ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Manson B., 225 Hillcrest Road, (Berkeley 7980-J).

AITKEN, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C., 53 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 6798-J).

          Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country Club and Merchant's Exchange Club  (S. F.).

          Miss Margaret Campbell AITKEN and Mr. Alfred C. AITKEN Jr.

ALBEE, Mr. Marshall P. W., 2419 Ward, (Berkeley 228).

AMES, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, 2811 Claremont Blvd., (Berkeley 3916).

          Miss Barbara AMES.

ANDERSON, Mr. Charles, Hotel Clairmont, (Berkeley 9300).

ANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M., 2604 Etna, (Tel. Berkeley 5602).

ARCHER, Colonel and Mrs. H. Lester, 3023 Benvenue Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


          Mr. member Army & Navy Club; Berkeley Country Club; and S. F.

          Commercial Club.

          Miss Elizabeth ARCHER and Mr. James W. ARCHER.

ARNOLD, Dr. and Mrs. Lewis, 2732 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley 1819).

ARNTZEN, Prof. and Mrs. Valdema H., 2916 Telegraph Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


ATHEARN, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G., 25 Eucalyptus Road, (Berkeley 7463).

ATKINS, Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert, and the Misses; 215 Alvarado Road,

        (Berkeley 5081).

AVERELL, Mr. Bradford S., 2732 Derby, (Berkeley 8600).

BABCOCK, Mr. and Mrs. Allen H., 10 Tanglewood Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 262).

BACK, Mr. Reginald R. A., 2709 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley 7607).

BAILEY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M., 1156 Amador Ave., Northbrae, (Tel.

        Thornwall 3178).

BAILEY, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson B., 624 Vicente Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3447).

BAIRD, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, 2934 Prospect, (Berkeley 8463).

BANCROFT, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E., 2222 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


        Mr. Member Claremont Country Club.

        Mrs. member Century Club of California.

BANNING, Mr. and Mrs. George H., 99 Yosemite Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3718).

BANGS, Miss Winifred S., 2710 Regent (Tel. Berkeley 818).

BARBER, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H., 3000 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 5625-W)

        Member Sequoyah Country, Athenian-Nile, and Athens Athletic Clubs.

        Miss Carol BARBER, Miss Barbara BARBER, and Miss Harriet BARBER.

BARBER, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T., 2925 Russell, (Berkeley 1599-W).

BARKER, Mr. James L., 2031 Dwight Way, (Berkeley 1298).

        Miss Doris BARKER, Miss Elsie BARKER, Mr. Orrel L. BARKER.

BARROWS, Mr. and Mrs. David Prescott, 2741 Garber, (Tel. Berkeley 9514-J)

BARTLETT, Mr. and Mrs. Louis, 2434 Warring, (Berkeley 569).

BAUM, Mr. and Mrs. Frank George, 2420 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 5079).

BEARD, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilcox, 2924 Claremont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       Mr. member Sequoyah Country Club, Athenian-Nile, and Athens Athletic


BECKER, Mr. and Mrs. John P., 2532 Ridge Road, (Berkeley 6229-J).

BECKETT, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler M. A., "The Rocks", 227 Tunnel Road, (Tel.

       Berkeley 1850).

       Member Bohemian Club (San Francisco).

BELL, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B., 2928 Forest Ave., (Berkeley 5042-W).

BENNETT, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Maillard, 2636 Stuart, (Tel. Berkeley 622-J).

BENNISON, Mrs. A. B. (Kathryn), 1226 Bonita Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 2028).

BENTON, Dr. Joseph J., 6 Encina Place, (Berkeley 8440).

BERRY, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus A., 2700 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley 75).

       Miss Roberta and Mr. Irwin BERRY.

BERRYHILL, Mr. and Mrs. James G., 2737 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley


BIBBINS, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy E., 50 "The Uplands", (Berkeley 4149-W).

BIRDSALL, Mrs. Maurice (Jane), 2646 College Ave., (Berkeley 2491-W).

BISHOP, Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur, 2630 Hilgard Ave., (Tel. Berkley 9063-W)

       Mr. member Berkeley League of Art, Seven Arts Club (S. F.) and Salon of

       Int'al Art S. F.

BLAIN, Captain and Mrs. John F., 2710 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 5898).

BLAIR, Mr. and Mrs. James W., 38 Oakvale, (Berkeley 4175-J).

BLAKE, Mr. and Mrs. Anson S., "Norwood," (Tel. Thornwall 1430).

BLYTHE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, 2219 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 1269).

BOLTON, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L., 1700 La Loma Road, (Tel. Berkeley 5174-W)

BOND, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E., 1409 Euclid Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3732).

BOONE, Mrs. Philip R., 2029 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1225).

BOONE, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gause, 1114 Amador Ave., Northbrae, (Tel.

      Berkeley 319).

BOOTH, Mr. and Mrs. William F., 859 Arlington Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3768).

BRADLEY, Prof. and Mrs. Cornelius Beach, 2639 Durant Ave., (Tel.

      Berkeley 4126-W).

BRADLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C., 1820 Scenic Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4402).

      Mr. member Pacific-Union Club (San Francisco), Claremont Country Club

      (Oakland) and The Faculty Club (Berkeley, Cal.).

      Mrs. member Town & Country Club of San Francisco.

BRANDT, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 2312 Hilegard Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 6490-J).

BRAYTON, Mr. and Mrs. Corey C., 189 Hillcrest Road, (Tel. Berkeley


BRECKENFELD, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B., 2827 Piedmont Ave., (Tel.

      Thornwall 1701).

BROCK, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W., 701 "The Alameda", cor. Indian Trail, (Tel.

      Thornwall 3812).

BROMLEY, Mr. Edward Ray, 1938 Delaware, (Berkeley 3199-J).

BROWN, Mrs. Cora Lasell, 2708 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1681).

BROWN, Dr. and Mrs. H. Alexander 2626 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1681).

       Dr. member Bohemian Club; Claremont Assembly, and Castlewood

       Country Club.

       Mrs. member Twentieth Century Club of Berkeley.

BUMSTED, Mr. and Mrs. E. B., 2421 Prospect, near Channing Way, (Tel.

       Thornwall 265).

BUNNELL, Prof. and Mrs. George Woodbury, (Oakland, Cal.), 2901 Telegraph

       Ave., (Oakland 5150).

BURG, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J., 89 Hillcrest Road, (Tel. Berkeley 2335-J).

BURNHAM, Dr. and Mrs. Clark J., 835 Arlington Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 841).

BURNETT, Mrs. John Holman, 2620 Hilegard Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 9063-W).

       BURNETT, Miss Mabel Lee, 1016 Powell St., San Francisco.

       BISHOP, Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur, (nee Roma Mildred BURNETT).

       Mr. BISHOP member Seven Arts Club (S. F.),Berkeley Art League,

       and Salon of International Art (S. F.).

BUSH, Dr. and Mrs. William P., 1414 Milvia, (Berkeley 2630).

CADWALDER, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B., 82 Eucalyptus Rd., (Tel. Berkeley


CALKINS, Mr. and Mrs. John U., 2731 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 1824).

       Mr. member The Faculty Club (University of California), Pacific-Union,

       Commonwealth, and San Francisco Commercial Club of San Francisco.

       Mrs. member of Town & Gown Club (Berkeley), Colonial Dames, and

       National League for Women's Service.

       Miss Elizabeth Mary CALKINS.

CALKINS, Mr. and Mrs. John U. Jr., 6416 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


CAMPBELL, Mr. and Mrs. William R. L., 2815 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley


       Mr. member Bohemian, Claremont Country, and Mt. Diablo Country Clubs.

