San Francisco









Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1012 Fillmore. (Tel. Fell 7321.)

Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C.; 1868 Vallejo. (Tel. Jackson 796.)

Irwin, Mr. Joseph N. H.; Examiner Building, or Press Club. 123 Ellis.

Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G.; Hotel Richelieu. (Tel. Scott 1222.) Monday.

____, Miss Helene.

Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 1230 Ellis. (Tel. East 315.) 1st Wednesday.

Ismon, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Ives, Mrs. E. J.; 2220 Washington. (Tel. West 841.) Friday.

____, Miss Florence.

Ives, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D.; 2412 Gough. (Tel. East 587.) 1st Friday.

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Alden W.; 1300 Page, cor. Lyon. (Tel. Park 140.)

______, Miss Alice. Second and last Thursday.

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Byron; 2016 Vallejo. (Tel. West 578.) 1st and 2d Thurs.

_______, Master Byron, Jr.                            Woodland, Yolo County, Cal.

Jackson, Miss Caroline C.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 720 Sutter. Napa Soda Springs.

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. T.; 308 Haight. Wednesday. Napa Springs.

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G.; 911 Sutter. (Tel. Polk 801.)

Jackson, Mrs. J. P.; Stanley H.; 720 Sutter. Thursday.

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. John P., Jr.; 2912 Jackson. (Tel. West 445.)

Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E.; Hotel St. Nicholas. 1st Monday.

Jackson, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. J.; 1281 O’Farrell. (Tel. Steiner 1441.) 2d Thursday.

Jacob, Mr. Charles H.; 1559 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Main 5213.) 1st Monday.

____, Miss Lydia; L. D.

Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.; Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Jacobs, Miss Grace; 947 Hyde.

Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. I. H.; 2101 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 4511.) 1st Wed’y.

_____, Miss Carrie; Henry Albert; Alfred B.; Louis Clive.

Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. I.; 2018 Webster. (Tel. West 84.) Thursday.

Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Julius; Hotel Granada. Monday.

_____, Miss Florence; Lester H.; The Colonial.

Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.; 815 Pierce. (Tel. Page 6381.) Monday.

Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A.; 815 Pierce. (Tel. Page 6381.) Monday.

_____, Miss Bessie May; Frank W.

James, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.; The Lenox, 628 Sutter. (Tel. Main 1278.) Monday.

_____, Miss Lena; Edward.

James, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.; 2131 Howard. (Tel. Mission 202.) Wednesday.

Janes, Dr. and Mrs. Thos. I.; 908 Guerrero. (Tel. Mission 57.) 4th Thursday.

Jarboe, Mrs. John R.; (abroad) “The Lilacs.” San Mateo, Cal.

Jarboe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R; “The Lilacs.” San Mateo, Cal. (T. Sunset, M. 351.)

Jardine, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harvey; 1121 Laguna. (Tel. West 338.) Thursday.

Jaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank; 2514A Clay. (Tel. Steiner 4681.)

Jefferey, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A.; 500 Clement; res., East Oakland. 1st Thurs.

Jellett, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; 2101B Webster.

_____, Miss Sophie; Morgan.

Jenkel, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 3428 Twenty-eighth. Last Thursday.

Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Livingston; 3650 Washington. (Tel. West 402.) 2d Friday.

Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Will A.; 1504 Jones. Tuesday.

Jennings, Mrs. Alice Ziska; 1604 California. (Tel. Hyde 2771.) Monday.

Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.; 3112 Clay. (Tel. West 229.)

Jennings, Mrs. Rebecca; 1901 Page. (Tel. Park 105.) 4th Tuesday.

Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Jennings, Mr. James H., Jr.; 1901 Page. (Tel. Park 105.)

Jennings, Mrs. Thomas; 2273 Fifteenth. (Tel. Mission 6.) Friday.

_______, Miss Abigail; Thomas.

Jennings, Mrs. Geo.; 2273 15th (Tel. Mission 6.) 1st Friday. San Mateo, Cal.

Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. James; 2040 Pine. (Tel. Pine 2431.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Stella.

Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; 134 Liberty. 1st and 3d Friday.

Jewett, Miss Fidelia; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 931 Bush. (Tel. Sutter 1001.) 1st Thursday.

Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. Philo D.; 2448 Union. (Tel. Page 28.)

Jobson, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.; 623 Fillmore. (Tel. Page 28.)

Johnson, Miss Anna E.; 1519 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 799.)

Johnson, Mr. B.; business address, 211 Ellis, near Mason.

Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.; 1901 Baker. (Tel. West 857.)

Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.; 3214 Jackson. (Tel. West 604.)

Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.; 2504 Washington. (Tel. Geary 1208.) Wednesday.

Johnson, Mrs. George A.; Mr. Shirley W.; 1122 Hyde. Friday.

Johnson, Mrs. James G.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Johnson, Mr. Roger; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Johnson, Captain and Mrs. Peter H.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Johnson, Mr. R. E.; 544 Sutter.

Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.; 1206 Leavenworth. 3d Thursday.

Johnson, Mrs. Sarah B.; The Colonial. (Tel. East 99.) Thursday.

Johnson, Mrs. W. C.; Miss H.; 1220 Folsom. Thursday.

Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P.; 304 Maple. (Tel. Steiner 1852.) 1st Thursday.

Johnstone, Dr. and Mrs. E. K.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Joliffe, Miss Mary; William; 2015 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 3202.) Friday.

