San Francisco







Trumball, Mr. Robert J.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Tryon, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 1332 Hyde. (Tel. Steiner 2696.) 1st & 2d Wednesday.

Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S.; 2126 Broadway. (Tel. West 898.) Friday.

Tubbs, Mrs. Austin C.; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 251.)

Tubbs, Mrs. A. L.; 2515 Scott. (Tel. West 495.)

Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs. William B.; Burlingame, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 195.)

Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. James Ellis; 3356 Jackson.

Tuggle, Dr. and Mrs. S. P.; 201 Central Ave. (Tel. Park 144.) 1 & 2 Thursday.

Turnbull, General and Mrs. Walter; 2106 Van Ness. (Tel. Hyde 2171.) Friday.

_______, Miss; Walter Jr.

Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. 2d & 3d Monday.

Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I.; 2123 Pierce.

Turner, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harold; 2121 Lyon. (Tel. Jackson 51.)

Turner, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 2803 Washington. (Tel. Steiner 3721.) Thurs.

Turner, Captain and Mrs. Louis H.; 728 Eddy.

Turner, Rev. J. P.; 1521 Vallejo. (Tel. Hyde 2881.)

Turpin, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.; 40 Bartlett.

______, Miss Clara; F. L. Jr.

Tuska, Mr. and Mrs. Wal. J.; 620 Sutter. (Tel. Polk 1055.) 4th Monday.

Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R.; 624 Capp. 2d and 3d Tuesday.

Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.; 2203 Sacramento. (Tel. West 529.) Friday.

Uhlinger, Mrs.; 1909 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 3241.) Monday afternoon.

Umbsen, Miss E.; 125 Buena Vista Avenue. (Tel. Page 6061.) 1 and 3 Tuesday.

______, Gustave H.; Henry P.

Umbsen, Mrs. Ida; 521 Guerrero. 2d Thursday.

Underhill, Mr. and Mrs. George L.; 1712 Webster. (Tel. West 641.)

Underhill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B., Jr.; 1926 Pine. (Tel. West 156.) Thursday.

Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Upham, Mr. Isaac; Isaac Oliver; Benjamin Prince; 1016 Eddy.

Urban, Dr. and Mrs. K.; 313 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Mint 1039.) Monday.

_____, Miss Helene.

Urioste, Mr. George de; Buena Vista and Thirteenth. (Tel. Park 30.)

Urioste, Mr. Adolph; 1330 Sutter. (Tel. East 493.)

Urruella, Mr. and Mrs. Juan; 1330 Sutter. (Tel. East 493.) Paris, France.

Vail, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.; 2718 Webster. (Tel. West 110.) Wednesday.

____, Stanley Marshall.

Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.; 2817 Buchanan. (Tel. Pine 2736.) Thursday.

Vail, Mr. Robert R.; 1900 Green.

Vale, Mr. Baldwin; 899 Pine. (Tel. Main 5510.)

Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. John J.; E. Oakland, Cal. 1st, 2d & 3d Thursday.

________, Miss Ethel; John Jr.

Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 2512 Union. (Tel. Scott 313.) Friday.

Van Alstine, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.; 330 Sutter. 2d and 4th Thursday.

Van Arsdale, Mr. and Mrs. William W.; 905 Sutter.

Van Bergen, Mr. Erward (sic) A.; 2501 Gough.

Van Bergen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard; San Mateo, Cal. 1st and 3d Friday

Van Bergen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 2235 Broadway. (Tel. West 491.) 1st & 3d Fri.

Van Bergen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.; San Mateo, Cal. 2d and 4th Friday.

Van Bergen, Mrs. N.; George; 834 Post. (Tel. East 21.) Thursday.

Van Bergen, Mrs. W. F.; 2718 California. (Tel. Steiner 2311.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Van Duser, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.; 822 Guerrero.

Vanderslice, Mrs. W. K.; 2702 California. Thursday.

_________, The Misses; Milton T.

Van Fleet, Judge and Mrs. W. C.; 2721 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 972.) Friday.

Van Laak, Mr. and Mrs. L.; 2018 Howard. Tuesday. Menlo Park, Cal.

________, Miss Hattie; Miss Lottie; Lambert, Jr.

Van Meter, Dr. and Mrs. M. E.; 430 Ellis. (Tel. Sutter 1111.)