       Mrs. member Sorosis Club of San Francisco.

CAMPBELL, Dr. and Mrs. William Wallace, President's House, University of

       California, President of University of California, (Tel. Berkeley 614).

CARPENTER, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L., 2828 College Ave., (Berkeley 1583).

CARR, Mr. and Mrs. Richard B., 2701 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Thornwall 686).

CATHERWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fiske, 2718 College Ave., (Tel.

       Berkeley 6985).

CHAMBERLAIN, Mr. and Mrs. William Richmond, 200 Tunnel Road, (Tel.

       Berkeley 9571).

       Miss Phyllis CHAMBERLAIN.

       Member Claremont Country Club.

CHASE, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D., 1901 Bonita, (Berkeley 2474-W).

CHEEK, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C., 2512 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1501).

       Mr. member Claremont Country Club and The Berkeley Club.

       Miss Edith CHEEK.

CHENEY, Mrs. Warren, (May L.), 2241 College Ave., (Berkeley 1139-W).

CHOWEN, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A., 94 "The Uplands", (Berkeley 3042).

       Miss Gertrude CHOWEN, 94 "The Uplands."

CHURCHILL, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R., 83 Southampton Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       Mr. member Berkeley Country Club.

       Mrs. member 20th Century and College Women's Clubs.

CLARK, Mrs. Charles H., 1419 Milvia, (Berkeley 54-W).

       Miss Harriett M. CLARK, Miss Isabelle G. CLARK, 1419 Milvia.

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H., 11 El Camino Real, (Berkeley 6798-W).

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H., 2603 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3515).

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A., 2833 Bancroft Way, (Berkeley 3747).

CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. Wellyn B., 1403 Hawthorne Terrace, (Tel. Berkeley


COATES, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H., 31 Alvarado Road, (Tel. Berkeley 4567).

COBB, Mr. and Mrs. James F., 3108 Lewiston, near Woosley, (Tel. Piedmont


       Mr. Charles W. COBB.

       Mr. P. Murphy COBB, 1726 Euclid Ave., Berkeley.

COGHILL, Mr. and Mrs. Newton B., Berkeley, Cal., 1811 Carlton, (Tel. Thorn-

       wall 298).

COIL, Mrs. Charles (Ellen W.), 2737 Webster, (Tel. Berkeley 2464-J).

COLBY, Mr. and Mrs. William E., 2901 Channing Way, (Tel. Berkeley 1773).

       Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country; Olympic & Sierra Clubs.

       Mrs. member Town & Gown Club (Berkeley) and Town & Country Club

       (San Francisco).

       Mr. Henry COLBY, Member Berkeley Tennis Club.

       Mr. Gilbert COLBY.

COLE, Mr. and Mrs. Foster P., 2938 Avalon Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 7147).

CONFER, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W., 5811 Lawton Ave., (Oakland)

       (Tel. Piedmont 2489-W).

       Mr. member Berkeley Country Club; Commonwealth Club, and BPO Elks.

CONGDON, Dr. and Mrs. Merton J., 2527 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


COOK, Mr. and Mrs. John, 2747 Hillegass Ave., (Berkeley 2954).

COOK, Mr. and Mrs. Morris T., 40 El Camino Real., (Berkeley 257).

       Miss Helen COOK.

COOK, Mrs. Philip S. (Clara R.), 2425 Prospect St., (Tel. Berkeley 4383).

COOLIDGE, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott H., 2320 Warring, (Berkeley 2372).

COONS, Mrs. Robert B., (Isabelle), 2715 Charming Way, (Tel. Thornwall


COOPER, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T., 220 Uplands, (Berkeley 900).

CORNISH, Mr. and Mrs. Frank V., 1923 Dwight Way, (Tel. Berkeley 3846-J).

       Mr. member Berkeley Country; Berkeley City Club and Berkeley Public

       Spirit Club and Commonwealth Club of San Francisco.

       Mrs. member College Women's Club.

       Miss Ellen Josephine CORNISH.

       Mr. Robert Edwin CORNISH and Mr. Francis Thomas CORNISH.

CORNWALL, Captain and Mrs. Neill J., 2230 Chapel, (Berkeley 1774-W).

       Miss Maude; Miss Margaret; Mr. Neill C., and Mr. Lloyd CORNWALL.

CORY, Prof. and Mrs. Charles Linus, 2458 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 2641).

       Mr. member Claremont Country Club (Oakland); Mt. Diablo Country;

       Bohemian Club (San Francisco); University Club (San Francisco), and

       Faculty Club (Berkeley).

       Miss Marion Elizabeth CORY.

COX, Captain and Mrs. Leonard M., 2951 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1589).

       Captain member Mt. Diablo Country Club; Army & Navy Club (Washington

       D. C. ); San Francisco Commercial Club and Engineers Club (San


       Miss Katharine COX.

CRAIG, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S., 3201 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley 2831-W).

DAVENPORT, Mr. and Mrs. James O., 12 Tunnel Road, (Berkeley 2072-W).

DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott B., 2834 Prince, (Tel. Thornwall 2675).

DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A., 2218 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1121).

DE JEAN, Mr. and Mrs. Louis L., San Antonia & Arlington Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       WILLIAMS, Miss Cora.

       BLACKMAN, Miss Elsa.

DELAMERE, Dr. Henry S., 2612 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 6042).

de LAVEAGA, Mr. and Mrs. Edward I., Orinda Park, Berkeley, (Tel. Berkeley


       Mr. member Olympic Club of San Francisco.

       Mrs. member The Century Club and Woman's Athletic Club.

       Miss Lucia de LAVEAGA and Mr. Miguel de LAVAGEA.

DEMAREST, Mr. and Mrs. D. Clarence, 2257 Cedar Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


de REYNIER, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene, 97 Parkside Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 4810).

       Mr. member Claremont Country and Merchants Exchange Clubs.

       Mr. Ernest E. de REYNIER.

DERLETH, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jr., 2824 Webster, (Tel. Berkeley 293).

       Mr. member Bohemian; The Faculty; Claremont Country and Mt. Diablo

       Country Clubs.

       Mrs. member Town & Gown Club of Berkeley.

       Miss Dorothy DERLETH, Mr. Charles Edward DERLETH.

       BUSH, Mrs. Susan E.

DETRICK, Mr. and Mrs. Edington Jr., 215 Hillcrest Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 2027).

DEVLIN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R., 2945 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4716).

de VRIES, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Egbert, 1825 Sonoma, (Tel. Thornwall 792).

       Miss Deidre de VRIES and Mrs. Gerald Egbert de VRIES Jr.

DEWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dievendorf, 830 Santa Barbara Ave., (Tel.

       Berkeley 6704-W).

DIGGS, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin P., 5824 Chabot Road, (Tel. Humboldt 2250).

DINWIDDIE, Mr. and Mrs. William S., 2815 Oak Knoll Path, (Tel. Berkeley


DINWIDDIE, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jr., 139 Parkside Dr., (Tel. Thornwall


DITZLER, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L., 6215 Chabot Rd., (Tel. Humboldt 2250).

DODGE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S., 2828 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley


DONOUGH, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ormsby, 224 Arlington Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


DORNIN, Mr. and Mrs. John Cushing, 10 Encina Place, (Berkeley 804).

DOUGLAS, Mr. and Mrs. W. W., 163 Alvarado Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 8862-W).

        Mr. member Union League Club (S. F.) and Berkeley Country Club.

        Mrs. member Town & Country Club of San Francisco.

        Miss Katharine DOUGLAS.

