San Francisco






Pages 86-96.



Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.; 847 Devisadero. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Gould, Maj. and Mrs. Wm. O.; N. W. cor. Page and Central Ave. (Tel. Park 144.)

_____, H. Folsom. 1st & 2d Thurs. “Marla Monte Vista.” Glenwood. (Cen. 201.)

Gove, Mr. and Mrs. D. M.; 1631 Pierce. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B.; 210 Locust. (Tel. Geary 331.)

Grace, Mr. Frank J.; Bohemian Club, or 1000 Pine.

Graf, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.; 703 Geary. (Tel. East 199.) Monday.

Graham, Mrs. Alice B.; Miss Bessie; Edward Y.; 828 Powell.

Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 1901 Pierce. (Tel. West 46.) Wednesday.

_______, Miss Margaret.

Graham, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.; 109 De Long Avenue. (Tel. Fell 7601.) Thursday.

Graham, Dr. Gilbert F.; 609 Sutter. (Tel. Black 2836.)

Graham, Mr. H. B.; 912 Bush. (Tel. East 717.)

Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.; 2127 Bush. Wednesday.

Grandjeon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; East Oakland, Cal. Thursday.

________, Miss Estelle; Miss Berthe; Mr. Eugene. (Tel. Sunset, Vale 172.)

Grannis, Colonel and Mrs. G. W.; 2260 Franklin. (Tel. East 920.) Wednesday.

Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Adam; 1112 Bush. (Tel. East 356.) Thursday.

____, Douglas.

Grant, Mr. Angus A.; Mr. Daniel G.; Palace Hotel.

Grant, Mrs. Charles W.; 2017 Lyon. (Tel. West 365.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Fannie; Charles F. Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Grant, Mr. and Mrs. George E., Jr.; 2000 Sutter.

Grant, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; The Plymouth, 952 Bush.

_____, Spencer.

Grant, Mr. and Mrs. I.; 1830 Ellis. Friday.

Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.; 2200 Broadway. (Tel. West 461.)

Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Tom C.; Miss Mary; “El Nido,” Napa Valley, Cal.

Grau, Professor and Mrs. L. H.; 859 Fulton. (Tel. Page 205.) Monday.

____, Miss.

Grauerholz, Mr. H. J.; 2450 Mission. 2d and last Thursday.

Grave, Mr. B.; 1013 Filbert. (Tel. Green 647.) 1st Wednesday.

_____, Miss Mamie; Miss Anna; Miss Lizzie.

Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Robert N.; 2722 Sacramento.

Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Walker C.; 2131 Howard. (Tel. Mission 202.) 2d Thursday.

______, Jefferson James; Walker C. Jr.; Rector C.

Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.; The Colonial. 1st and 3d Monday.

Gray, Mr. George E.; Miss Anna Spencer; 1115 Bush. (Tel. Hyde 1661.)

Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Harry N.; California Hotel. (Tel. Main 1090.) Monday.

Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 2500 Green. (Tel. Pine 1996.) Friday.

____, Miss Helen J.

Gray, Mr. and Mrs. John S.; 1501 Washington.

Gray, Captain William J.; 2417 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 211.)

Grayson, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 1024 Franklin.

Green, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 411.)

Green, Mrs. Duff C.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Green, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A.; 115 Bartlett. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Green, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Green, Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles; 1428 McAllister. (Tel. Fell 893.)

Green, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.; 56 Belvedere. (Tel. Park 36.)

Green, Miss Mabel; 1230 Ellis. (Tel. Scott 1064.) 1st Wednesday.

Greenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1808 Van Ness Avenue.

Greenbaum, Mrs. Rosalie; 3003 California.

Greenbaum, Mrs. S.; 1072 Ellis. (Tel. Polk 925.) Tuesday.

_________, Miss I.; Miss A.; William L.; Dr. Lawrence.

Greenblatt, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 847 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Howard 641.)

Greene, Mr. Carlton W.; 2005 Fillmore.

Greene, General Oliver D., U. S. A.; Pacific-Union Club.

Greenebaum, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred; 1617 Vallejo. (Tel. Hyde 131.) Friday.

__________, Miss Edith Alice.

Greenebaum, Mr. and Mrs. Emil; 2310 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 2896.)

Greenebaum, Mr. and Mrs. Sig.; 1806 Pacific Ave. (Tel. East 30.) 1st & 3d Fri.

__________, Miss May B.; Leon S.

Greenebaum, Mr. and Mrs. William; S. W. cor. California and Gough.

Greenlaw, Dr. and Mrs. Mayo A.; 1814 Fell. (Tel. Fell 1541.) Thursday.

________, Miss Alma A.

Greensfelder, Mr. and Mrs. N. B.; 2123 Pine. (Tel. Geary 534.)

Greenway, Mr. Edward M.; Bohemian Club. (Tel. Main 659.)

Greenwood, Mr. Fred A.; Bohemian Club. (Tel. Main 644.)

Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Blue 411.) 2d & 4th Tues.

Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Greer, Miss Anna P.; 1216 Hyde. (Tel. Polk 789.) Tuesday.

Greer, Mr. Robert P.; Hotel Pleasanton. St. Louis, Mo.

Gregg, Mr. Wellington Jr.; 715 Taylor. (Tel. Sutter 1996.)

Gregg, Mr. William C.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Warren; 2835 Bush. (Tel. Pine 576.)