Joly, Mr. John G.; 1700 Larkin.

Jones, Dr. and Mrs. C. E.; 1118 Guerrero. (Tel. White 991.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton; 2505 Devisadero. (Tel. Steiner 3116.) Thursday.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.; 2902 California. (Tel. West 638.) Wednesday.

Jones, Mr. E. E.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

Jones, Dr. Edward M.; 825 Market, Parrott Building.

Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Ellis; 905 Post. (Tel. Larkin 1863.) Last Friday.

Jones, Mr. George E.; 1328 California.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 108 McAllister. Monday.

Jones, Dr. and Mrs. H. Isaac; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, East 17.) Thursday.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B.; 318 Willard. (Tel. Fell 854.) Friday.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James G.; 1307 Mission. Wednesday.

Jones, Miss Josephine D.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. (Tel. Main 583.)

Jones, Mrs. Llewellin; Miss Grace L.; 1450 Franklin. Friday.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Michael P.; 1121 Pine. (Tel. East 405.) Thursday.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Milton; 1721 Jones. (Tel. East 405.) Monday.

Jones, Dr. and Mrs. O. W.; 1901 Polk. (Tel. Sutter 2341.) Wednesday.

Jones, Dr. Philip Mills; 905 Market.

Jones, Mr. Samuel; Pacific-Union.

Jones, Mr. Webster; Pacific-Union Club, or 1121 Pine.

Jones, Winfield S.; Mr. W. Brooks; 1313 Hyde.

Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. David Starr; Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.

Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.; 1118 Gough. (Tel. Larkin 921.) 1st & 2d Tuesday.

_____, Miss Alice Treanor.

Joseph, Mrs. Emma; 2235 Washington. (Tel. West 253.)

_____, Miss Nellie.

Josselyn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 1100 O’Farrell.

_______, Miss Florence; Miss Mazy; Woodside, San Mateo County, Cal.

Jourden, Mr. John P.; Miss J. E.; Mr. William L.; 2525 Howard. Friday.

Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W.; 1506 California. (Tel. Polk 731.) Tuesday.

Judah, Mrs. E. E.; 1523 Sacramento. (Tel. Sutter 1736.) Last Thurs. in month.

Judah, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.; 1523 Sacramento. Last Thursday in month.

____, Miss Christine; Mr. C. A. (Tel. Sutter 1736.)

Judah, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd S.; 2148 Post. (Tel. Pine 3121.) 1st & last Thursday.

Kaehler, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. E.; 1821 Eddy. Last Tuesday.

Kahman, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1721 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 359.) 1st & 2d Thursday.

_______, William G.

Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 2026 Steiner. (Tel. Baker 1205.) 1st Monday.

Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 2524 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 216.)

Kahn, Hon. and Mrs. Julius; California Hotel. Monday.

Kahn, Dr. and Mrs. S. S., 814 Sutter.  (Tel. Polk 1241).

Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1632 Ellis. (Tel. Scott 1371.) 1st Wednesday.

Kalben, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.; 1016 Union.

Kalloch, Mr. and Mrs. I. M.; 1316 Masonic Avenue. Thursday.

Kane, Mr. and Mrs. D. H.; 2500 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 3976.)

____, Miss.

Kast, Mr. and Mrs. Louis S.; 1112 Guerrero. Thursday.

Kastendieck, Dr. and Mrs. J.; 1023 Post. (Tel. Hyde 336.) Wednesday.

Katten, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 716 Steiner. (Tel. Page 5841.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon; 2406 Washington. (Tel. Pine 4201.)

Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Julius M.; 2824 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 4386.)

Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 1308 Post. (Tel. Hyde 2641.) 2d Tuesday.

Kaufman, Mrs. Rosalie; 1521 Jackson, near Polk. (Tel. Polk 1024.) Friday.

________, Miss Laura L.; Miss Jessie C.; Walter W.

Kaufmann, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1114 O’Farrell. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Keane, Mrs. Mary J.; 340 Page. (Tel. Page 7501.) 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Kearney, Mr. M. Theo.; Palace Hotel.

Keck, Dr. Frederick Charles; 312 Ellis. (Tel. Mission 117.) 1st Friday.

Keefe, Mr. James; 1625 Webster.

Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; 3829 Twenty-first. (Tel. White 571.) Last Thursday.

Keefe, Dr. J. J.; 651 Folsom. (Tel. James 901.)

Keeffe, Mr. and Mrs. James; 815 Van Ness Ave.; (Tel. Polk 1328.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Mary L.; Miss Alice P.; Geo. H.; James J.; Wm. R.; L. T.

Keeler, Mrs. J. M.; Mr. Addison Starr; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal. Friday.

Keenan, Mrs. Mary; 1210 Clay. (Tel. Polk 858.) 1st and 2d Tuesday.

______, Miss Ala; Joseph B.; Thomas R.

Keeney, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.; 2423 Fillmore. (Tel. Pine 841.) Friday.

______, Miss Ethel.

Keeney, Dr. and Mrs. James W.; 2220 Clay. (Tel. West 449.) Friday.

Keil, Mr. and Mrs. David; 2528 Mission. (Tel. Blue 361.)

Keil, Mr. Edward A.; 2528 Mission. (Tel. Blue 361.)

Keil, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo D.; 2528 Mission. (Tel. Blue 381.) Sum. res., Belvedere.

