San Francisco



Pages 49-75


Abbot, Mr. George; Pacific-Union Club. Cambridge, Mass.

Abbot, Mr. and Mrs. S. Leonard, Jr.; 2511 Pierce. (Tel. Geary 662) Friday

Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.; 1632 Vallejo. (Tel. Sutter 131.) 1st, 2d & 3d Friday.

Abbott, Mrs. Maude Lee; 2021 California. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. William; 345 Haight. Thursday.

¾¾¾, Miss; Miss Susie S.

Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.; 778 Clayton. (Tel. Page 1072.) 2d & 3d Friday.

Abercrombie, Mr. G. M.; Crocker Building.

Abrams, Dr. and Mrs. Albert; 401 Baker. (Tel. Park 171.)

Abramson, Mr. and Mrs. E.; 623 Baker. (Tel. Park 35.) 1st Wednesday.

Abramoff, Signor and Mme. A.; 550 Sutter.

Ackerman, Mr. Albert H.; 2419 Washington. (Tel. West 160.)

Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.; 2202 California.

Ackerman, Mr. Henry L.; 1012 Ellis.

Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. I. S.; 1423 Sutter.

Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.; 2120 Jackson. (Tel. West 406.)

Adam, Mr. L. Douglass; 1449 Clay.

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Adams, Mr. Amos C.; 2401 Webster. (Tel. Steiner 2276.)

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald H.; Alameda, Alameda Co. Thursday.

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.; 1248 Waller. (Tel. Page 1583.) 1st & 2d Thursday.

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 114 Maple. (Tel. Geary 25.) Friday.

Adams, Mr. Edward Mills; 508 Montgomery.

Adams, Rev. and Mrs. George C.; 2710 Devisadero. Tuesday.

¾¾¾, Miss Mary S.; Frank M. (Tel. Pine 4841.)

Adams, Mr. James C.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Adams, Mrs. Jay H.; 1913 Pacific Avenue.

¾¾¾, Mr. Frank H.

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Jay W.; 1686 Page. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

¾¾¾, Miss Nonie L.

Adams, Mrs. John Q.; 603 Polk.

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson S.; 875 Bush. (Tel. 3781.)

¾¾¾, Lawson S. Jr.

Adams, Mrs. L. E.; 2424 Pacific Avenue. Friday.

Adams, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; Menlo Park. Friday.

Adderson, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 3226 Twenty-first. Wednesday.

Adie, Miss Ellen G.; 1542 Webster. Tuesday.

Adler, Dr. Albert S.; 1113 Sutter. (Tel. East 590.)

Adler, The Misses; Mr. Albert; The Colonial.

Agar, Mr. and Mrs. John G.; California Hotel. Menlo Park.

Ager, Captain John E.; 324 Bartlett.

Ahlers, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 1102 Eddy. Tuesday.

¾¾¾, Miss Lillian.

Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. George M.; 425 Harrison.

Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.; 1931 Pacific Avenue. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Aiken, Mr. Charles S.; 2022 Van Ness Avenue.

Alberger, Colonel and Mrs. W. C.; 2221 Pacific Avenue. Wednesday.

¾¾¾, Miss Ida W.; Miss Maud T.

Albertson, Mrs. Joseph A.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Alden, Mrs. V.; 1611 Scott. (Tel. Pine 3251.)

¾¾¾, Dr. Bertram F.

Alderson, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.; 2628 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 70.) Monday.

¾¾¾, Miss Edith; Miss Margaret.

Aldrich, Mrs. L.; 1123 Leavenworth.

Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart; The Renton, 712 Sutter. Monday.

Aldrich, Mr. William F.; 1123 Leavenworth.

Alexander, Mrs. C. W.; Mr. D. E.; 119 Hermann. Friday.

Alexander, Mrs. G.; 1268 O’Farrell. (Tel. Steiner 4336.) Tuesday.

¾¾¾, Dr. M. O. (Tel. Black 4259.)

Alexander, Mr. Leo E.; Michael S.; Hotel Granada, 1000 Sutter.

Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; Hotel Bertling.

Alisky, Mr. Charles W.; Columbian Building, 916 Market. (Tel. Main 1187.)

Alford, Mr. William Hays; 1317 Hyde. (Tel. Bush 71.)

Allan, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; Belmont, San Mateo County, Cal.

¾¾¾, Miss Fannie B.; James A.

Allen, Mr. Arthur F.; 1970 Page.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.; Oakland. (Tel. Sunset, Main 1096.) Thursday.

¾¾¾, Miss Gertrude.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L.; The Baltimore, 1013 Van Ness Avenue.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.; 2204 Jackson. (Tel. West 103.) Friday.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard; 306 Laurel. (Tel. Jackson 941.) Wednesday.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F.; Ross Station, Marin County, Cal.

Allen, Rev. and Mrs. G. B.; “Brantwood,” Larkspur, Marin County, Cal.

¾¾¾, Will C.; Mr. H. S.; “Brentwood,” Larkspur, Marin County, Cal.

Allen, H. S.; 510 Montgomery. (Tel. Main 1042.) “Brantwood,” Larkspur, Cal.

Allen, Mrs. L. T.; 2309 California. 1st and 3d Thursday.

¾¾¾, T. G.; L. C.; Dr. Henry Graham. (Tel. Hyde 2316.)

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. James M.; 3400 Washington. (Tel. West 219.) Friday.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Peter C.; (abroad); Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt H. (nee Latham); Ross Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Allison, Mr. and Mrs. D. E.; 2423 Broadway. (Tel. Geary 661.) Friday.

¾¾¾, David E., Jr.; Edward R.

Allyne, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; N. W. cor. Gough and Green. 1st Wednesday.

¾¾¾, Miss; Miss Edith W. (Tel. West 487.)

Almagia, Mr. G.; Commercial Hotel. (Tel. Bush 191.)

Alton, Mr. Thomas. Oakland, Cal.

Altschul, Mr. Charles; 1721 Jackson. (Tel. Sutter 2921.)

Altschul, Mr. Richard; 1096 Post.

Alvord, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; 2548 Jackson. (Tel. West 426.) Tues. in Jan. & Feb.

Ambrose, Mr. J. R.; Berkeley, Cal.

Ames, Miss Dorothy; 2131 Green. (Tel. Geary 301.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Ames, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.; Mercantile Library Building. Wednesday.

Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M.; Mercantile Library Building. Wednesday.

Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Ames, Mr. George E.; 1244 California. (Tel. Larkin 846.)

Ames, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 2500 Green. (Tel. Pine 1996.) Friday.

Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.; 3500 Green. (Tel. Pine 1996.) Friday.

Ames, Miss Laura M.; 1244 California. (Tel. Larkin 846.)

Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Pelham W.; 1312 Taylor. (Tel. Main 1752.) Tuesday.

¾¾¾, Miss Elizabeth G.; Worthington.

Amphlett, Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.; 1795 Sutter. Last Thursday.

¾¾¾, Miss Edith Jane; Horace W.

Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew; 119 Capp. (Tel. White 1097.)

¾¾¾, Miss Edna; Harry A.; Alvin.

Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.; 721 Ashbury. (Tel. Fell 218.) Friday.

Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. (Tel. East 78.) Monday.

_______, Miss Jessie; Scott.

Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. J. A.; 3783 Twentieth. (Tel. Mission 161.) Wednesday.

_______, Miss Ivy; Miss Jessamine; Miss Violet.

Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Nels; 2826 Howard. Thursday.

_______, Miss Eva C.

Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. T.; 2815 Devisadero. (Tel Scott 663.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Anderson, Mr. William H.; San Anselmo, Marin County, Cal.

Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. W.; 2115 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 123.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Andrade, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.; 936 Geary.

Andres, Mr. and Mrs. George S.; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Adam; 2107 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 291.)

Andrew, Mrs. William; 646 Fell. (Tel. Fell 1281.)

______, Miss Edith. 1st Friday.

Andrews, Mrs. H.; 312 Bartlett. (Tel. White 1981.) Friday.

______, Dr. Harry A.

Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.; 2230 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 136.) Friday.

Andrews, Mr. W. J.; 898 Steiner. (Tel. Page 7611.)

Andros, Mr. and Mrs. Milton; 1918 Broadway. (Tel. West 418.) Friday.

______, Miss Helen.

Androus, Mr. S. N.; Palace Hotel.

Angus, Mr. and Mrs. William; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Ansbro, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.: 2419 Webster. (Tel. Geary 1223.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Irene.

Anspacher, Mr. and Mrs. Philip; 2315 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 3811.)

Anspacher, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 2604 Pacific Avenue. Friday.

Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 2301 Steiner. Wednesday.

Argenti, Professor J. J. B.; 19 Belvedere. (Tel. Page 7401.)

Armer, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.; 1201 Devisadero. (Tel. Scott 441.) 1st Saturday.

Armer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben; 2707 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 3881.) 1st Wednesday.

______, Ben Jr.

Armistead, Dr. Cecil M.; 823 Geary. (Tel. Sutter 2666.)

Armsby, Mr. and Mrs. George N.; Hotel Richelieu and San Mateo.

Armstrong, Mrs. George; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Arndt, Dr. and Mrs. H. R.; 1909 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 3241.) Monday afternoon.

Arnhold, Mr. and Mrs. Benj.; 2342 Devisadero. (Tel. West 132.) 2d Wednesday.

Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Austin; 413 Van Ness Avenue. Thursday.

Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus M.; 1011 Haight. Wednesday.

Arnold, Dr. and Mrs. J. Dennis; 1296 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 62.)

______, Misses.

Artigues, Dr. and Mrs. J. E.; 1630 Broadway. (Tel. East 934.) 2d Tuesday.

Ashburner, Mrs. William; 1014 Pine. (Tel. East 991.) Monday, January to May.

Ashe, Mrs. Caroline L.; 2315 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 426.) Friday.

______, Miss Elizabeth; Mr. A. Sidney; Tres Pinos, Cal.

Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. Gaston M.; 2330 Pacific Avenue.

Ashe, Mr. R. Porter; Bohemian Club, or 1127 Bush.

Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. William L.; 2315 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 426.) Thursday.

Ashworth, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Parker; 901 Haight. (Tel. Fell 7491.)

Ashworth, Dr. and Mrs. F. D.; 2497 Mission. (Tel. Church 741.)

Ashworth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 806 McAllister. 1st Thursday.

Atherton, Mr. Faxon D.; Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.

Atkins, Dr. Albert J.; 1001 Sutter. (Tel. East 573.)

Atkins, Mr. Robert S.; 1306 Masonic Avenue.

Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.; 1348 Hyde.

______, Chester H.

Atkinson, Miss Kate M.; 1032 Broadway. Tuesday. Shasta County.

Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L.; 417 Devisadero. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T.; 2508 Clay. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

______, Miss Maud; Miss Ella R.

Austin, Mrs. Fannie M.; 1432 Geary. (Tel. West 273.)

Austin, Mr. and Mr. (sic) Joseph; 340 Page. (Tel. Page 7501.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Austin, Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm O.; 3593 Nineteenth. (Tel. White 76.) Tuesday.

Averill, Miss; 1014 Pine. (Tel. East 991.) Monday, January to May.

Avery, Mr. and Mrs. D. R.; 708 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 41.) Tuesday.

Avis, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 1237 McAllister.

______, Miss Pearl; Miss Azel.

Axelrood, Dr. and Mrs. Max; 409½ Post. (Tel. James 2761.)

Axton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.; 721 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 2225.) Thursday.

______, Dr. Frederick R.

Aydelotte, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; E. Oakland. (Tel. Sunset, Vale 593.) 3d Thursday.

Ayer, Mrs. Washington; 1622 Clay. (Tel. Larkin 1212.) 1st and 2d Thursday.

______, Miss Mabel Adams.

Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor P.; 3412 Washington. (Tel. West 880.)

Ayers, Dr. Matilda J.; Murphy Building. 1236 Market.

Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Friday.

Babcock, Mr. Harry; Palace Hotel, or Pacific-Union Club. San Rafael.

Babcock, General and Mrs. John B.; U. S. A.; Hotel Richelieu.

Babcock, Mrs. John P.; The Colonial. (Tel. East 99.)

Babcock, Mrs. Mary; 506 Clayton. 4th Friday.

Babin, Mr. and Mrs. Landry C.; 2415 Washington.

Babin, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert C.; 3120 Washington.

Babin, Mr. and Mrs. Demas C.; 1314 Page.

Bach, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; “Quisisana,” Ross Valley. 1st and 3d Friday.

______, Miss Helene; Miss Margaret; Miss Elsie.

Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. L. S.; 2323 Devisadero. (Tel. West 977.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Blanche; Davis S.; Edwin.

Bachman, Mrs. Pauline; 2605 Steiner. (Tel. Steiner 2581.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Alice; Miss Norma; Laurence; Samuel N.; Walter N.

Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 1509 Gough. (Tel. West 856.) 2d, 3d and 4th Tuesday.

______, Miss Beatrice.

Bachman, Mr. Arthur; 2409 Scott. (Tel. West 985.)

Backus, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan; 3254 Nineteenth. Mill Valley.

Backus, General and Mrs. Samuel W.; California Hotel. Monday.

Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Gaston E.; 2695 Sacramento. (Tel. West 3.)

Bacon, Dr. William R.; 135 Geary; residence, Alameda.

Badger, Mr. William G.; 1921 Sacramento.

Badlam, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B.; 1519 Grove. (Tel. Page 6371.) Friday.