Greven, Mr. Joseph; 1236 Market. 2 to 3 P. M., Tuesday and Friday.

Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Francis M.; 3447 19th. (Tel. White 1070.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Lutie; Dr. C. F.; Warren.

Griffith, Mrs. Millen; 569 Harrison.

______, Miss Jennie; Miss Carrie; Miss Alice.

Griffith, Mr. Charles L.; 1910 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 359.)

Grigsby, Dr. Edward S.; 1003 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 2271.)

Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. George L.; 2122 Pierce. (Tel. Baker 481.)

Grinbaum, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Grissim, Mr. and Mrs. William W.; 1303 Leavenworth. (Tel. Larkin 827.)

Groat, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 512 Eddy.

Groesbeck, Major and Mrs. Stephen W.; U. S. A.; Alameda, Cal.

Groezinger, Mr. Emile A.; 133 Collingwood. (Tel. Red 161.)

Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C.; Hotel Baltimore. 1st and 2d Friday.

Grossman, Dr. Edward L.; California Hotel. (Tel. Clay 237.)

Grotefend, Dr. Elizabeth E.; 606 Sutter. (Tel. Red 1811.)

Grow, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Growall, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.; Hotel Colonial. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. D.; 2127 Broderick. (Tel. West 178.) Monday.

Gruenhagen, Mr. Charles H.; 2312 Gough. Thursday.

Gruenhagen, Mr. and Mrs. T. G.; 2550 Howard. (Tel. Blue 1765.) Thursday.

Grunsky, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ewald; 3006 Clay. 2d and 4th Friday.

de Guigne, Mr. and Mrs. Christian; 517 Sutter. (Tel. Sunset, Main 44.) S. Mateo.

Guittard, Mr. and Mrs. George; Hotel Repelier. (Tel. Polk 962.) Thursday.

Guittard, Mrs. E.; 1708 Clay. (Tel. Sutter 151.) First Monday.

_______, Miss Adrienne; Horace.

Gummer, Mrs. Carrie V.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Gump, Mrs. Fannie M.; 3014 Washington. (Tel. Steiner 4581.)

Gump, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon; 1224 Geary. (Tel. East 681.) Tuesday.

_____, Alfred S.; Abraham L.; William E.

Gundlach, Mr. H. R.; 245 Chestnut. (Tel. Main 1889.) “Rhinefarm,” Sonoma.

Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. B. M.; 2521 Scott. (Tel. Scott 82.) 2d and 4th Friday.

Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.; 1613 Lyon. (Tel. Pine 4239.)

Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. James O’B.; 1833 Clay. (Tel. West 318.) Friday.

Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; N. E. cor. Green & Devisadero. 3d & 4th Friday.

_____, Miss Amy E.; Miss Mabel L.; William; Dr. Herbert. (Tel. West 183.)

Gunnison, Mr. Andrew J.; 1613 Van Ness Avenue.

Gunst, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.; 805 Hyde. (Tel. East 55.)

Guppy, Miss Estella L.; Miss Florence; Irving Institute, 2126 California.

Guptill, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.; 760 Oak. (Tel. Page 1025.)

Gutcher, Mr. and Mrs. William; Miss Gladys M.; 1522 Geary.

Gutierrez, Mr. H. J.; 506 Jones.

Gutschow, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 2102 California. (Tel. Pine 2511.) 2d & 4th Friday.

Gutte, Mr. Isidor; 217 Leavenworth. Yacht “Chispa,” Sausalito.

Gutzkow, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick; 28 Columbia Square. Wednesday.

Guyett, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick G.; 912 Bush. (Tel. East 454.) 1st & 3d Monday.

Gwin, Mrs. Mary E.; 1490 Sacramento. (Tel. East 120.) Tuesday.

Gwin, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 2268 Franklin. Wednesday.

Haas, Mrs. George; 612 Ellis. (Tel. East 532.) 1st Wednesday.

____, Miss Maud; George W.

Haas, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2007 Franklin. (Tel. East 87.)

Habenicht, Mr. and Mrs. F.; 1321 Pine. (Tel. East 511.) Wednesday.

________, Miss.

Habenicht, Mr. and Mrs. George N.; 806 Haight. (Tel. Page 6071.)

Haber, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 2616 Laguna. (Tel. Pine 2521.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Ruth; Louis T.; Henri F.; Albert L.

Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.; 518 Capp.

Hagemann, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.; 110 Austin Avenue. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Hager, Miss Alice; Miss Ethel; 1815 Gough. (Tel. West 627.) Wednesday.

Haight, Mrs. W. A.; 710 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 950.)

Haines, Dr. and Mrs. Byron W.; Belvedere or Occidental Hotel. Wednesday.

Hale, Mr. Henry; 34 Hill. (Tel. Capp 402.)

Hale, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.; 1114 Leavenworth. (Tel. Larkin 990.) Thursday.

Hale, Mrs. Prudence D.; 3010 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 501.)

Hale, Mr. Prentis C.; 3010 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 501.)

Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall; 3327 Clay. (Tel. West 661.) 1st Wednesday.

Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben B.; 3010 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 501.) 2d Wednesday.

Haley, Mr. and Mrs. Justice U.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Hall, Mrs. A. J.; 820 Sutter. (Tel. Polk 696.) Thursday. Mill Valley.

Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Cofran I.; 21 Bernal Avenue, Bernal Heights.

