San Francisco






Pages 76-85



Drexler, Mrs. Louis P.; 2424 Gough. 1st and 3d Friday.

Dreypolcher, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Driffield, Mr. and Mrs. V. Carus; 1917 Vallejo. (Tel. West 706.) Thursday.

Drinkhouse, Mrs. J. A.; 2502 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 667.) Friday.

Drinkhouse, Mr. John A.; 2502 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 667.)

Drinkhouse, Mr. Frederick A.; 2502 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 667.)

Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Dross, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 1716 Pacific Avenue.

Drown, Mr. and Mrs. Albert N.; 2550 Jackson. (Tel. West 395.)

_____, Miss Bernie R.; N. Newell; Willard N.

Drucker, Mr. and Mrs. August E.; 2733 California.

Drucker, Dr. George I.; 107 Turk.

Drum, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Drum, Miss Sara G.; 2524 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 4561.) Friday.

_____, John S.; William G.

Drummond, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.; 833 Shrader. (Tel. Scott 377.) Thursday.

Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel; 2489 Jackson and San Mateo.

Dubedat, Mr. Eugene; Edward; 2003 Franklin.

Duboce, Mrs. Victor D.; 637 Baker. (Tel. Page 1043.)

Du Bois, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

_______, Miss Helen Joy.

Duckett, Dr. and Mrs. C. S.; 1707 Post. Thursday.

Duffy, Mrs. A. M.; Miss; James W.; 1944 California. Tuesday.

Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; Blemont, San Mateo County. 2d Thursday.

Dugan, Mrs. Emma F.; Miss Adela E.; Herbert F.; Charles; 696 Sutter.

Duisenberg, Mrs. Charles; 3216 Jackson. (Tel. Bush 45.) Wednesday.

_________, Miss Augusta W.; Edward G.

Dunbar, Dr. and Mrs. Luis Lane; Hotel Wenban & “Craigeilachie,” Belvedere.

_______, Stuart Boyd; 606 Sutter. (Tel. Main 5474.) Tuesday.

Dunbar, Mr. Aubrey T.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Duncan, Mr. A. M.; Lick House.

Duncan, Mr. Hilarion; 1823 Turk. (Tel. Pine 209.)

Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. William L.; 2825 Pine.

Duncomb, Mr. Edward J.; 2010 Devisadero. (Tel. Scott 56.)

Dunham, Miss F. E.; 2600 Jackson.

Dunn, Mr. James; 1218 Hyde. (Tel. Hyde 1731.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_____, James C.

Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. P. L.; (abroad.); 1823 Oak. (Tel. Geary 1184.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Bessie.

Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie L.; 1028 Washington. (Tel. Main 1604.

Dunne, Judge Frank H.; 1457 Leavenworth. (Tel. Polk 793.)

Dunne, Mrs. Peter; 2111 Broderick.

Dunne, Mr. Joseph J.; 310 Pine, room 42.

Dunne, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F.; 3905 Clay. Wednesday.

Dunphy, Mrs. Wm.; 2122 Washington. (Tel. West 489.) 2d and 4th Friday.

_______, Miss Jennie; James C.; Cupertino.

Dunphy, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; Millbrae, San Mateo Co., Cal. Tuesday.

______, Charles; Robert.

Duperu, Mr. Redick McKee; 331 Montgomery. (Tel. Main 36.)

Dupuy, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre; 1019 Franklin. 1st and 3d Monday.

Durand, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.; 503 Devisadero. (Tel. Fell 7681.)

_______, Miss Gabrielle.

Durbrow, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K.; 1615 Washington. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_______, Miss Clara. (Tel. Hyde 2246.)

Durbrow, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.; 3417 Jackson. Wednesday.

Durbrow, Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge; 615A Mason. (Tel. Red 981.) Thursday.

_______, Ross L.

Durbrow, Mr. and Mrs. Harry; 2308 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 3221.)

Durbrow, Mrs. Joseph; 1124 Bush. (Tel. East 355.) Thursday.

Durden, Mr. Henry S.; 1720 Union.

Durham, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.; 3491B 19th, cor. Valencia. 2d Tuesday.

Dutard, Mrs. H.; 2930 Clay. (Tel. Pine 2931.) Friday.

Dutertre, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L.; 2432 Howard. (Tel. Church 775.)

Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 215A Guerrero.

Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson; 824 Sutter.

Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster; 1218 Hyde. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren; 1332 California. (Tel. Polk 1191.) Thursday.

______, Warren.

Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E.; 733 Bush. Friday.

______, Miss Louise.

Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.; 2507 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 61.) Friday.

______, Miss Mollie P.; Miss Gertrude E.; Harry S.

Duval, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 1012 Pine. (Tel. Hyde 856.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Catherine.