Keith, Mrs. Alma E.; 2624 California. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Keith, Mrs. W. H. A.; Miss Eliza D.; Wm. H.; Berkeley, Cal. Tuesday.

Keithley, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. Main 370.) Tuesday.

Kellam, Mr. Frederick B.; 3203 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Scott 622.)

Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; 2028 Green. (Tel. Scott 1305.) Thursday.

Kelley, Mrs. L. A.; Mr. L. Arthur; 1912 Vallejo. (Tel. Baker 1173.) Friday.

Kelley, Mr. James; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Kellogg, Mrs. Calvin W.; 2009 O’Farrell. (Tel. Steiner 3001.)

Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 361.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Abbe O.; Miss Louise.

Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S.; 2205 Fillmore. Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.; 2210 Webster. (Tel. Pine 4317.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

_______, Miss Grace Wells; Frank Bentley.

Kellogg, Mr. Levi M.; Miss; Hotel Baltimore. Berkeley.

Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. M. B.; 2424 Pacific. (Tel. W. 133.) Fri. Oakhurst, Belmont.

Kellogg, Mr. Sheldon G.; 1928 Vallejo. (Tel. Scott 467.) Tuesday.

Kellogg, Dr. and Mrs. W. H.; California & Webster. (Tel. Baker 1441.) Tuesday.

Kelly, Mrs. Catherine; Mr. Thomas J.; 504 Oak. Tuesday.

Kelly, Dr. E. E.; The Stewart, 431 Ellis, cor. Leavenworth. (Tel. Hyde 1111.)

Kelly, Mr. Edward; Frank; 1629 Pine. (Tel. East 247.)

Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.; 1810 Eddy. (Tel. Geary 13.) 2d & 4th Thursday.

Kelly, Mr. James R.; Miss; 309 Leavenworth. Wednesday.

Kelly, Mrs. Margaret; 726 Turk. 1st and 3d Thursday.

____, Miss Annie; Mr. Daniel V.

Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 226 Austin Avenue.

____, Miss Sarah.

Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney; 3346 Clay.

Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; Miss; 2700 Howard. Thursday.

Kennedy, Mr. James; 431 Oak. (Tel. Page 7281.)

Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; 1727 Pine. (Tel. Sutter 1616.) Wednesday.

Kennedy, Mr. Harry A.; 1727 Pine. (Tel. Sutter 1616.)

Kennedy, Mrs. Mary J.; 1228 Page. Tuesday.

Kent, Miss M. F.; Mr. Thomas E.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Kentfield, Mrs. Harriet; 333 Fremont. (Tel. Main 1457.)

Kentfield, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.; 331 Fremont.

Kenyon, Dr. and Mrs. C. G.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. Larkin 101.) 1st Monday.

______, Charles A.; Albert G.

Kern, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 411 Locust. Friday.

Kerr, Mr. David; 3433 Twenty-first. 1st and 3d Thursday.

____, Miss Emeline L.; David H.

Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. James W.; 1738 Golden Gate Ave. (Tel. Scott 728.) Friday.

Kerr, Dr. and Mrs. W. Watt; 1200 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. Hyde 1721.) 2 & 4 Thurs.

Kerrigan, Miss Kate; Judge Frank H.; 1322 Pine. (Tel. Sutter 591.)

Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. D.; 2619 Devisadero. (Tel. Pine 3116.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Keyes, Mr. Frank H.; 700 Jones. (Tel. Sutter 1491.)

Keyes, Mr. Winfield S.; 1915 Pacific Avenue.

Keyes, Miss Azalea; 1915 Pacific Avenue.

Keyston, Mr. and Mrs. William D.; 1116 Bush. (Tel. Polk 792.)

Kibbe, Dr. Minora E.; 1023 Sutter. (Tel. East 592.)

Kibbe, Mr. George R.; 1023 Sutter. (Tel. East 592.)

Kidd, Mr. Arthur; 526 Market.

Kierulff, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.; 300 Haight. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Kilburn, Mr. and Mrs. Paris; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Kilgarif, Mr. and Mrs. John M.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Kimball, Mr. Roy T.; 1230 Geary. (Tel. Sutter 2001.)

Kimber, Miss Laura; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Kincaid, Mrs. Mary W.; The Century Club, 1215 Sutter.

King, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.; 1224 Haight. 1st Thursday.

____, Miss Alice A.; L. E.

King, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron H.; 624 Guerrero. (Tel. Folsom 1301.) Thursday.

____, George C.; Cameron H. Jr.

King, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R.; “Laureldean,” Belmont, San Mateo Co., Cal.

____, Percy; Joseph.

King, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

King, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.; 1924 Vallejo. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

King, Mr. and Mrs. Homer S.; 1001 Leavenworth. (Tel. Sutter 1061.) Thursday.

____, Miss Genevieve; Miss Hazel; Mr. Frank B.

King, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 550 Fell.

____, Walter; Earl.

King, Mr. and Mrs. James L.; 514 Golden Gate Avenue.

Kingman, Mr. I. W.; Palace Hotel.

Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Lick House. (Tel. Red 1911.) Monday.

Kingsley, Mr. S. M.; 908 Van Ness Avenue. Friday.

Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. P. F.; 712 Ashbury. (Tel. Page 6411.) 2d & 4th Thursday.

Kingwell, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T.; Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal.