Van Ness, Mr. and Mrs. T. C.; 1310 Taylor. (Tel. Main 941.) Tuesday.

________, Miss Daisy; Frank; Thomas C., Jr.

Van Orden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 2813 Howard.

Van Orden, Mrs. L.; 2813 Twenty-fourth. Wednesday.

_________, Miss Emily; Dr. George N.

Van Reynegom, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; 750 Church. (T. Church 601.) Wednesday.

Van Schaick, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.; 4 Ewer Place.

Van Trees, Mrs. Julia; 396 Waller. Tuesday.

Van Trees, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.; 1507 Steiner. (Tel. West 243.)

Van Vliet, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice; 1230 Ellis. (Tel. East 315.) 1st Wednesday.

Van Winkle, Mrs. I. S.; 2712 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 4151.) Friday.

__________, Miss Helen; Lawrence E.

Van Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.; 3017 Washington. Friday.

Van Wyck, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.; Misses; Lawrence H. (Abroad.)

van Wyck, (sic) Mrs. Sidney M.; 1914 Webster (Tel. Scott 37.) Tuesday.

_________, Miss; Miss Laura; Sidney M., Jr.; Crittenden.

Varney, Mr. Thomas H. B.; 73 Julian Avenue. (Tel. Blue 611.)

Vassault, Mrs. Ferdinand; 2337 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 4865.)

_______, Miss Virginia N.; Miss Theodora E.; Ferdinand I.; Lawrence S.

Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.; The Oliver. (Tel. Main 5510.) Tuesday.

Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.; 2161 Hayes. (Tel. Fell 7561.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Vecki, Dr. Victor G; 22 Geary. (Tel. Grant 92.)

Veeder, Mr. Howard P.; 912 Bush.

Veuve, Mr. Henry H.; Pacific-Union Club. Hotel Del Monte.

Vignier, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 916 Greenwich. 1st Tuesday.

Vining, Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.; 3447 Clay. Friday.

______, Miss Ellen P.

Vinzent, Mr. Edward G.; 1955 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 3941.)

Vogelsang, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T.; California Hotel. 1st and 3d Monday.

Volkmann, Mr. George F.; 2311 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 2071.)

Von Hoffmann, Dr. and Mrs. Charles; 1014 Sutter. 1st and last Friday.

von Meyerinck, (sic) Baron and Baroness; 841 Fulton. (Tel. Park 223.) 1st Sunday.

Von Rhein, Mr. and Mrs. O. F.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones.

_________, Otto E.; Frank.

Von Schroeder, Baron and Baroness J. H.; San Rafael. “Eagle Rancho,” San Luis Obispo.

____________, Baron A.

Voorhies, Dr. and Mrs. A. H.; 2111 California. (Tel. Pine 4176.) Tuesday.

________, Miss Marie; Miss Anna; Mr. Grantland.

Voorman, Miss Alice; Miss Ida; 800 Bush. (Tel. Main 5102.)

Voorsanger, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Jacob; 1249 Franklin. (Tel. Sutter 371.)

Vowinckel, Dr. F. William; 903 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 430.)

Wadsworth, Dr. and Mrs. Charles C.; 1104 Van Ness Ave. 3d & 4th Thursday.

_________, Miss M. Edith. (Tel. East 148.) 2d and 3d Thursday.

Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Red 2051.)

_________, Philip A.

Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.; 1915 Green. (Tel. Scott 685.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Olga B.; Miss Juliet B.; Claude A.; Felix W.

Wagner, Dr. and Mrs. Henry L.; 1407 Jones. (Tel. East 166.)

Wagner, Mr. Joseph G.; 2400 Broadway, corner Steiner. (Tel. Steiner 4486.)

Wagner, Miss Helen; Will J.; 2400 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 4486.) Friday.

Wagoner, Mr. and Mrs. L.; 849 Chestnut. (Tel. Hyde 2236.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Wainwright, Mrs. Levina; 3 Tremont Avenue. Wednesday.

Wainwright, Mr. and Mrs. James; The Renton, 712 Sutter. Monday.

__________, Miss Amy.

Wainwright, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; 1411 Jackson. (Tel. Hyde 2986.) 2 & 4 Friday.

__________, Miss Elizabeth; Miss Annie; H. Harvey; William G.

Wakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H.; 1164 Haight. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D.; 1915 Pacific Avenue. Friday.