Hall, Mrs. Chas. O.; Maurice A.; 1911 Webster. Burlingame, San Mateo Co.

Hall, Mr. George E. P.; 1911 Webster. Burlingame, San Mateo County, Cal.

Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.; 2002 Buchanan. (Tel. West 374.)

Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Milton R.; The Pendleton, 900 Sutter. 2d and 3d Monday.

Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cunningham; “Elmwood,” Belvedere, Marin Co., Cal.

Hall, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 324 Haight. Redlands, Cal.

____, Miss Anna H.

Haller, Mr. Joseph P.; 2725 Jackson. (Tel. West 788.)

Hallett, Mr. Alonzo; 801 Haight.

Hallett, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Hallidie, Mrs. A. S.; 1032 Washington. (Tel. Main 1056.) 1st, 2d and 3d Tuesday.

Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham; Miss; 1401 McAllister.

Halstead, Mrs. M. E.; 717 Scott. (Tel. Park 227.)

________, James L.; John B.; Dr. Eminel P.

Halsted, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; 715 Scott. Wednesday.

Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.; 2505 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 651.) Friday.

Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander; 2609 California. (Tel. West 322.)

________, Miss Clara; Miss Edna; William H.; J. Ralton.

Hamilton, Bishop and Mrs. J. W.; 435 Buchanan. 1st and 3d Thursday.

________, Miss Helene; Dr. Gordon B. (Tel. Fell 7151.)

Hamilton, Mr. James; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

________, James H., Jr.; Sidney.

Hamilton, Judge and Mrs. Noble; 1513 Washington. Friday. Sausalito.

_______, Miss Nettie. (Tel. Sutter 2241.)

Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.; 1513 Washington. (Tel. Sutter 2241.) Fri.

Hamilton, Mrs. Robert M.; 1015 California. (Tel. Main 735.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss; Miss Lelia; Alexander; Robert Jr.

Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; Hotel Baltimore. (Tel. Sutter 1551.)

Hamlin, Miss Sarah D.; 1849 Jackson. Friday, except the last.

Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; Occidental Hotel. (Tel. Main 5425.) Thursday.

______, Miss Beulah.

______, Miss Beulah.

Hammer, Mr. Frank G.; 110 Guerrero. (Tel. White 1351.)

Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H.; 110 Guerrero. (Tel. White 1351.) Wed’y.

Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 1617 Jackson. (Tel. East 781.) 1st Friday.

Hammersmith, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; Alameda, Cal. 3d Wednesday.

Hammond, Mr. John; Miss Emily S.; Manton E.; 750 Geary. (Tel. Polk 669.)

Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.; 928 Broderick. (Tel. Fell 405.) Friday.

Haney, Dr. James F.; 204 Sutter. (Tel. Main 100.)

Hanify, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 2336 Devisadero. (Tel. West 611.) Tuesday.

______, Miss.

Hanlon, Mr. Charles F.; 1627 Jackson. (Tel. Sutter 1806.)

Hanlon, Miss Josephine; 1627 Jackson. (Tel. Sutter 1806.)

Hanlon, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; 225 Ashbury. (Tel. Page 1135.) Thursday.

Hanlon, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Hannigan, Rev. Jerome B.; 1100 Franklin, corner O’Farrell.

Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.; 233 3d Avenue. (Tel. West 41.) Thursday.

______, Miss Muriel; Harold.

Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Christian W.; San Mateo, Cal.

Hansen, Dr. and Mrs. William A.; 488 Eddy.

Hanson, Dr. and Mrs. George F.; 2534 Mission. (Tel. Church 1015.) Thursday.

Haraszthy, Charles J.; 614 Filbert. Esparto, Yolo County, Cal.

Harding, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine. (Tel. Main 5510. Thursday.

Harding, Mr. and Mrs. R. T.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Harding, Mrs. Margaret M. G.; 1415 Taylor. Tuesday.

Harding-Mason, Dr. and Mrs. J. Harding; 2651 20th. (Tel. Capp 1071.)

Hardistry, Mr. and Mrs. B. McL.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine. Monday.

Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Harry; 2943 Washington. Friday.

Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2105 California.

Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A.; 1030 Sanchez. (Tel. Church 973).

Harmes, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; “Oak Knoll,” Sausalito, or California Hotel.

______, Miss Belle.

Harland, Mrs. Hester A.; 1728 Sutter.

Harmon, Mr. Edward N.; 42 Market. Residence, Belvedere.

Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Harnden, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W.; 1937 Broadway. 1st and 3d Friday.

Harries, Mr. W. H.; Pacific-Union Club. Residence, Oakland, Alameda Co.

Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.; 915 Leavenworth. (Tel. E. 384.) 1st & 3d Tues.

Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; Misses; Hotel Knickerbocker.

Harris, Mr. and Mrs. James W.; 2306 California. (Tel. Pine 2181.)

Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1409 Webster. 2d Tuesday.

Harris, Mr. Marshall C.; 1010 Fillmore.

Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Matt; 82 Waller. (Tel. Fell 5111.)

_____, Frank H.; Matt A.

Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.; 3417 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 1371.) Mill Valley.

Harrison, Mrs. E. C.; The Hotel Stewart, 1101 Pine. (Tel. Polk 546.)

Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.; 3321 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 2801.)

Harrison, Mr. L. G.; 156 Golden Gate Avenue.

Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon C.; Colonial Hotel. Thursday.