DRIVER, Mr. and Mrs. John R., 2213 Vine, (Berkeley 7813-J).

DRIVER, Mr. and Mrs. Michael B., 2137 Ward, (Tel. Thornwall 2069).

DRURY, Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 1520 Euclid Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 307).

        Miss Muriel DRURY, Miss Lorraine DRURY, and Mr. Aubrey DRURY.

        Members of Berkeley Country Club.

DUKES, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Alfred, 211 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley 1).

        Dr. member Mt. Diablo Country Club and Claremont Country Club.

        Miss Helen DUKES.

DUNCAN, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 159 Hillcrest Dr., (Tel. Berkeley 3393).

DUNN, Dr. and Mrs. Martin Joseph, 2845 Telegraph Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


        Member Claremont Country Club.

        LEONARD, Miss Letitia.

DUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mallory, 151 Tunnel Road, (Berkeley 6248-J).

EBERT, Mrs. Louis (Minnie E.), 1539 Prince, (Tel. Berkeley 8068-J).

EBEY, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H., 2021 Del Norte Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 4811).

EDWARDS, Prof. and Mrs. George Cunningham, 2546 Dana (Tel. Berkeley


        Mr. George C. EDWARDS Jr.

EICHELBERGER, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk W., 124 Parkside Dr., (Tel. Berkeley


ELDER, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, 2626 Etna St., (Tel. Berkeley 5818-J).

        Miss Pauline ELDER, Mr. Scott ELDER, and Mr. Paul ELDER Jr.

ELKINTON, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C., 926 Arlington Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3209).

ELLIOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Edward, 2131 Rose St., (Tel. Thornwall 3209).

ELLIOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rumsey, 2927 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


ELLIOTT, Mr. and Mrs. William Y., 2711 Virginia, (Tel. Thornwall 1949).

ELSTON, Rev. and Mrs. Allen M., Eucalyptus Path, W. Alvarado Road,

        (Berkeley 6409-W).

ELTSE, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roscoe, 1915 Thousand Oaks, (Tel. Berkeley


        Mrs. member Twentieth Century, California Writers and P. E. N. Clubs.

ERWIN, Mr. and Mrs. James W., 2547 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3477-W).

EVANS, Mrs. Oliver Perry, 2801 Stuart St., (Berkeley 6343).

EVANS, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, 2727 Benvenue Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 2877).

       Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country Club.

       Mrs. member Century Club (San Francisco) and Town & Gown Club


FARMER, Mr. and Mrs. Milton T., 203 Hillcrest Rd., (Tel. Thornwall 1134).

FAYE, Mr. and Mrs. Hans P., 3122 Claremont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 8775).

FAYE, Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Jr., 40 Eucalyptus Road, (Tel. Berkeley 5026-W).

FIFE, Mr. and Mrs. William C., 2728 Regent, (Berkeley 1999-W).

FLEAGER, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F., 927 Indian Rock Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


FLEMING, Commander and Mrs. John Frank, 245 Alvarado Road, (Tel.

       Berkeley 5741-W).

FOLGER, Mrs. Herbert, 2715 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 785-W).

       Member Century Club of California (San Francisco).

FONTECILLA, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harry, 1625 Josephine, (Tel. Berkeley 3885-W)

FONTECILLA, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E., 1700 Madera, (Tel. Thornwall 1405).

FREEMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Allen G., Ridge Road and Le Roy Ave., (Tel.

       Berkeley 1130).

FRENCH, Mr. F. Mortimer, 2236 Summer, (Tel. Berkeley 942).

FRISSELLE, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D., 3036 College Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 6402).

FRITSCHI, Mr. and Mrs. John B., 56 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 992-W).

FROST, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D., 101 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 2526).

FRYER, Prof. and Mrs. John, 2620 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 7910).

GADDIS, Commander and Mrs. W. P., 2915 Garber, (Tel. Berkeley 2025-J).

GALBRAITH, Dr. and Mrs. Alexander, 2406 Telegraph Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


GARDNER, Prof. and Mrs. Nathaniel L., 2901 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


GAYLEY, Prof. and Mrs. Charles M., 2328 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 386).

       Prof. member Pacific-Union Club (S. F.); Claremont Country Club


       Mrs. Member Town & Country Club of San Francisco.

       Miss Betty GAYLEY.

GEARY, Mrs. W. L. (Annie E.), 2710 College Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3493).

GEARY, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G., (See San Francisco List), 1 - 3rd Ave., (Tel.

       Bay View 9102).

GEERDTS, Mr. and Mrs. William F., 1316 Bonita Ave., (Berkeley 5139-W).

GILLETT, Hon. and Mrs. James N., 2437 Piedmont Ave., (Berkeley 7333).

GILLINGHAM, Mr. and Mrs. John Rowley, 2820 Claremont Blvd., (Tel.

       Berkeley 8961).

GLASS, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S., 2435 College Ave., (Berkeley 4770).

GLASS, Mrs. Henry (Ella M.), 2406 Telegraph Ave., (Berkeley 4219-W).

GOLDSBOROUGH, Mr. and Mrs. William T., 1403 Scenic Ave., (Tel. Thorn-

       wall 4766).

GOMPERTZ, Mr. Walter A., 2831 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 742).

GOODFELLOW, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, 2727 Garber, (Tel. Berkeley 6132).

GORRILL, Mr. and Mrs. William H., 2725 Dwight Way, (Berkeley 5674-W).

GOULD, Mr. and Mrs. William D., 2727 Stuart, (Tel. Berkeley 6460-W).

GRAHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B., 2033 Berryman, (Tel. Thornwall 2852).

GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. George C., 2935 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1375).

GREENE, Dr. and Mrs. Lucius I., 35 Stonewall Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 7057-J).

GREGORY, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Greenwood Terrace, N. Buena Vista, (Tel.

       Berkeley 364).

GRIFFITH, Mr. and Mrs. Hansford B., 964 Euclid Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 4712).

GRIFFITH, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold, 887 Indian Rock Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 2623).

GRIFFITHS, Mr. and Mrs. Farnham S., Le Roy and Ross Terrace, (Tel.

       Berkeley 871).

GROENENDAAL, Mr. and Mrs. P. J., 923 Ventura Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 4480).

       COMBE, Master John.

GUTTERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H., 2922 Garber, (Tel. Berkeley 1065-J).

HAGAR, Mrs. George Coolidge, (Julia H.), 2631 College Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


HALE, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1345 Arch, (Tel. Berkeley 5201-W).

HALE, Mr. and Mrs. William Morrell, 2349 Arch, (Tel. Berkeley 1822-J).

       Member Olympic and S. F. Commercial Clubs.

HALL, Prof. and Mrs. Elmer E., 2523 Webster, (Tel. Thornwall 2808).

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, 2960 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 6199).

       Member University (of Washington D. C.) and Claremont Country Clubs.

       Mr. member Berkeley Country Club and Hillside Club.

       Miss Jane Abbott HALL and Mr. George Lawrence HALL.

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Francis, 2411 Hillside Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       Mr. member Claremont Country Club (Oakland); Engineer's Club (San


       Mrs. member Town & Gown Club (Berkeley) and Berkeley Piano Club.

       Miss Katharine Marie HALL and Mr. Charles Frederic HALL.

HALL, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, 28 Tanglewood Road, (Tel. Berkeley 2639).

HALLORAN, Mr. and Mrs. James F., 1622 Spruce, (Tel. Berkeley 2228).

HAMILTON, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C., 2415 Warring St., (Berkeley 6580-W).

HANDY, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, 91 Tunnel Rd., (Tel. Thornwall 2927).