Dwyer, Miss J. A.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Eagar, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 413 Central Ave. (Tel. Fell 714.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

____, Walter S.

Eagar, Mr. and Mrs. T. C.; 413 Central Ave. (Tel. Fell 714.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. John G.; Grand Hotel and Los Angeles, Cal.

Eagleson, Mr. Robert; 684 Geary.

Eames, Mr. and Mrs. John C.; 2106 Market. (Tel. Jessie 1561.)

Eames, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; 807 Sutter. Friday.

Earl, Mr. and Mrs. D.W.; 2121 Laguna. (Tel. Pine 4826.) 1st and 3d Friday.

___, Eugene.

Earl, Mrs.; John O.; Mr. Ogden M.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. Monday.

Eason, Dr. John A.; 123 Ellis; res. 13 Glen Park Ave. (Tel. Brown 766.)

Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel M.; Milbrae, San Mateo County, Cal.

Easton, Mrs. Crocker; San Mateo, Cal.

Easton, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. F.; 1371 Haight. (Tel. Fell 5521.) Thursday.

Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.; 2608 California. Los Angeles, Cal. 1st & 3d Tues.

______, George D.; Arthur C.

Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W.; 303 Devisadero. (Tel. Fell 1101.) 2d & 4th Thurs.

Easton, Mrs. Susan B.; Miss Elizabeth B.; 903 Sutter. Tuesday.

Easton, Mr. and Mrs. T. C.; 222 Haight. (Tel. Page 881.) 1st Wednesday.

Easton, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell; 1717 Broadway. (Tel. East 560.) Friday.

Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J.; 833 Shrader. (Tel. Page 582.) Thursday.

Eaton, Miss E. C.; Mr. Noble H.; 2031 Steiner. Wednesday.

Eaton, Dr. and Mrs. F. B.; North Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.; San Mateo, Cal. Palace Hotel, S. F.

_____, R. Lloyd; San Mateo.

Eaton, Mr. William L.; The Colonial.

Ebbets, Mr. Arthur M.; Miss Annie; 1401 Jones. 1st and 2d Tuesday.

Eberhard, Mr. George F.; The Stewart, 431 Ellis.

Ebner, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wendell; 718 Steiner. (Tel. Fell 5681.) Thursday.

Ebright, Dr. George E.; 1917 Webster. (Tel. West 685.)

Eckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. L. H.; 721 Hyde. (Tel. Main 1960.) Wednesday.

_______, George E.

Eckart, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.; 3014 Clay. (Tel. West 66.) 2d and 3d Friday.

_____, Miss Eleanor; William R., Jr.; Charles E.; Nelson A.

Eddy, Colonel and Mrs. R. A.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Ede, Mrs. Catherine; 460 Geurrero. (Tel. Capp 851.) 1st Friday.

___, Miss; William.

Edgell, Mr. W. M.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Edie, Capt. And Mrs. Guy L.; U. S. A.; 1224 Pine. (Tel. East 237.) 1st & 2d Mon.

Edgerton, Mrs. Frances B.; 1001 Leavenworth. (Tel. Sutter 1061.) Thursday.

Edlin, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 1216 Laguna. (Tel. Scott 270.) Wednesday.

Edmondson, Miss; 1605 Franklin. (Tel. Polk 814.)

Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight; 3806 22d. (Tel. Capp 60.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Edwards, Mr. George D.; 1121 Laguna. (Tel. West 338.)

Edwards, Dr. and Mrs. James W.; (abroad) when in S. F., Occidental Hotel.

Edwards, Miss Lucretia; 425 Shrader. 1st and 3d Friday.

Edwards, Mrs. John G.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

_______, Miss Alnette.

Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. L. B.; 317 Lyon. (Tel. Park 7701.) 1st Tues. Cazadero.

________, Elven E.

Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.; The Stewart, 431 Ellis. Monday.

Eells, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G.; 1168 Haight. (Tel. Fell 755.)

_____, Hobart K.

Eells, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.; 2415 Pierce. (Tel. West 87.) Ross Valley.

____, Miss Marian.

Eells, Mr. and Mrs. John S.; Miss Lulu M.; 2520 Folsom. (Tel. Blue 1852.)

Egan, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 515 Broderick. (Tel. Park 21.)

Eggleston, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal. Wednesday.

________, Miss Ethel E.; Charles P.; (Tel. Sunset, Derby 213.)

Ehrman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; Hotel Granada.

Ehrman, Mr. L.; 2308 Washington. (Tel. West 767.)

Ehrman, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 2618 Jackson. (Tel. West 403.)

______, Miss Annie.

Ehrman, Mr. Sidney M.; 1935 Jackson.

Ehrman, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.; 2016 Van Ness. (Tel. East 670.) 1st & 4th Friday.

Eickhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Eidenmuller, Dr. and Mrs. W. C.; 1428 Powell. (Tel. Black 231.)

Eisenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph; 2116 Post. (Tel. Steiner 3251.)

Eisen, Dr. and Mrs. E. G.; 713 Cole. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Eisner, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.; 2319 Sacramento. (Tel. Steiner 3181.) 2d & 4th Fri.

Elder, Mr. and Mrs. David Paul; 1218 Waller. (Tel. Page 1054.)

Elder, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce; 2715 Buchanan. (Tel. Pine 1561.) 1st Friday.

Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Scott; 2715 Buchanan. (Tel. Pine 1561.)

Eldredge, Rev. and Mrs. George; 2028 Broderick.

Eldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Z. S.; 3412 Washington. (Tel. West 880.)

Eldridge, Mr. Oliver; Miss; 615 Sutter. (Tel. Main 5482.)

Eliot, Mr. Joseph B.; Chronicle Business Office.

Elkus, Mr. and Mrs. L.; 2328 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 1676.) Sacramento.

Ellert, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.; 1915 Webster. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Ellicott, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Ellinwood, Dr. and Mrs. C. N.; S. E. cor. Pacific and Devisadero. Friday.

________, Miss Charlotte E. (Tel. West 984.)

Elliott, Mr. Charles E.; The California Hotel. Monday.

______, Miss Rose; Miss G. S.; Mr. Emory.

Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.; 707 Bush. (Tel. Black 2761.) Wednesday.

Elliott, Mrs. W. L.; 1920 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 841.) Friday.

______, Miss K. B.; Miss Frances V.; Miss Mary B.; George B.

Ellis, Mrs. H. A.; 2900 Broadway. (Tel. West 528.)

Ellsworth, Mrs. E. A.; Hotel Savoy. (Tel. James 50.) Monday.

Eloesser, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1824 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Geary 195.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Emanuel, Mrs. L.; 1916 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Geary 195.) 2d and 4th  Monday.

_______, Miss; Joseph L.

Emerson, Mrs. A.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Emery, Mr. Rufus C.; 1102 Devisadero. (Tel. West 179.)

Emmal, Mr. Joseph B.; Misses; Joseph B., Jr.; 2663 Howard. Alameda.

Emmons, Mrs. Mary J.; 3714 Sacramento.

________, Miss Idella C.; Elmer S.

Engelberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; 1314 Washington. (Tel. East 648.) Sausalito.

English, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; 2417 Howard. (Tel. Mission 85.)

Eppinger, Mr. and Mrs. Herman; 1717 Octavia. (Tel. West 653.)

Eppinger, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 202 Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5895.)

Eppinger, Mr. and Mrs. I. Peck; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Bush 392.)

Eppinger, Mr. Morris.

Eppinger, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.; 1412 Geary. (Tel. West 171.)

Eppinger, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua; 1810 Gough. (Tel. Sutter 2441.)

Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. Melville C.; 3212 Washington.

Erskine, Mr. William W.; 2530 Pine.

Eschmann, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.; 1331 Laguna. (Tel. West 676.)

Feldmann, Mrs. Louis; 691 Shotwell. (Tel. Blue 1231.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

________, Miss; Miss Tillie M.; Louis Jr.; Edward; Walter H.

Felton, Hon. Charles N.; Pacific-Union Club. Menlo Park.

Felton, Mr. Charles N., Jr.; Pacific-Union Club. Menlo Park.

Felton, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.; 2422 Buchanan. (Tel. W. 674.) Also Mazatlan, Mex.

Fennimore, Mr. and Mrs. Watson D.; 2628 Steiner. (T. Steiner 451.) 1 & 4 Friday.

_________, Arthur R.

Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.; Miss Irene; 2511 Baker. (Tel. Geary 663.)

Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Phineas F.; 2 Vicksburg. (Tel. Mission 78.)

Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Garnet; 978A Geary. (Tel. East 179.)

Ferral, Judge and Mrs. Robert; 856 Haight. (Tel. Page 874.)

Fershtand, Mr. Theo.; 942A Larkin.

Feuchtwanger, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 1720 Green. (Tel. East 245.)

Feusier, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1027 Green. (Tel. East 71.)

______, Miss Maybelle L.; Miss Josephine E. G.; Miss Estelle G.; Clarence L.

Field, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B.; 2611 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 1601.)

_____, Miss.

Field, Mr. Alfred G.; 2611 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 1601.)

Field, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Field, Dr. Edna R.; Mr. Charles L.; 1230 Geary. (Tel. Sutter 2001.)

Field, Major and Mrs. Edward; The Pendleton, 900 Sutter. Monday.

_____, Alexander.

Field, Mr. George Russell; Bohemian Club. (Tel. Steiner 3941.)

Field, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.; 2822 Pine. (Tel. Pine 591.) 1st and 2d Monday.

_____, Miss Sallie.

Field, Mr. and Mrs. Henry K.; Alameda, Cal. 1st Thursday.