Harrison, Judge and Mrs. Ralph C.; 919 Pine. (Tel. Main 5165.) Tuesday.

_______, Richard C.                                                               (in January and March.)

Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. William Greer; 2845 Fillmore. Friday.

_______, Miss.

Harron, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.; 2337 Vallejo. (Tel. West 534.) 2d and 3d Friday.

Harron, Mr. Ralph; The Plymouth, 952 Bush.

Hart, Mrs. A. L.; Miss Mamie; Fred B.; A. L., Jr.; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Hart, Dr. and Mrs. A. C.; 910 Steiner. Thursday.

Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Hart, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.; 2103 Cal. (Tel. West 609.) “Welwolde,” S. Clara Co.

Hart, Mr. Ralph Warner; 1955 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 3941.)

Hart, General H. H.; Parrott Building. (Tel. South 461.) 729 Shrader.

Hartley, Dr. and Mrs. R. E.; 647 Haight. (Tel. Fell 5311.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Hartmann, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.; 107 Noe. Thursday.

Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Downey; 2301 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 769.)

______, Misses. Wednesday.

Harvey, Mrs. Josephine; 1654 Broadway. Thursday.

______, Miss Ella L. Kelton.

Harvey, Captain F. W.; 870 Fell. (Tel. Park 126.)

Harvey, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. A.; 201 Taylor. (Tel. Jessie 81.) Thursday.

______, Miss Emma; Walter C.

Harwood, Miss Jean; 915 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 284.) Thursday.

Hasbrouck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; Ross Station, Marin County, Cal.

Haskell, Mr. John L.; 2219 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Sutter 2821.)

Haskell, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.; 905 Sutter. (Tel. East 158.) 2d and 4th Friday.

Haslehurt, Dr. and Mrs. Alvinza O.; Hotel Wenban. Fourth Thursday.

Hassell, Mr. J. J.; 607 Jones. (T. East 162.) Olympic Club, 526 Post. (T. Main 1054.)

______, Mrs. J. J.; Miss Florence G.; Miss Mabel E.; Irwin E.; Germany.

Hassett, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.; 2190 Sutter, cor. Pierce. (Tel. Geary 1252.)

Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Philip; 816 O’Farrell.

Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Pine 291.) Tuesday.

_____, Miss Florence; Charles.

Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 79 Central Ave. (Tel. Page 92.) 2d and 4th Monday.

Hatch, Dr. and Mrs. James H.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday

Hathaway, Mrs. Charles W.; Miss; The Colonial. Thursday.

Hatton, Mr. George F.; St. Nicholas Hotel. (Tel. South 778.)

Haussler, Mr. and Mrs. F. O.; 458 Page. Thursday.

Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D.; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Grove 791.) Monday.

_____, Miss Caroline L.

Havens, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.; 2835 Howard. (Tel. Church 187.)

Havens, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.; 2714 Steiner. (Tel. Scott 1154.)

_______, Miss Ella M.

Havens, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Hawes, Col. and Mrs. Alexander G.; Occidental Hotel, Bohemian Club, Monday.

Haviland, Mrs. H. N.; 2101 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Hyde 2821.)

Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.; 1441 Oak. Thursday.

Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Irving; 1122 Ellis. (Tel. Scott 432.)

Hawks, Mr. Henry D.; 1602 Vallejo. (Tel. Sutter 1241.)

Hawks, Mr. J. L.; 1602 Vallejo. (Tel. Sutter 1241.) “Underc’yffe.” Belvedere.

Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. George M.; San Diego, Cal.

Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 1308 Madison, Oakland, Cal.

Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. E.; 730A Ashbury. (Tel. Fell 214.) 2d Thursday.

______, Miss Selena; Charles E.

Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E.; 1224 Buchanan. (Tel. Geary 552.) Monday.

_____, Miss Agnes E.; Miss Celia E.

Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.; 2608 California. (Tel. Steiner 2301.) Friday.

_____, Miss; Charles E.

Hayne, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 181.)

Hayne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 43.)

Haynes, Judge and Mrs. John; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Condit; 3142 21st. (Tel. White 1334.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Alvinza; San Mateo, Cal.

Hazell, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 2613 Sutter.

Heacock, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 1316 Fillmore.

Heacock, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal. Tuesday.

_______, Miss Augusta F.

Head, Mr. and Mrs. Addison E.; 1105 Taylor. (Tel. Sutter 2531.)

Head, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.; 1208 Masonic Avenue. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Heald, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.; 850 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Polk 1671.) Napa.

Healy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; Alameda, Alameda County, Cal. Thursday.

Hearst, Mrs. Phebe A.; 32 Mills Bldg., 9th fl.; res., Verona, Alameda Co. Cal.

Hearst, Mr. Wm. R.; “Examiner,” S. F., N. Y. “Journal,” Chicago “American.”

Heath, Mrs. Mary E.; 2293 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 3186.) Tuesday.

_____, Miss Virginia D.; Miss Roberta Lee; Miss Sallie R; William R.

Heazelton, Mr. and Mrs, George; 1435 Sacramento.

Hebbard, Judge and Mrs. J. C. B.; 912 Devisadero. 1st Wednesday.

_______, Miss Allahide; Miss Edith; Elias M.; Joel K.

Hecht, Mrs. Isaac; 1998 Jackson. (Tel. West 821.) 2d and 4th Friday.