_______, Miss Mae L.; Frank I.; 632 Post.

Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason; Occidental Hotel. (T. Brown 811.) 2 & 3 Monday.

Kip, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingraham; 1224 Pine. (Tel. East 237.) 1st & 2d Monday.

___, Miss Mary B.

___, Mrs. Guy Lewis Edie.

Kirk, Dr. and Mrs. A. W.; 98 Cumberland. 1st Wednesday.

Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 2412 Pine.

Kirkpatrick, Colonel and Mrs. John C.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Kirpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. T.; 1013 Steiner. (Tel. Park 160.) 1st & 2nd Wednesday

Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.; 2126 Broderick. Wednesday.

_________, Roy.

Kittle, Mrs. N. G.; S. W. cor. Steiner & Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 191.) Friday.

Kittredge, Mrs. I. H.; 2519 Bush.

Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Kline, Mr. George W.; 2601 Fillmore. (Tel. West 166.)

Kleinclaus, Mrs. Theklay; Mr. Charles D.; 2405 Howard.

Kleinhans, Mr. and Mrs. John; Miss Lucy; Miss Ida; Albert; 640 Fell.

Klink, Mr. and Mrs. George T.; 2514 Pine. (Tel. Pine 2961.)

Kneass, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 18 Walter. (Tel. White 1695.)

Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Allen; 1709 Baker. (Tel. Pine 2546.) Monday.

Knight, Mr. Charles E.; 801½ Geary. (Tel. East 266.)

Knight, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. East 719.)

Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S.; Honolulu.

Knight, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 737 Sutter. (Tel. East 418.) 3d Monday.

Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel; Hotel Richelieu.

Knights, Mr. and Mrs. William R.; 210 Frederick. (Tel. Fell 5341.)

Knowles, Dr. and Mrs. S. E.; 718 Broderick. (Tel. Park 213.) Tuesday.

Knowlton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

________, Miss Grace.

Knox, Mrs. C. C.; M. A. W.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Knox, Mr. and Mrs. George T.; 526 Guerrero. 1st Monday.

_____, Miss Edith; Miss Caroline; Miss Emily; George J.

Knudsen, Mr. C. N.; 122 Davis.

Kobicke, Dr. Sophie B.; 334 Guerrero. (Tel. Blue 1351.)

Koch, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 2726 Pine. 2d Wednesday.

Kocour, Mr. Adolphe; 69 Portola.

Koenig, Mr. and Mrs. William; 51 Tremont Avenue. (Tel. Page 301.)

Kohl, Mrs. William; Miss; San Mateo, Cal.

Kohl, Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederick; San Mateo, Cal.

Kohlberg, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.; Miss; 1710 Webster. (Tel. Geary 179.)

Kohler, Mrs. Elsie; Miss Caroline; 2416 Gough.

Kohler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Kohlmoos, Mr. and Mrs. Hermann; 31 Beulah. (Tel. Fell 1075.) Last Thursday.

________, Miss Sophie.

Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; 2325 California. (Tel. Geary 205.) Thursday.

Korn, Mr. Eugene; 726 Market, near Kearny.

Koster, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.; 1497 Masonic Ave. (Tel. Park 42.) 1st Wednesday.

Koster, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; Watsonville, Cal.

Koster, Mr. and Mrs. John L.; 926 Grove. (Tel. Park 142.) Thursday.

_____, Miss.

Kreling, Mrs. Ernestine; 906 Eddy. Tuesday.

Kreutzmann, Dr. and Mrs. Henry; 1018 Sutter. (Tel. East 401.) 3d Thursday.

__________, Miss Elizabeth; Miss Henriette.

Kroetz, Dr. Mary M.; 207 Leavenworth. (Tel. Sutter 2591.) Thursday.

______, Miss Louise; George E.

Krone, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; 276 13th. (Tel. White 1431.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Katie M.; F. W., Jr.; Peter H.

Kruse, Mr. Edward Jr.; 620 Turk.

Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Theodore; 620 Turk. (Tel. Sutter 1646.) Wednesday.

Kruttschnitt, Mr. and Mrs. J.; Hotel Richelieu and Burlingame.

__________, The Misses.

Krogh, Mr. and Mrs. P. W.; 18 Sherman. Monday.

_____, Miss Fannie J.; Miss Mary L.

Kugeler, Dr. Henry; 1065 Howard. (Tel. South 738.)

Kunz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Black 1323.)

Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. B. T.; 761 Chestnut. (Tel. Main 879.) Friday.

____, Miss Annie; Miss Margaret; Fair Oaks, San Mateo County, Cal.

Laidlaw, Dr. and Mrs. Horace; 1715 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 63.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Laine, Dr. and Mrs. J. R.; 960 Sutter. (Tel. East 948.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B.; 2517 Broadway. Friday.

Lally, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T.; 1805 Broadway. (Tel. West 215.) Monday.

____, Miss Elmira; Harry T. Jr.

Lamb, Dr. and Mrs. W. N.; 121 Oak. (Tel. Folsom 201.) Thursday.

____, Miss Genevra.

Lamberton, Miss; Chas. H.; Lewis; 1608 Larkin. (Tel. Sutter 2431.) Wednesday.

Lande, Mrs. Maria; Mr. Edward; 1027 Golden Gate Avenue.

Landers, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2522 Octavia. (Tel. Pine 871.) 2d & 4th Wednesday.