Baggett, Mr. and Mrs. William T.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday. Belvedere.

Baggs, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery; 3344 Clay. (Tel. Scott 24.) Friday.

______, Miss Geraldine C.

Bagley, Mrs. Angeline D.; 28 Liberty. (Tel. Mission 201.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Adele; William T.

Bahrs, Judge George H.; City Hall.

Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 236 Fair Oaks.

Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. James D.; 1915 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 2916.) Friday.

______, Miss Florence M.; Milton D.

Bailey, Mrs. M.; 1001 Fillmore. (Tel. Fell 6461.) 1st and 3d Monday.

______, Misses.

Baird, Mrs. C. B.; Mr. John Rush; 2513 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 794.)

Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Miles T.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. East 691.) Monday.

Baird, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; 2117 Howard. (Tel. Church 1231.) 2, 3, & 4 Wednesday.

Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Abijah; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. Main 370.) Monday.

Baker, Dr. Arthur W.; 1812 Lyon, near California.

Baker, Mr. Edmund; Cosmos Club. The California Hotel.

Baker, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

_____, Miss Irene; Harry L; R. T.

Baker, Mr. and Mrs. John, Jr.; 1806 Pine. (Tel. Baker 1193.)

Baker, Mrs. L. L.; (abroad).

_____, Philip S.

Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield; 2701 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 694.) Thursday.

Baldwin, Mrs. A. R.; 2900 Devisadero, cor. Union. (Tel. West 213.)

______, Miss Frances A.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. R.; 2900 Devisadero, cor. Union. (Tel. West 584.)

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. A. S.; 2231 Washington. (Tel. West 301.) Wednesday.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Barry; Miss. 1515 Scott. 3d Tuesday.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Jr.; 2945 Washington. 2d Wednesday.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A.; Westside, Santa Clara County, Burlingame.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.; Wellesley Hotel. (Tel. Larkin 641.) Friday.

Baldwin, Mrs. J. M.; 1521 Washington.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. O. D.; 3700 Washington. (Tel. West 773.) 1st & 2d Wed’y.

Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Orville R.; 2330 Pine; “Edgewood.” Mill Valley.

Baldwin, Miss Sue; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Balfe, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; Hotel Belle Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Ball, Mr. A. Everett; 1000 Van Ness Avenue.

Ballard, Mr. Irving T.; The Wenban, 606 Sutter.

Ballard, Dr. and Mrs. J. Stow; 610 Hyde. (Tel. East 306.) 1st Wednesday.

Bamberger, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J.; The Repelier, 781 Sutter. 3d Tuesday.

Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 2425 Green. (Tel. Jackson 264.) Friday.

Bandmann, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.; 2215 Broadway. 2d and 4th Friday.

Banner, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus; 1002 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 216.)

Bannerman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.; 3432 Twentieth. 1st and 4th Friday.

________, Miss Julia E.; Miss Elizabeth E.; John S.

Barbat, Dr. and Mrs. J. Henry; 1320 O’Farrell. (Tel. West 799.) Last Thursday.

Barbat. Dr. William B. F.; 1310 Folsom. (Tel. South 630.)

Barbee, Mrs. Emma H.; 1074 Union. (Tel. Larkin 486.) Monday.

______, Miss Lizzie; Frank P.

Barber, Mr. and Mrs. William; Ross Station, Marin County, Cal.

______, Miss Irene; Miss Mary.

Barbier, Mr. and Mrs. Howard; 1465 Fulton.

Barendt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H.; 113 De Long Avenue. (Tel. Page 212.)

Barkan, Dr. Adolph; 2209 Laguna, near Washington. (Tel. Baker 996.)

Barker, Admiral and Mrs. A. S.; C. S. N.; The Colonial.

Barker, Mr. and Mrs. John G.; The Colonial. Thursday.

Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A.; The Ralston, 1222 Pine. Thursday.

Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. James W.; 1310 Pierce. Thursday.

Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. C.; 864 McAllister.

Barnes, General and Mrs. William H. L.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Barnes, Lieutenant John Winthrop.

Barnes, Mr. William S.; The California Hotel.

Barnett, Dr. J.; 706 Sutter.

Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Barrett, Mr. Charles L.; Occidental Hotel. Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Barrett, Dr. Gilbert M.; 1828 Ellis. (Tel. Pine 326.)

Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Webb W.; 1002 Ellis. (Tel. East 182.) Wednesday.

Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. William G.; “Casa Madrona,” Sausalito, Cal.

Barrington, Mrs. A. O.; 110 Twelfth. (Tel. Mint 1965.) Wednesday.

_________, Miss Florence E.; Charles L.

Barron, Mrs. Edward; Palace Hotel. Mayfield Park, Mayfield, Cal.

Barrows, Mr. William H.; 1450 Hayes.

Barry, Dr. Ernest; 2208 Devisadero. (Tel. West 58.)

Barry, Judge Joseph E.; 417 Van Ness Avenue.

Barsotti, Dr. and Mrs. Camillo; 2308½ Taylor. (Tel. Black 3661.)

Barstow, Mrs. George; 927 Pine, near Taylor.

Barth, Mr. Rudolph; 310 Second Avenue.

Bartnett, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; 910 Lombard. (Tel. Sutter 241.) Thursday.

Barton, Mr. Benjamin F.; 908 Pine.

Barton, Mrs. John; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5427.) Monday.

_____, Miss Grace; William F.

Baruch, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 2121 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 723.)

Bass, Mrs. Ellen; Thomas J.; 2185 Fifteenth.

Bass, Dr. Frederick; 2044 Green. (Tel. Geary 150.)

Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.; San Mateo, Cal.

Bassett, Mr. Charles F.; 2314 Fifteenth.

Batchelder, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.; Fair Oaks, Menlo Park. (T. Suburban 221.) Fri.

Bateman, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L.; 920 Page. (Tel. Park 137.) 3d Thursday.

Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Conant; 1705 Octavia. 3d and 4th Friday.

____, Miss L.; Miss Bernice P.; Miss E. G.; Walter D. (Tel. West 196.)

Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.; 2932 Clay. (Tel. West 724.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.; 2725 Clay. (Tel. Geary 236.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Battams, Mrs. B. J.; Sausalito, Main County, Cal.

Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph C.; 4182 Seventeenth. (Tel. White 1186.) Thursday.

Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Emile; 1838 Geary. (Tel. West 274.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

_____, Miss Ivy.

Baum, Dr. and Mrs. R. W.; 719 Scott, near Fulton. (Tel. Park 182.)

Baumel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.; 4062 Twenty-fourth. Thursday.

Baur, Mr. Arthur; Mr. Frederick; 2326 California.

Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Duke F.; Blithedale, Marin County, Cal.

Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.; 1024 Ellis. (Tel. Polk 1111.) 3d Wednesday.

_____, C. A.; H. D.

Bayer, Dr. and Mrs. J.; 1703 Geary. (Tel. West 20.) 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Bayle, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; 1332 Fifth Avenue, South San Francisco.

Bayne, Mr. and Mrs. Richard; 1525 Washington. Wednesday.

Bazet, Dr. and Mrs. Louis; 910 Geary. (Tel. East 357.)

Beadle, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; 2426 Buchanan. (Tel. West 252.) 1st Tuesday.

Beale, Mr. Truxton; Pacific-Union Club.

Beall, Mr. and Mrs. John M.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Oak 163.)

Beam, Mr. and Mrs. I. Willard; 615 Steiner. (Tel. Park 52.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Ethel; Mr. Willard M.

Beamish, Mr. and Mrs. Percy; 2130 Howard. 2d and 4th Friday.

Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson; 659 Guerrero. (Tel. White 806.)

_____, Dr. George L.

Beardsey, Mrs. Margaret; 2901 Devidadero, cor. Union. 2d and 3d Friday.

Beard, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. N.; 3168 Twenty-first. (Tel. Mission 93.)

Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. William Adam; 2047 Pine. Wednesday.

Beatty, Judge and Mrs. William H.; 2409 Octavia. (Tel. Steiner 4481.)

______, Henry Oscar.

Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.; 2207 Clay. (Tel. West 143.) Tuesday.

Beaver, Mrs. George W.; 1300 Taylor. (Tel. Main 1116.) Tuesday.

______, Miss; Miss Kate; Miss Ethel.

Beck, Dr. H. M.; 246 Sutter. (Tel. Grant 21.)

Beck, Lieutenant-Colonel F. E.; Anglo-California Bank.

Beck, Mrs. Robert; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Beck, Mrs. Ruth M.; 1906 Laguna. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Becker, Mr. and Mrs. B. Adolph; 1910 California.

Becker, Miss Emma; 837 Sutter. 2d Wednesday.

Becker, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.; 3564 Seventeenth. 2d Thursday.

Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 115 Walnut. (Tel. Jackson 1421.) 2d & 4th Wed’y.

Bee, Mrs. S. Louise; 1017 Bush. (Tel. Hyde 2878.) 3d and 4th Monday.

Bee, Mr. Everett N.; University Club, or 1017 Bush. (Tel. Hyde 2878.)

Beede, Mr. and Mrs. James F.; 3925 California. (Tel. Steiner 251.) Wednesday.

Beers, Dr. and Mrs. Barrett; 914 Pine. Thursday.

Beers, Mrs. Hiram W.; Occidental Hotel. Monday. St. Helena.

Behlow, Mrs. C. J.; 1807 Octavia. (Tel. Steiner 4501.)Thursday.

______, Charles J., Jr.; Dudley E.

Behrnd, Mr. and Mrs. Gustav. Albert; 2310 Gough. Friday.

Belcher, Mrs. Isaac S.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

______, William J.; 600 Sutter.

Belcher, Judge and Mrs. E. A.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Belden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.; Ross Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Belden, Mr. and Mrs. Henry K.; 1632 Broadway. (Tel. Polk 1781.) 3 & 4 Tuesday.

______, Miss Louise.

Belgrano, Mr. and Mrs. Frank N.; Oakland, Cal. Wednesday afternoon.

Belknap, Dr. Florence A.; 1025 Sutter. (Tel. East 29.)

Belknap, Major and Mrs. U. S. A.; The Colonial. Thursday.

Bell, Dr. and Mrs. C. H.; 2625 Sacramento. (Tel. West 231.) 2d & 4th Thursday.

Bell, Mr. and Mrs. F. V.; 1702 Sacramento. (Tel. Larkin 693.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon; Prospect Heights, Oakland. (Tel. Sunset, Clay 401.)

Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L.; Hotel Granada, 1000 Sutter. 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Bell, Dr. William T.; 131 Powell. (Tel. Black 3051.)

Bemis, Mr. Charles C.; 419 Bryant. Friday.

_____, Miss Angie C.; Miss Elizabeth A.; Miss Mary E.

Benbough, Mr. Richard C.; the California Hotel.

Bendel, Col. and Mrs. Hermann; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal. Tuesday.

______, Miss Evelyn; Miss Johanna.

Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.; 1407 Washington.

Bender, Mr. and Mrs. David A.; 1812 Gough. 1st and 2d Wednesday.

______, Miss Ella Margaret; Miss Elizabeth. (Tel. East 784.)

Bender, Mr. and Mrs. George L.; 4521 Twentieth. (Tel. Church 34.)

______, Miss S. E.

Bender, Mr. William A.; 4521 Twentieth. (Tel. Church 34.)

Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. Courtland S.; 328 Valencia. (Tel. White 891.)

Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.; “Vista del Mar,” Belvedere, Cal. 1st and 3d Weds.

Bennett, Mrs. A. A.; 1217 California. Thursday.

_______, Miss Elba; Albert A.

Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. C.; 3410 Washington. (Tel. West 806.) 1st and 2d Friday.)

Bennett, Mrs. Ellen; The Lenox. (Tel. Main 1278.) Monday.

Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1931 Sutter. Thursday.

Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 939½ Dolores.

Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 1453 McAllister. (Tel. Page 1521.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Benson, Major and Mrs. Henry M.; 2603 Steiner. (Tel. Baker 492.)

______, Miss Maud.

Benson, Mr. John; Pacific-Union Club, 803 Stockton.

Benson, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; 841 Pine, Alamo, Cal.

Benson, Mr. and Mrs. P. F.; The Misses; 1016 Ellis. Wednesday.

Bent, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.; Hotel Wenban, 606 Sutter. Thursday.

Berg, Mr. and Mrs. William; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Bergerot, Mrs. John A.; Miss Marie; 14 Hollis. Monday.

Bergin, Mr. Edward E.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

_____, Miss Elizabeth; Miss Edson.

Bergin, Mr. Thomas I.; 2012 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 3290.)

Bergstein, Dr. and Mrs. Henry; 739 Post. (Tel. Black 5025.)

Bergerot, Mr. and Mrs. P. Alexander; 1019 Franklin. 1st and 3d Monday.

Beringer, Prof. and Mme. Joseph; 1614 Geary. (Tel. Jackson 1071.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Gladys.

Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.; Fruitvale, Alameda County, Cal. Thursday.

Bermingham, Mr. John; 741 Chestnut. (Tel. Main 5593.)

Bermingham, Mr. and Mrs. John Jr.; 1110 Taylor. (Tel. East 904.)

Bermingham, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.; Gough, near Pine.

Bernhard, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; 749 Laguna. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Bernheim, Mrs. Bertha; 1808 Sutter. (Tel. East 962.)

Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan L.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Berry, Mr. T. B.; 120 Sutter. Ross Valley, Marin County, Cal.