Walker, Mr. and Mrs. James G.; 2016 Franklin.

Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar V.; 1963 Pine. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Walkington, Mr. and Mrs. T. G.; 1109 Franklin. (Tel. East 228.) San Jose.

Wall, Miss Bessie L.; Miss Lou; Miss Ella; Hotel Bella Vista. Monday.

Wall, Miss Clara; 2407 Octavia. (Tel. West 672.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Wall, Mr. T. Maurice; 2407 Octavia. (Tel. West 672.)

Wallace, Dr. Arthur H.; 2414 Gough. (Tel. Larkin 939.)

Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; 228 Liberty. (Tel. Capp 445.) 1st & 4th Thursday.

Wallace, Captain and Mrs. George E.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 2414 Gough. (Tel. Larkin 939.)

Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. John P.; 1500 Union. (Tel. Polk 341.)

Wallace, Mr. Robert; 2724 Howard.

Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.; 2214 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 2656.) Friday.

Wallace, Judge and Mrs. W. T.; 799 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 125.) Thursday.

Wallis, Col. and Mrs. George H.; The Sutherland. (Tel. Sutter 1191.) Monday.

_____, Miss Miriam.

Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Edward M; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Black 3401.) 1 & 3 Thurs.

Walsh, Miss Marie Aline; 1568 Jackson. (Tel. Sutter 2986.) Wednesday.

Walsh, Miss Mary; 538 Sutter. (Tel. Black 2984.)

Walter, Mrs. D. N.; 223 Sacramento. (Tel. West 4.) 3d Friday.

Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R.; 2505 Gough. (Tel. West 275.)

Walter, Mr. and Mrs. I. N.; 1803 Franklin. (Tel. East 516.)

______, John I.

Walter, Mr. Sanford F.; 2323 Sacramento. (Tel. West 4.)

Walters, Dr. and Mrs. St. D. G.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Walthall, Mrs. M. P.; 234 Haight. 1st and 2d Wednesday.

Walrath, Mr. and Mrs. A.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Wangenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 1616 Vallejo. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

___________, Miss; Melville H. (Tel. East 4.)

Wanzer, Dr. L. M. F.; 205 Taylor. (Tel. Jessie 1301.)

Ward, Mr. Edward C.; 1202 Jackson. (Tel. Sutter 1561.)

Ward, Dr. and Mrs. Jas. W.; 2700 Broadway. (T. West 921.) Thurs. San Mateo.

Ward, Mr. Roy C.; 1810 Page. (Tel. Sutter 2836.) 2d Tuesday.

Wardlaw, Dr. and Mrs. Henry J.; 1814 Broderick. 1st and 3d Friday.

Ware, Mrs. Margaret; 1115 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Hyde 2581.)

____, Miss.

Ware, Mr. Frank E.; The Colonial, S. E. corner Pine and Jones.

Warfield, General and Mrs. R. H.; California Hotel. (Tel. Main 269.) Monday.

_______, R. Emerson.

Warner, Dr. and Mrs. Alexander; 2323 Franklin. Wednesday.

Warner, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.; Highland Springs, Cal. (Tel. Long Distance.)

Warren, Miss E. M.; 2489 Jackson. (Tel. West 690.) Monday.

Warren, Mr. and Mrs. George B.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Washington, Mr. Frank B.; 1150 O’Farrell. (T. Geary 115.) Mill Valley, Marin Co.

Wasson, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.; 207 Taylor. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Wate, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. T.; 251 Pierce. (Tel. Page 1962.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

_____, Miss.

Waterhouse, Mrs. Amelia A.; Seymour; 2213 Howard. (Tel. Church 1341.)

Waterhouse, Mr. Clarence P.; 2162 Pine.

Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 2409 Devisadero. (Tel. Steiner 2461.) Monday.

________, William B.; Hugo A.

Waters, Mr. George L.; Miss Lillian N.; Belvedere. 3d and 4th Tuesday.

Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo A.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal. Thursday.

Watson, Mr. George O.; Hotel Savoy.

Watson, Mrs. M. A.; 706 Broderick.

Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas; 2732 Vallejo.

Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; San Mateo, Cal. London, England.

Watson, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; 841 Devisadero. 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, Miss; Miss Grace; Miss Florence; W. Theodore. (Tel. Page 7741.)