_____, Charles K.; Henry Willard; Russell B.

Fife, Mr. and Mrs. George S.; 1201 California. (Tel. East 276.) Tuesday.

____, Miss Violet.

Filcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.; Miss Irma; 808 Leavenworth. Friday.

Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A.; 2004 Gough. 1st, 2d and 3d Monday.

_______, Miss Jessie.

Filmer, Captain and Mrs. George; 918 Sanchez. (Tel. Capp 243.) Wednesday.

Filmer, Mr. and Mrs. John; 336 Jersey. Thursday.

Findley, Mrs. Thomas. Sausalito, Marin County, Cal. Friday.

______, Miss Mamie; Miss Edith; Miss Louise; Frank B.

Finigan, Mrs. M.; Hotel St. Nicholas, 1630 Market. Monday.

______, Miss Juliet; Miss Constance; Master Lawrence.

Finley, Miss Mary C.; Miss Jennie C.; Peter J.; 749 Francisco, corner Leavenworth.

            (Tel. Larkin 480.) 2d and 4th Friday.

Fingst, Mrs. P.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Finn, Judge and Mrs. John F.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Finnell, Mr. and Mrs. Bush; The Colonial. Thursday.

Firmstone, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.; 832 Shrader. (Tel. Fell 7141.) 1st Thursday.

Firth, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirk; 809 Turk. (Tel. Polk 928.) Wednesday.

Fish, Mrs. N. T.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

___, Miss Emily; Mr. C. B.

Fisher, Mr. Charles A.; 2230 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 136.) Del Monte.

_____, Miss Josie; Miss Flora.

Fisher, Mr. Philip I.; 1610 Washington. (Tel. East 775.)

Fisher, Miss Serena; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Fisher, Mr. William H.; 2268 Franklin.

Fisk, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G.; 700 Hayes.

Fiske, Mrs. Henry M.; 2100 Bush. (Tel. Pine 2471.) Tuesday.

Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 1528 Clay.

Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. George K.; 703 Bush. Thursday.

_____, Miss Virginia.

Fitch, Mrs. Helen A.; 925 Chestnut. (Tel. Sutter 2236.)

Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. Luther E.; California Hotel.

Fitzgibbon, Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J.; 204 Haight. (Tel. Park 260.)

________, Miss Marcella; Miss Lizzie.

Flack, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; 2919 Folsom. (Tel. White 1263.) Thursday.

____, Miss Minnie M.

Flagg, Mr. Charles C.; The Berkshire Hotel, 711 Jones. (Tel. Main 1429.)

Flaglor, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.; 326 Haight. (Tel. Page 1225.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Lillie; Miss Blanche; Frank A.

Fleishhacker, Mrs. Delia; 2110 California. (Tel. Pine 2481.) Tuesday.

___________, Mortimer; Herbert.

Fleishman, Mrs. B. M.; 2323 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Pine 1676.) 2d and 4th Friday.

________, Miss; Frederick; Samuel G.

Fleissner, Mr. Otto; 2514 Octavia. (Tel. Geary 469.)

Fletcher, Mr. Artemus T.; 1020 Pine.

Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. David M.; 1835 Sacramento. (Tel. Sutter 2714.) 1st Wed.

Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Hotel St. Nicholas. (Tel. South 384.)

_______, Miss M.

Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle M.; San Mateo. Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Fletcher, Captain and Mrs. Robert H.; 1003 Steiner. (Tel. Pine 4867.)

Fletcher, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas; 129 Collingwood. 2d and 4th Monday.

Flinn, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 1004 Bush.

Flint, Mr. and Mrs. B. P.; 1121 Hyde. (Tel. Larkin 1551.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Flood, Dr. and Mrs. A. M.; 1130 Stanyan. (Tel. Page 7141.)

Flood, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.; 1830 Jackson. (Tel. East 275.) Alma, Santa Clara Co.

Flood, Miss Cora Jane; 1010 California. (Tel. East 230.) Tuesday, Menlo Park.

Flood, Dr. and Mrs. Philip H.; 841 Ellis. (Tel. Hyde 1441.)

Flournoy, Mr. and Mrs. John; 1829 Clay. (Tel. East 26.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Flynn, Mr. Thomas E.; 206 Valencia. (Tel. Jessie 112.)

Foard, Mr. L.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Red 1400.)

_____, Miss Julia; Miss Meta; Mr. C. J.; Mr. Rudolph.

Fodera, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1313 Mason. (Tel. Black 2998.) Tuesday.

Foley, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.; 112 De Long Avenue. (Tel. Page 1584.) 2d Monday.

Folger, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.; 901 Powell.

Folger, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert; 1335 Leavenworth. (Tel. Sutter 481.)

Folger, Mr. and Mrs. James A.; 2829 Pacific Avenue.