_____, Thomas C.; 202 California. Residence, Ross Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Berry, Dr. and Mrs. W. L.; 1425 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. West 292.) 3d Thursday.

Berson, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 227 Thirteenth. (Tel. White 881.) 1st Wednesday.

______, Adolph; Maurice A.; Mrs. A.

Bert, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 227 Thirteenth. (Tel. White 881.) 1st Wednesday.

Bertheau, Mr. and Mrs. Cesar; 2112 Vallejo. (Tel. Scott 204.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

_______, Miss Anita.

Bertheau, Mr. and Mrs. Max A.; 2416 Gough. (Tel. Geary 192.) 1st Friday.

Berthier, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.; 1794 Ellis, corner Steiner.

Berton, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.; 817 Mason. (Tel. Main 5177.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Bertz, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob; 1326 Hayes. (Tel. Fell 804.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

____, Miss Grace.

Beveridge, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; 3362 Jackson. (Tel. Geary 332.)

Beveridge, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 818 Devisadero. (Tel. Page 1650.) Wednesday.

________, Miss A.

Beylard, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.; San Mateo, Cal.

Bibb, Mr. and Mrs. D. H.; 2623 Laguna. 2d and 4th Thursday. Mill Valley.

Bibo, Mr. and Mrs. N.; The Bradbury. Last 2 Mondays.

____, Miss Ruth; Irving.

Bickel, Mr. and Mrs. Homer; 24 Hill. (Tel. Church 1132.) Wednesday.

Bien, Mrs. H. M.; 519 Devisadero. (Tel. 5571.) 2d Thursday.

____, Miss L. A.; Joseph E.; Louis H.

Bien, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 2920 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Baker 263.)

Bienenfeld, Miss Cecile; 2158 Pine. (Tel. Geary 287.) Wednesday.

_________, Miss Sara; Miss Harriette; Bernard.

Bier, Mr. & Mrs. C. S.; S. E. cor. Geary & Franklin. (T. Hyde 2496.) 1 & last Mon.

Bier, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.; 2302 Steiner. (Tel. Pine 4648.) 1st and last Thursday.

Bigelow, Mr. Edwin W.; 429 Buchanan.

Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.; 2603 California. 1st and 2d Friday.

Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.; 1300 McAllister. (Tel. Page 5391.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.; 1917 Pacific Avenue.

Biggs, Mr. and Mrs. Harrie C.; 1700 Pierce.

Billings, Mr. and Mrs. George E.; 1612 Clay. Tuesday. Mill Valley.

Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 1501½ Golden Gate Ave. (Tel. Pine 5051.) Millwood.

Birch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.; Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine. Thursday.

Bird, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson J.; 2100 Bush.

Bishop, Mr. Charles R.; Occidental Hotel.

Bishop, Mrs. I. H.; N. W. cor. Baker & Haight. (Tel. West 54.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.; 2309 Washington. Tuesday.

_____, James H.; Thomas P.; Frank E.; Edward F.

Bissell, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; Alameda, Cal.

Bissinger, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1918 Jackson. (Tel. Steiner 111.) 1st and 4th Friday.

Bissinger, Mr. & Mrs. S.; 2129 Jackson, cor. Buchanan. (Tel. Steiner 4271.) Thurs.

_______, Newton.

Bixby, Mrs. John W.; Miss Susanna P.; Hotel Bella Vista. Monday.

Bixler, Mr. & Mrs. D.; 2845 Pierce, cor. Union. (Tel. West 89.) 2d, 3d, 4th Friday.

_____, David Jr.

Blach, Dr. and Mrs. Charles; 1319 Ellis.

_____, Miss Rosa; Bert.

Black, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L.; 1521 Sacramento. (Tel. Polk 324.) Thursday.

Black, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.; 1316 Green. (Tel. Hyde 2466.) 2d & 4th Wednesday.

Black, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Black, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.; 131 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 711.)

_____, Miss Anita.

Black, Dr. and Mrs. J. A.; Hotel Richelieu. (Tel. East 325.) 1st Monday.

Black, Mr. Joseph; The California Hotel.

Black, Miss S. E.; Hotel Richelieu.

Black, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.; 1324 Octavia.

Blackburn, Dr. and Mrs. D. E.; 1802 Market. (Tel. Howard 1425.) 2d Thursday.

Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. William; Hotel Savoy. Monday.

Blackwood, Mrs. Elizabeth; Mr. Harry T.; 2002 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Baker 1491.)

Blades, Mr. Paul H.; 227 Ashbury. (Tel Park 51.)

Blair, Mr. and Mrs. E. S.; 2327 Fillmore.

Blair, Mrs. Samuel M.; (abroad.)

____, Miss Jennie; William S.

Blake, Dr. and Mrs. A. E.; 50 Geary. (Tel. Red 586.) Monday.

Blake, Mrs. Charles E.; Hotel Bradbury.

Blake, Miss Laura A.; 35 Belvedere. Thursday.

Blake, Mrs. Maurice B.; 808 Hyde. Thursday.

Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Seth B.; The Colonial. Thursday.

_____, Miss Cornelia Shaw.

Blakeman, Mr. and Mrs. T. Z.; 1607 Gough. (Tel. Sutter 301.) Monday.

________, Miss Leontine.

Blanchard, Mrs. Etta B.; Milton E.; 1609 Washington.

Blanchard, Mr. H. P.; The Renton, 712 Sutter.

Blanchard, Mr. John O.; 1433 California.

Blanding, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon; 1900 Franklin. (Tel. West 57.) Thursday.

_______, Miss Susie; Mr. Tevis.

Blankenship, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; 826 Powell. Monday.

Blaskower, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 2111 Jackson. Wednesday.

Blatchley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.; Alameda, Cal. Thursday.

Blethen, Mr. and Mrs. Clark; Miss; 1718 Washington.

Blethen, Mr. Howard T.; The Colonial.

Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 1904 Golden Gate Avenue. Thursday.

____, Charles; Herbert.

Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; 1581 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. East 65.) Monday.

____, Richard; George D. Jr.

Bliss, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A.; Corte Madera, Marin County, Cal.

Bliss, Mr. Duane L.; Palace Hotel or Broadway and Baker.

Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.; N. E. corner Broadway and Baker. (Tel. West 716.)

Blitz, Mrs. Caroline; Hotel Wenban. 606 Sutter. (Tel. Main 635.)

Bloch, Mrs. Celine; 1520 O’Farrell. (Tel. West 697.)

_____, Miss; Miss Estella; Miss Helen.

Bloch, Dr. Herbert I.; 1520 O’Farrell. (Tel. West 697.)

Block, Mrs. Elias M.; 1613 Larkin. 1st and 2d Tuesday. October to March.

Block, Mr. and Mrs. James N.; 1923 Vallejo. (Tel. West 533.) Friday.

_____, Norburn.

Block, Miss Olga; 406 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Folsom 566.) 1st Sunday.

Blodgett, Mr. & Mrs. E. A.; 2308 Buchanan. (Tel. Steiner 3341.) 2d & 4th Thursday.

Bloomer, Mrs. John G.; Miss Augusta A.; 630 Page. Wednesday.

Blow, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W.; Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine.

Blum, Dr. Sanford; 1243 Franklin. (Tel. East 964.)

Blum, Mr. and Mrs. Jacques; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5914.) Monday.

____, Armand; Sylvian.

Boalt, Judge and Mrs. John H.; Palace Hotel. Oakland, Cal.

Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Jr.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Boardman, Mrs. and Mrs. G. C.; 1750 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 501.) Tuesday.

________, Samuel H.; T. Danforth.

Boardman, Mr. Louis P.; California Hotel.

Boequeraz, Mr. Leon; 607 Sutter.

Boericke, Dr. and Mrs. William; 1812 Washington. (Tel. East 283.) Friday.

Bogart, Mr. Arthur W.; 501 Devisadero.

Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando H.; Miss Mave; 1145 Bush. Wednesday.

Bogart, Mr. W. F.; Examiner office.

Boggs, Mrs. John; 2118 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 633.) Princeton, Colusa Co.

_____, Miss Alice J; Fred H.

Boland, Mr. and Mrs. P.; 1023 Bush. Wednesday.

Boldemann, Mr. Charles A.; 2624 Sutter. (Tel. Pine 3621.) Monday.

_________, Miss Emma; Miss Alice; Dr. Lillie.

Bolles, Captain and Mrs. O. F.; Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.

Bolte, Miss Jeanne; 2318 California. Friday.

Bolton, Mr. A. E.; Crocker Building; residence Oakland.

Bolton, Mr. Robert C.; 2101A Webster. (Tel. West 379.) Mill Valley, Cal.

Bonelli, Mr. and Mrs. E. S.; 301 Jones. (Tel. East 303.) Friday.

Bonestell, Mr. Chesley K.; 512 Stockton. (Tel. James 2611.) San Mateo.

Bonestell, Mr. and Mrs. Cutler L.; Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.

Bonestell, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; San Mateo, Cal. Thursday.

Bonestell, Mr. Louis H.; 512 Stockton. (Tel. James 2511.) San Mateo, Cal.

Bonestell, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gray; The Wellesley Hotel and San Mateo, Cal.

Bonnell, Mr. Edwin; 101 Montgomery; residence, Berkeley.

Bonner, Miss Geraldine; 1900 Vallejo.

Bonnet, Mr. Theo. F.; Press Club, or 111 Devisadero.

Bonny, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce; 2640 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 381.) Edge Cliff.

            Sausalito. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Boole, Mr. Fred W.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Booker, Mr. George E.; 2215 Steiner. (Tel. West 759.) Thursday.

______, Miss Edith; Miss Ethel; Howard; Allan.

Boomer, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.; 1300 Page. (Tel. Pine 11.) 1st and 2d Tuesday.

______, Preston H.; Fletcher W. (Boise City, Idaho.)

Booth, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.; 2510 Washington. (Tel. West 106.) Friday.

Booth, Mr. James P.; Press Club, 123 Ellis.

Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Ivey L.; 1501 Van Ness Avenue.

Borden, Mrs. Juliet E.; 424 Scott. Friday.

Borel, Mr. and Mrs. Antoine; San Mateo. (Abroad.)

_____, Miss Chonita; Miss Sophie.

Borland, Mr. James H.; 317 Powell. (Tel. Main 807.)

Borland, Mrs. Margaret; 1724 O’Farrell. (Tel. Steiner 365.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Nettie; Miss May.

Bornemann, Mr. and Mrs. G. G.; 417 Ashbury. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Borrowe, Captain and Mrs. William; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Bosque, Miss Mary; 681 Hayes. (Tel. Park 195.) 2d Wednesday.

Bosqui, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; Ross Valley; Marin County, Cal. Tuesday.

______, Edward L.

Bostwick, Mr. Frank F.; Eastland, Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Bosworth, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.; 3976 Twenty-third. (Tel. Scott 728.)

________, Paul H.; George W.

Bosworth, Miss Lillie; 1738 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Scott 728.)

Bothin, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.; 1630 Jackson. (Tel. Hyde 2341.) “Edgewood,” Ross

            Valley. Friday.

Bourdette, Mr. John W.; 314 Van Ness Avenue. Belmont, Cal.

________, Miss Minnie; Miss Kate L.

Bourn, Mrs. Sarah E.; 2030 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 1431.) Wednesday.

_____, Misses.  Country residence, St. Helena, Cal.

Bourn, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.; 2550 Webster. (Tel. West 115.) Grass Valley, Cal.

Bouvier, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred; 397 Laurel. (Tel. Pine 406.) 1st Friday.

Bovee, Mrs. William H.; 1610 Vallejo. (Tel. Polk 753.) Tuesday.

_____, H. A.

Bowen, Dr. Amy G.; 1425 California. (Tel. East 707.) Thursday evening.

Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J.; 900 Sutter. 2d and 4th Monday.

______, Miss Mary E. (Tel. East 611.)

Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; Oakland, Cal.

Bowers, Mr. A. B.; Palace Hotel.

Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. George E.; 1701 Page. 4th Thursday.

Bowers, Mrs. George W.; 2610 Jackson. (Tel Pine 2291.)

Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 712 Pine. (Tel. Main 1261.)

Bowes, Mr. Edward J.; 2933 Jackson. (Tel. Baker 1026.)

Bowie, Mr. Allan St. John; 1909 Jackson. (Tel. West 73.)

______, Miss Jessie.

Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus J.; 1913 Clay. (Tel. West 36.) Friday.

_____, Miss Bessie.

Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.; 3198 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Pine 3261.) 2d Friday.

______, Miss F. Agnes; Miss Elsie; Miss Bessie.

Boxton, Major Charles E.; 60 Pierce. (Tel. Fell 571.)

Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 2020 Washington. (Tel. West 850.) 1st Friday.

_____, Miss McGregor M.; H. St. Clair.

Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Colin M.; Occidental Hotel. 1st & 3d Monday. “Casa Boyd.”

Boyd, Mr. Grant; Miss Nellie; 323 Haight. Wednesday.

Boyd, Dr. Samuel G.; 140 Greary. (Tel. Main 5445.)

Boyes, Dr. William; 1520 Vallejo. (Tel. Hyde 76.)

Boyes, Dr. Herbert D.; The Wenban, 606 Sutter. (Tel. Black 1781.)

Boyken, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wm.; 2231 Howard. (Tel. Mission 94.) 1st Tuesday.

Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.; 2027 Vallejo. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

_____, Miss Nina M. (Tel. West 430.)

Boysen, Mr. Edward C.; 9 Montgomery.

Boyson, Dr. Thomas; 522 Sutter.

Brackett, Mr. Frank O.; 2216 Van Ness Avenue. San Diego.

Brackett, Dr. and Mrs.. George F.; 614 Page. Thursday.

Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs. John L.; 1719 Pacific Avenue. 1st and 3d Friday.

Bradford, Mr. Brodie M.; 504 Taylor.

Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Commercial Hotel. (Tel. Main 5335.)

Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. George H. C.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Bradford, Mrs. Mary I.; James Grey. 2516 Union.

Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace; 305 Spruce. (Tel. Jackson 472.)

Bradley, Mrs. V. S.; Miss Mabel; 1024 Pine. (Tel. Polk 941.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

______, F. W.

Brady, Dr. George; 135 Geary. (Tel. Black 3636) or Lane Hospital. (West 688.)

Bragg, Mrs. Ada M.; 1418 Sutter. (Tel. East 716.)

Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 215 Castro. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

_____, Miss Mary J.

Branch, Mrs. M. M.; 2101 California. 2d and 3d Friday.

______, Miss; Miss Leona.

Brand, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; 1924 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 686.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Lottie; Arthur; Ernest Jr.

Brandenstein, Mr. Henry V.; cor. California and Gough. (Tel. West 102.)

Brandenstein, Mr. and Mrs. J; S. W. cor. Cal. and Gough. (Tel. West 102.)

__________, Alfred J.; Charles; Joseph J.; Edward.

Brandenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Manfred; 2701 Sacramento. (Tel. West 586.)

Brandenstein, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 1305 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 141.)

Brandenstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.; 2005 Franklin. (Tel. East 180.)

Brander, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Brandon, Mr. Julian R.; 806 Leavenworth.

Brandt, Mr. I. B. L.; Hotel Granada, 1000 Sutter. (Tel. East 974.)

Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob; 33 Scott. (Tel. Fell 7691.) 2d and 4th Friday.

Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis B.; 1910 Webster. (Tel. Geary 283.)

Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Maurlee; 2213 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Sutter 71.)

Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Noah; 1631 Broadway. (Tel. Hyde 2908.) 2d & 4th Thursday.

Brann, Mr. Walter S.; 1201 Taylor. (Tel. Larkin 1461.)

Brastow, Mr. and Mrs. S. D.; 1116 Hyde. (Tel. Larkin 331.) Thursday.

_______, Misses.

Brattin, Mr. Lincoln G.; 646 Market.

Brayton, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. Monday.

Breckenfeld, Mr. William M.; 536 Liberty.

Breckenridge, Miss; 1316 Taylor. (Tel. Main 623.) Tuesday.

Breed, Mr. Frank P.; The Colonial.

Breed, Mr. and Mrs. L. N.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Breeden, Mr. H. C.; 2627 Pierce. (Tel. West 419.)

Breeze, Mrs. Thomas; Hotel Richelieu. Thursday.

______, Thomas H.

Breeze, Mr. Walter F.; 1536 Jackson.

Brennan, Mr. Owen M.; Hotel Pleasanton, 800 Sutter. (Tel. Main 370.)

Bresse, Mrs. Minnie L.; 1719 Geary. Thursday.

Brett, Mr. Jules L. J.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Brewer, Dr. and Mrs. B. B.; 846 Shrader. (Tel. Fell 7781.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Libbie.

Breyfogle, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin S; 864 Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 1206.) Monday.

Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.; 423 Post. (Tel. Main 1323.) 1st Tuesday.

Bridgford, Judge and Mrs. Eugene A.; 1610 Turk. (Tel. Scott 698.) Wednesday.

________, Miss Leone.

Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.; Miss Eleanor; 1600 Taylor. (Tel. Polk 852.)

Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W.; 419 Laurel. (Tel. West 415.)

Brisac, Mr. and Mrs. Benore F.; 2618 Sacramento. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Brigham, Dr. and Mrs. C. B.; 2202 Broadway. (Tel. West 79.) Friday.

_______, Miss.

Brison, Mr. William M.; 1313 Leavenworth.

Bristol, Mrs. J. K.; 798 Van Ness Avenue. Monday.

_____, Miss Helen G.; Miss Maud K.

Brittain, Mr. and Mrs. F S.; 1342 Hyde. (Tel. Sutter 1876.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Brittain, Mr. John C.; 620 Sutter.

Brittain, Mr. and Mrs. J. N.; 133 Steiner. (Tel. Page 1173.) 2d Thursday.

Brittan, Mr. Henry M.; The California Hotel.

Brittan, Miss M. B.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Brittan, Mr. and Mrs. William G.; 2713 Sacramento.

Broad, Mr. and Mrs. R.; 370 Lexington Avenue. Wednesday.

_____, Dr. E. J.

Bromley, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; 314 Ellis.

Bromley, Mr. George T.; 1418 Washington. (Tel. Hyde 2766.)

Bromwell, Mr. and Mrs. L L.; corner O’Farrell and Franklin. Thursday.

Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha; 1763 Sutter. (Tel. Scott 1126.) Friday.

______, Miss Alice.

Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison; 2629 California. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Brooks, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S.; 3373 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 1161.)

Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1717 Vallejo.

Brough, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce; 1218B Fulton. (Tel. Page 521.) 3d Friday.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 2202 California. (Tel. West 264.)

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.; 609 Van N ss (sic) Ave. (Tel. East 173.) 2d & 3d Thu sday. (sic)

Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Albert V.; 522 Hill. (Tel. Church 564.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

______, Dr. James A.; C. G.

Brown, Mrs. Anna M.; Miss A. W.; 1908 Sutter. Thursday.

Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Calvin D.; 927 Valencia.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D; 1143 Geary. (Tel. East 747.)

______, Bernard C.; Isidor I.; Harry H.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.; 3201 Pacific. (Tel. Geary 1135.) 2d, 3d & 5th Friday.

Brown, Mr. Fred; 1615 Gough. (Tel. Red 2193.)

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 2117 Pine. 2d Wednesday.

Brown, Mr. Henry A.; 1212 Sutter. (Tel. East 339.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, Dr. Charlotte B.; Dr. Adelaide.

Brown, Mr. James P.; 614 Sutter.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalzell; 1811 Gough. (Tel. West 626.) Thursday.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Q.; 2506 Washington. (Tel. Pine 3520.) Thursday.

Brown, Mrs. Julia Randle; 743 Pine.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Morris; 1460 Sutter. (Tel. East 958.) Friday.

______, Miss H.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. D.; 2360 Broadway. (Tel. West 307.) 3d Wednesday.

Brown, Mrs. M. E.; The Browning, 1001 Sutter. (Tel. East 573.) Thursday.

Brown, Miss M. T.; 902 Devisadero. 1st and 2d Thursday.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Max M.; 910 Devisadero. (Tel. Page 1523.)

Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Philip King; 1303 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 933.)

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Roland G.; San Rafael, Cal.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H.; 903 Treat Avenue. Thursday.

Brown, Mr. Thomas; 1019 Bush. (Tel. East 951.) Thursday.

______, Miss Alice; Miss Elizabeth; Miss Grace.

Brown, Mr. Walter S.; 426 Ellis. (Tel. Larkin 1202.) Thursday.

Brown, Mr. William E.; 2016 California.

Brown, Mrs. William G.; 2626 Howard. (Tel. White 521.) Wednesday.

Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; Occidental Hotel. Monday, except 1st.

Browne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.; 1414 California. 1st and 3d Monday.

Browne, Mr. and Mrs. Ross E.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Brownell, Mr. James S.; 132 Market. (Tel. Drumm 20.)

Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker; 811 Castro. Friday. S. Res. “Tancred.”

Brownstone, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob; 1230 Post. 1st Monday. Coronado Beach.

Bruce, Capt. And Mrs. J. H.; 1262 Jackson. (Tel. Hyde 738.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

_____, Miss; Miss Dollie; Miss Louise.

Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 2546 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 1341.) 1st and 2d Friday.

_____, Miss Janet; Miss Bertie.

Breuner, Mr. John; Palace Hotel.

Burguiere, Mrs. E. A.; 1800 Franklin. (Tel. East 592.) Tuesday.

________, Peder S.; Emil; Francis; Louis.

Brun, Dr. and Mrs. Louis E.; 732 Sutter.

Brune, Mrs. Anna; 2249 Geary.

Brune, Dr. and Mrs.  A. E.; 1556 Fulton.

Brune, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 824 Grove. (Tel. Page 1952.) 1st and 2d Thursday.

_____, Miss Minnie; Miss Adele.

Brunn, Dr. and Mrs. Harold; 2930 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 3846.)

Brunner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 1133 Taylor. (Tel. Larkin 521.)

Brunt, Mrs. Catherine N.; 813 Shotwell. Tuesday.

Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter N.; 2828A Folsom. (Tel. Church 53.) 1st Thursday.

Bryan, Captain and Mrs. William J.; 1822 Pine. (Tel. 53.) Wednesday.

Bryan, Mr. William V.; 1822 Pine. (Tel. West 53.)

Bryan, Mrs. Linda H.; 2422 Buchanan. (Tel. West 674.) 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; 2614 Laguna.

Bryant, Mrs. Andrew J.; 2727 Clay. 1st and 3d Friday.

_____, Miss Rosalind.

Bryant, Mrs. B.; 2916 Clay. Tuesday.

______, Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun; 2016 Clay. Tuesday.

Bryant, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R.; 3689 Jackson. (Tel. West 815.)

Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. H.; “Oakmead,” Fulton P. O., Sonoma County, Cal.

Bryant, Dr. and Mrs. William August; 820 Sutter. (Tel. Polk 969.) Thursday.

Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 1819 Webster.

Brusie, Mr. and Mrs. J.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Buck, Mrs. J. S.; Miss Anna Catharine; 1060 Post. 1st and 2d Wednesday.

Buck, Mrs. C. W.; 1537 Octavia. 2d and 4th Thursday.

____, Miss Lillie; Miss Carrie; Ralph S.

Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; 1330 Fell. 2d Tuesday.

Buck, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; 619 Hampshire. (Tel. Mission 280.) Thursday.

Buckbee, Rev. and Mrs. C. A.; 2009 California. (Tel. Scott 35.) Friday.

Buckbee, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G.; 1609 Sutter. (Tel. West 124.) Thursday.

Buckbee, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C.; 3504 Clay, near Laurel. (Tel. West 464.)

Buckingham, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.; 2808 Jackson. (Tel. West 629.) 1st & 2d Friday.

Buckingham, Miss Edith D.; 1016 Franklin. (Tel. East 930.) Tuesday.

Buckingham, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.; 615 Sutter. (Tel. Main 5482.) Tuesday.

Buckingham, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.; 2115 Sacramento. (Tel. West 205.) 1 & 4 Friday.

Buckingham, Mrs. Thomas H.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

__________, Miss Gertrude; Miss Grace.

Buckland, Dr. Owen; 610 Mason. (Tel. East 108.)

Buckley, Dr. and Mrs. C. F.; 813 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 1341.) San Rafael.

_______, Misses.

Buckley, Mrs. E. P.; 580 Lombard. (Tel. Clay 596.) 2d, 3d and 4th Tuesday.

_______, Miss.

Buckley, Dr. and Mrs. Vincent P.; 1546 Taylor. Tuesday.

Bucknall, Dr. and Mrs. George J.; 1121 Laguna. (Tel. West 338.) Thursday.

Bufford, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F.; 1814 Sutter. Wednesday.

_______, Miss Alice S.; Miss Nellie; Miss Frances; Charles.

Bulger, Mr. and Mrs. John K.; 1425 Webster. (Tel. Baker 1162.)

Bull, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jr.; 3230 Jackson. (Tel. West 634.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.; 3230 Jackson. (Tel. West 634.)

Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P.; 1417 Scott.

Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; 1309 Waller. (Tel. Steiner 3091.) 2d & 4th Monday.

Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. T. S.; 2610 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 2291.)

Bullwinkel, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.; 625½ Post.

Bundschu, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 245 Chestnut. 2d and 3d Wednesday.

________, Miss; Miss Alma; C. E.; W. B. (Tel. Main 1889.) “Rhinefarm.”

Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.; 1714 Clay.

Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; 1131 Geary. Thursday.

______, Miss Alfretta H. A.

Bunker, Dr. and Mrs. R. Elmer; 630 Sutter. (Tel. Red 1071.)

Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 35 Hill. (Tel. Mission 54.) 3d Thursday.

______, Richard B.

Bunker, Mr. and Mrs. William M. (Abroad.)

Bunnell, Dr. and Mrs. E.; 887 Fulton. (Tel. Fell 7221.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. James S.; Berkeley, Cal.

_______, Miss.

Burdick, Mr. George R.; Miss Fannie; 1519 Scott.

Burgess, Dr. O. O.; 375 Geary. (Tel. Red 891.)

Burgin, Mrs. Kate; 2109 California, near Laguna. Friday.

_____, Miss; Miss Kate B.; Miss Agnes B.; J. Fred.

Burke, Miss Mary; 3855 Twentieth.

Burke, Mr. Martin J.; Pacific-Union Club. La Siesta Ranch. Menlo Park.

Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D.; 127A Capp.

Burke, Captain William J.; 32 Steuart.

Burling, Mr. and Mrs. G. B.; 2424 Sutter. (Tel. Baker 385.) Wednesday.