_______, Miss Pearl Price.

Landers, Miss Mabel F.; Walter G.; 1313 Taylor. Wednesday.

Landers, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.; “The Gables,” San Leandro. 1st & 3d Friday.

______, Miss Berenice; Wm. H.; Marsden H. (Tel. Sunset, Oakland East 1025.)

Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner; 3889 Twenty-third.

Landsdale, Mrs. Philip; N. E. cor. Broadway and Webster. (Tel. Steiner 121.)

Lane, Mrs. C. M. H.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

____, Miss Maude A.; Mr. George Whitfield.

Lane, Dr. and Mrs. F. J.; 1349 Taylor. (Tel. Larkin 1465.) Thurs’.

Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin K.; 2524 Gough. Thursday.

Lane, Dr. and Mrs. Levi C.; 2302 Clay. Friday.

Lane, Dr. Lucia M.; 1214 Hyde. (Tel. Hyde 661.)

Lane, Miss Nettie; Miss Charlotte; 810A Geary. (Tel. Sutter 2016.)

Langdon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G.; Oakland, Cal. Wednesday.

Lang, Mr. August J.; 1504 Ellis.

Lang, Mr. Loenhardt; 1506 Ellis.

Lang, Mr. Otto; 1508 Ellis.

Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A.; 1710 Golden Gate Ave. 2d Thursday afternoon.

Langhorne, Mr. and Mrs. James P.; 2419 Pacific Avenue.

Langtry, Mr. James H.; Palace Hotel.

Lansing, Mrs. Mary R.; The Century Club, 1215 Sutter.

Larkins, Mr. and Mrs. William; 27 Dorland.

_____, Miss Mary L; Miss; Thomas H.; William B.

La Rue, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2305 Fillmore.

Lask, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.; 1610 ½  California. (Tel. Polk 1341.) Thursday.

____, Miss. “Homelike,” Los Gatos.

Larzeiere, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh R.; Hotel Pleasanton. 2d and 4th Thursday.

Lassen, Mr. and Mrs. Hans C.; Alameda, Cal. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

_____, Henry C.

Latham, Mrs. E. K.; 2305 Scott. (Tel. Jackson 1316.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

______, Miss; Miss Florence.

Latham, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.; San Anselmo, Marin County, Cal.

Latham, Mrs. M. S.; Mr. Milton S.; 1104 Post.

Lathrop, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.; Stanford University, Santa Clara County.

Lathrop, Dr. Ida M.; 912 Bush. (Tel. East 454.) Monday.

Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. L. P.; 1845 McAllister. Wednesday.

Laton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 405.) Monday.

Laumeister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Thursday.

_________, Miss; Charles S. Jr.

Lawler, Judge and Mrs. Frank W.; 927 Market.

Lawlor, Judge William P.; The California Hotel.

Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. John; 1318 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 915.)

Lawrence, Mrs. M. H.; 910 Steiner. (Tel. Geary 325.) Thursday.

________, Miss M. C.

Lawton, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus F.; San Mateo, Cal.

Lawton, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 310 Haight.

Lawton, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. P.; 310 Haight. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.; Oakland, Cal.

Leake, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Leaming, Mr. E. B.; Occidental Hotel.

Leavitt, Mr. William C.; 1212 Jackson.

______, Miss E. C.; Mr. Charles C.

Lebenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1319 Ellis. (Tel. Geary 1063.)

Lebenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 2506 Fillmore. (Tel. Steiner 3976.)

Le Breton, Mr. Charles P.; 230 Dolores.

Le Breton, Mrs. Julia; Edward J.; 1414 Sutter. (Tel. Larkin 1486.)

Le Count, Mrs. J. P.; Miss Susie; The Colonial. (Tel. East 154.) Thursday.

Lee, Mrs. John; Miss Sallie; Edward; Hotel Mateo, San Mateo. Thursday.

Lee, Miss Bessie; 2200 Vallejo. 1st and last Tuesday.

Lederer, Mrs. George M.; 1612 Scott. Tuesday.

Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.; 1911 Green. Tuesday.

____, Miss Elizabeth.

Lee, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.; The Colonial. Thursday.

Lee, Mr. and Mrs. John; 218 Devisadero. (Tel. Park 239.)

Lee, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2494 Howard. (Tel. Mission 97.)

Lee, Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene; 2027 Taylor. Studio, 424 Pine. Saturday.

Lee, Mrs. William H.; 3032 California. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Lees, Captain I. W.; 1022 Pine. (Tel. East 361.)

Leffler, Dr. and Mrs. John; 114 Geary. (Tel. Brown 901.) Wednesday.

Leffmann, Mr. Sigmund T.; 1916 Sacramento. (Tel. Hyde 1591.)

Leffman, Mr. David; 1916 Sacramento. (Tel. Hyde 1591.)

Leffman, Mrs. L. D.; 1916 Sacramento.  (Tel. Hyde 1591.)

Leggett, Mr. Joseph; Miss Gertrude E.; 918 Dolores.

Lehigh, Mr. Daniel F.; Wm. F.; James V.; Hotel Savoy. (Tel. Main 5156.)

Leighton, Mr. John B.; 2407 Octavia.

Le Jeune, Mrs.; 1320 Octavia. (Tel. Scott 557.) Wednesday.

_______, Miss Clara; Miss Blanche; Mr. Alphonse; 424 Pine. Saturday.

Lemman, Mrs. Mary J.; George H.; William T.; 2126 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 351.)

Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.; The Granada, 1000 Sutter.

Lengfeld, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.; 1120 Post. (Tel. Sutter 331.)

Lent, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene; 1050 Eddy. (Tel. West 139.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Lent, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 2229 Washington. (Tel. West 755.) Wednesday.

Lent, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 699 Polk. (Tel. East 451.)

Leonard, Mrs. M. L.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Lermen, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.; 27 Belvedere. (Tel. Fell 1581.)

Lepoids, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E.; 938 Geary. Wednesday.

Le Roy, Mr. Georges; Mr. Eugene; 311 Montgomery.

Lester, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.; S. W. cor. Van Ness & Washington. (Tel. East 209.)

Letcher, Mr. Beverly; 1955 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 3941.)

Leventritt, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 1950 California. (Tel. Steiner 4541.) 4th Friday.

________, Edgar; Roy.

Levi, Mr. Henry; Concordia Club. (Tel. East 400.)

Levin, Dr. Z.; 43 Sixth. (Tel. Howard 91.)

Levingston, Dr. Marc; 1301 Octavia. (Tel. Geary 112.)

Levison, Dr. Charles G.; 1316 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 72.)

Levison, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 1818 Post. (Tel. Steiner 4978.) 1st Tuesday.

______, Miss Hattie; Miss Evelyn; Miss Beckie.

Levison, Mr. & Mrs. J. B.; 1316 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 72.) Friday except 1st.

Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Herman M.; 1302 Post. (Tel. Sutter 2091.) 1st Friday.

____, Miss Dahlia.

Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M.; Alameda, Cal. Friday.

Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Jules; 2510 Jackson. (Tel. West 587.) 2d & 4th Wednesday.

Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien L.; 1040 Ellis. (Tel. Larkin 602.) Thursday.

Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Melville S.; 835 Devisadero. (Tel. Page 893.) 2d & 4th Tues.

Levy, Mr. Sam N.; 816 Sutter.

Levy, Mr. S. W.; 1629 Broadway.

Lewald, Mr. Sanford G.; Miss Belle C.; 2206 Devisadero. (Tel. Geary 232.)

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Festus C.; 728 Sutter. Monday.

Lewis, Dr. J. C.; Hotel Lowell, 459 Geary. (Tel. Red 2046.)

Lewis, Mr. John M.; Bohemian Club; residence, Oakland, Alameda Co. Cal.

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar; 2608 Sacramento. 1st and 3d Friday.

_____, Miss; Howard.

Lewis, Mr. Paul Redfield; 108 Franklin.

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Philip; 2424 Buchanan. (Tel. West 477.)

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William; Miss; 1296 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 62.)

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; 2321 Sacramento. (Tel. West 456.)

Lewison, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.; 2725 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 916.)

_______, Miss Celia; George H.

Libby, Mr. and Mrs. Dorville; 3144 21st., cor. Capp. (Tel. Church 174.)

_____, Dorville, Jr.

Lewitt, Dr. and Mrs. W. B.; 500 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. South 235.) 4th Thursday.

Lichtenberg, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1130 Ellis. (Tel. Steiner 2211.)

Liebes, Mr. and Mrs. I.; 1814 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. East 353.) 1st Friday.

Liebes, Mr. Benjamin; Mr. Philip; 1814 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. East 353.)

Liebes, Mrs. H.; 2336 Broadway. (Tel. Geary 1157.) 4th Wednesday.

_____, Miss Elsie.

Liebes, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney; 1025 Pine. (Tel. East 268.) 4th Monday.

Liebmann, Mr. Adolf; 407 Powell. (Tel. Main 5852.)

Liebmann, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice; 2444 Jackson. (Tel. West 34.) 1st Friday.

Lilienfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred; The Colonial. Thursday.

Lilienthal, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R.; 1510 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 351.)

Lilienthal, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W.; 2027 Sacramento. 2d and 4th Saturday.

_______, Miss Grace Werner. (Tel. Pine 2011.)                 (In Jan. and Feb.)

Lilienthal, Mr. and Mrs. Philip N.; 1805 Franklin. (Tel. East 84.)

________, Miss Victoria; Joseph L.

Lillis, Mrs. A. R.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Lincoln, Mrs. Jerome; Miss Ethel; 555 Harrison. (Tel. Bush 120.) Wednesday.

Lindley, Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss H.; 1200 Jones. (Tel. East 998.) Thursday.

Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Edward N.; 1530 Jackson. Wednesday.

Linforth, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; 418 Bartlett. (Tel. Mission 125.) 1st Thursday.

Linforth, Mrs. E. H.; 1206 Jackson, cor. Jones. (Tel. Hyde 1566.)

Linforth, Mr. Walter H.; 1206 Jackson, cor. Jones. (Tel. Hyde 1566.)

Lion, Rev. and Mrs. Edgar J.; 882 Fulton.

Lipman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L.; Berkeley. (Tel. Dana 921.) Wednesday.

Lippman, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Lissak, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.; 1111 Laguna. 1st, 2d and 3d Wednesday.

_____, Miss Edna H.; Miss M. A.

Lissak, Mr. Louis S.; Palace Hotel.

Lisser, Professor and Mrs. Louis; 1241 Franklin. (Tel. East 761.) Friday.

Litchfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; 1020 Page. (Tel. Page 181.) 1st and 3d Thurs.