Follis, Mr. Clarence G.; 2230 Washington. (Tel. West 780.)

_____, Dr. R. H.; San Rafael, Cal.

Follis, Mr. and Mrs. James H.; 1920 Jackson. (Tel. West 463.)

Folsom, Mr. George S.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Folsom, Mr. and Mrs. George T.; Hotel Bella Vista. 2d and 4th Thursday.

Foltz, Mrs. Clara; 771 Haight. (Tel. Howard 981.)

Fonda, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.; 3714 Sacramento. 2d and 4th Thursday.

Fonda, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.; 3710 Clay. 1st and 3d Monday.

Fonda, Mr. Walter G.; 3710 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 21.)

Fonda, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.; 3712 Sacramento. (Tel. Baker 474.) Wednesday.

Fonda, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.; 3011 Sacramento. (Tel. Scott 98.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Fontana, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 825 Francisco. (Tel. Main 5764.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Margaret; Mark E.; Roland D.

Foorman, Mr. and Mrs. S.; Mr. I. S.; 2022 California. (Tel. West 656.)

Foote, Hon. and Mrs. H. S.; 2129 Green. 1st and 2d Friday.

Foote, Mr. and Mrs. H. S., Jr.; 1921 Sacramento. (Tel. Jackson 363.) Tuesday.

Foote, General Lucius H.; Bohemian Club.

Forbes, Mrs. Alexander; 2604 Jackson. (Tel. Steiner 2611.) San Rafael.

______, Miss Kate; William D.

Forbes, Mr. Andrew B.; 29 Essex. (Tel. Main 1118.)

Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.; 2123 Sacramento. (Tel. Scott 345.)

Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland; 1501B Larkin. (Tel. East 31.)

Forbes, Miss Euphemia; 1605 Franklin. (Tel. Polk 814.)

Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley; 2614 Scott. (Tel. West 535.) Friday.

Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B.; “Fairseat,” San Mateo, Cal.

Ford, Mr. Charles D.; 733 Ashbury. (Tel. Park 73.)

Ford, Mr. E. Courtney; Occidental Hotel.

Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Tirey L.; 1503 Steiner. (Tel. Pine 1261.) 4th Thursday.

Fore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.; Oakland, Cal. Thursday.

____, Miss; Miss Genevieve; Miss Ione; Miss Natalie.

Forman, Mr. and Mrs. Sands W.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Forster, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.; 2426 Howard. (Tel. Church 774.) 1st & 3d Friday.

______, Miss Florence Claire. Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Forsyth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 1304 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 760.)

Fortmann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F.; 1007 Gough N. W. cor. Eddy. Tuesday.

________, Miss Emma; Miss Stella F. (Tel. East 756.)

Forwood, Colonel W. H.; Chief Sturgeon, U. S. A.; Occidental Hotel.

Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.; “Fair Hills,” San Rafael, Cal. Friday.

_____, Miss. (Tel. Sunset, San Rafael, Main 5.)

Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Foster, Mr. C. M.; Miss Lottie; 575 O’Farrell.

Foster, Mr. Frank F.; Hotel Touraine. (Tel. Sutter 1156.)

Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Newton H.; 209 Walnut. (Tel. West 774.)

______, Miss Mabel.

Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel; 1722 Washington. 1st and 3d Friday.

Foster, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.; Hotel Repelier, 781 Sutter. (Tel. East 156.) Monday.

_____, Miss Nellie R. Couch.

Foulkes, Mr. Wade H.; 2524 Clay. (Tel. Scott 1206.)

Foulkes, Mrs. M. K.; Miss May; 3645 Washington. (Tel. Steiner 4766.) 4th Tues.

Foulks, Mr. George H.; 863 Bush.

Foute, Rev. and Mrs. R. C.; 1915 Gough. (Tel. West 955.) Wednesday.

_____, George de K.

Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.; 1220 Masonic. (Tel. Park 148.) 1st Thursday.

Fowzer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob; 1148 Market. (Tel. Folsom 1561.) Thursday.

Fox, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Fox, Dr. J. M.; 223 Powell.

Foye, Mrs. Alice M.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Francis, Mr. Harry; 503 California. Residence, San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Frank, Mrs. F. P.; 1601 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 82.) Friday.

Frank, Mr. Ludwig; 1308 Post.

Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H.; 2114 Central Avenue. (Tel. West 691.)

Frank, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1910 Washington. (Tel. East 210.) Friday.

_____, William Rudolph.

Franks, Mr. and Mrs. George M.; The Oliver. 2d and 3d Wednesday.

Fraser, Dr. Edwin J.; The Ralsten, 1222 Pine. (Tel. Polk 556.)

Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.; 610 Mason. (Tel. East 108.)

Fratinger, Mrs. Julia; Miss Josie; 817 Eddy. (Tel. Larkin 1030.) Wednesday.