Burnell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.; S. W. cor. Union and Fillmore.

Burnell, Mr. and Mrs. Martin; Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal. Thursday.

Burnett, Mrs. A. S.; 1450 Franklin. Thursday

_______, Miss; Richardson D.

Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. John M.; 1713 Larkin. (Tel. Hyde 2433.) Friday.

Burnett, Mr. R. Douglass; Lieutenant J. C., U. S. N.; 1450 Franklin.

_______. Miss Frances E. Tuesday.

Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington C.; 1916 Broadway.

______, Miss; Miss Gertrude A.; Lester G.

Burnham, Dr. and Mrs. Clark J.; 1600 McAllister. (Tel. Park 189.) Tuesday.

Burnham, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker; 729 Fillmore. (Tel. Fell 5921.)

Burns, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.; 1506 Washington. (Tel. East 786.) 2d & 4th Tuesday.

_____, Miss Daisy.

Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M.; 2413 Octavia. (Tel. West 760.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Rowena A.

Burns, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.; 1713 Golden Gate Avenue.

Burns, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; The Lenox. (Tel. Main 1278.) Monday.

Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O.; 319 Page. (Tel. Fell 813.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

            Burns’ Villa.

Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Isidore; 404 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. South 641.) Tuesday.

Burns, Mr. Owen; Occidental Hotel.

Burns, Dr. Paul M.; 822 Sutter. (Tel. East 735.)

Burns, Mr. Thomas P.; 1323 Washington.

Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Amos; 635 Baker. (Tel. Fell 225.) Thursday.

____, Miss Emogene.

Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C.; 1426 Filbert.

Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C.; 1722 Vallejo. (Tel. East 649.)

Burridge, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W.; 788 Clayton.

Burt, Miss N. E. cor. Clay and Devisadero. (Tel. Steiner 1111.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Burt, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.; 727 Ashbury. (Tel. Page 854.) Tuesday.

____, Miss Fannie M; Shirley.

Burtis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.; 813 Webster. Wednesday.

_____, Miss Jean F.

Burton, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; Alameda, Cal.

Busby, Mr. Fred H.; The Colonial Hotel.

Busch, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 211 Frederick.

_____, Miss; Miss Alice; Will H. Jr.

Bush, Dr. and Mrs. Charles G.; 1512 Octavia. (Tel. Steiner 2901.) Friday.

Bush, Mr. and Mrs. H. T.; 614 O’Farrell. (Tel. Polk 871.) 2d & 4th Wednesday.

Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman P.; 404 Ellis. Santa Cruz.

Bush, Mr. Walter N.; Cliff House Cottage. (Tel. Pine 3041.)

Bushnell, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 1508 Market. (Tel. South 227.) Thursday.

Bushnell, Dr. and Mrs. G. E.; 1423 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. Hyde 2791.) Wednesday.

Busse, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.; 500 Clayton. (Tel. Page 1052.) 1st Monday.

Butler, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.; Palace Hotel and Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.; 1510 Fell. Thursday.

Butler, Miss Bertha; St. Nicholas Hotel.

Butler, Mrs. C. C.; Miss Emma; Hotel Richelieu. San Jose.

Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.; 2426 Jackson. Monday.

______, Miss Alice M.; Fred P.

Butler, Mr. and Mrs. George E.; Hotel Savoy.

Butler, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 1721 Oak. (Tel. Fell 1254.) Thursday.

______, Miss Mary Morgan.

Butler, Mr. P. F.; Miss; 818 Eddy. (Tel. Larkin 116.) Wednesday.

Butters, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.; “Alta Vista,” Piedmont, Alameda Co. Wednesday.

Byington, Mrs. Catherine; 1412 Post. (Tel. Steiner 2131.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

_______, Miss Kate L.; Miss Clara M.; Lewis F.

Byrne, Mrs. K. L.; Miss Ethel; 1218 Laguna. Friday.

Cabaniss, Judge and Mrs. George H.; 1212 Geary. 1st and 2d Thursday.

Cabrera, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; 821 O’Farrell. 2d Tuesday.

_______, Ernest.

Caduc, Mrs. M. C.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Cadwalader, Mrs. Eliza B.; 2111 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Pine 3521.)

__________, Misses; Mr. Bertram L.; George L.

Caffrey, Mr. John; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5435.)

Caglieri, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1068 Filbert. (Tel. Sutter 1421.) Tuesday.

_______, Dr. Guido E.; 1068 Filbert. (Tel. Sutter 1421.)

Cahen, Mr. and Mrs. I. W.; 901 Eddy. (Tel. East 271.)

Cahen, Mrs. Louise; 901 Eddy. (Tel. East 271.) 3d and last Friday.

Cahill, Mr. B. J. S.; 1449 Clay. (Tel. Jessie 541.)

Cahill, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.; 3634 Nineteenth.

Cahill, Mr. and Mrs. P.; 1012 56th, Golden Gate Station, Oakland, Alameda Co.

_____, Miss Edna; Wendell E.

Calame, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; The Oliver, 899 Pine. Tuesday.

Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.; The Wellesley, 1433 California. (Tel. Larkin 955.)

Caldwell, Mrs. L. G.; 1321 Sutter. (Tel. East 683.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______, Miss.

Calegaris, Dr. and Mrs. J.; 814 Lombard. (Tel. Main 1201.) Wednesday.

________, Miss Anita; Arnold; Emile.

Call, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 1231 Washington.

____, Miss Rose; Miss Emma; George H.; Carlos A.

Callaghan, Mrs. Daniel; 1900 Washington. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

________, Miss Minnie; Miss Maggie; Miss G.; Miss F.; Miss I.; Mr. Daniel J.

Callandreau, Dr. Jules; (abroad.)

Cambron, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G.; 1st & 3d Friday. Mill Valley, Marin Co., Cal.

Cameron, Mr. George T.; Sausalito, Cal.

Cameron, Dr. and Mrs. H.; 665 Broderick. (Tel. Park 32.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Cameron, Miss Mary; 1730 Page. 2d Monday.

Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 312 Second Avenue. Wednesday.

Cammack, Mrs. C.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jr.; 813 Greenwich. Tuesday.

Campbell, Mr. Charles P.; 1264 Jackson.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Colin J.; 1114 Post.

________, Miss Fannie Souli.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.; Occidental Hotel. Palo Alto, San Mateo Co., Cal.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. G.D.; 810 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 662.) Last Tuesday.

Campbell, Mr. Henry C.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard J.; 1310 Hyde. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.; 2619 Buchanan. 2d and 4th Friday.

________, Miss Gertrude. (Tel. West 94.)

Campbell, Mrs. Lucy J.; 1610A California.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.; 1820 Turk. (Tel. Pine 2551.) 1st & 3d Monday.

Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. L.; 1618 California. (Tel. Polk 811.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Campe, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 20 Devisadero. (Tel. Page 1964.) 1st Tuesday.

______, Miss Clara.

Campe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.; 1428 Hayes. 3d Thursday.

Camron, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.; 506 Clayton. 4th Friday.

Canfield, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey L.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Canac, Marquis, Dr. F. P.; 1101 Van Ness Ave., cor. Geary. (Tel. East 270.)

_____, Raoul F.

Cannell, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Canney, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G.; 606 Sutter. (Tel. Main 1848.) 2d Wednesday.

Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 3336 23d. (Tel Blue 561.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Capelle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 1263 Ellis. (Tel. Polk 605.) 4th Friday.

Capwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 317 Lyon. (Tel. West 27.) 1st Tuesday. Cazadero.

Card, Dr. and Mrs. E. F.; 1623 McAllister. (Tel. Fell 7526.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Carew, Mr. Thomas R.; 1533 Waller. (Tel. Fell 775.)

Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest W.; 808 Eddy. Monday. Alameda.

Carey, Mrs. R. S.; The Stewart, 431 Ellis. Monday.

Carleton, Mrs. S. B.; Hotel Savoy.

Carlson, Dr. and Mrs. C. Hadley; 1025A Post. (Tel. Polk 21.) 1st & 3d Wed’y.

Carlson, Mrs. Elizabeth P.; Miss Mary; Charles J.; 219 Kearny. Saturday.

Carmany, Mr. John W.; 317 Powell. Mountain View, Cal.

_______, Miss Sara; 1114 Octavia. Mountain View, Cal.

Carmany, Mr. and Mrs. Ringgold; 1026 Green. (Tel. Polk 485.)

Carmody, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.; 1613 Larkin. 1st & 2d Tuesday. October to March.

Carnac, Marquis, Dr. F. P.; 1101 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 270.)

Carolan, Mr. and Mrs. James; 1714 California. (Tel. East 796.) Tuesday.

______, Miss Emily; Miss Genevieve; Dr. Herbert C.; Edgar.

Carolan, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.; Burlingame. (Tel. Sunset, Main 594.) San Mateo.

Carpy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 2632 California. Country residence, San Jose.

Carr, Mrs. M. E.; The Misses; 1016 Pine.

Carr, Mrs. Lizzie M.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Carrigan, Miss; Mr. William L.; 2840 Buchanan. (Tel. West 781.)

_______, Ralph M.; John; Joseph.

Carrigan, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew; 3356 Jackson. (Tel. West 761.)

Carrigan, Mr. and Mrs. Louise R.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.; Hotel Bella Vista. Thursday.

Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.; 224 San Jose Avenue. (Tel. Mission 41.)

Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. John J.; 631 Guerrero. (Tel. Mission 323.) Friday.

Carroll, Mrs. Richard T.; 1520 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. Sutter 2031.) Thursday.

______, Miss Gertrude. “Bay View Ranch.”

Carson, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; 1927 Geary. (Tel. Scott 291.) Wednesday.

Cartan, Mr. Frank M.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal., or Bohemian Club.

Carter, Mr. George E.; 733 Bush.

Carter, Miss Jean W.; 1346 Hyde. 2d and 3d Tuesday.

Carter, Miss H. Cecil; 2148 Post. (Tel. Pine 3121.) 1st and last Thursday.

Cary, Miss; Mr. James H.; 930 Chestnut. Friday.

Cary, Mr. and Mrs. L. H.; 500 Cole. Thursday.

Casebolt, Miss Henrietta; 1911 Pine. Wednesday. Santa Barbara.

Casey, Miss Catherine; 721 Hyde. (Tel. Main 1960.) Monday.

Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice; 2100 Jackson. (Tel. West 574.) 1st & 2d Friday.

Casey, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Cashin, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2023 Webster. (Tel. Steiner 3216.) Monday.

______, Miss Margaret G.; Miss Lillie; John P.

Cassell, Mrs. John F.; 2515 Gough. (Tel. Larkin 1095.) Friday.

Casserly, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; 2123 Buchanan. (Tel. West 496.) “Fair Oaks.”

_______, Miss. (Menlo Park.)

Castelazo, Miss Lucretia; Arthur; 526 Post.

Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.; 2440 Jackson. (Tel. Steiner 1341.)

Castle,  Mr. Arthur H.; 828 Ellis.

Castle, Mrs. Charlotte L.; 2510 Fillmore. (Tel. Steiner 901.)

_____, Miss Eva.

Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M; 2120 Post. (Tel. Scott 470.)

Caswell, Mr. E.; 2119 Fillmore, or 769 Market. (Tel. Main 1390.)

Caswell, Mrs. E. E.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.; 1921 Sacramento. (Tel. J’ks’n 363.) 3d & 4th Tues.

Catton, Mrs. Annie M.; 1417 Taylor.

Catton, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 1417 Taylor.

Cavalsky, Dr. and Mrs. V.; 925 Post. (Tel. Polk 1169.) Last Wednesday.

_______, Miss Christina; Miss F.; Carlo M.

Cavagnaro, Mr. and Mrs. F.; 2618 Gough. Friday and Monday.

_________, Miss Christina; Miss F. Carlo M.

Cavagnaro, Mr. Joseph F.; 610 Montgomery. (Tel. Main 5659.)

Cebrian, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 1801 Octavia. (Tel. West 33.) (Abroad.)

Cecil, Mrs. A. P.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Cecil, Mrs. George; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Center, Mr. and Mrs. A.; S. W. cor. Fillmore and Vallejo. Wednesday.

______, Miss Bessie; Alexander G. (Tel. West 561.)

Center, Mr. John; 2828 Sixteenth, cor. Shotwell. (Tel. Blue 1613.)

Center, Mrs. J. D.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Chadbourne, Colonel Forrest S.; Palace Hotel.

Chalfant, Dr. and Mrs. John; 311 Taylor. (Tel. Howard 1781.) 2d & 4th Friday.

Chalfant, Dr. S. P.; 311 Taylor. (Tel. Howard 1781.)

Chalmers, Mr. and Mrs. James C.; 328 Haight. (Tel. Page 109.) Monday.

________, Miss Grace; Miss Alice.

Chalmers, Dr. and Mrs. William P.; 1404 Page. (Tel. Page 5781.)

Chamberlain, Miss Charlotte L.; Hotel Beresford. (Tel. Clay 71.)

___________, Miss Cherry; Miss Helen R.

Chamberlin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; Hotel Baltimore, 1013 Van Ness. (T. East 978.)

Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.; 2220 Sacramento. (Tel. Steiner 4431.)

Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson; 2262 Franklin. Wednesday.

________, Miss Mamie; Miss Lucile; Jeff Paul.

Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.; 997 Chestnut. Wednesday.