_____, Miss Helen; Miss Elsie; Bert R.

Hecht, Mrs. A. E.; 1201 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 751.)

Hecht, Colonel and Mrs. M. H.; 2100 Washington. (Tel. West 616.) Friday.

_____, Miss; Miss Rose Ellen.

Hechtman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.; 2336 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 35.)

Hedger, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.; 1608 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Geary 725.)

______, Harrison H.; Leslie A.

Hedges, Mrs. Charles H.; 2912 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 3261.) Fri. in Jan.

Heger, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 2709 Sacramento.

Heggerty, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.; 1906 Webster. (Tel. West 137.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Heine, Mr. G. O.; 217 Geary. (Tel. Main 5744.)

Heininger, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.; 669 Guerrero.

Heintz, Dr. J. P. E.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. East 568.)

Heller, Mrs. E. S.; 1801 Franklin. Friday.

Heller, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 1915 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Hyde 141.)

Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. I. W.; 1801 Franklin (Tel. East 530.) Friday.

_______, Miss.

Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. I. W., Jr.; 2612 Scott. (Tel. West 645.) Friday.

Hellmann, Mr. Anthony C.; Bohemian Club.

Hellmann, Mr. Richard; 1829 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. East 476.)

Hemphill, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John.;  2410 Jackson. (Tel. Steiner 4721.)

Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 1809 Folsom. (Tel. Mission 168.) Wednesday.

Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2515 Sutter. Wednesday.

_________, Miss Isabel.

Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 2013 Broderick. Thursday.

_________, John Hayes.

Henderson, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J.; 813 Sutter. Monday.

Hendrickson, Mr. William; Claus Spreckels Building.

Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs. William, Jr.; Fruitvale, Alameda County, Cal.

__________, Alfred D.; (Tel. Sunset, Brook 169.)

Hendy, Mr. and Mrs. S. J.; 3652 Clay. (T. West 400.) 3d Thurs. “Maple Cottage.”

_____, Miss Ethel; Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz.

Hendy, Mr. John H.; 650 Broderick. (Tel. Fell 712.)

Henley, Mr. M. J.; 907 Ellis. (Tel. Hyde 2276.)

­­______, Mr. S. Homer; Mr. Charles O.

Henley, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay; 2131 Green. (Tel. Geary 301.) 1st & 3d Friday.

______, Miss.

Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.; 909 Valencia. (Tel. Church 15.) Tuesday.

Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A.; Belvedere.

Henshelwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Henton, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.; 1602 Vallejo. (Tel. Larkin 758.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Henton, Mrs. Helen A.; 1602 Vallejo. (Tel. Larkin 758.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Hentrich, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis; 3011 Sacramento. (Tel. Scott 98.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Henzel, Mr. and Mrs. George L.; 2294 Bush. (Tel. West 118.) Tuesday.

Heppner, Miss Louise; 526 Ellis. (Tel. Sutter 951.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Herbst, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Adolph; 2813 Buchanan. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

_____, Miss; Adolph, Jr. (Tel. Steiner 2732.)

Hereford, Dr. and Mrs. William S.; 1115 Sutter. (Tel. East 528.) Wednesday.

Hermann, Mr. B.; 1813 Pine. (Tel. Scott 34.)

________, Miss Daisy.

Herndon, Mr. Newton B.; 3172 Twenty-third.

Herold, Mrs. Anna; Mr. Roderick; 1716 Bush.

Herold, Mr. Rudolph, Jr.; 1007 Gough.

Heron, Mrs. Mary E.; 3001 Jackson. (Tel. Geary 1166.)

Herrick, Mr. and Mrs. Lester F.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Herrin, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; 465 Eddy. (Tel. Larkin 1325.)

Herrin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F.; 2530 Broadway. (Tel. West 742.) 1st Friday.

______, Miss Kate; Miss Alice.

Herrington, Dr. and Mrs. Howard; 467 Gearry. (Tel. Main 738.) Tuesday.

Herrington, Dr. William M.; 82 Waller.

Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad; Alameda, Alameda County, Cal.

Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. George; 2607 California. (Tel. Geary 94.)

Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. James; 424 Frederick. 4th Friday.

Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2817 Scott. (Tel. Scott 311.) Friday.

Herzog, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 1615 Scott.  (Tel. Baker 276.) Friday.

______, Miss Bertha; Henry J.

Herztein, Dr. M.; 801 Sutter. (Tel. East 252.)

Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick; 821 California. (Tel. Green 951.) Tuesday.

____, Frederick, Jr.

Hesthal, Mrs. A.; Hotel Savoy. (Tel. Main 1236.) Monday.

Hewlett, Mr. and Mrs. Fred’k; Hotel Bella Vista. (Tel. East 219.) 3d & 4th Mon.

_______, Albion Walter; Eugene. “Talcoa Lodge,” Napa County, Cal.

Heyman, Sir Henry; Bohemian Club, or 623 Eddy.

Heynemann, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander; 2508 Fillmore. (Tel. West 134.)

Heynemann, Mr. and Mrs. Milton; 2612 California. (Tel. Geary 57.) Friday.

Heynemann, Mr. and Mrs. Manfred H.; 1917 Franklin. (Tel. East 157.)

Heynemann, Mr. Lionel; 1640 Pine.

Heywood, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin; 1490 Hayes. (Tel. Page 1544.)