Watson, Mr. and Mrs. William C.; The Stewart. Monday.

Watson, William S.; 1615 Larkin. (Tel. Larkin 598.) Wednesday.

Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; Hotel St. Nicholas. (Tel. South 307.) Monday.

Watt, Mr. and Mrs. James Alva; 18 Devisadero. (Tel. Park 132.) Friday.

Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla V.; N.E. cor. Baker & Haight. (T. Park 54.) 1 & 3 Tuesday.

Watt, Mrs. L. J.; N. W. cor. Baker & Haight. (Tel. Park 54.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

Wayman, Mr. and Mrs. Willard O.; 1628 Vallejo. (Tel. Hyde 1241.) 1 & 3 Friday.

Wayman, Mr. Guy T.; Baltimore Hotel, 1013 Van Ness Avenue.

Weatherly, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J.; Hotel Savoy. Monday.

Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. L. F.; St. Nicholas Hotel. 2d and 4th Friday.

Weber, Mr. Adolph C.; 1422 Sutter. (Ted. (sic) Polk 1481.)

_____, Miss; 2d and 4th Thursday.

Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T.; Harbor View. (Tel. West 748.) Thursday.

Webster, Mrs. B. F.; 2411 Washington. 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______, Miss Sadie A.; Frank W.

Webster, Mr. Fred R.; Pacific-Union Club. Country Club.

Webster, Mr. Reginald H.; 2005 Fillmore. Hotel Del Monte.

Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B.; 416 Lyon. (Tel. Page 1015.) 1st Monday.

Weck, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.;; 796 Clayton. Tuesday.

____, Miss Maud.

Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F.; 206 Golden Gate Avenue.

Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt H.; 1917 Sacramento. (Tel. East 272.) 1 & 2 Friday.

Wegener, Mrs. Louisa; 8 Columbia Square. (Tel. South 633.)

_______, Frederick C.; William B.

Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.; 1319 Waller. (Tel. Fell 215.) 2d Wednesday.

Weighel, Mr. William McM.; 2106 Pacific Avenue.

Weil, Dr. Conrad; 828 Sutter.

Weil, Mr. Moritz; 1126 O’Farrell. (Tel. Polk 929.)

Weil, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 506 Baker. (Tel. Page 1042.)

Weill, Mr. Raphael; Bohemian Club.

Weinmann, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; Alameda, Alameda County, Cal.

Welch, Mrs. Andrew; 1090 Eddy. (Tel. West 139.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

_____, Andrew P.

Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.; 1090 Eddy and New York, N. Y.

Welch, Dr. and Mrs. Henry S.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Welch, Mr. Robert M.; The Wenban Hotel, 606 Sutter. (Tel. Main 635.)

Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l B.; N. W. cor. Pacific & Pierce. (T. West 988.)

Weller, Mrs. E. L.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Wellington, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.; 712 Franklin. 3d Tuesday.

_________, Miss Edith.

Wellington, Mr. and Mrs. George E.; 1420 Sacramento. 2d and 3d Thursday.

_________, Miss Martha.

Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Asa R.; Hotel Wenban. (Tel. Bush 301.) 1st & 3d Monday.

Wells, Miss Laura; Miss Susie; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Wells, Mr. and Mrs. C. S.; 1901 Post. (Tel. Pine 368.) 2d Thursday.

Wells, Mr. and Mrs. George R.; 1004 Geary. (Tel. Hyde 2061.)

_____, Miss Marie.

Wells, Mr. Lester K.; 2431 Pacific Avenue.

Wemple, Dr. and Mrs. E. L.; 720 Steiner. (Tel. Park 17.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Muriel; Emmet L., Jr.

Wenban, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 1920 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 469.) 2d and 4th Fri.

Weniger, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.; St. Nicholas Hotel. Friday.

Wenzelburger, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf; 3022 Sacramento. (Tel. Scott 731.)

Wenzell, Prof. and Mrs. Wm. T.; 436 Oak. Wednesday. Napa Redwoods.

Wertheimer, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 2236 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Steiner 3861.) 2 & 4 Thurs.

Werner, Miss Grace; 2027 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 2011.) 2d and 4th Saturday.

West, Miss Mary B.; 2014 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 207.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Westenberg, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.; cor. Grove and Baker. (Tel. Park 214.) Wed’y.