Chapman, Mr. Edward K.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid B.; 1123 California. (Tel. East 77.) Tuesday.

Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 4327 Twentieth. Thursday. El Verano.

Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. William S,; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Chappell, Mr. Joseph J.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter. Menlo Park.

Chartrey, Mr. and Mrs. Raoul; 2323 Jackson. (Tel. Jackson 491.) Friday.

Chase, Mrs. Charles M.; 2700 California. (Tel. Geary 58.)

Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.; 1728 Market. (Tel. Folsom 786.) Wednesday.

Chase, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday. Stag’s Leap. Napa Val.

Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy A.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

_____, Miss Helen E.; George P.

Chenery, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard; 1513 Clay. (Tel. East 473.)

Cheney, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. F.; 906 Polk. (Tel. East 7.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Chesebrough, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 3508 Clay. (Tel. West 90.) 1st and 2d Friday.

___________, Miss; Mr. Arthur S.

Cheshire, Mr. A. D.; 405 Powell, near Post. (Tel. Main 971.)

Chickering, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

_________, Allen L.; Harry; Roger.

Childs, Mr. and Mrs. George; 230 Fair Oaks. (Tel. Church 245.)

Chipman, General and Mrs. Norton P.; 905 Sutter. 2d and 4th Monday.

_______. Miss Alice Helen.

Chismore, Dr. George; 705 Sutter. (Tel. East 425.)

Chittenden, Mrs. Joseph D.; Miss Alice B.; 2215 Octavia.

Chown, Mr. and Mrs. James G.; 901 Powell.  (Tel. James 46.) Friday.

Christal, Dr. John; 612 Hyde. (Tel. Hyde 2011.)

Christensen, Major and Mrs. Charles; San Rafael, Marin County. Thursday.

Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 119 Broderick. (Tel. Fell 6061.) Wednesday.

__________, Miss Ada; George A.

Christeson, Mr. Andrew; The Colonial.

Christle, Dr. and Mrs. J. E.; 538 Turk. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Church, Rev. and Mrs. Edward B.; 2126 California. Thursday.

Church, Mr. Seymour R.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Church, Mr. and Mrs. T. R.; 1016 Franklin. Tuesday. (October to May.)

______, Miss Gertrude M.

Clark, Miss Clara; 312 Second Avenue. Wednesday.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.; Mills Building; residence, New York, N. Y.

_____, Fred; 32 Mills Building, ninth floor. (Tel. Main 5497.) res. Alameda.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1327 Sutter. 1st Thursday. Larkspur.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.; 120 Frederick. (Tel. Fell 1211.)

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.; 1210 Masonic Ave. (Tel. Page 7256.) 2d & 4th Monday.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. John G.; 1101 Green. (Tel. Larkin 482.) 2d and 4th Friday.

____, William R. P.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. L. Curran; Redwood City, Cal. Thursday.

Clark, Mrs. Mary Cheney; 2218 Webster. (Tel. West 975.) 2d Tuesday.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.; 241 Castro. Thursday.

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Warren D.; 1732 Broadway. (Tel. Hyde 1951.)

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.; 521 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. South 182.) Thursday.

Clark, Mrs. Z. P.; 2845 Fillmore. (Tel. Baker 246.) Wednesday.

____, Miss; Miss Elsie.

Clarke, Dr. and Mrs. B. F.; 100 Sutter. (Tel. East 466.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Ethel; Miss Rowena.

Clarke, Mrs. J. 66 Hotel Pleasanton.

Clarke, Mr. Thomas Percy; 2130 Howard.

Clay, Dr. Edwin A.; Stewart Hotel. 431 Ellis.

Clay, Mrs. Louise J.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Clayton, Mrs. Charles; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. William; 809 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Park 200.)

Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.; 2919 Howard. Wednesday.

_____, Miss; Miss Alice; Miss Regina F.; Frank C.

Cleland, Mr. Frank A.; 320 Sansome. (Tel. Main 5822.)

Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Henry N.; 687 Guerrero. 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______, Miss Ada. (Tel. Blue 186.)

Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Jabish; 687 Guerrero. (Tel. Blue 186.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Clement, Col. and Mrs. Lyman H.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1st, 2d and 3d Monday.

_______, Miss Ethel.

Clement, Dr. R. Herbert; 712 Steiner. (Tel. Page 5661.)

Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Roswell P.; 1588 Fell. 2d Tuesday.

Clements, Mrs. Gilbert; 2098 Green. Wednesday.

Clerc, Mr. and Mrs. P. F.; 2872 Twenty-second.

Clerfayt, Mr. and Mrs. Jules; 1607 Webster. Thursday.

Cleveland, Miss Elizabeth A.; 802 Hayes.

Cleveland, Dr. Marcia B.; 2110 Pacific Ave.

Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. William W.; 2110 Pacific Avenue.

Clinch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.; 2310 Buchanan. (Tel. Pine 3341.) Friday.

Cline, Mr. J. C.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine.

Cline, Mr. Walter H.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine.

Cline, Mr. Wilfred M.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine.

Clinton, Dr. and Mrs. C. A.; N. E. cor. Howard and 21st. (Tel. Blue 961.)

Clough, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.; 2021 Webster. 1st Wednesday.

Clough, Mr. and Mrs. Frank; 404 Ellis.

Clough, Mrs. J. H.; 1909 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 3241.) Monday afternoon.

Clover, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Cluff, Major and Mrs. William; The Colonial. Thursday.

_____, Miss Maud; Miss Mabel.

Cluness, Dr. and Mrs. W. R.; 900 Sutter and Redwood City; (Tel. Sunset, Main 121.)


______, Miss; Miss Mabel.

Cluness, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Jr.; 1810 Vallejo. (Tel. West 524.) Friday.

Clunie, Mr. Andrew J.; 115 De Long Avenue. (Tel. Park 230.)

Coakley, Mr. Frank; The California Hotel.

Coburn, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.; 19th and Eureka. (Tel. Blue 831.)

Cochrane, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin O.; 326 Larkin. Monday. Santa Clara.

Cockroft, Mr. and Mrs. Louis F.; 643 Market. Residence, Oakland, Cal.

Code, Mr. and Mrs. James A.; 1705 Oak. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Code, Mr. and Mrs. Philip D.; 976 Valencia. (Tel. Church 319.) Wednesday.

____, Philip Jr.; Charles H.; W. Field; T. Kimball.

Coe, Mrs. M. H.; 708 Sutter.

Coffey, Judge James V.; City Hall. Department 9, second floor.

Coffey, Dr. W. B.; 1182 Valencia. (Tel. Mission 110.)

Coffroth, Mr. James W.; 839 Devisadero.

Cohn, Dr. and Mrs. D.; 1404 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 11.)

_____, Miss Edith; Dr. Robert D.; (Tel. Hyde 11.)

Colburn, Mr. and Mrs. G. L.; 117 Hyde. (Tel. Larkin 785.) 1st, 2d, 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Maye F.

Cole, Mrs. C. M.; Mr. John R.; 2515 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 4481.)

Cole, Mr. Charles M.; 2060 Fell.

Cole, Miss Claire M.; 326 Eddy. (Tel. Sutter 1261.)

Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T.; 1719 Geary. (Tel. Steiner 691.) Tuesday.

Cole, Mr. Edward F.; 2028 Green.

Cole, Mrs. Florence C.; 2615 Buchanan. (Tel. Geary 422.)

____, Miss Bessie.

Cole, Mr. Foster P.; 1707 Gough. (Tel. Geary 30.)

Cole, Mr. George A.; 2515 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 4481.)

Cole, Mr. and Mrs. N. P.; 1017 Steiner. (Tel. Page 1041.) Wednesday.

____, Misses; N. P. Jr.

Cole, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beverly; 826 Sutter. (Tel. East 114.) Calistoga.

Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G.; 1631 Bush. (Tel. Baker 1192.) Wednesday.

________, Miss Gertrude M.

Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Barry; 1402 Jones. (Tel. East 750.)

_______, Miss Sophie G.; du Pont.

Coleman, Miss Lucy G.; 1402 Jones. (Tel. East 750.)

Coleman, Mr. Edward; 1701 Franklin. (Tel. East 922.)

Coleman, Mrs. E. B.; 2512 Fillmore. (Tel. West 370.)

Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Evan J.; 1490 Sacramento. (Tel. East 120.) Tuesday.

Coleman, Mr. James V.; Hotel Savoy. (Tel. Main 1863.)

Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. John C.; 1834 California. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_______, Miss; Miss Sara; Miss Persis. (Tel. East 462.)

Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.; 2516 Fillmore. (Tel. West 255.) Burlingame.

Colley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.; 206 San Jose Avenue. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 3019 Jackson. (Tel. Geary 1160.)

Collier, Maj. And Mrs. W. B.; 2509 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 176.) “Villa Ka Bel.”

______, Miss Sarah; Miss Margaret; William B. Jr.; Page. Lakeport, Cal.

Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.; 2524 Union.

Coillinson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.; 720 Broderick. Wednesday.

Colman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 905 Hyde. (Tel. East 55.)

______, Miss May; Jesse C.

Conlon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.; 827 Haight.

Comings, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.; 3476 Seventeenth. Wednesday.

_______, Miss Jennie.

Comte, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jr.; 102 Guerrero. (Tel. Church 544.) 1st & 3d Wed’y.

Conklin, Mrs. Alvah R.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Woodside, San Mateo Co., Cal.

Coney, Mr. Alexander K.; 1562 Post. (Tel. Pine 2841.)

Conlan, Judge and Mrs. Charles T.; 536 Page.

Conlisk, Mr. Charles W.; 1820 Market.

Conlon, Mr. and Mrs. Michael; 1521 California. (Tel. East 378.)

______, Thomas P.

Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. F J.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.; 2007 California. (Tel. West 708.) 1st Fri., 3d Tues.

Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

_____, Miss Florence.

Cook, Miss Caroline L.; 634 Sutter. Wednesday.

Cook, Judge Carroll; 2601 Broadway. (Tel. West 739.) Friday.

_____, Misses.

Cook, Mrs. Horatio Nelson; 809 Hyde.  Avilion Cliff.” Belvedere, Marin Co.

_____, Clifford G.

Cook, Mr. Milton H.; 2303 Scott.

Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Morton L.; N. E. cor. Central Ave. and Page. 1st Wed’sd’y.

Cool, Dr. and Mrs. Russell H.; 1208 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 359.) Friday in Jan.

Cool, Dr. and Mrs. W. P.; 22 Kearny. Wednesday.

Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.; 3028 California. (Tel. Scott 61.) Thursday.

Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.; Napa, Cal. Temporary residence, Berkeley.

Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leslie; The Colonial. Thursday.

Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Coon, Mr. Frederick H.; 628 Sutter.

Cooney, Judge and Mrs. M.; 468 Fell. (Tel. Davis 451.) Friday.

______, Miss Agnes; Miss Teresa B.

Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. C. E.; 1314 Leavenworth. (Tel. E. 778.) 2d Tues. & 1st Fri.

Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Frederik T.; Miss Ruth; Haywards. Wednesday.

Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; 2009 Buchanan. (Tel. West 56.) Wednesday.

Cooper, Mrs. J. B. H.; 1926 Octavia. (Tel. West 714.) 1st and 4th Wednesday.

Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. John R. B.; 1926 Octavia. (Tel. West 714.)

Cooper, Judge and Mrs. J. A.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. Main 370.) 1st & 2d Mon.

______, Miss.

Cooper, Mr. Leo; Hotel Pleasanton, 800 Sutter.

Cooper, Mrs. M. E.; Harry R.; 309 Powell. 1st and 3d Friday.

Cope, Mr. Walter B.; 1913 Broderick. (Tel. West 135.)

Corbin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; 201 Buena Vista. (Tel. Park 246.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Corbus, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T.; 1511 Jones. Monday.

______, Miss Lizzie; Miss Sarah; A. T. Jr.

Cords, Mr. Robert; 2506 Sacramento. (Tel. Red 3571.)

Cormack, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; 2520 Folsom.

Cornwall, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Cornwall, Dr. and Mrs. Frank; San Rafael. Wednesday.

Cornwall, Mr. & Mrs. P. B.; S. E. cor. Buchanan & Page. (Tel. Park 228. Tues.

Cornwall, Mr. Bruce; S. E. cor. Buchanan and Page. (Tel. Park 228.)

Corran, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. L.; Miss. 2333 Post. Belvedere.

Cortez, Mme. M.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Corwin, Mr. and Mrs. G. B.; 2604 Howard. (Tel. Fell 623.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

______, Miss Grace; Harley G.

Cosgrave, Miss Patricia; 2100 Washington. (Tel. West 574.)

Cosgrave, Miss Millicent; 1912 Washington. (Tel. Hyde 841.) Thursday.

_______, James K.; Charles O’M.

Cosgrave, Mr. John O’H.; 1912 Washington.

Cosgriff, Mr. Hary Hall; 801 Mason.

Costa, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.; 305 Lombard. Larkspur.

_____, Miss Ida; Henry.

Costello, Mr. James M.; 1808 Bush.

Costello, Mr. Stephen V.; 726 Valencia. (Tel. Church 332.)

Costello, Mr. William; 923 Grove. (Tel. Fell 7531.)

Costigan, Mr. Augustus B.; Hotel Baltimore.

Cotton, Judge and Mrs. Aylett R.; 1107 Laguna. 1st and 3d Friday.