Frazer, Dr. Thomas; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. James L.; 1902 Broderick. (Tel. West 752.)

Fredericks, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.; 1810 Webster. (Tel. Geary 612.)

Fredericks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 1304A Masonic Avenue. (Tel. Fell 7256.)

Fredericks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F.; 935 Devisadero. (Tel. Page 401.)

Fredericks, Mr. Joseph; 1130 Ellis. (Tel. Steiner 2211.)

Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham C.; 3034 Washington.

Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Allen G.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. I.; 104½ Haight. (Tel. South 405.) Thursday.

_______, Miss Florence K.

Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene; 2360 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 307.) Last Friday.

Freese, Captain and Mrs. A. C.; 812 Fell. (Tel. Park 180.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

French, Mrs. George K.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

French, Mrs. M. T.; 1811 Pine. (Tel. Geary 1124.)

______, Miss; Miss Alice; Miss Ida; Walter E.

Freshman, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D.; 2610 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 2291.) Friday.

Fretwell, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Freud, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard; 1271 Clay. (Tel. Hyde 2536.) Monday.

_____, Martin Hayes.

Fricke, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 751 Cole. (Tel. Page 14.)

Friederich, Mr. Gustav; 1412 Washington. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

________, Miss Marguerite; Miss Beatrice; Mr. Alfred.

Friedhofer, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. F.; 2007 Howard. (Tel. Mission 140.)

Friedlander, Mr. and Mrs. E.; 158 Central Avenue. (Tel. Baker 161.)

_________, Mr. A.; Mr. S.

Friedlander, Miss Fannie; Miss May; 2018 Buchanan. (Tel. West 36.)

Friedlander, Mr. and Mrs. T. Carry; 2018 Buchanan. (Tel. West 36.)

Friedlander, Mr. Joseph; 916 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 2201.)

Friedlander, Mr. Samuel H.; Cal. Theater. (Tel. Main 1731), or Palace Hotel.

Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Max; 1736 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Scott 1341.)

Friedman, Mr. I.; 1736 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Scott 1341.)

Friedman, Mr. Samuel; 1736 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Scott 1341.)

Friele, Captain and Mrs. D. E.; Palace Hotel. Monday. Steamer “China.”

Friend, Mrs. A. C.; 807 California. (Tel. Davis 142.)

Fries, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1814 Washington. Friday.

Frink, Dr. and Mrs. George K.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal. Tuesday.

Frink, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Hotel Pleasanton. Tuesday.

Frisbie, Dr. and Mrs. E. G.; 1610 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 591.) 2d & 4th Friday.

Fritch, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1008 Green.

Fritch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Homer; 922 Page. (Tel. Page 1182.)

Fritz, Judge Alfred J.; 131 De Long Avenue.

Fritz, Mr. and Mrs. E. N.; 101 Frederick. (Tel. Page 755.) 1st and 4th Tuesday.

____, Miss Dollie.

Froelich, Mr. Christian; Pacific-Union Club.

Frolich, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. H.; 1457 Fulton. (Tel. Fell 1062.)

Frowenfeld; Mr. and Mrs. J.; 2411 Jackson. (Tel. West 737.)

Fry, Mrs. A. G.; 2418 Webster.

Fry, Colonel and Mrs. John D.; 1812 Jackson. (Tel. East 1.) Friday.

Fry, Mr. Robert D.; 1812 Jackson. (Tel. East 1.)

Fugazi, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.; 5 Montgomery Ave.; res., San Rafael, Marin Co.

Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.; 2605 California. (Tel. West 154.) 1st Friday.

Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 331 First Avenue. (Tel. Baker 596.)

Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. George W.; 2101 Webster. (Tel. Pine 2931.)

Fuller, Colonel and Mrs. Jesse B.; 16 Broderick. (Tel. Page 1095.)

_____, John L.

Fuller, Mr. J. L.; 308 Pine; residence, Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Fuller, Mrs. Margaret H.; 839 O’Farrell. (Tel. East 80.)

_____, Miss Nellie; Miss Bertha.

Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood W.; 34 Hill. (Tel. Capp 402.) Thursday.

_____, Henry Hale.

Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5995.) Monday.

_____, Master.

Fulton, Miss Adelaide M.; The Plymouth, 952 Bush.

Gabbs, Dr. and Mrs. M. F.; 307 Spruce. (Tel. Scott 623.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Gadner, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 2012 Fillmore. (Tel. Geary 1080.)

Gage, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 822 Bush. (Tel. Main 5831.)

Gage, Mr. George; 3005 Jackson. (Tel. Geary 1164.)

Gallagher, Mr. James L.; 1310 Page.

Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. John P.; Hotel Langham. (Tel. Bush 15.) 3d Tuesday.

________, Miss Annie; Miss Tessie; Mr. J. Paul.

Gallagher, Mr. Robert F.; 1025C Howard.