Westerfeld, Mrs. Pauline Bauer; 1118 Turk. (Tel. Baker 342.) 2d & 3d Wed’y.

_________, Miss Ella; Miss Walla; Paul; Otto.

Westerfeld, Mr. and Mrs. L.; 1103 Geary. (Tel. East 510.)

_________, Carl; H. William.

Weston, Mr. Hugh E.; Hotel Savoy.

Westphal, Dr. and Mrs. O. F.; 2513 Octavia. (Tel. Pine 4181.) 3d Thursday.

Wethered, Mrs. James S.; 2109 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Pine 4511.) 2d & 4th Friday.

________, Woodworth.

Wetmore, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Wetmore, Mr. George P.; 441 Golden Gate Avenue.

Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Wheaton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton A.; 1104 Sacramento. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Wheelan, Mr. Fairfax H.; 1915 Baker.

Wheeler, Dr. and Mrs. Albert; 913 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 161.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

Wheeler, Mrs. A. J.; Misses; 3300 Washington. Thursday.

Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stetson; 2838 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 727.)

Wheeler, Mr. Harold; University Club, 722 Sutter.

Wheeler, Miss Teresa; 718 Broderick. (Tel. Park 213.) Tuesday.

Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R; 1215 Jones. (Tel. Hyde 1676.) 1 & last Thursday.

Whelan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard I.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday

Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L.; 905 Sutter. 1st and 3d Monday.

_______, George H.

Whitaker, Mr. Gilbert; The Repelier, 781 Sutter.

White, Mr. F. L.; 4229 Eighteenth.

White, Mr. G. Knight; 2405 Pacific Avenue.

White, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow H.; 135 Collingwood.

White, Mrs. J. C.; 2928 Jackson. (Tel. Scott 1163.)

_____, Miss May; Miss Lola A.; James A.

White, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell; 1616 Clay. (Tel. East 167.) Mill Valley.

_____, Ralston L.

White, Dr. and Mrs. L. L.; 917 Van Ness Avenue.

White, Mr. and Mrs. M. H.; Wallace; 217 Collingwood.

White, Mr. and Mrs. R.; 1253 Octavia. (Tel. West 575.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

_____, Emile; Fillmore; Robert D.; Walter H.

White, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.; 1216 Haight. (Tel. Page 1582.) Wednesday.

White, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.; 403 Grove. (Tel. South 67.)

White, Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen; 334 Eddy. (Tel. Jessie 903.) Friday.

Whitelaw, Captain and Mrs. T. P. H.; 631 Harrison. (Tel. Black 2741.) Wed.

________, Thomas A.

Whitely, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.; Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine. Thursday.

Whiting, Mr. Henry C.; 19 Guerrero. (Tel. White 691.)

Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.; San Mateo, Cal.

Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Francis L.; Laguna. (Tel. Pine 886.) 2d Tuesday.

Whitney, Mr. George W.; Alameda, Cal.

Whitney, Dr. and Mrs. James D.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; 837 Valencia. (Tel. Church 1134.) Friday.

_______, Miss E. L.

Whittell, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1155 California. (Tel. Hyde 701.) Tuesday.

_______, George Jr.

Whittemore, Mr. and Mrs. D. H.; San Rafael, Marin Co. (T. Sunset, Red 272.)

_________, Miss Harriet.

Whittier, Mr. W. Frank; 2030 Jackson, near Laguna. (Tel. West 819.)

Whittier, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson; 2030 Jackson, nr. Laguna. (T. West 819.)

Whittier, Mrs. L. E.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Tuesday.

Whitwell, Dr. and Mrs. William S.; San Mateo, Cal.

Wichman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.; Alameda, Cal.

Wickware, Mr. and Mrs. George C.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Widder, Mr. and Mrs. Goswin; 2812 Clay. (Tel. Geary 82.) 1st Sunday.

Wiel, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin J.; 1998 Jackson.

____, Ellias Hacht; Alfred Louis; Samuel Charles.

Wieland, Mr. A. G.; Lick House.

Wiggins, Mrs. Wilfred W.; 1810 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 460.) Friday.

_______, Miss Jessie; Miss Carrie; James F.

Wight, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.; 1542 Page. (Tel. Page 1712.) 2d & 4th Thursday.

Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. John Jr.; 747 Shrader. (Tel. Fell 583.)

Wigmore, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso A.; The California Hotel. (Tel. Main 1438.)

Wilberforce, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.; 123 California.

Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. George B.; Miss Cora C.; 48 Pierce. Friday.

Wilbur, Dr. Parker S.; 601 Examiner Building. Residence, 471 McAllister.

Wilcox, Dr. Walter I.; 223A Leavenworth. (Tel. Howard 541.)

Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.; N. E. cor. Clay and Devisadero. 1 & 3 Friday.

_____, Miss Burt. (Tel. Steiner 1111.)

Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Clement; 781 Pine. 1st Tuesday.

Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Harley R.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal. Tuesday.

____, Miss Beth; Master Esmond.

Wiles, Professor James A.; 1236 Market.

Wiley, Mr. Walter J.; San Mateo, Cal.

Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 1310 Hyde. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Wilkins, Professor and Mrs. J. Wesley; 817 Geary. Tuesday.

Will, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 806 Van Ness Avenue. Wednesday.

___, Frederick G.

Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley; 1263 Clay. (Tel. Polk 519.) 1 & 3 Thurs.

Wilcutt, Mr. and Mrs. George B.; Hotel Baltimore. Friday.

Wilcutt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Willett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.; 2028 Scott. (Tel. West 726.) Wednesday.

Willey, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. S. H.; 905 Sutter. Thursday.

Williams, Mr. Charles H.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Williams, Mr. Edward W.; 212 Ashbury. (Tel. Page 1543.)

Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Williams, Mrs. Henry; 1925 Octavia. (Tel. Pine 3671.) Thursday.

Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A.; 1925 Octavia. (Tel. Pine 3671.)

Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.; U. S. A.; 722 Bay. Wednesday.

Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Williams, Mr. Thomas H. Jr.; Pacific-Union Club.

Williamson, Mr. Alexander B.; 2010 Washington. (Tel. Steiner 521.)

Williamson, Miss Abeel; 1913 Pacific Avenue.

Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. David E.; 1317B Clay. 2d Tuesday.

Williamson, Miss; 1317B. Clay.

Williamson, Miss Phebe; 811 Castro. Fridays. Bakersfeld. (sic)

Williamson, Dr. and Mrs. J. M.; 301 Devisadero. (Tel. Fell 5591.) 1 & 3 Wed.

Williar, Mr. Harry R.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Willis, Mr. Harry R.; 521 Golden Gate Avenue.

Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.; 19 First Avenue. 1st and 4th Wednesday.

Willis, Mrs. William; 1840 California. (Tel. West 9.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

_____, Miss India Willis Scott; Miss Mildred Doherty; Santa Cruz, Cal.

Wilshire, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.; 2616 Buchanan. (Tel. Pine 4706.)

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M.; 135 Buchanan. (Tel. Baker 62.) Thursday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W.; (abroad.) 1st, 2d and 3d Wednesday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.; 706 Broderick. (Tel. Fell 1061.)

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.; 1201 Laguna.

Wilson, Mr. Daniel; Corte Madera, Marin County, Cal.

Wilson, Lieutenant Edward T.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M.; Belvedere, Cal. Friday.

Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. F. P.; 2295 Sacramento. (Tel. West 18.) 2d & 3d Monday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.; 2102 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Fell 7732.)

Wilson, Mrs. George S.; Miss Margaret S.; 1450 Franklin. Tuesday.

Wilson, Mrs. George L.; 1517 Larkin.

Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Herman Fowler; 3765 17th. (Tel. Blue 196.) 1 & 3 Tues.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Horace; 1330 Washington. (Tel. East 292.) Thursday.

______, Allan K.; H. L.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack; Miss Eleana; Redwood City.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. James K.; 3196 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 15.) 2 & 3 Friday.

_____, Miss Marie B.; Miss Grace; Miss S. M.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 904 Devisadero. (Tel. Park 109.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

Wilson, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John A. B.; 643 Howard; 1st and 3d Tuesday.

______, John Ralph; Carl Groves; William d’Arcy. (Tel. Black 961.)

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John M.; 2520 Octavia. (Tel. West 360.)

Wilson, Mr. John M.; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott; 2617 Buchanan. (Tel. West 8.) Friday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.; 1110 Larkin. Wednesday.