______, Miss Claudine; Aylett R. Jr. (Tel. Geary 271.) Paso Robles Springs.

Couch, Miss Nettie R.; Hotel Repelier. Monday.

Coulson, Dr. Nat T.; 1236 Market, or 816 Railroad Avenue.

Coulson, Captain and Mrs. Washington C.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 1921 Clay. Thursday.

Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield W.; 1721 Broadway. 2d and 4th Friday.

Countryman, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.; 320 Walnut. (Tel. Steiner 1696.) Last Friday.

Cowdery, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez F.; 1387 Oak. (Tel. Fell 7291.) Monday.

_______, Miss Alice.

Cowgill, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I.; 3675 Clay. (Tel. West 359.) 1st Wednesday.

Cowell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 413 Hyde.

______, Miss.

Cowie, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I.; 3675 Clay. (Tel. West 359.) 1st Wednesday.

Cowing, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.; 1467 Valencia. 1st Wednesday.

Cowles, Mr. Paul; 2518 Union.

Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W.; 135 12th. (Tel. Mint 291.) 1st and 2d Monday.

Cox, Mr. Alexander M.; 408 Jersey.

Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A.; 2816 Clay. (Tel. Pine 2891.) 1st and 2d Monday.

Cox, Dr. L. C.; 233 Geary. (Tel. John 2251.)

Cox, Dr. Rosamond L.; 705 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 1991.) 3d Wednesday.

____, Miss Sarah.

Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.; 2243 Sutter. (Tel. Scott 1253.)

Cox, Colonel and Mrs. F. M.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

____, Miss Ella; Miss Mabel.

Coxhead, Mr. and Mrs. Almeric W. S.; Los Angeles, Cal.

Coxhead, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; 2421 Green. 2d and 3d Friday.

Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander; 1411 Hyde. (Tel. Polk 849.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell W.; 1312 Jones. Monday.

_____, William M.

Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A.; 1314 Page. (Tel. Fell 856.)

Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Lee D.; 645 Baker. (Tel. Fell 115.)

Craig, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2517 Washington. Friday.

_____, Miss Leila; J. Early; James F.; William B.

Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin; 1623 Page. 1st and 3d Monday.

Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; 2434 Van Ness Avenue. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Crane, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.; Alameda, Cal. Thursday.

Crane, Mrs. Byron G.; 2505 Green.

Crane, Mr. and Mrs. D. B.; 426 Frederick. (Tel. Page 16.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Crane, Mr. Henry A.; 2316 Clay. Tuesday.

_____, Miss Alice; Miss Annie; Miss Elizabeth; Charles W.

Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel P.; 1324 Page. (Tel. Fell 171.) Wednesday.

Cranz, Dr. and Mrs. Frank H.; 1447 Sacramento.

Crawford, Mr. E. M.; Pacific-Union Club; res. Golden Gate, Alameda Co., Cal.

Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; 1783 Green. (Tel. Pine 2396.)

Crawford, Mr. O. W.; 3139 Twenty-second. (Tel. Blue 161.)

Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.; 3370 Twenty-third. Thursday.

Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T.; 1606 Larkin.

Crim, Mr. and Mrs. George S.; 2360 Howard.

Crim, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 2526 Howard. (Tel. Church 189.)

____, Miss Grace; William H. Jr.; Samuel M.

Crocker, Mrs. Clark W.; 2020 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 336.) Thursday.

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1100 California. (Tel. Main 5250.)

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.; 2301 Laguna. (Tel. West 341.) Friday.

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S.; Hotel Granada. Monday.

Crocker, Mr. Charles H.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Crocker, Miss Jennie A.; Charles Templeton; San Mateo, Cal.

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan; 1938 Bush.

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. William; 955 Oak.

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 1150 California. (Tel. East 194.) Tuesday.

Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B.; 2029 California. (Tel. 484.) Friday.

_______, Miss.

Crooks, Mr. George B.; 514 Van Ness Avenue.

Crooks, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Crapper, Mrs. L. W.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Crosby, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel; 1310 Laguna. (Tel. West 99.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.; 2619 Laguna. (Tel. Steiner 766.) Thursday.

Crosett, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.; 815 Van Ness Avenue. Tuesday.

Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dudley; 1719 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 701.)

Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.; 19 Baker. Thursday.

Crothers, Mr. J. H.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones. (Tel. Main 1429.)

Crothers, Mr. R. A.; 1060 Bush. (Tel. East 331.)

_______, Will H.

Crow, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; Redwood City, Cal. Tel. Sunset, Main 38.

_____, Miss Jennie.

Crowell, Mrs. E. A.; 1603 Larkin. (Tel. East 949.) Wednesday.

______, Miss; Walter H.

Crowley, Mr. P.; 1629 Sacramento. (Tel. East 96.) Thursday. Sausalito.

_______, Miss Josie; Miss Kate.

Crozier, Miss M.; The California Hotel.

Cudworth, Mr. and Mrs. Abel W.; 2420 Fillmore. (Tel. Geary 1273.) Wednesday.

________, Miss Lizzie; J. Judson; Arthur N.; Merrill P.

Culp, Mrs. Sophie V.; 1423 Webster. (Tel. Scott 398.) Wednesday.

Culp, Mr. and Mrs. D. S.; 1423 Webster. (Tel. Scott 398.)

Cumming, Mr. and Mrs. George; Miss; 20 Fell. Thursday.

Cumming, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. 2d & 4th Wednesday.

Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; 1668 Fell.

Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.; 427 Buchanan. (Tel. Fell 1784.) 2d & 4th Wed’y.

Cunningham, Mr. Harry C.; residence, Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; 2412 Sutter.

Cunningham, Mrs. Robert B.; 1939 Clay. (Tel. Polk 597.) Friday.

__________, Miss Lottie; Charles.

Curlett, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1459 Fulton. San Rafael.

Curragh, Dr. J. M.; 428 Sutter. (Tel. Red 1596.)

Currey, Judge and Mrs. John; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Currie, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; Hotel Touraine. (Tel. Sutter 1156.) Thursday.

Currier, Dr. C. B.; 921 Geary. (Tel. Larkin 26.)

Currier, Captain and Mrs. John C.; 1804 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 159.)

Currier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker; 3636 Clay. (Tel. West 686.)

______, Miss Marie L.

Curry, Mrs. M. S.; Miss Frances; The Wellesley, 1433 California. Monday.

Curtaz, Mrs. Agatha; Otto; 50 Bartlett street.

Curtaz, Mr. Benjamin A.; 18 O’Farrell.

Curtaz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.; 1428 Fulton.

Curtaz, Mr. Oscar H.; 712 Hayes. (Tel. Page 6041.)

Curtin, Mr. John; 412 Safe Deposit Building, 328 Montgomery. (Tel. Main 995.)

Curtis, Miss Emily; 664 Haight.

Curtis, Dr. and Mrs. H. L.; 920 Ellis. (Tel. Hyde 1901.) 2d & 4th Wednesday.

Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. James M.; 2518 Union. (Tel. Pine 2091.) Friday.

Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.; 1542 Page. (Tel. Page 1712.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison; 408 Post. (Tel. Main 956.) 1st & 4th Thurs.

Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan; 1136 Elllis.

Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin; 2506 Union. (Tel. Baker 951.)

Curtis, Dr. and Mrs. Robert H.; 2205 Green. (Tel. Pine 1091.)

Curtis, Mrs. William G.; San Rafael, Marin Co. Friday.

Cushing, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.; San Rafael, Marin Co. (Tel. Sunset, Black 251.)

Cuthbert, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.; 308 Laurel. Wednesday.

________, Miss Jessie; George F.

Cuthbertson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones; 2565 Market. 2d Tuesday.

__________, Miss; Walter J.

Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D.; 3540 Clay. (Tel. Baker 1421.) 2d Tuesday.

______, Pierce.

Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah B.; 1737 Broadway.

Cutrell, Mr. Henry D.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Cutten, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.; 2516 Sacramento.

Cutten, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.; 3454 Sacramento.

Cutter, Mrs. B. B.; 2611 California. (Tel. Pine 2301.) 2d and 4th Friday.

Cutter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.; 2810 Washington. (Tel. West 482.) Friday.

______, Miss E. M.

Dahlbender, Mr. George; 214 Kearny. (Tel. Bush 171.)

Daingerfield, Mrs. William P.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. 1st Thursday.

__________, Judge William R.

Dallam, Mr. Frederick B.; 1912 Page.

Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.; 628 Valencia. (Tel. White 87.) Tuesday evening.

Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank; 3392 Twenty-first. (Tel. Blue 1056.)

Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.; 2510 Clay.

Daly, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Y.; 1402 Hyde.

Daly, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Union 153.) 2d Tues.

Dam, Mr. Cleveland L.; Hotel Wellesley. (Tel. Larkin 641.)

Damkroeger, Dr. and Mrs. Henry; 781 O’Farrell. (Tel. East 416.) 2d & 4th Fri.

Dana, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stanwood; 1914 Pacific. (Tel. West 199.) Thursday.

D’Ancona, Dr. and Mrs. A. A.; 1022 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 2561.) 1st Tuesday.

D’Ancona, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dawson; 2116 Devisadero. 1st and 2d Friday.

Danforth, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin; 2027 Broadway. (Tel. West 565.) Friday.

_______, Miss Fanny.

Danforth, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.; 1100 Sacramento. (Tel. Marin 755.) Friday.

Danger, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 1791 Ellis.

Danglada, Mrs. I.; 3334 Clay. 1st Tuesday.

Daniels, Dr. G. E.; 3 Haight. (Tel. Jessie 1565.)

Daniels, Mr. Samuel Houston; 1321 Leavenworth. (Tel. Larkin 792.)

______, Miss Josephine. Tuesday.

Dannenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 3000 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 4401.)

Dannenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 1827 Clay. (Tel. Hyde 926.)

Dare, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; 1561 Post. Thursday.

Darling, Mr. C. E.; 630 Sutter.

Darling, Mr. and Mrs. George L.; 2820 Folsom. Tuesday.

Dart, Miss Edith P.; 1721 Baker. (Tel. Red 4232.) Tuesday.

Dassonville, Mr. Frederick; 122 Lyon.

Davenport, Mrs. Elizabeth H.; 2519 Broadway. (Tel. West 351.)

Davenport, Mr. William H.; 1102 Fulton.

Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. George; 2221 Washington.

________, George F.

Davies, Mrs. Frances; Miss Fannie; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Davis, Mrs. A. M.; 1911 Pacific Avenue. Friday. Mill Valley.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M.; 1722 Pine. (Tel. Hyde 2631.) Wednesday.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ansley G.; New York.

Davis, Major Charles E. L. B.; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.; 2915B California.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Claude B.; 736 Bush. 1st and 2d Monday.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G.; 127 Lyon, and Belvedere. (Tel. Page 5731.)

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.; 1722 Pine. (Tel. Hyde 2631.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Davis, Dr. and Mrs. George E.; 942 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 2201.) 3d Tuesday.

Davis, Dr. and Mrs. H. C.; S. E. cor. Scott and Green. 3d and 4th Friday.

_____, Miss Florence; Miss Eloise; Dr. Harrold E. (Tel. Steiner 811.)

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H.; 2621 California. (Tel. Scott 1045.)

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.; 2108 Vallejo. (Tel. Steiner 3871.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Horace; 1800 Broadway. (Tel. Sutter 836.)

Davis, Mr. Norris King; 1800 Broadway. (Tel. Sutter 836.)

Davis, Mrs. J. B. F.; Ross Valley, Marin County, Cal.

_____, Miss Grace E.; Miss Estelle M.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James H.; 216 Ashbury. (Tel. Page 5211.)

_____, Miss Jessie; Howard Carlton; Dr. William E.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Warner; 1625 Sacramento. (Tel. Hyde 1771.) San Mateo.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Max; 1808 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. East 255.)

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 2621 California. (Tel. Scott 1045.) Thursday.

______. Miss Flora; Miss Tena; Milton.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Percy L.; 2367 Sutter. (Tel. Pine 4061.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Lillie.

Davis, Mr. R. D.; 1427 Oak. (Tel. Page 178.)

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.; 2021 California. (Tel. Steiner 2486.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

Davis, Dr. William L.; 605 O’Farrell. Pescadero, San Mateo County, Cal.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Willis E.; 2501 Scott. (Tel. West 347.) 2d & 4th Friday.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S.; Ross Valley, Marin County, Cal.

______, Miss Anita.

Day, Mr. Franklin H.; 974 Pine.

Day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert; 1902 Vallejo.  (Tel. West 161.)

Day, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.; 1012 Devisadero. (Tel. Scott 725.)

Dayton, Mrs. J.; Mr. Walter D.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Deacon, Mr. and Mrs. William; 3525 Twentieth. (Tel. Capp 139.)

______, Miss Lizzie; Miss Fannie; William S.

Deahl, Mr. and Mrs. John L.; 1300 Page. (Tel. Page 140.) 2d and last Thursday.

Deal, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. F.; 2702 Sacramento. 1st & 2d Friday each month.

____, Miss; Miss Jeanette L. (Tel. West 452.)

Deakin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Deamer, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.; 2117 Broderick. (Tel. Scott 1332.) 1st Friday.

Dean, Dr. and Mrs. Charles O.; 3605 Twenty-first.

Dean, Mrs. Eliza A.; 3406 Clay. (Tel. Scott 331.) Friday.