HARDY, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S., 2824 Forest Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4297).

HARKER, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, 917 Contra Costa Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 1282)

HARMON, Mrs. Dana (Mary H.), 2630 College Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 7412-W).

HARMS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T., 2514 Martinez Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3241).

HARRINGTON, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L., (Piedmont, Cal.), 108 Hillside Ave.,

       (Tel. Humboldt 2729).

       Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country Club.

HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W., 2935 Elmwood Court, (Tel. Berkeley


HART, Mr. and Mrs. Howard H., 60 Alvarado Road, South Claremont,

       (Berkeley 2026).

HART, Prof. and Mrs. Walter Morris, 225 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 2078).

HASKELL, Prof. and Mrs. Mellen Woodman, 2019 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


HASSLER, Mr. and Mrs. John F., 14 Claremont Crescent, (Tel. Berkeley 1792)

       Member Sequoyah Country and Athenian-Nile, Athens Athletic, Elks, and

       Press Clubs.

       Miss Patricia and Mr. Robert HASSLER.

HATCH, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tremain, 2847 Russell, (Tel. Berkeley 4839).

HAVEN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Jr., 2811 Channing Way, (Berkeley 2214-J).

HAVEN, Mrs. William P., (Lillian M.), 2613 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 3699).

HAVENS, Mr. John Weston, 2631 Benvenue Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 8141).

       Member Sequoyah Country and Berkeley Country Clubs.

       Mr. John Weston HAVENS Jr.

HAVRE, Mr. and Mrs. Jean E., 2909 Avalon Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 7471).

HAYS, Mr. and Mrs. William C., 2924 Derby, (Tel. Berkeley 5318-W).

HEATHCOTE, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, 2934 Avalon Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 972).

HELBARD, Mrs. James C. B., (Martin E.), 912 Mendocino Ave., (Tel.

       Thornwall 3850).

HECTOR, Dr. and Mrs. Robert, 2011 Yolo Ave., (Berkeley 2947).

HEGGIE, Mr. and Mrs. David, 819 Shattuck Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 5506).

HENDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B., 3 Oakvale Ave., (Berkeley 4325).

HENDERSON, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W., 1720 Capistrano Ave., (Tel.

       Thornwall 4086).

HENGSTLER, Mr. and Mrs. Louis T., 2629 Warring, (Berkeley 1979).

HERRING, Mrs. Jessie Fremont G., 2419 Haste, (Tel. Berkeley 6537-J).

HEYWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D., 2932 Linden, (Berkeley 345).

HICKS, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A., 2735 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 2841).

       Miss Frances HICKS.

HIGGINS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H., 2825 Webster, (Berkeley 4796),

HILLIS, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C., 2833 Ashby Ave., (Berkeley 3830).

HINCKLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E., 5 Panoramic Way, (Tel. Thornwall 2714).

       Mrs. member The Ebell Club of Oakland.

HIND, Mr. and Mrs. James M., 208 Uplands, (Tel. Berkeley 4275).

HINK, Mr. and Mrs. Lester W., 2946 Avalon Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 8149).

HINKEL, Mr. and Mrs. John, 2520 Regent, (Tel. Berkeley 1650).

       Mr. Hulbert HINKEL.

HISCOX, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A., 81 Plaza Dr., (Tel. Berkeley 485-W).

HOBSON, Mr. Charles B., 2732 Regent, (Tel. Berkeley 560).

       Member Sequoyah Golf Club.

       Miss Bernice HOBSON.

HOCKENBEAMER, Mr. and Mrs. August F., 721 Arlington Ave., (Tel.

       Thornwall 3360).

       Mr. Embree F. HOCKENBEAMER.

       PRIOR, Mrs. D. E.

HODGHEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly, 2421 Piedmont Ave., (Berkeley 3010).

HOLABIRD, Mr. and Mrs. Russell D., 2701 Belrose Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 7621).

HOLMES, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clarence, 2829 Forest, (Berkeley 6380).

HOLMES, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Charles, 2735 Elmwood Ave., (Berkeley 358).

HORTON, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H., 70 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 1919).

HOTCHKISS, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, 54 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 506).

HOTCHKISS, Mr. and Mrs. Linville Lee, 46 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 46).

HOUGHTON, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T., 2801 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley


      Mr. member Bohemian Club (San Francisco); Harvard  Club (San

      Francisco); Mt. Diablo Country Club.

      Mrs. member Woman's Athletic Club (San Francisco).

      Miss Clarisse Almeda HOUGHTON.

HOWARD, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S., 1012 Spruce, (Berkeley 752).

HOWE, Dr. Albert B., 151 Uplands, (Tel. Berkeley 4847-J).

HOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilson, 2820 Webster, (Tel. Thornwall 1518).

      Mr. member Bohemian Club (San Francisco) and Commonwealth Club

      (San Francisco).

      Mrs. member Town & Gown Club (Berkeley); Women's City Club

      (Berkeley), and Browning Club (Berkeley).

      Mr. John Gilson HOWELL Jr.

HUGGINS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L., 2313 Channing Way, (Berkeley 5732-J).

HUNT, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E., 2 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley 1918).

HUNT, Mr. and Mrs. James M., 26 Tunnel Road, (Tel. Thornwall 264).

HUNT, Mr. and Mrs. Philip M., 1305 Bay View Place, (Tel. Berkeley 523-W).

HUNTER, Mr. and Mrs. David B., 2518 College Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1092).

HUTCHINSON, Mr. James S., 1235 Bonita Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3349).

HUPP, Mr. and Mrs. James W., 12 Hillcrest Court, (Berkeley 2359).

HUTCHINSON, Mrs. James S., 1235 Bonita Ave., (Berkeley 3516).

IRELAND, Mr. and Mrs. William Bethume, 34 Oakvale Ave., (Berkeley 7054).

JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W., 2711 Claremont Blvd., (Berkeley


JACKSON, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F., 3 Orchard Lane, (Tel. Berkeley 3339).

JAMES, Mr. and Mrs. Morris C., 17 Eucalyptus Road, (Berkeley 7781-W).

JEFFERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W., 2406 Telegraph Ave., (Berkeley


JEFFRESS, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G., 411 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 938).

JENNINGS, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus P., 2733 Dwight Way, (Tel. Berkeley 1280).

JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson L., 2 Hillcrest Court, (Berkeley 5536).

JOHNSON, Mrs. Mabel T., 3019 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4290-J).

       Director Hospitality Bureau, S. F. Chamber of Commerce.

JOHNSON, Mrs. Samuel S., 2410 Warring, (Berkeley 2665).

JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O., 2400 Warring, (Berkeley 4575).

JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W., 82 Hillcrest Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4267).

JONES, Prof. and Mrs. William Carey, 2625 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley


JONGENEEL, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H., 195 "The Uplands", (Tel. Thornwall 195)

JUDKINS, Mrs. Thomas C., 2441 Webster, (Tel. Berkeley 820).

       Mr. Calvert JUDKINS.

JUNGCK, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L., 2623 College Ave., (Berkeley 1510-W).

KAUFFMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A., 39 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 797).

KEISTER, Mr. and Mrs. James B., 929 Arlington Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3597).

KELLOGG, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yale,  2232 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


KELSEY, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D., 1506 Spruce, (Berkeley 2229-W).

KETT, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F., Miss Charlotte F., 46 E. El Camino Real,

       (Berkeley 1760).

KIEFFER, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E., 78 "The Uplands", (Berkeley 1706).

KIERULFF, Mr. and Mrs. George Dudley, 2955 Avalon Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       Mr. member Claremont Country, Faculty, and Claremont, (Berkeley


       Mrs. member Town & Gown (Berkeley) and S. F. Musical Clubs.