Hickel, Mr. Henry; 1237B Howard. (Tel. Folsom 1440.)

Hickmott, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; Haywards, Alameda County, Cal.

Heister, Mrs. Honora; 2641 Howard. Wednesday.

Higbee, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Higgins, Mrs. A. E.; 2321 Jackson. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice; 2321 Jackson. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.; 916 Market, r. 69. (Tel. Main 128.) Residence, 1996 Post.

Higgins, Miss Carol; 1114 Leavenworth. (Tel. Larkin 990.) Thursday.

Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R.; Hotel Wenban. 2d and 4th Monday.

Highton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.; 1541 Taylor. (Tel. Larkin 865.) Monday.

Hilbert, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 735 Devisadero. 4th Thursday.

Hildebrandt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C.; 2711 Pine. (Tel. West 789.) Last Wed’y.

Hill, Dr. Edmund E.; 700 Ellis.

Hill, Mr. Edward J.; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Horace L.; 2100 Laguna. (Tel. West 648.) 3d & 4th Friday.

Hill, Dr. and Mrs. Thos. L.; 1609 Gough. (Tel. Scott 753.) 1st Tuesday.

Hiller, Dr. and Mrs. Albert; 1011 Sutter. (Tel. East 227.)

Hillman, Mr. John R.; Hotel Ramona.

Hills, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.; 2201 Broderick. (Tel. West 192.)

Hillyer, Mr. Curtis; 912 Bush.

Hind, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.; 2398 Howard. (Tel. White 961.)

____, Miss Mollie; E.; George V.

Hindes, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.; 726 Powell.

Hindes, Mr. and Mrs. S. G.; 901 Taylor. (Tel. Polk 867.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Hiniker, Dr. A. J.; Spring Valley Building, 135 Geary. (Tel. John 1561.)

Hinz, Miss Marie; Mr. A. Frederick; 238 Bartlett. (Tel. Blue 431.) 1st & 3 Fri.

Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse; 2214 Union. (Tel. Pine 4416.) 1st Wednesday.

Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 1819 Washington. (Tel. East 790.)

Hirschfelder, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph O; 1302 Geary. (Tel. West 757.)

Hirschkowitz, Dr. L.; 923 Geary. (Tel. East 696.)

Hirschler, Mr. and Mrs. D.; 2204 Devisadero. (Tel. Baker 393.) Thursday & Fri.

Hirschman, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1916 Broderick. (Tel. West 428.) Last Friday.

_________, Miss Hazel; Marion A.

Hitchcock, Rev. & Mrs. C.; The Hitchcock School, San Rafael. (Tel. Black 532.)

Hitchcock, Miss Helen M.; Miss Grace B.; John L.; 1010 Powell.

Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.; 921 Jones. (Tel. Larkin 869.)

Hittell, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. H.; 808 Turk. Friday.

______, Miss Catherine H.; Carlos.

Hoag, Mr. Charles C.; 2422 Buchanan. (Tel. West 674.)

Hoag, Mr. Jed J.; Palace Hotel or 225 Post.

Hoag, Mr. Jared C.; Palace Hotel or 225 Post. (Tel. Red 1364.)

Hoag, Mr. O. H., Jr.; 225 Post.

Hobart, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 191.)

______, Miss Hannah Nell; Miss Ruth M. (Tel. Sunset, Main 191, San Mateo.)

Hobart, Mr. and Mrs. William W.; Miss Pearl; 3016 Sacramento.

Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram H.; 1708 Geary.

_____, John; Frank G.

Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F.; 775 O’Farrell. 1st and 2d Friday.

Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. C.; 30 Liberty. (Tel. Mission 5.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Elvira.

Hobson, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.; 2614 California. (Tel. Geary 1042.) 2d & 4th Monday.

Hochstadter, Mr. S.; 1816 Broadway. (Tel. West 865.)

Hochstadter, Mr. W. S.; 1322 Sutter. (Tel. East 2.)

Hochstadter, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.; 2233 Washington. (Tel. West 531.) 1 & 3 Tues.

Hodge, Mr. Schuyler C.; 807 California. (Tel. John 941.)

Hodgen, Dr. and Mrs. J. D.; 1605 Sutter. (Tel. Polk 963.) 3d and 4th Friday.

______, Miss Olivia.

Hoeber, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. L.; 2030 Golden Gate Avenue.

______, Miss Irene H. Tuesday.

Hoefler, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.; 130 Haight. (Tel. Park 16.)

Hoenig, Mr. Ad. L.; 819 Post. (Tel. Larkin 1161.)

Hoey, Mr. and Mrs. John; 1315 Devisadero. Thursday.

____, Misses; Mr.

Hoffman, Mrs. I.; 1268 O’Farrell. (Tel. Steiner 4336.) Tuesday.

Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 3014 Washington. (Tel. Steiner 4581.)

_______, William J.; Mr. G.; Dr. Lawrence H.

Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Southard; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

_______, Miss Alice Cobden; Southard, Jr.; Ogden; John A.

Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard H.; 1215 Waller. (Tel. Pine 3091.) 1st & 3d Tues.

_____, Miss Mabelle L.

Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. T. G.; 222 Haight. (Tel. Baker 71.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Hoge, Miss Blanche; Miss Octavia; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Hogg, Mr. and Mrs. James; 2226 Sacramento. (Tel. West 185.) 1st Friday.