Wilson, Mr. Nathaniel Niles; University Club, 722 Sutter.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Mountford S.; 711 Pine. (Tel. Main 5409.) Tuesday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell J.; 2027 California. (Tel. West 997.) Friday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.; 1141 Geary. Thursday.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; Miss Marie; 1143 Turk.

Wiltsee, Mr. Ernest A.; Pacific-Union Club. (Tel. Main 5365.)

Winans, Mr. John C.; Bohemian Club and 1533 Sacramento. (Tel. Main 164.)

Winans, Miss; 1533 Sacramento. Tuesday.

Winans, Mrs. Sarah; Miss; 926 Clay. Wednesday. Calistoga, Cal.

Windeler, Mr. and Mrs. P.; 2088 Howard.

_______, Miss Anna; Henry.

Wingerter, Mrs. Caroline; 2714 Sacramento. Monday.

Wingerter, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.; 2706 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 84.) Monday.

Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.; 1945 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 664.) Friday.

Winston, Mr. and Mrs. Russell H.; Miss; 906 Leavenworth.

Winter, Dr. James W.; 2507 Pine.

Winter, Mrs. W. G.; 443 Golden Gate Avenue. 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Harriett; Miss Annie; Miss Grace.

Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 1371.) 2 Tues.

Winterberg, Dr. and Mrs. W.; 1208 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 262.) 1 & 2 Thurs.

_________, Dr. W. H.

_________, Dr. W. Hoepfner, Assistant Surgeon, General Hospital, Presidio.

Winterburn, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; Alameda, Cal. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Winterburn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 1617 Gough. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

_________, Miss Louise.

Winterburn, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H.; 1617 Gough.

Wintermute, Dr. George Preston; 2524 Gough. (Tel. Baker 1401.)

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Clark; The Stewart, 431 Ellis. Monday.

Wise, Mr. David W.; 728 Sutter.

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.; Oakland, Alameda County Cal. Wednesday.

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 1426B California. Wednesday.

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 2719 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Jackson 1301.) 1st Tuesday.

____, Miss Mabel M.; Miss Wadelo; Miss Madelon G.

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Irving; 1358 Post. (Tel. East 185.) 1st Mon. 3d Thurs.

Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A.; 2719 Pacific Ave. (T. Jackson 1301.) 1 & last Tu.

Wise, Dr. Sara E.; 1508 California. (Tel. Hyde 281.)

Wismer, Mrs. Mathilde; 844 Grove. Friday evening.

______, Miss Helen; Hother; Paul; Einer.

Wissel, Mr. Albert F.; 904 Steiner.

Witham, Mr. and Mrs. William L.; 3122 Washington.

Witter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis G.; San Carlos, San Mateo County, Cal.

Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1312 Washington. 1st and last Tuesday.

_____, Miss Paula; Carl William; Henry N.; George. (Tel. East 256.)

Wollenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.; 2506 Pine.

Wollpert, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.; 330 Haight. (Tel. Page 4811.) 1st, 2d & 3d Tuesday.

Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; 2016 California. (Tel. West 92.) 1st Friday.

Wood, Mr. and Mrs. George M.; Miss Mabel; 2528 Post. Tuesday.

Wood, Miss Nellie V.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Wood, Mrs. Samuel A. Jr.; 1300 McAllister. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Wood, Mr. William E.; 827 Post.

Wood, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 1920 Clay. (Tel. East 68.)

Woodhams, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S.; 830 Union. Tuesday.

Woodlock, Mr. and Mrs. John; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal. Friday.

Woods, Mrs. F. H.; Mr. Harry F.; 913 Pine. (Tel. Main 5063.)

Woods, Mr. Edmund L.; 222 Sansome. Residence, Sausalito, Marin Co., Cal.

Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N.; 2000 California. 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Lottie; Miss Maud; Miss Dottie. (Tel. West 886.)

Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.; 2714 California. (Tel. West 297.)

Woodward, Dr. and Mrs. A. P.; 845 Shrader. (Tel. Park 191.) 1st & 3d Tuesday.

Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. T. P.; 2741 Pine. (Tel. West 378.) 1st, 2d & 3d Tues.

Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Abijah; Tomales, Marin County, Cal.

_________, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph.

_________, Mr. and Mrs. Fred; San Rafael. “Laurel Heights.” 1st & 3d Thurs.

Woodworth, Mr. Marshall B.; 1712 Larkin.