KINDT, Mr. and Mrs. Albert F., 161 Hillcrest Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 4814).

KINNELL, Mr. Nels, 1422 Arch, (Tel. Thornwall 1422).

KING, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B., Ashby and Piedmont Ave., (Berkeley 1863).

KINNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Cabell C., 28 Oakvale Ave., (Berkeley 2022).

       Member Commonwealth Club, San Francisco; Faculty & Claremont

       Country Clubs.

       Miss Kathleen KINNEY.

KINNEY, Mr. and Mrs. G. Irving, 2611 Derby, (Berkeley 1014-J).

KIRK, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, 2047 San Antonio Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 9590-J).

KITTO, Mrs. Samuel H., 1450 Arch, (Tel. Berkeley 3604).

KITTREDGE, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C., 2639 Russell, (Tel. Thornwall 1081).

KNAPP, Mr. and Mrs. Sewall A., 2821 Woolsey, (Tel. Thornwall 1161).

       Mr. Sewall A. KNAPP Jr.

KNOWLES, Mrs. William E.. (Josephine), 2521 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 3437).

KNOX, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwin, Cloyne Court, 2600 Ridge Road, (Tel.

       Thornwall 2674).

KNOX, Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant, 2505 Stuart, (Tel. Berkeley 5384-J).

       Mr. member University (S. F.) Club.

       Mrs. member Town & Country (S. F.) Club

       Class of 1919, Yale University and 364 Field Artillery, Overseas.

KRETSINGER, Mrs. George A., (Ethel), 2845 Russell, (Tel. Thornwall 938).

KRUSE, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Theodore, 2727 Haste, (Berkeley 4353-W).

LA BAREE, Dr. and Mrs. William H., 2201 Glen Ave., (Berkeley 9528-W).

       Miss Margaret LA BAREE.

LANGSTROTH, Mr. and Mrs. John A., 2230 Haste, (Tel. Thornwall 2689).

LAWTON, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H., 2211 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 141-W).

       Mr. Harry and Mrs. Donald LAWTON, 2211 Durant Ave., (Berkeley


LE CONTE, Mr. Joseph N., 19 Hillside Court, (Tel. Berkeley 4489).

LE CONTE, Mrs. Louis J., (Mary H.), 1340 Oxford, (Tel. Thornwall 2642).

       Miss Josephine, Miss Mildred, and Mr. Louis J. LE CONTE Jr.

LEHMER, Prof. and Mrs. Derrick N., 2736 Regent, (Berkeley 9359-J).

LESTER, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M., 2836 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 1127).

       Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country; Berkeley Country; Olympic (S. F.); and

       Old Glory Clubs.

LINDBLOM, Mr. and Mrs. Erik O., Hotel Claremont, (Tel. Thornwall 257).

LINDBLOM, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Henry, (Berkeley, Cal.), 3009 Claremont Blvd.

LINFORTH, Mr. and Mrs. Rex, 2710 College Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3493).

       GEARY, Mrs. W. L.

LIPMAN, Prof. Charles Bernard, Faculty Club, Berkeley.

LIPMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L., 2467 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 1336).

       Miss Mary E. LIPMAN, member of Woman's Athletic Club (S. F.).

       Mr. member Pacific-Union, Bohemian, Commonwealth, Claremont Country

       and Mt. Diablo Country Clubs.

       Mrs. member Town & Gown Club of Berkeley.

LIPMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C., 16 Brookside, (Tel. Berkeley 7577-W).

       Member Bohemian, Olympic, and Claremont Country Clubs.

LOMBARD, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, 2733 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley


LORBER, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo M., 186 Hillcrest Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 5183-W).

LOUDERBACK, Prof. and Mrs. George D., 2718 Derby, (Berkeley 3260).

LOWE, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jr., 156 Tunnel Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 3409).

       Mr. member Claremont Country Club of Oakland and Olympic Club (San


       Mrs. member Francesca Club and Woman's Athletic Club of San


LOWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Frank N., Mr. Earle, 60 Plaza Drive, (Berkeley 3550-W)

LUCAS, Rev. and Mrs. Oramel W., 1032 Spruce, (Berkeley 3449).

       Miss Ethel Eudora LUCAS, 1032 Spruce, (Berkeley 3449).

LYNCH, Mr. and Mrs. John C., 822 San Carlos Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3572).

MACAULAY, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C., 1700 Spruce, (Tel. Berkeley 5461-W).

MADDAN, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. (Berkeley, Cal.), 808 Shattuck Ave., (Tel.

       Thornwall 3912).

       Mr. member Berkeley Country Club and East Bay Country Club


MALLETT, Mr. and Mrs. John Holland, 45 Oak Ridge, (Tel. Berkeley 2802-W).

       Member Bohemian and Sequoyah Country Clubs.

       WADE, Mr. and Mrs. Merton C. Jr.

MALMGREN, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Jr., 915 Tulare Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


MANCHESTER, Mr. and Mrs. George P., 55 Shasta Road, (Tel. Berkeley


       Miss Dorothy and Mr. Robin S. MANCHESTER.

MARKS, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M., Cloyne Court, (Berkeley 1281).

MARSHALL, Mr. and Mrs. John A., 18 Tanglewood Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 8998).

MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M., 2715 Hillegass Ave., (Berkeley 689-W).

MARTINEZ, Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry F., 2401 Prospect Ave., cor. Hillside Way,

       (Berkeley 3394-W).

MATTERN, Mr. and Mrs. George A., 100 Tunnel Road, (Tel. Berkeley 1830).

MATTHEW, Mr. and Mrs. Allan P., 705 "The Alameda", (Tel. Thornwall


MAY, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M., 1210 Josephine, (Tel. Thornwall 2797).

MAYBECK, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R., NE cor. Buena Vista and La Luma,

       (Berkeley 4214-W).

MAYBECK, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Jr., 1519 Henry, (Tel. Thornwall 4527).

McCANN, Mr. Warner, 2524 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 3276).

       Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country Club and Commonwealth Club (S. F.).

       Miss Susana McCANN and Miss Marcia E. McCANN.

McCAULEY, Mr. and Mrs. James I., 2917 Ashley Ave., (Berkeley 222).

McCLEAVE, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C., 2844 Garber, (Tel. Berkeley 383).

McCORKLE, Mr. and Mrs. Donald H., 38 "The Uplands", (Berkeley 4767).

McCREARY, Mr. and Mrs. John E., 2318 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 1966-W).

McCULLAGH, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin James, 1337 Grave, (Berkeley 2926-W).

McCURRY, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R., 2615 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley 7264-W).

McDUFFIE, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, 6 Roble Road, (Tel. Berkeley 5597).

       Mr. member University (San Francisco) and Faculty (Berkeley) Clubs.

McLAREN, Mr. and Mrs. N, Loyale, 2910 Forest Ave., (Berkeley 8439).

MEEK, Dr. and Mrs. Charles A., 2339 Regal Road, (Berkeley 783).

MEEKS, Miss Constance A., 2444 Hillside Way, (Berkeley 2727).

MEIKLE, Mr. and Mrs. James F., (Berkeley, Cal.), 52 "The Uplands", (Tel.

       Berkeley 4527-W).

       Dr. Theresa MEIKLE, 181 23rd Ave., San Francisco, (Tel. Bay View 5145)

       Miss Felicia MEIKLE, and Miss Gertrude MEIKLE.

MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Washington, 2310 Prospect, (Tel. Berkeley


       Member Pacific-Union, University, Olympic, Claremont Country & Mt.

