San Francisco







Scribner, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D.; 3009 Sacramento. (Tel. Pine 3386.)

Scurlock, Mr. and Mrs. William D.; 1532 Jones. (Tel. Sutter 736.) Thursday.

Seale, Mrs. H. W.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Seaman, Mrs. G. B.; 2036 Sutter. (Tel. West 216.)

Searby, Prof. and Mrs. Wm. M.; 605 O’Farrell. (Tel. Sutter 721.) 2d & 3d Tues.

Searle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal. Tuesday.

Searls, Mrs. Niles; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Seaton, Mrs. Mary E.; 1423 Devisadero. 1st Monday.

Seawell, Judge and Mrs. James M.; 421 Baker. (Tel. Page 1542.)

______, Harry W.; Victor F.

Sebree, Commander and Mrs. U.; 606 Stockton. (Tel. Main 5410.) Tuesday.

Sedgwick, Mr. John; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

________, Miss Flora Sharon.

Seegelken, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.; 14 McAllister. Last Tuesday.

Seely, Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard; 3986 Nineteenth. Wednesday.

Seely, Mr. and Mrs. L. Warren; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal. Wednesday.

Selby, Mrs. Elena A.; Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.

_____, Percival W.

Selby, Mrs. Thomas H.; 2119 Buchanan. (Tel. West 278.)

Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; 2615 California. (Tel. Steiner 971.) Tuesday.

Selfridge, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.; 2438 Jackson. (Tel. Steiner 586.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Selfridge, Dr. and Mrs. Grant; 2515 Octavia. (Tel. Scott 193.) Friday.

Seller, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 1824 Sutter. (Tel. Steiner 1021.)

_____, Miss Edith.

Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 2066 Mission. (Tel. Church 675.) Thursday.

Selling, Dr. Nathalie; Miss Emma; 1918 Ellis.

Serra, Mr. Carlo F.; Royal Italian Consul; 506 Battery.

Serviss, Dr. Thomas Wilson; 522 Sutter. (Tel. John 1281.)

Sesnon, Mr. and Mrs. William T.; 3330 Washington. (Tel. Steiner 1371.)

Sessions, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.; 2904 Bush.

Sessions, Mr. and Mrs. David R.; 3001 California. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

_______, Miss Ruby E. (Tel. Steiner 4616.)

Severance, Mr. J. Seymour; University Club and Menlo Park.

Severns, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.; 3409 Washington. Wednesday.

Sewall, Mr. Oscar T.; Pacific-Union Club; residence, New York.

Sewell, Mr. Amos F.; 205 Sansome.

Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Fane D.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Sexton, Mr. William; 3118 Washington. (Tel. Scott 164.) Last Thursday.

_____, Miss Kate; Miss Emma; Miss Nettie; William A.

Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.; 171 Parnassus Avenue. 3d and 4th Friday.

Sexton, Hutton; Mrs. Inez; 920 Hyde.

Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Shackelford, Mr. and Mrs. Otto; The Lenox, 628 Sutter. Monday.

Shafter, Maj.-Gen’l. Wm. R., U. S. A.; Fort Mason. (Tel. Main 1921 – 3 bells.)

Shainwald, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Shainwald, Mr. & Mrs. H.; 2012 B’dw’y. (T. W. 257.) Wed. “Oakcliff,” Sausalito.

Shainwald, Mr. and Mrs. R. S.; 1816 Vallejo. (Tel. Geary 1153.) 1st Friday.

Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Michael; 2310 Jackson. (Tel. Scott 413.) Friday.

_______, Miss May F.; J. Warren; William W.

Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D.; Palace Hotel. 1st and 3d Monday.

______, Miss.

Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Sharp, Dr. and Mrs. James G.; 2315 California. 2d and last Wednesday.

_____, Miss Helen E. (Tel. Jackson 366.)

Sharp, Dr. and Mrs. William Fuller; The Wenban, 606 Sutter. (Tel. Main 1268.)                 Thursday. Res. in San Rafael. (G. st., nr. 6th.) T. Sunset, Black 271.

Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2816 Clay. (Tel. Geary 238.) Monday.

_____, Miss Amy.

Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

______, Miss Clara L.

Sharpstein, Mrs. John R.; 901 Fillmore.

Shartzer, Mrs. Benjamin Culbertson; 1016 Eddy. 3d and 4th Thursday.

Shattuck, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.; 3020 Washington. (Tel. Scott 252.)

Shattuck, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.; 814 Powell. Thursday.

Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Addison E.; Berkeley, Cal.

Shaw, Mr. Nelson Towne; 1101 California.

Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; 1920 Van Ness Ave. 2 & 4 Friday. Cortez, Nev.

Shawhan, Mr. and Mrs. William D.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones. Monday.

Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T.; 1425 Post. Wednesday.

Shea, Mr. and Mrs. James; 1375 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Park 89.)

____, Misses. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Shea, Mr. and Mrs. James; 1120 Gough. (Tel. East 912.) 1st and 2d Thursday.

Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Michael; 1422 Green.

____, Miss Mary; Miss Annie; Miss Maggie; Miss Virginia.

Shea, Mr. William D.; 1422 Green.

Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. John F.; San Rafael, Cal. Wednesday.

Sheehan, Mr. John F. Jr.; 536 Turk.

Sheehy, Mrs. Margaret; 1300 Hyde. (Tel. Polk 614.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

______, The Misses; Eugene.

Sheldon, Mr. Edward H.; 2515 Pierce.

Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 1001 Golden Gate Ave.

______, Joseph A.

Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Leonce C.; Alameda, Cal.

Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; 259 Frederick. 2d and 4th Thursday.

Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.; Hotel Bella Vista. Monday. San Mateo.

Shepard, Mr. Morgan; 1034 Vallejo.

Shepard, Mr. W. C.; 538 Parrott Building.

Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Eli T.; 1624 Taylor, corner Vallejo. Friday.

_______, Miss Evelyn Louise. (Tel. Larkin 855.) Napa.

Sherman, Mrs. A. E.; 1914 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 199.) Thursday.

Sherman, Mr. Frank P.; 2010 Laguna. (Tel. West 713.)

Sherman, Dr. and Mrs. Henry M.; 2125 Jackson. (Tel. West 652.)

Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Leander S.; 2110 Green. (Tel. Scott 1155.) 1st & 3d Mon.

_______, Miss Claire; Miss Elsie; Fred R.

Sherrard, Mr. John B.; 2129 Green.

Sherrard, Miss L. B.; 2129 Green. 1st and 3d Monday.

Sherwood, Mr. Harry; 126 Tremont. (Tel. Fell 302.)

Sherwood, Miss Georgia; 2243 Sutter. (Tel. Scott 1253.)

Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H.; Alameda, Cal. Thursday.

Sherwood, Mrs. Robert; 1123 California. (Tel. East 77.) Tuesday.

________, William R.; Robert L.

Shetterly, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M.; 711 Franklin. 1st Monday.

Shields, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.; 2430 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 4726.) 1st and 3d Friday.

Shiels, Mr. Charles H.; 929 Steiner. (Tel. Fell 7611.)

Shiels, Dr. George Franklin; Pacific-Union Club.

Shiels, Dr. and Mrs. J. Wilson; 23 Scott. (Tel. Park 74.)

Shine, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 1515 Scott. Friday.

Shingleberger, Miss Leah; 1201 Hyde. Wednesday. Rutherford, Napa Co., Cal.

Shippen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 899 Noe, corner Twenty-second.

Shiraishi, Mr. and Mrs. M.; 1217 Jones. (Tel. Baker 1125.)

Short, Dr. and Mrs. Edward N.; 1615A Clay. (Tel. Sutter 2435.)

Shortridge, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Shotwell, Mr. Ellsworth E.; Hotel Wenban, 606 Sutter.

Shotwell, Mr. William J.; 2300 Webster.