____, Miss Mabel; Mr. William J.

Hohweisner, Mr. Frederick; 2139 Pierce. (Tel. Geary 85.)

Holbrook, Mr. Charles; N. W. cor. Van Ness Ave. and Washington. Friday.

________, Miss Olive M.; H. M. (Tel. East 173.) Country res. Menlo Park.

Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 2006 Pierce. 1st and 3d Thursday.

________, Charles H. Jr.

Holcombe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G.; 760 Post. Thursday.

Holcombe, Miss Emma A.; Royal A.; 1920 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 342.) Wed.

Holden, Mr. and Mrs. S. P.; 2019 Sacramento. (Tel. Scott 348.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

______, Miss Eleanor; Miss Milward; Mr. C. St. George.

Holladay, Mr. Ben.; Pacific-Union Club.

Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Burke; 2215 Buchanan. Friday.

Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.; N. E. cor. Octavia and Clay. First Friday.

Holland, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.; San Rafael, Cal.

Holland, Mr. and Mrs. James L.; 1613 Scott. Thursday.

Holland, Mr. and Mrs. P.; 228 Capp. Wednesday.

Holle, Mr. Joseph; 815 Hampshire. (Tel. White 1801.)

Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.; 640 Golden Gate Avenue. Tuesday.

Hollis, Mrs. Sarah E.; Miss Mabel; 756 Oak. (Tel. Page 1022.)

Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.; 1401 McAllister. 1st & 3d Thursday. Belvedere.

Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.; 1019A Vallejo. Wednesday.

Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.; 200 Castro. (Tel. Church 30.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.; 1922 Pine.

Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 1935 Broadway. (Tel. Baker 446.) 1st & 2d Thurs.

Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Milo P.; 1722 Turk. (Tel. Steiner 2421.)

Holt, Mr. A. S. J.; Pacific-Union Club.

Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; Alameda, Cal.

Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.; Hotel Knickerbocker.

Honig, Mr. Louis; 1510 Buchanan. (Tel. Scott 553.)

Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.; 2215 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 1151.) Friday.

Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; 512 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. Mint 831.) 3 & 4 Wednesday.

Hooe, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh P.; 1423 Devisadero. (Tel. Baker 971.) 1st Monday.

Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.; 917 Bush. (Tel. Sutter 811.) Thursday

______, Miss Jennie.

Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Osgood; 2229 Washington and Sausalito, Marin Co.

Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.; 1117 Pine. (Tel. East 23.)

Hooper, Mr. Albert C.; 2201 Laguna, N. W. corner Clay.

Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.; Alameda, Alameda County. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

______, Miss Isabel; Miss Idolene.

Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.; San Rafael, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 564.)

Hooper, Mr. Frank P.; 2741 California. (Tel. West 775.)

Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 1390 Jones. (Tel. East 439.)

Hooper, Mr. John A.; 2201 Laguna, cor. Clay. (Tel. Pine 1501.) 1st & 3d Friday.

______, Miss Jessie A.; Miss Jeannette S.; “Woodside,” San Mateo, Co., Cal.

______, Mr. Albert C.; Mr. Frank Perry Jr.

Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G.; 2702 Laguna. (Tel. Pine 4371.) Thursday.

Hooper, Mrs. Martha; 2741 California. (Tel. West 775.)

Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Thursday.

Hooper, Major and Mrs. William B.; Occidental Hotel. Third Monday.

______, Miss Rose; George Kent; Selden S.

Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.; 2219 Central Avenue. Last Friday.

Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. Main 370.) Monday.

Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.; 2031 California. Friday. “Boca,” Menlo Park.

_______, Miss Georgia.

Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy; Menlo Park, San Mateo, Cal.

Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. E.; Hotel Richelieu. (Tel. East 325.) Monday.

Horsburg, Mr. and Mrs. David W.; 1517 Washington.

Horsburg, Mr. James Jr.; 1517 Washington.

Hortsmann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 2232 Howard. (Tel. Mission 60.)

Horstmann, Mr. John; 709 Mason. (Tel. Black 3090.)

Horton, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 2109 Baker. (Tel. West 764.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Horton, Mrs. Robert L.; Miss Mabel; Robert M.; 1037 Ellis. Thursday.

Hosmer, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; Palo Alto, Cal. 4th Thursday.

______, Miss. (Tel. Main 101.)

Hotaling, Mrs. Lavinia J.; 1776 California. (Tel. East 798.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Ella; Richard M.; Frederick C.

Hough, Mr. Howard M.; 2599A Howard.

Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy; The Wenban, 606 Sutter. Monday.

Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.; 3004 Clay. (Tel. Pine 501.) 1st & 2d Friday.

Houghton, General and Mrs. J. F.; 2018 Franklin, cor. Jackson. Friday.

________, Miss M. B.; Mr. Harry E.; (Tel. Sutter 2811.)

Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe E.; Hotel Bella Vista. 2d and 4th Monday.

________, Miss Meda E.

House, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.; Mill Valley, Marin County. 1st & 2d Thursday.

Houseworth, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison; 1235 Hyde. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 1916 Broadway.

Hovey, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L.; 2002 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 4376.)

_____, Richard H.

Hovey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.; 2715 Sacramento. (Tel. Steiner 551.) Friday.

Howard, Mr. Charles E.; 1236 Market.

Howard, Mr. Charles Webb; Pacific-Union Club.

Howard, Dr. and Mrs. Edward S.; 1016 Sutter. (Tel. Larkin 226.)