_____, Miss Annie E.; B. Douglass; James W.

Dean, Miss Flora Grace; 1920 Van Ness Avenue. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

_____, Miss Ethel. (Tel. East 469.)

Dean, Mr. Peter; 2327 Sacramento. (Tel. West 836.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

____, Miss Sara; Robert A.; C. Dudley; Benjamin S. Belvedere, Cal.

Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.; Palace Hotel, Monday.

_____, Miss Helen.

Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L.; Palace Hotel.

Dean, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.; 646 Fell. (Tel. Fell 1231.) 1st Friday.

Deane, Dr. and Mrs. C. T.; 1217 Washington. (Tel. Hyde 1811.) Wednesday.

Deane, Mr. John J.; 2422 Gough. (Tel. Scott 194.)

Deane, Dr. L. C.; 1217 Washington. (Tel. Hyde 1811.) Country res., Sunny Slope.

Deane, Dr. and Mrs. Tenison; 1217 Washington. (Tel. Hyde 1811.) Tuesday.

______, Master Joseph Tenison.

Deane, Mrs. M.; 1919 California. (Tel. West 315.) 1st and 3d Thurs. San Rafael.

______, Miss Mary A.

Deane, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A.; 340 23d Avenue. (Tel. Pine 621.) 1st & 3d Wed.

Deardorff, Dr. and Mrs. A. G.; The Stewart, 431 Ellis. (Tel. Larkin 1601.) Thurs.

Deardorff, Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Grand 1328.)

________, Herbert Cambden; Miss Annie Burns.

De Bruhl, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; The Plymouth, 952 Bush. Monday.

________, Arthur; Jesse.

De Chantreau, Dr. Jacques D.; 607 Sutter. (Tel. Main 5741.)

Decker, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W.; Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co., Cal. Thursday.

______, Miss Ethel.

De Courey, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 1415 Bush. (Tel. Sutter 2590.) Thursday

Decourtieux, Mrs. Armand; 817 Union.

Decourtieux, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 817 Union. 1st, 3d and 5th Friday.

Deering, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J.; 2023 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 165.) 1st and 3d Fri.

Deering, Miss Annie; Frank P.; 423 Baker. (Tel. Page 58-1.) Thursday.

De Ferrari, Mr. and Mrs. Fred; 810 Greenwich.

De Greayer, Mrs. J. A.; 1132 Pine. (Tel. Polk 1431.) 2d, 3d and 4th Tuesday.

de Guigne, Mr. and Mrs. Christian; 517 Sutter. (Tel. Sunset, Main 44.) S. Mateo.

De Haven, Judge and Mrs. John J.; 207 Larkin. 1st and 3d Saturday.

________, Miss Sadie.

Deichmiller, Mr. and Mrs. C.; 616 Golden Gate. (Tel. Folsom 47.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Deidesheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Philip; 2219 Devisadero. (Tel. Pine 4731.)

Dekker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N.; 2423 Green. (Tel. West 622.) Wednesday.

De Lamare, Mr. and Mrs. August J.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

De la Montanya, Mrs. Sarah Jane; 1524 Taylor. (Tel. Hyde 796.) 3d & 4th Tues.

______________, Miss Jennie.

De la Montanya, Mr. James; 1524 Taylor.

_____________, Miss Lorraine; Jacques.

Delaporte, Mr. George; Lick House. (Tel. Main 622.)

De la Vega, Mr. Enrique; 1350 Bush. (Tel. Hyde 1791.)

De Laveaga, Mr. Miguel A.; 1228 Geary. (Tel. East 208.)

Delger, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.; 3740 25th, N. E. cor. Fair Oaks. 1st & 3d Wednesday.

______, Miss Pearl Gladys.

De Long, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.; 2709 Buchanan. (Tel. Geary 1159.) 1st & 3d Fri.

________, Miss; Frank C.; George Bowen.

Delmas, Mr. D. M.; Pacific-Union Club. “Casa Delmas,” Santa Clara County.

De Marville, Dr. H. B.; 533 Sutter. (Tel. Main 5584.)

Deming, Mr. Edmond O.; 748 Ellis. (Tel. East 768.)

_______, Miss Addie; Edmond O.

Deming, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G.; 225 Page. (Tel. Page 5531.)

_______, Miss; Horace V.; Joseph G. Jr.

Deming, Miss; William H.; 740 Ellis. (Tel. East 727.)

Denicke, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; 1000 Mason. (Tel. Black 371.) 2d and 4th Thursd’y.

_______, Miss; Ernest H.

Denicke, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. : 1732 Larkin. (Tel. Larkin 1021.) Last Friday.

Denigan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 1715 Octavia. (Tel. West 699.) Friday.

_______, Miss Florence; Edward C.

Denman, Mr. and Mrs.  James; 2318 Steiner. (Tel. Jackson 1391.)

_______, Miss May; William.

Dennett, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.; 207 Central Ave. (Tel. Page 1585.) Thursday.

Dennison, Mr. A. L.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Dennison, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 261.)

________, Miss Isabel; Ellsworth Avenue, San Mateo, Cal.

Dennison, Mr. and Mrs. William E.; 14 Broderick. (Tel. Page 756.)

Denniston, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G.; 3454 Twenty-first. (Tel. Blue 581.)

De Noon, Mrs. C.; Miss; 2024 Jackson. 3d and 4th Friday.

Denson, Mr. H. C.; The California Hotel.

Denson, Judge, S. C.; 2900 Jackson. (Tel. Steiner 2331.) 1st and 3d Friday.

______, Miss Laura; Lieutenant Henry B.

Denver, Mrs. M. W.; 1001 Pine. (Tel. Main 583.)

Depew, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.; 308 San Jose Avenue.

Derby, Dr. Albert T.; 641 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Hyde 476.)

Derby, Mr. and Mrs. Richard; Hotel Roanoke, 808 Bush. Monday.

Dernham, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 1354 Post. (Tel. East 248.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Dernham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Hotel Richelieu. (Tel. West 498.) 1 & 3 Thurs.

De Ruyter, Mr. and Mrs. John E.; 2640 Steiner. (Tel. West 498.)

De Sabia, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jr.; 1818 California. (Tel. East 266.)

Deuprey, Mr. Eugene N.; 1042 Scott.

Deuprey, Mr. Hillyer; 3440 Clay. (Tel. West 408.)

De Vecchi, Mr. and Mrs. Paolo; 1717 Jackson. (Tel. East 124.) Friday.

D’Evelyn, Dr. and Mrs. F. W.; Hotel Savoy. (Tel. Main 1236.) Wednesday.

________, Miss Mina.

Devlin, Mr. Frank J.; 2111 Pacific Avenue.

De Voe, Mrs. Louise; 1118 Sacramento. Wednesday.

Dewing, Mr. and Mrs. James; 1715 Clay. 1st and 3d Thursday.

De Witt, Dr. and Mrs. T. B.; 1196 Kentucky. (Tel. Jessie 1001.) 1st Wednesday.

Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gilbert; 644 Waller. Tuesday.

De Young, Mr. and Mrs. M. H.; 1919 California. (Tel. West 315.) 1 Wed; abroad.

Dibbern, Mr. J. Henry; Palace Hotel.

Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.; 1812 Vallejo. (Tel. West 76.) Friday.

______, Miss Addie; Henry Jr.; Warren; Oliver.

Dibblee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.; Hotel Knickerbocker, Ross Valley, Marin Co.

Dibblee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; Ross Valley, Marin County. (Tel. San Rafael, Main 1001.)

_______, Miss Anita L.

Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F.; 1527 Clay. (Tel. Larkin 784.)

Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter; 506 Cole. (Tel. Park 169.)

Dickinson, Mrs. A. E.; 1076 Bush. (Tel. East 29.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Dickens, Miss Lisa; Miss Eva; Miss Lelia; Hotel Bella Vista. Monday.

Dickinson, General and Mrs. John H.; Sausalito.

Dickinson, Mrs. Thomas; 1076 Bush. (Tel. East 29.) Thursday.

Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watt; 423 Cole. (Tel. Page 502.) 2d & 4th Friday.

Dillon, Miss Katherine; 2100 Jackson. (Tel. West 574.) 1st and 2d Friday.

Dillon, Mrs. Nano; Miss; Miss Mary; 2514 Octavia.

Dillon, Mrs. T. I.; 1926 Octavia. (Tel. West 714.) Thursday.

Dimond, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.; 2204 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 48.) Friday.

Dimond, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.; 412 Ashbury. (Tel. Fell 91.) 1st and 3d Friday.

_______, Miss Ethel; Alan W.

Dingee, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; 1882 Washington. (Tel. West 45.)

Dinkelspiel, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. W.; 2101 Pacific. (Tel. Steiner 4511.) 1st Friday.

Dinkelspiel, Mr. and Mrs. L.; 1292 O’Farrell. (Tel. East 161.)

__________, Miss; Henry; Joseph L.

Dixon, Mr. M. W., Jr.; 1329 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 4933.)

Dixon, Mr. John; 919 Eddy.

Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W.; 1909 Larkin. Thursday.

Dixon, Mr. William S.; 1280 Washington.

Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Y.; 1333 Leavenworth. (Tel. Larkin 617.)

Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.; 1727 Green. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Doane, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.; 3107 Washington. (Tel. Scott 162.) Friday.

_______, Miss Florence Julia.

Dobbs, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.; Miss Emily G.; 1424 Bush. Tuesday.

Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Willis G.; 1919 Pierce. (Tel. Geary 79.)

Dodge, Mr. Al.; 1127 Bush.

Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.; 2015 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 2751.)

Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Jared S.; Alameda, Cal.

Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Washington; 930 Van Ness. (Tel. East 5.) 1st & 3d Monday.

Dodge, Mr. William G.; Bohemian Club, or 767 Sutter.

Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Zenus U.; 2306 Sutter: (Tel. Sutter 134.) Tuesday.

Doe, Mr. Bartlett; Hotel St. Nicholas. (Tel. South 778.)

Doe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; 2000 Laguna.

Doe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.; 1941 Clay. (Tel. Jackson 1191.)

Doe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P.; 2002 Laguna.

Doherty, Miss Mildred; 1840 California. (Tel. West 9.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Dohrmann, Mrs. Elizabeth A.;  150 Central Avenue.

Dohrmann, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; 1815 California. Last Saturday.

_________, Frederick W., Jr.

Dohrmann, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. C.; The California Hotel.  Monday.

Dohrmann, Dr. and Mrs. W. F.; 3220 Jackson. 1st Wednesday.

Dolbeer, Mr. John; 2489 Jackson. (Tel. West 690.)

_______, Miss Bertha M. Monday.

Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.; 2828 Washington. (Tel. West 170.) 2d & 4th Fri.

Donohoe, Mrs. Emile; 2117 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 927.) Friday.

________, Mr. Edward.

Donohoe, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.; 1409 Sutter. (Tel. East 788.) Friday.

Donzel, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.; 20 Latona. (Tel. Butchertown 35.)

Doolan, Mr. and Mrs. R. P.; 1424 Mission. 3d and 4th Thursday.

Doolan, Mr. Thomas; 1424 Mission.

Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. Ira R.; Hotel St. Nicholas. (Tel. South 778.) Monday.

________, Miss Mame.

Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.; 1901 Page. (Tel. Page 105.) 4th Tuesday.

Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; Hotel St. Nicholas, 1630 Market. (T. So. 778.) Mon.

Dorlan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; 449 Buena Vista Ave. (Tel. Fell 779.) Thursday.

Dorn, Mr. and Mrs. D. S.; 1600 Fell. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Dornin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D.; “Oakmead,” Fulton P. O., Sonoma Co., Cal.

Dornin, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 409 California; residence, Oakland.

Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.; 1115 Hyde. (Tel. East 204.) 3d and 4th Thursday.

____, Miss; Dr. William R.; Louis.

Dorrance, Mr. S. A.; 1104 Market. (Tel. Folsom 442.)

Dorsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; San Rafael. 1st and 3d Wednesday. Belvedere.

Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M.; Dougherty Station, Contra Costa Co., Cal.

__________, Louis; James M.

Douty, Mrs. Frank S.; Miss; San Mateo, Cal. Thursday.

Dow, Dr. and Mrs. Burritt N.; The Berkshire. (Tel. Main 1429.) Monday.

Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.; 1801 Laguna. (Tel. West 404.) Thursday.

____, Miss M. Lillian; Wallace Hanscome; George A.; Edwin T.

Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. R.; 1530 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Larkin 639.) Friday.

Dowling, Mr. Thomas H.; 722 Bay.

Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.; 1220 Geary. (Tel. Hyde 2421.)

Doyen, Miss F. A.; 1032 Washington. (Tel. Main 1056.) 1st, 2d & 3d Tuesday.

Doyle, Mrs. Henry; San Mateo, Cal. Wednesday.

_____, Miss; William A.; Thomas B.

Doyle, Mr. John J.; 26 Mills Building, 4th floor. “Cupertino,” Menlo Park.

Doyle, Mrs. John T.; Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.

Dozier, Dr. and Mrs. C. A.; 1200 Octavia. (Tel. West 632.) 1st & 3d Wednesday.

Dray, Dr. Frank R.; Hotel Baltimore. (Tel. East 978.)

Dresel, Dr. Gustav; 2210 Central Avenue. (Tel. West 230.)

Dresser, Miss Mattie A.; 823B Sutter. (Tel. Larkin 965.) Thursday.




Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 49-75.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







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