Galland, Mrs. J. B.; 1321 Octavia. (Tel. Pine 4331.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Gallatin, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 2401 Scott, cor. Jackson. 1st and 3d Friday.

______, Miss Leta; Albert, Jr. (Tel. Steiner 2791.)

Gallois, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene; 1709 California. (Tel. West 910.) Friday.

______, Miss Jeanne; Mr. Jean.

Galloway, Mrs. Martha; Miss Martha S.; William T.; 2203 Devisadero.

Gallwey, Dr. and Mrs. John; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Bush 84.) Monday.

Galpin, Mr. and Mrs. Philip G.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Galvan, Dr. and Mrs. T.; The Langham. (Tel. Howard 1481.) 2d & 4th Wed’y.

Gambitz, Mrs. K.; Miss Nathalie; Miss Lillian M.; 1465 Oak. 1st Tuesday.

_______, Dr. Milton R. (Tel. Fell 172.)

Gamble, Miss Sara B.; The Century Club, 1215 Sutter. Thursday.

Gantner, Mrs. Nannette, 1027 Franklin. Monday.

______, J. Oscar; Frederick G.

Ganz, Mr. and Mrs. Max.; 1400 Sutter. (Tel. East 374.)

Garber, Miss E. B.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Gardet, Mr. and Mrs. Victor; 316 Fifth Avenue. 1st Tuesday.

Gardiner, Dr. S. J.; Hotel Langham. (Tel. Bush 15.)

Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; St. Nicholas Hotel. 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______, Miss Alice M. (Tel. South 778.)

Gardner, Mr. Frank A.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine.

Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 836 Sutter. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Gardner, Dr. and Mrs. M.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Bush 354.) San Mateo.

Gardner, Dr. S. J.; S. P. Hospital, 14th and Mission. (Tel. Mission 18.)

Garnett, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A.; 35 Essex. Wednesday.

_______, William H.; Edgar M.; Kennedy P.

Garoutte, Judge and Mrs. Charles H.; 1890 Page. (Tel. Page 505.)

Garratt, Mrs. Anna G.; 1720 Washington. (Tel. Polk 1621.)

Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F.; 1307 Guerrero.

Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.; 520 Jones. (Tel. East 751.) Wednesday.

Gartland, Mr. John B. 632 Post.

Gatley, Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.; 530 Guerrero. 1st Wednesday.

Gaudin, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick; 1350 Webster. Monday.

Gauld, Mr. and Mrs. George G.; 2901 Jackson. (Tel. Scott 1160.) Tuesday.

Gaylord, Mrs.; Miss; Mr. Richard; The Colonial.

Geandrot, Mrs. E. L.; Hotel Sutherland, 791 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 2296.) Monday.

Gedge, Dr. H. Edward; 1162 Jackson.

Gehrels, Miss Etta; 25 Baker. (Tel. Scott 503.) 1st and 4th Thursday.

Gehret, Mr. and Mrs. Christian; 1417 Eddy. Tuesday.

Gehret, Mr. Frederick; 1417 Eddy.

Geissler, Mr. and Mrs. Louis F.; 823 Fillmore. (Tel. Page 201.) 1st Friday.

_______, Arthur D.; Stanford University.

Genthe, Dr. Arnold; 1532 Taylor. (Tel. East 697.)

Georges, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard; 2200 Vallejo. 1st and last Tuesday.

_______, Egbert T.

Gerberding, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 2815 Scott. (Tel. Jackson 251.) Friday.

Gere, Dr. and Mrs. George G.; 1732 Waller. (Tel. Fell 6211.) Wednesday.

Gerst, Mr. and Mrs. G.; The California Hotel. 1st and 3d Monday.

____, Edgar.

Gerstle, Mr. and Mrs. L.; 1517 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 311.) Friday except 1st.

______, Miss Bella F. “Violet Terrace,” San Rafael.

Gerstle, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.; 2340 Washington. (Tel. West 764.) Friday.

Gesford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.; 936 Valencia. Thursday.

Getz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1101 Laguna. (Tel. Geary 273.)

_____, Miss Maud; Miss Lillian; Miss Daisy; Milton E.

Ghirardelli, Mr. and Mrs. Domingo; 2617 Laguna. 2d and 4th Friday.

________, Miss Alida; Mr. Lyle. (Tel. Steiner 2521.)

Gibbons, Dr. Henry Jr.; 920 Polk. (Tel. East 177.) 1st and 2d Monday.

_______, Miss; Miss Margery.

Gibbons, Dr. Morton Raymond; 920 Polk. (Tel. East 177.)

Gibbons, Mr. Henry Walter; 920 Polk. (Tel. East 177.)

Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 833 Post. (Tel. Polk 873.) Tuesday.