Woodworth, Mrs. Rose; 1712 Larkin.

Woodey, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene; The Eugene. (Tel. James 2431.) Thursday.

Woolrich, Mr. George L.; 2009 Vallejo.

Woolsey, Dr. and Mrs. Mark H.; 1500 Jackson. (Tel. East 92.)

Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R.; Waldemar Hotel. Thursday.

Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. Philip L.; San Mateo, Cal.

Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E.; 1101 California. (Tel. Main 6.) Tuesday.

Wormser, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I.; 2001 California. (Tel. Steiner 4176.)

Worth, Dr. and Mrs. Sidney; 1721 Vallejo. (Tel. West 198.) Friday.

Worthington, Mr. B. A.; Mr. William A.; 1550 Page. (Tel. Park 255.)

Wreden, Mr. and Mrs. William G.; 734 Cole. (Tel. Page 7781.) 2d Monday.

Wrenn, Mr. John W.; California Hotel.

Wrenn, Mrs. H. D.; 719 Bush. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_____, Miss Helen M.; Miss Louise.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C.; 1703 Gough. 4th Wednesday.

Wright, Mr. Chester F.; 653 Geary.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus S.; 1201 Jones. (Tel. Sutter 1671.) Tuesday.

______, Miss Helen.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.; 1620 Broadway. (Tel. East 399.) Friday.

Wright, Mr. Frederick W.; 2524 Washington.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; 2222 Washington. Friday.

______, Miss Jessie S.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. George S.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. George T.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Red 301.)

Wright, Mr. John; 336 Sutter.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John Malmesbury; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.; 2410 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Steiner 2921.) Monday.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham; 2504 Scott. (Tel. West 468.)

Wright, Mrs. Selden S.; 912 Lombard. Friday. Haywards.

_____, Miss Annie; Ralph K.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. William C.; 2524 Washington. (Tel. West 483.)

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 2023 Pierce. (Tel. West 238.) Wednesday.

Wyckoff, Miss May; 425 Shrader. (Tel. Page 441.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Yemans, Mrs. K. S.; 2038 Baker. (Tel. Steiner 4266.) 1st and last Friday.

Yocum, Mr. George A.; 2104 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 525.)

Yordi, Mr. Alfred H.; Hotel Berkshire, 711 Jones. (Tel. Main 1420.)

York, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.; 2000 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 256.) 1 & 3 Friday.

Young, Mr. Carlos G.; 706 Ashbury. (Tel. Page 1711.)

Young, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.; 2530 Pine. 3d and 4th Friday.

______, Harry. (Tel. Steiner 4868.) Santa Cruz.

Young, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 2342 Broadway.

Young, Miss Leah S.; 706 Ashbury. (Tel. Pine 4711.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

_____, Miss Minnie H.

Young, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; 1908 Broadway.

Young, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.; 1303 Gough. 1st Tuesday.

Young, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.; 902 Devisadero. (Tel. Park 173.) 1st Thursday.

Young, Mr. and Mrs. William W.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

_____, Miss; Miss Edith.

Younger, Dr. Edward; 300 Stockton. (Tel. Grant 170.) Residence, Alameda.

Zane, Miss Elizabeth; Hotel Stewart, 1101 Pine.

Zech, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jr.; 1260 O’Farrell (Oct. to May). Sum. res., Ross Station.

____, Miss Vera; Miss Ada; Miss Juanita. Last Wednesday.

Zeeder, Captain and Mrs. A.; Hotel St. Nicholas. “City of Para.”

Zeile, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.; 2023 California. (Tel. West 791.) 1 & 3 Friday.

Zeile, Mrs. Henrietta; 1717 California. (Tel. Sutter 2961.)

Zeilin, Mr. W. S.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Zellerbach, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1550 Fell. (Tel. Park 123.)

Zellerbach, Mr. and Mrs. I.; 1730 Fell. (Tel. Park 241.)

Zellerbach, Mr. J. C.; 80 Franklin.

Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.; 1321 Sutter. (Tel. East 683.)

Zook, Mr. and Mrs. F. K.; San Rafael, Cal.; Belle and Grand Streets. Friday.

Zuckerman, Mr. Joseph; 2811 Washington.



Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 107-116.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







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