Little, Miss Dollie E.; 2127 Bush. Wednesday.

Little, Mrs. J. T.; Miss C. Grace; Miss Lucie T.; 2515 Gough. Thursday.

Little, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 311 Scott. Thursday.

Littlefield, Capt. and Mrs. E.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday. Stmr. “Mackinaw.”

________, Miss Maud.

Littlefield, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.; 1209 Buchanan.

Littlefield, Mr. Ivory F.; 1510 California.

Livermore, Miss Grace G.; 227 San Jose Avenue.

Livermore, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.; 1023 Vallejo. (Tel. Sutter 2131.) “Rockridge.”

Livernash, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

________, Miss Pinkie.

Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. D.; 2823 California. (Tel. Geary 93.)

Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 2930 Sacramento.

Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. William; 521 Post.

Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.; 806 Polk. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Owen; 717 Post. (Tel. East 48.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Lloyd, Mr. Reuben H.; 1010 Folsom. (Tel. South 17.)

Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.; 2015 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Page 7721.) Monday.

_____, Miss Edith.

Loaiza, Mrs. W.; 1297 Taylor. (Tel. East 759.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

_____, Miss; Miss Amparo Carmen; Mr. Fernando.

Loaiza, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.; 1297 Taylor. (Tel. East 759.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Loaiza, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y.; 1297 Taylor. (Tel. East 759.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Locke, Miss Nellie; 618 Guerrero. (Tel. Church 19.) Wednesday.

Locke, Mrs. William L.; 2230 Broadway. 1st and 2d Friday.

Loewe, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Bush 159.)

Loewe, Mrs. Henrietta; 2100 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 495.)

Loewenthal, Mr. Goodman; 1773 Post. (Tel. Geary 958.)

Loewenthal, Mr. and Mrs. M. M.; 2211 Sutter. (Tel. Geary 133.) 3d Wednesday.

Loewy, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2297 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 2171.) Friday.

______, Miss Margaret.

Logan, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.; 501 Geary. (Tel. Larkin 1271.)

Logan, Dr. and Mrs. Wilburn H.; 700 Oak. (Tel Fell 5481.) Wednesday.

Lohse; Mrs. John F.; Miss; “Elmwood,” Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Long, Mr. and Mrs. James M.; Herbert; James M., Jr.; Frank; Hotel Savoy.

Long, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; “The Renton,” 712 Sutter. Monday.

____, Master Leonard.

Long, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius L.; The Berkshire. Thursday.

Long, Dr. and Mrs. Seely F.; 21 Buena Vista. (Tel. Park 155.) Wednesday.

Loosely, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 2318 Sutter.

Loring, Mr. David W.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Lougee, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W.; 3402 Clay. (Tel. Pine 3771.)

Loughborough, Mrs. A. H.; San Diego, Cal.

____________, Miss; Miss Josephine; George A.

Love, Mrs. Josephine S.; 1714 Clay. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Lovegrove, Dr. and Mrs. Walter R.; 2114 Pine. 2d and 4th Friday.

Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield; Sycamore Park, San Lorenzo, Cal. Friday.

Low, Judge and Mrs. Charles A.; The Strathmore, 207 Larkin.

Low, Mr. and Mrs. George P.; 315 Cherry. (Tel. Pine 76.)

Low, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah O.; 2031 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Geary 429.)

Low, Mrs. M. C.; 1425 Gough, corner Sutter. (Tel. Pine 4091.)

Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Leon P.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Lowe, Mr. T. T.; Mills Bldg. (Tel. Main 1345.) 2630 Bancroft Way, Berkeley.

Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.; 431 Ellis. 1st and 3d Thursday.

_____, E. A.

Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. S.; Sausalito, Main County, Cal.

Lowenberg, Mr. and Mrs. I.; 609 Van Ness Avenue. 2d and 3d Thursday.

_________, Albert J. (Tel. East 178.)

Lowengrund, Mr. Leopold; 1916 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Geary 195.)

Lowenthal, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. John 54.) Monday.

Lowry, Dr. Edward N.; The Colonial. (Tel. East 99.)

Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.; 2602 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 582.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.; 848 Van Ness Avenue. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_____, Miss Nellie M.; Miss Agnes. (Tel. Larkin 1231.)

Lucas, Miss Maria Louisa; Irving Institute, 2126 California.

Luchsinger, Mr. George H.; 316 Scott. (Tel. Page 1101.)

Lucien, Mr. D. G.; Cercle Francais. 412 ½ Post.

Lugsdin, Mr. and Mrs. Jay; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Black 821.) Monday.

_______, Miss Flora.

Lund, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 1823 Jackson. (Tel. East 128.) Wednesday.

Lundborg, Mr. Arthur F.; 406 Sutter.

Lundborg, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. W..; 1918 Sacramento. (Tel. Sutter 2071. Thursday.

________ Miss.

Lundborg, Mr. and Mrs. Irving; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Lundstrom, Mr. and Mrs. K. A.; 1818 Green. (Tel. Steiner 2735.)

Lust, Mr. Benjamin; 1207 Golden Gate Avenue.

Lutgen, Mr. and Mrs. John; Alameda, Alameda County, Cal.

______, Miss Adole.

Lux, Dr. Fred W.; 1214 Vallejo.

Lyford, Dr. and Mrs. Benjasin; Tiburon. Strawberry Point, Marin Co., Cal.