       Diablo Country Clubs.

       Mrs. member Women's Athletic, Town & Country, and Town & Gown


       Miss Betty and Mr. Jack L. MERRILL.

MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S., 2031 Bancroft Way, (Berkeley 4086-J).

MERRILL, Colonel and Mrs. Elijah, 10 Hillcrest Court, (Berkeley 6961-J).

MERRILL, Mr. and Mrs. John H., 1940 Delaware Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 246).

MERVY, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse J. Jr., 1123 Spruce, (Tel. Berkeley 473).

MEYER, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, 6 Hillcrest Court, (Berkeley 6961-W).

MEYER, Prof. and Mrs. Fred H., 2119 Allston Way, (Berkeley 3309).

       Miss Letitia S. MEYER.

MILLS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S., 2808 Oak Knoll, (Berkeley 2680-J).

MINNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Martin T., 2939 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3073).

       Member Sequoyah Country and Athenian-Nile Clubs.

       Miss Estabrook MINNEY and Mr. Martin MINNEY.

MOODY, Dr. and Mrs. Robert O., 2826 Garber, (Berkeley 3058).

MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. J. George, 58 Hillcrest Road, Claremont Park,

       (Berkeley 4956).

MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H., 1744 Arch., (Berkeley 8212-J).

MOREHOUSE, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C., 2914 Hillegass Ave., (Tel.

       Berkeley 446).

MORGAN, Prof. and Mrs. William S., 1639 La Loma, (Tel. Thornwall 733).

MORRISH, Mr. and Mrs. William F., 1760 Josephine, (Tel. Berkeley 6767-W).

MORTIMER,  Mr. and Mrs. Walter J., 924 Mendocino Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


MOSELEY, Mrs. Andrew S., 36 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 4926).

       Miss Nellie G. and Mr. Loriston G. MOSELEY.

MUELLER, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A., 1314 Bay View Place, (Berkeley 986).

MYERS, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W., 3215 Claremont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4850-J)

NAYLOR, Mrs. Addison W., (Rebecca S.), 2227 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


NAYLOR, Mrs. Frank L., 2200 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 116).

NEEDHAM, Mr. and Mrs. William G., 1214 Walnut, (Berkeley 2050-J).

NEWHALL, Mr. and Mrs. Luther, 2629 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4901-W).

NEWMARK, Mr. and Mrs. Milton, 138 Uplands, (Berkeley 4044-W).

NEWSOM, Mr. and Mrs. Noble, 1876 Yosemite, (Tel. Thornwall 3337).

NICKERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A., 5740 Keith Ave., (Tel. Piedmont 8149).

NICHOLLS, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H., 151 Hillcrest Road, (Tel. Thornwall


NICHOLS, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E., 2509 Milvia, (Berkeley 2490-W).

NIEHAUS, Mrs. Adolph (Freda), 2123 Carlton, (Tel. Berkeley 4016-W).

NIEHAUS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E., 24 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 2081).

NIEHAUS, Mrs. Edward F., (Matilde), 839 Channing Way, (Berkeley 8069).

NOBLE, Prof. and Mrs. Charles A., 2224 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4142).

       Prof. member Claremont Country Club (Oakland) and Faculty Club


       Mrs. member Century and Town & Country Clubs, (San Francisco).

       Mr. Charles A. NOBLE Jr.

NOYES, Prof. and Mrs. George R.,  1434 Greenwood Terrace, (Berkeley


O'BRIEN, Mr. and Mrs. George N., 32 Hillcrest Road, (Tel. Berkeley 6528).

O'NEILL, Prof. and Mrs. Edmond, 2726 Dwight Way, (Tel. Berkeley 5872).

OLNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jr., 2702 Dwight Way, (Tel. Berkeley 8494-J).

       Mr. member University, Bohemian, Claremont Country, and Mt. Diablo

       Country Clubs.

       Mrs. member Town & Country (S. F.), Town & Gown (Berkeley) and

       Women's City Clubs.

       Mr. Warren OLNEY III.

OLNEY, Mr. and Mrs. William, 2608 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 3710).

ORRICK, Mr. and Mrs. William H., 2704 Forest, Cor. College Ave., (Berkeley


OSBORN, Mr. and Mrs. Russell W., 35 "The Alameda", (Tel. Thornwall 2847).

OSMONT, Mrs. Thomas M., Cloyne Court Hotel, (Berkeley 5959).

OTT, Mr. and Mrs. August L., 1501 Bonita, (Berkeley 6823-W).

PALACHE, Mrs. Robert K., (Emma J.), 20 Brookside, Claremont, (Berkeley


PAPE, Mr. and Mrs. G. Louis, 818 Arlington Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 781).

PARK, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M., Miss Josephine E., Miss Mary, Miss Louise,

       3115 Claremont Ave., (Berkeley 3406).

PARRISH, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin, 2840 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 1126).

PARSONS, Right Rev. and Mrs. Edward L., 2732 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       or 1216 Sacramento St., San Francisco, (Tel. Franklin 2036).

PARTRIDGE, Judge and Mrs. John S., 29 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 8197)

PATTERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R., 2647 Regent, (Berkeley 2579-W).

PAYNE, Mrs. Frank Howard (Mary E.), 1935 Walnut, (Tel. Berkeley 4081-W).

PEDDLE, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, 2829 Prince, (Tel. Berkeley 4836-J).

PEIXOTTO, Miss Jessica, Cloyne Court, Hotel Ridge & LeRoy, (Tel. Berkeley


PENNELL, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C., 2808 Hillegass Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


      Mrs. member Town & Gown Club of Oakland.

      Miss Helen C. PENNELL.

PERKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Richard R., 2818 Russell, (Tel. Berkeley 9530-W).

PFISTER, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J., 2714 Woolsey, (Berkeley 4806).

PHELPS, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L., 2011 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 271-W).

PHILLIPS, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B., 1311 Grove, (Tel. Thornwall 3214).

PIERSON, Mrs. Lawrence H., (Susan F.), 2811 Forest Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


      Miss Pauline H. PIERSON, Miss Mildred A. PIERSON, and Master Ford


PILLSBURY, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C., 2525 Ashby Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3516-J).

PLATT, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L., 2733 Russell, (Berkeley 3833).

PLEHN, Prof. and Mrs. Carl C., 2308 Warring, (Berkeley 1385).

POPE, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W., 1959 Napa Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3920).

POSS, Mr. and Mrs. Victor H., Mr. Lawson V., 2929 Russell St., (Berkeley


POSTON, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Parke, 99 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley


POWELL, Mrs. Howell A., Berkeley Inn, 2501 Haste, (Tel. Berkeley 6370).

PRATT, Mr. Ransom, 2737 Alcatraz Ave., (Piedmont 662-J).

PRAY, Mrs. Anne Brewster, 2515 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1079).

PREBLE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S., 2806 Prince, (Tel. Thornwall 4563).

PRESTON, Mr. and Mrs. John W., 22 Tunnel Road, (Berkeley 6609).

PROBASCO, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, 2522 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 4661).

PROCTOR, Mr. and Mrs. John W., 18 Ridge Road, (Tel. Berkeley 9574).

PROST, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert G., 44 Oakvale Ave., Claremont, (Berkeley


PURDY, Mr. and Mrs. William E., 2737 Alcatraz Ave., (Piedmont 662-J).

      Mr. Lawrence D. PURDY, 2737 Alcatraz Ave., (Piedmont 662-J).

RAILTON, Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward A., 2727 Ashby Ave., (Berkeley 5319).

