of thirty-three years, leaving six children, and the father afterward married and had five children by the second union, of whom three are living.  He attained the age of seventy-four years and was laid to rest in St. Lawrence County, where he had so long resided, being known as a man of sterling worth and as a man of the highest respectability.

            The Doctor is one of the three surviving children of the family.  He was educated in St. Lawrence County and after completing his literary course obtained his medical education in Albany, New York; and in the medical college at Burlington, Vermont, where he was graduated in 1876.  He first began practice in St. Lawrence County, New York, and there remained until 1895, when he came to Oakdale, California, and opened an office.  Here his skill and ability soon won recognition in a constantly increasing patronage, and he now enjoys a business such as is accorded only to those who are well prepared to practice medicine.  He has a good office and one of the most pleasant and attractive homes of Oakdale.

            In 1880 was celebrated the Doctor’s marriage to Miss Carrie Cooper, a native of St. Lawrence County, New York, and a daughter of William Cooper, also of the Empire state and a cousin of J. Fennimore Cooper, the celebrated writer of Indian tales.  The Doctor and Mrs. Bayley have a daughter, Lucretia, who is now in school.  They are valued members of the Episcopal Church and have many warm friends in the town in which they reside.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and in politics a Republican.  He takes a great interest and pride in his work.  Almost from the day on which he opened his office in this flourishing California town he had a good practice, and it has constantly grown and extended into the country surrounding Oakdale until it has now assumed extensive proportions.  He represents that class of physicians who would practice for the love of the profession even under less favorable environments than those with which he is surrounded; and he recognizes the fact that the physician endowed with superior knowledge and skill is under grave responsibility to suffering humanity, regardless of any mere question of pecuniary gain.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 677-678. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.




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