Lustig, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Lyman, Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles G.; 2723 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 588.)

Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 722 Capp.

Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. James K.; Alameda, Cal.

Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 1101 Geary. 3d Monday.

Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.; 1103 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Jackson 644.)

Lyons, Mrs. Emily; Mr. Edmond; Mr. R.; 2022 Bush.

Lyons, Miss Lurline; Hotel Colonial. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Mabey, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal. Friday.

_____, Alfred.

Macauley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 2524 Howard. (Tel. Church 180.) Saturday.

________, Miss Jennie A.; Thomas J.

Macauley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.; 1518 Clay.

Macauley, Miss May E.; 1415 Bush. (Tel. Sutter 2590.) Thursday.

MacCrellish, Mrs. Mary P.; 907 Pine. Thursday.

MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.; 407 Fair Oaks. (Tel. Blue 1746.) Friday.

_________, Miss Lona; Dr. Flora M.; Dr. Gae.

Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. Burns; Blithedale, Marin County, Cal.

Macdonald, Mr. J. G.; 268 Golden Gate Avenue.

Macdonald, Colonel and Mrs. William; 214 Palace Hotel. Monday.

Macdonough, Mr. Joseph M.; 10 Montgomery. Residence, New York.

Macdonough, Mr. William O’B.; University Club, or 246 Sutter.

Macfarlane, Colonel and Mrs. G. W.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Macfarlane, Mr. Harry L. Jr.; The California Hotel.

Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph; 1916 Octavia. (Tel. West 433.)

____, Miss Edith; Harold.

Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence; 2017 Broderick. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

____, Miss S.; Wilfrid L.; 2214 Jackson.

Mackay, Mrs. Alex; N. W. cor. Baker and Haight. (Tel. Park 54.) 1 & 3 Wed.

Mackay, Dr. and Mrs. Duncan C.; 518 ½ Lyon. Friday.

______, George D.; Mrs. Maud.

Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S.; 887 Noe.

Mackenzie, Rev. and Mrs. Robert; 2716 Scott. (Tel. West 412.) Ross Valley.

Mackintosh, Mr. and Mrs. William; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Maclean, Dr. and Mrs. D.; 1902 Page. (Tel. Fell 7856.) 4th Tuesday.

_______, Miss; Miss Cecil; Mr. Donald.

Mac Loud, Mr. Charles Lyman; 3710 Clay. (Tel. Pine 4344.)

MacMonagle, Dr. and Mrs. Beverly; 1311 Hyde. (Tel. East 535.)

Mac Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. James Jr.; 508 Buchanan.

MacNevin, Dr. George M. 135 Geary.

Macnutt, Mr. Archibald H.; 940 Mission.

Macondray, Mr. and Mrs. Atherton; Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.

Macondray, Mr. Henry A.; 2124 Buchanan, (Tel. Scott 415.) Menlo Park.

Macondray, Miss M. L.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine. Monday.

Madden, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; 2015 Golden Gate Ave. (Tel. Page 7721.) Monday.

Madden, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome; 1243 Leavenworth, cor. Clay. 1st & 3d Friday.

_______, Miss Eva E. (Tel. Hyde 481.)

_______, Mrs. John F.

Madden, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 1321 Clay.

Maddox, Mrs. V. K.; Knox; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Maddux, Mrs. J. H.; Miss L.; 2101 California. (Tel. Baker 366.) 2d & 3d Friday.

Madison, Miss Sarah E.; Miss Caroline A.; 2402 Clay. Thursday.

Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.; 2515 Laguna. (Tel. West 813.) Friday.

Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 2710 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 4156.)

Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jr.; Fruitvale, Cal.

Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Walter; Fruitvale, Cal.

Magee, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; Fruitvale, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 3192.) Monday.

Maggs, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B.; 618 Guerrero. (Tel. Church 19.) Wednesday.

Magnus, Dr. and Mrs. Max.; 681 Hayes. (Tel. Park 195.) 2d Wednesday.

Maguire, Mr.; Augustus B.; 3328 Twentieth. (Tel. Blue 1832.)

Maguire, Mr. and Mrs. James Appleton; California Hotel. Monday.

Maguire, Judge and Mrs. J. G.; 1268 Fulton. (Tel. Fell 805.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Mahon, Mr. Frank; 2006 Washington. (Tel. West 259.)

Mahony, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.; 1150 Fulton. (Tel. Park 11.) Tuesday.

Maillard, Mr. John W.; 2020 Buchanan. (Tel. Baker 367.)

Main, Mr. Charles; 214 Battery. Resdience, Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Maldonado, Dr. and Mrs. E.; 1612 California. (Tel. Sutter 2991.) 1 & 2 Tuesday.

Mallet, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jr.; 2403 Webster. 1st and last Thursday.

Malm, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.; 2324 Pine. (Tel. Geary 1083.)

____, Miss Helena.

Malter, Mr. George H.; 912 Scott.

Manahan, Dr. Thomas J.; 705 Sutter. (Tel. East 111.)

Mandlebaum, Mr. Louisa F.; 2120 Jackson. (Tel. West 406.)

Mangels, Mrs. Emma; Miss Agnes; 2518 Howard. (Tel. Mission 21.)

Mangrum, Mr. Arthur S.; 2903 Folsom. (Tel. White 909.)




Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 97-106.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







Golden Nugget Library