Howard, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; San Mateo, Cal.

Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Penn; 212 Ashbury. (Tel. Park 199.) Wednesday.

Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Horace E.; 212 Ashbury. (Tel. Park 199.) Wednesday.

Howard, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; San Mateo, Cal.

Howe, Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton; 3017 California. 1 & 3 Friday, 2 to 5 P. M.

Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah; 1814 Washington. (Tel. East 383.)

______, Miss; Mr. J. R.

Howland, Mrs. Robert M.; 1900 Devisadero. Friday.

Howland, Mrs. F. H.; 1312 Taylor. Tuesday.

Hoyt, Mrs. Jennie; 2899 Jackson. (Tel. West 59.) 1st and 4th Wednesday.

Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F.; 120 Noe. Tuesday.

Hubbard, Col. and Mrs. S. A.; 2012 Pierce. (Tel. Baker 1147.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

_______, T. Worthington.

Hubbell, Dr. and Mrs. George R.; 316 Eddy. (Tel. East 42.)

Hubbell, Mr. Narcissa; 1076 Bush. (Tel. Hyde 1286.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Huber, Mr. Valentine; 20 O’Farrell. (Tel. Main 1247.)

Huddart, Mrs. E. J.; 2822 Clay. 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______, Frederick Townsend.

Huddleston, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 3660 Washington. (Tel. Pine 4766.)

Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Horace R.; 1611 Washington. (Tel. Polk 902.) Saturday.

Hueter, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.; 2322 Howard. Last Thursday.

Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.; 2415 Green. Thursday.

Huff, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; 2203 Webster. 1st and 4th Tuesday.

____, Miss Evelyn B.; Miss Edith F.

Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 2100 Broadway. (Tel. West 720.)

_______, Miss Caroline; Miss M.

Hug, Mrs. Henrietta; 1525 Sutter. (Tel. Pine 2901.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

___, Miss Annie; Charles A.

Hughes, Mrs. Frances M.; 806 Bush. (Tel. Main 5756.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Emily; Miss Fannie; Miss Gertrude; Fred S.

Huie, Mrs. Sarah E.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal. Friday.

____, W. H. T.; George B.; Edward M.

Huie, Mr. Robert B.; Cosmos Club or 1000 Pine.

Hulen, Dr. and Mrs. Vard H.; Hotel Granada, 1000 Sutter.

Hulse, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.; 1017 Church. (Tel. Mission 115.) 2d & 4th Wednesday.

Hume, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh; California Hotel and Belmont. “Reeds,” Marin Co.

Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. James; 1457 O’Farrell. Thursday.

________, The Misses; Mr. William F.

Humphrey, Mr. Edgar C.; College Terrace, Stanford University.

Humphreys, Mrs. Wm. P.; 976 Chestnut, cor. Hyde. (Tel. Polk 481.) Thursday.

_________, Miss; William P., Jr.

Hunsaker, Dr. and Mrs. H. W.; 1021 Devisadero. (Tel. Pine 2426.) 1st Thursday.

Hunt, Miss Caroline L.; 1522 Vallejo.

Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott; 425 Capp. (Tel. Capp 905.) Mill Valley.

Hunt, Mrs. Emma L.; 1715 Geary. Friday.

_____, Harry C.

Hunt, Judge and Mrs. John Jr.; 1703 Octavia.

Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B.; 1226 Waller. (Tel. Fell 92.) Tuesday. Mill Valley.

Huntington, Mrs. Collis P.; 1020 California. New York City, N. Y.

Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.; 2840 Jackson. (Tel. West 479.) Friday.

_________, Miss Edith Marie.

Huntington, Mr. William H.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Huntington, Miss Cornelia; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Huntsman, Mrs. George H.; Misses; 824 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 2376.) Thursday.

Hurlbert, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.; 300 Baker. (Tel. Park 197.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Hutchings, Mrs. Amelia P.; 1252 California. (Tel. Sutter 767.) Menlo Park.

Hutchings, Mr. and Mrs. James M.; 1301 Sacramento. Tuesday.

Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Eli T.; California Hotel. Monday. Concord, Cal.

Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. James S. 1910 Howard. (Tel. Blue 101.)

_________, Miss Kate; Edward C.; James S. Jr.

Hutchison, Miss Sophie; The Ralston, 1222 Pine. (Tel. Polk 556.)

Hutchison, Mr. T. W.; The Ralston, 1222 Pine. Tel. Polk 556.)

Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.; 920 Hyde. 1st Thursday.

Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 1500 Larkin. (Tel. East 737.) Thursday.

Hyde, Mrs. M. B.; 1424B Washington. (Tel. Larkin 613.)

Hyde, Mrs. George; 719 Geary. (Tel. East 584.)

Hyman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.; 1946 California. (Tel. West 570.)

Ils, Mr. and Mrs. John G.; 1306 Jones. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Inkersley, Mr. Arthur; 1300 Laguna.

Irelan, Mrs. William; Mr. Oscar B.; 1829 Pine. Friday.

Irelan, Mr. and Mrs. William Jr.; 1829 Pine.

Irvine, Mrs. James; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Irvine, Mr. James S.; 1578 Jackson. (Tel. Sutter 2908.)

Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.; 208 Page. (Tel. Fell 5711.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Irvine, Mr. William H.; 1578 Jackson.



Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 86-96.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







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