RANSOME, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilfred, 1210 Shattuck Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


RATCLIFF, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Jr., 55 Roble, cor. Tunnel Road,

      (Berkeley 6073).

RAYMOND, Prof. William J., 2622 Piedmont Ave., (Berkeley 4807-W).

REDMAN, Mr. and Mrs. William W., 693 Peralta Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 6407).

REINHARDT, President Aurelia Henry (Mill's College), P. O. Cal., President's 

      House, Mill's College, Oakland, Cal., (Fruitvale 1083-W).

      Member Mill's, Sorosis, and Town & Country Clubs of San Francisco.

      George Frederick REINHARDT and Paul Henry REINHARDT.

REYNOLDS, Mr. and Mrs. Allan D., 1806 Derby, (Tel. Berkeley 2017-J).

RICE, Mr. and Mrs. John A., 1165 Arch, (Berkeley 1050-J).

      Member Engineer's Club S. F., and Rocky Mountain Club, New York 


RICHARDS, Mr. and Mrs. John W., 2431 Channing Way, (Berkeley 1424).

RICHARDSON, Prof. and Mrs. Leon J., 2415 College Ave., (Berkeley 5115)

RICHARDSON, Mr. and Mrs. Willard A., 2600 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 6283).

RICKARD, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A., 250 Tunnel Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 250).

RICKETTS, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H., 2437 Shattuck Ave., (Berkeley 9024-J).

      Miss Eunice H. RICKETTS, 2437 Shattuck Ave., (Berkeley 9024-J).

RIDGELY, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard S., 3147 Claremont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 


RIEGER, Mr. and Mrs. William, Ridge Road and Highland Place, (Tel.

      Berkeley 9257-W).

ROBINSON, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S., 2730 Belrose Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


      Member Claremont Country, Sequoyah Country, & Athenian-Nile Clubs.

ROWELL, Dr. and Mrs. Hubert N., 3158 College Ave., (Piedmont 26).

RUGGLES, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A., 706 "The Alameda", (Tel. Thornwall


RULOFSON, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C., 2632 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 2340).

RUSHFORTH, Mr. and Mrs. Archie W., 2825 Hillegass Ave., (Berkeley


RUSHFORTH, Mr. and Mrs. George, 2321 Blake, (Tel. Berkeley 1259).     

RUSS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, 3001 Claremont Ave., (Berkeley 3828).

RYMER, Mr. and Mrs. T. A., 2820 Kelsey, (Berkeley 6189-J).

SAWYER, Mr. and Mrs. Harold M., 14 Alvarado Court, (Tel. Berkeley 9466-J)

SCHLOSS, Dr. and Mrs. Aaron, 3209 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 3876).

      Dr. member Sequoyah Country and Union League (S. F.) Clubs.

      Mrs. member 20th Century (Berkeley), California (S. F.), and Sierra

      Chapter Daughters of American Revolution.

SCHNEIDER, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J., 66 Hillcrest Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 3368).

SCHNEIDER, Mr. and Mrs. George L., 1021 Mariposa Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


SCHNEIDER, Mr. and Mrs. William George, 1505 Arch, (Tel. Berkeley


SCOGGIN, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M., 2512 Ashby Ave., (Berkeley 4745-W).

SCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Jr., 2741 Woolsey, (Berkeley 3826-W).

SEAVER, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H., 2647 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 206-W)

      Mr. member Claremont Country, Olympic, Commonwealth, and

      Commercial Clubs.

      Mrs. member American Association of College Women.

      Miss Gertrude and Mr. Talcott W. Seaver.

SEGELHURST, Mr. and Mrs. Louis, 2950 Union Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 496).

SENGER, Prof. and Mrs. Henry, 1321 Bay View Place, (Tel. Berkeley 404).

      Mr. George H. SENGER.

SHATTUCK, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E., 2960 Benvenue Ave., (Berkeley 4130-W).

SHAW, Mr. and Mrs. Addison E., 118 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley 1439).

SHERIDAN, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J., 2824 Prince, (Tel. Thornwall 2139).

SHUEY, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A., 176 Alvarado Road, (Tel. Berkeley 6150-J)

      Mr. Shuey member Bohemian and Olympic Clubs.

      Miss Sevilla Hayden SHUEY and Mr. Hayden SHUEY.

SIBLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Cloyne Court Apts., 2600 Ridge Road, (Tel.

      Berkeley 7230).

      Mr. member Claremont Country Club (Oakland) and Faculty Club


      Miss Catharine SIBLEY.

SILL, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J., 1914 Thousand Oak Blvd., (Tel. Thornwall


SIMPSON, Dr. and Mrs. Frank W., 69 Shattuck and Allston, (Tel. Berkeley


SIMS, Mrs. John F., (Alice A.), 2421 Warring, (Tel. Berkeley 6580-J).

SIMS, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M., 36 Hillcrest Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3918).

SITTIG, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J., 1216 Oxford, (Berkeley 1074-J).

SKILLING, Mr. and Mrs. George W., 2960 Linden Ave., (Berkeley 137-W).

SLATE, Prof. and Mrs.  Frederick K., 2231 College Ave., (Berkeley 838).

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A., 2930 Avalon Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 1514).

      Miss Adeline J. and Mr. Carroll SMITH.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. George Ormond, 2628 Etna, (Berkeley 4840).

      Mr. SMITH member S. F. Commonwealth, Claremont, Mt. Diablo, and

      Benedict's Clubs.

      Mrs. SMITH member Twentieth Century Club of Berkeley.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Grant H., 2014 Los Angeles Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3414)

      Mr. Stuart SMITH.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordon, Ridge Road and Euclid Ave., (Tel.

      Thornwall 1759).

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jerome, 1022 Shattuck Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 3244).

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Willard P., 2906 Hillegass Ave., (Berkeley 603-J).

SMYTH, Mrs. George B., 2509 Hearst Ave., (Berkeley 1151-W).

SNYDER, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H., 2713 Forest Ave., (Tel. Thornwall


      Mr. member Claremont Country; Mt. Diablo Country; Engineers; & S. F.

      Commercial Clubs.

      Miss Helen SNYDER, Mr. William SNYDER, and Mr. Henry R. SNYDER.

SOLINSKY, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J., 2215 Durant Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 4405).

SOLINSKY, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Jr., 2606 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


SOMERSET, Dr. and Mrs. John C., 3100 Lewiston Ave., cor. Woolsey, (Tel.

      Berkeley 3422).

SPEAR, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H., 1905 Grove, (Berkeley 39).

STACY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A., 120 Hillcrest Road, (Berkeley 3387-W).

STANDISH, Mr. and Mrs. Miles, 1314 Marin, (Tel. Thornwall 238).

      Member Pacific-Union.

      Mrs. STANDISH, Member Town & Country & Ebell of Oakland.

STARKE, Mr. and Mrs. Eric A., 2655 Dwight Way, (Berkeley 195).

STARKWEATHER, Mrs. George A., 3110 College Ave., (Tel. Humboldt 3429).

STEARNS, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B., 98 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley 3115).

STEWART, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W., 34 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley 3022-J).

STONE, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E., 95 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 5233-J).

STORROR, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W., 2823 Woolsey, (Berkeley 290).

STRATTON, Mr. and Mrs. George M., 55 Canyon Road, (Berkeley 5354-W).

STRINGHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D., 21 Tanglewood Road, (Tel. Berkeley


      Mr. member Berkeley Country Club, The Faculty Club (Berkeley),

      Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, and Public Spirit Club of Berkeley.

STRINGHAM, Mrs. Martha D., 2243 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 3420).