_____, Miss Mary P.; Miss Lena I.; Miss Helen; Miss Virginia; George.

Gibbs, Mrs. C .V. S.; 1436 Page. (Tel. Park 229.) Thursday. San Rafael.

_____, Harry T.

Gibbs, Mrs. George W.; 2622 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 1451.) Friday.

Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.; 1135 Taylor. Tuesday.

_____, Miss; Frederic M.

Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.; Fruitvale, Alameda Co. 2d and 4th Thursday.

Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 504A Baker. (Tel. Park 139.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Mae.

Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. K.; 2108 Broadway. (Tel. West 444.)

Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 912 Dolores.

Giesting, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G.; 1928 Pine. (Tel. Pine 3941.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

_______, Miss Lavinia.

Gifford, Mrs. Ernestine C.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

______, Miss Ernestine.

Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.; San Rafael. (Tel. Sunset, Red 551.) Thursday.

Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.; 509 Stevenson. (Tel. South 75.)

Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B.; Sausalito, Marin Co. Thursday, 1 to 3 P.M.

Gildea, Mr. J. J.; 1223 Bush.

Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.; 1800 O’Farrell. Tuesday.

Gilliland, Mr. and Mrs. Adam; 127 Sixth Avenue. (Tel. Baker 705.) Tuesday.

Gillig, Mr. and Mrs. John; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 2032 Bush. Monday.

Gilmour, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkes; 827 Polk.

_______, Miss Isadore Lasker.

Girvin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.; Menlo Park, Cal.

Giselman, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1720 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Pine 851.)

Givens, Mr. Charles S.; Pacific-Union Club.

Gladding, Mrs. Sarah A.; 1611 Franklin. (Tel. East 959.)

Glascock, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Glaser, Dr. and Mrs. E. F.; 832 Sutter. (Tel. East 129.) 2d and 3d Wednesday.

Glass, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1415 Jones. (Tel. East 914.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Rosalind.

Gleason, Mrs. William; 2190 Sutter. (Tel. Geary 1252.)

_______, Miss Genevieve; William J.

Gleaves, Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm; Hotel Oliver. Thursday.

Gleaves, Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm Jr.; 1530 California.

Gleaves, Dr. C. C.; Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine.

Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.; The Strathmore, 207 Larkin. Tuesday. Fruitvale.

Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. John Q.; Fruitvale, Alameda County, Cal.

Glenn, Mr. W. C.; East Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Goad, Mr. William Frank; 2000 Gough. (Tel. West 82.)

Godchaux, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond; 2620 Buchanan. (Tel. West 959.)

Godeau, Mr. and Mrs. Julius S.; 419 Green. (Tel. Main 1995.) 4th Friday.

Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.; 1312 Leavenworth. Tuesday.

Godley, Mrs. Montgomery; 3036 California. (Tel. Pine 4771.) Thursday.

______, Philip L.; Montgomery Jr.

Godley, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E.; 2918 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Baker 1221.)

Godwin, Mr. Thomas; 21 Mills Building, sixth floor.

Goetze, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 426 Powell. (Tel. Red 3971.) 2d Wednesday.

Goewey, Mrs. James M.; 300 Page. (Tel. Fell 5321.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Gertrude; Charles H.; Frank B.; J. Monroe.

Golcher, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.; 719 Cole.

Golcher, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; 712 Cole. (Tel. Fell 151.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob; 1807 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 3921.) 2d & 4th Fri.

________, Sol B.

Goldstone, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; 414 Buchanan. Wednesday.

Golly, Mr. and Mrs. Edward V.; 1120 Filbert. Wednesday.

Goodall, Mrs. Charles; 1345 McAllister. (Tel. Park 172.) San Mateo.

Goodall, Mr. Harry W.; 3638 Washington. (Tel. West 605.)

Goodloe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul T.; 2814 Webster. (Tel. Pine 1211.)

Goodman, Mrs. J. H.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5959.)

Goodman, General T. H.; Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, Cal. (Tel. Main 101.)

Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Bery; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday. San Rafael.

Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene; San Mateo, Cal.

Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.; 2505 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 651.) Friday.

Gordon, Mr. Cuthbert P; 1256 California.

Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; 401 Ashbury, cor. Oak. (Tel. Page 1632.)

Gordon, Mrs. Julia N.; 2900 California.

Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. James E.; 2900 California. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

______. Miss Mabel F.; Miss Edith L.; Miss Carrie I.

Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. N. H.; Hotel Pleasanton. 1st and 2d Monday.

Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Philip K.; 3956 Washington. (Tel. Pine 2501.)

Gorham, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley T.; 1824 Vallejo. Friday.

Goss, Dr. Alice M.; 606 Sutter. (Tel. Main 883.)

Gottlob, Mr. Jacob J.; Mr. Joseph; Hotel Richelieu.




Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 76-85.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







Golden Nugget Library