STUARD, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, 3 Eton Court, (Tel. Berkeley 7312-W).

SUERMONDT, Mr. and Mrs. Henri M., 965 Spruce, (Tel. Berkeley 2927-J).

SUTTON, Mr. and Mrs. James, 2301 Prospect, (Berkeley 2068).

SWEZEY, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B., 27 Domingo Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 8685).

      Mr. member Claremont Country and Olympic Clubs.

SWICK, Mr. and Mrs. C. E., 2800 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Thornwall 780).

      Miss Clyde Elizabeth SWICK.

      Mr. SWICK member Claremont Country and S. F. Commercial Clubs.

SWIFT, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F., 148 Tunnel Rd., (Tel. Berkeley 3136-W).

SWIFT, Mrs. John F., (Mary A.), 2715 Benvenue Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 2793).

SWOBE, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M., 2726 Belrose, (Tel. Berkeley 3567-W).

SYKES, Dr. and Mrs. Albert E., 77 Domingo Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 101).

TANNER, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S., "Eagle's Glenn", 275 Tunnel Road,

       (Berkeley 1660).

TAYLOR, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W., 275 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley 2 and

       Berkeley 2768).

       Miss Ruth M. TAYLOR.

THELEN, Mr. and Mrs. Max, 136 Alvarado Road, (Tel. Berkeley 332).

THORSEN, Mr. and Mrs. William R., 2307 Piedmont Ave., (Berkeley 718).

TIBBETTS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B., (Edith M. K.), 1035 Shattuck Ave., (Tel.

       Thornwall 3441).

TIETZEN, Mr. and Mrs. Paul O., 2840 Claremont Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 59).

       Mr. member Claremont Country, Mt. Diablo Country, and Santa Maria

       Country Clubs.

       Mr. J. Herbert TIETZEN.

TORREY, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C., 1 Canyon Road, (Berkeley 966-W).

TRAVERS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B., 2835 Prince, (Berkeley 6896-J).

TRAVERS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B., 2835 Prince, (Tel. Berkeley 4076).

       Mr. member Mt. Diablo Country Club.

TYLER, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis, 2862 Webster, (Tel. Berkeley 4950).

VAN NOSTRAND, Mr. Randolph, Young Men's Christian Association,

       Berkeley (Berkeley 6710).

VON NEUMAYER, Prof. and Mrs. Charles D., 2836 Garber, (Berkeley


WAGNER, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R., (Blanche COLLET), 96 El Camino Road,

       (Tel. Berkeley 2719).

WASTE, Judge and Mrs. William H., 1631 Oxford, (Tel. Berkeley 1191).

       Miss Eugenie, Mr. William H., Jr., 2222 Durant Ave., (Berkeley 1191).

WATKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N., 1950 El Dorado Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


       Miss Cecil WATKINS.

WEBER, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 2433 Edwards, (Tel. Thornwall 216).

WEBSTER, Mrs. Walter H., 1156 Sutter, Northbrane, (Tel. Thornwall 3783).

WEHE, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R., 2421 Carlton, (Berkeley 2065-W).

WEIRICK, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Woods, 185 "The Uplands", (Berkeley 183).

WEISS, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur, 2546 Keith Ave., cor. Hart, (Berkeley 599-W).

WELCKER, Mrs. Mendell, (Eliza), "The Cedars", Oxford and Berryman, (Tel.

       Berkeley 1413).

WELLMAN, Miss Emma R., 2909 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, (Tel. Berkeley


WHEELER, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ide, 2535 Ridge Road, (Tel. Berkeley


       or California Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Cal.

       Mr. Benjamin Webb WHEELER.

WHEELER, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L., 2838 Woolsey, (Tel. Berkeley 2144).

       Mr. Ralph C. WHEELER.

WHITE, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J., 12 Plaza Drive, Claremont Park, (Berkeley


WHITECOTTON, Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, Hotel Whitecotton, Berkeley.

WHITECOTTON, Mr. Otis, Hotel Whitecotton, Berkeley, Cal., (Tel. Berkeley


WHITING, Admiral and Mrs. William H., 1317 Arch, (Berkeley 2847).

WHITTON, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, 26 El Centro Real, (Tel. Berkeley 3685-J)

WICKERSHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Austin S., 22 "The Uplands", (Tel. Berkeley


WICKSON, Mrs. Edward J., 2723 Bancroft Way, (Berkeley 3891).

WIELAND, Major and Mrs. Charles Frederick, 103 Alvarado Rd., (Tel.

       Berkeley 1994).

       or 2831 Garber, (Tel. Berkeley 8739).

WIGGIN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F., Miss Marion, 2828 Hillegass Ave.,

       Berkeley 143-W).

WILKINSON, Mr. and Mrs. C. W., 2525 Benvenue , (Berkeley 4000-W).

WILLIAMS, Miss Cora, San Antonio & Arlington Ave., (Tel. Berkeley 5343).

WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alston, 2642 Piedmont Ave., (Tel. Berkeley


WILLITS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D., 2733 Woolsey, (Berkeley 4510).

WILLS, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence A., 228 Tunnel Rd., (Tel. Thornwall 1792).

      Miss Helen A. WILLS.

WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M., 2400 Ridge Road, (Berkeley 1149).

WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stitt, Highland Place, near Ridge Road, (Berkeley


WILSON, Miss Mary E., "Anna Head School", Berkeley, (Tel. Berkeley 5972).

      Member Fortnightly Club (San Francisco); Town & Gown Club (Berkeley),

      Mt. Diablo Club, Claremont Country Club (Oakland), Women's Faculty

      Club (Univ. of California).

WINTERMUTE, Dr. and Mrs. George Preston, "The Rocks", Berkeley, Cal.

      227 Tunnel Road, (Tel. Berkeley 5933).

      Member Claremont Country and Berkeley Country Clubs.

      Miss Marjorie WINTERMUTE.

WITTER, Mr. and Mrs. Jean C., 116 Parkside Dr., (Tel. Thornwall 2744).

WOLCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Lee W., 14 "The Uplands", (Berkeley 4740).

WOLFE, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L., 30 El Camino Blvd., (Tel. Berkeley 2037).

WOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Walter T., 1 Plaza Drive, (Tel. Berkeley 4787).

WOODWORTH, Prof. and Mrs. Charles W., 2237 Carlton, (Berkeley 2154).

WOOLSEY, Dr. and Mrs. Frank R., 2244 Dwight Way, (Berkeley 1318).

WOOLSEY, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B., 2230 Woolsey, (Berkeley 2685-W).

WOOLSEY, Dr. and Mrs. Royden I., 2329 Webster, (Berkeley 512-J).

WOOLSEY, Mr. and Mrs. William E., 52 Oakvale Ave., (Berkeley 618).

WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manville, 2801 Oak Knoll Terrace, (Berkeley


WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. James H., 3020 Telegraph Ave., (Berkeley 1088-W).

WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G., 2001 Francisco, (Berkeley 4944-W).

YOUNG, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett, 2814 Forest Ave., (Tel. Thornwall 1311).

YOUNG, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Jr., 2301 Derby, (Tel. Thornwall 595).

YOUNG, Mr. and Mrs. Roy J., 2207 Marin, (Tel. Berkeley 344).

ZANDEE, Mr. and Mrs. W. E., 1316 Spruce, (Tel. Berkeley 3580-W).





Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Proofread by Polly Ann Kaleta.

Source: Hoag, Jed J. & Alexander Dulfer, Our Society Blue Book, Pages 221-232.  Dulfer & Hoag Pub., San Francisco, CA. 1925.

© 2009 Sally Kaleta.




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