Shreve, Mrs. George C.; 1117 Pine. (Tel. East 23.)

Shreve, Mr. and Mrs. George R.; San Mateo, Cal.

Shumate, Dr. and Mrs. T. E.; 2707 California. (Tel. West 377.) 2d and 4th Wed’.)

Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; 1440 Jackson. (Tel. Hyde 2988.) Friday.

Sichel, Dr. G. W.; 231 Post. (Tel. Red 1166.)

Siebe, Mr. Frederick C.; 2119 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 747.)

Siebe, Mr. George H.; 1443 Fulton. (Tel. Fell 5611.)

Siebe, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; 2217 Sacramento. (Tel. West 587.) 1st Wednesday.

____, John F.

Sieberst, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.; 3583 19th. (T. Capp 604.) Tues. “Clarita Vineyard,” 

______, Miss Emily J.; George.                                                          Mayfield, Ca.

Sieberst, Dr. and Mrs. W. H.; 349A 19th. (Tel. Church 339.) 1st Tuesday.

Siefkes, Dr. and Mrs. J. L.; 2558 Folsom. (Tel. White 451.) Friday.

Siegel, Miss Lotte; 1096 Post. (Tel. Larkin 1079.) Tuesday and Friday.

Sievers, Mr. John H.; 1306 Jones. (Tel. Sutter 1211.) Thursday.

______, Miss Sophie M.; John R.

Silberstein, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice; 1604 Van Ness Avenue. Monday.

Silverman, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A.; 958 Geary. (Tel. Polk 1561.) 1 & 3 Sunday.

Siminoff, Mr. and Mrs. M.; Hotel Pleasanton. Thursday.

Simonds, Mr. and Mrs. John; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Simonson, Mr. Joseph; 820 Ellis.

Simpkins, Mrs. C. H.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Black 541.) Monday.

________, Harry R.

Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.; 2200 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 111.) 2d & 3d Fri.

_______, Miss Edith; Edgar M.; Harry M.

Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2520 Vallejo. 2d and 4th Thursday.

_______, Miss A. (Tel. Pine 4561.)

Simpson, Mr. Sylvester C.; 1227 Jackson. (Tel. Polk 842.)

Simpson, Mrs. T. B.; 3408 Clay. (Tel. Scott 21.) Tuesday.

_______, Miss Mariana.

Sisson, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. H.; 2315 Buchanan. (Tel. Jackson 996.) Last Thursday.

Skaggs, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Skaife, Mr. F. W.; 1022 Bush.

Slack, Judge and Mrs. Chas. W.; 1114 Octavia. (Tel. West 649.) 1 & 4 Friday.

Slade, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E.; Menlo Park, Cal.

Slessinger, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis; 1809 Broadway. (T. Steiner 4181.) 1 & 3 Thurs.

________, Miss M.; Leonard.

Slevin, Mrs. Marie E.; Mr. Thomas E.; Mr. Louis S.; 2413 Sacramento.

Slevin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.; 2755 Harrison. Friday.

Slevin, Mrs. Kathleen; 14 Grant Avenue.

Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; 313 Locust. (Tel. West 54.)

Sloss, Mr. and Mrs. Leon; 1516 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 464.)

Sloss, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1500 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 457.) San Rafael.

____, Louis Jr.; Joseph.

Sloss, Judge and Mrs. M. C.; 1603 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 674.)

Small, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. H.; 1920 Washington. (Tel. East 731.)

Smallman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. M.; 109 Devisadero. (Tel. Park 119.)

Smart, Mr. and Mrs. George C.; 1884 San Jose Ave. (Tel. Church 424.) Friday.

_____, Miss Florence A.; Miss Edna F.

Smedberg, Colonel and Mrs. William R.; 1611 Larkin. (Tel. East 63.) Tuesday.

Smiley, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P.; 1728A Page. 2d and 4th Friday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.; 2501 Steiner. (Tel. West 112.) 1, 2 and 3 Friday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.; 3822 Twenty-second. (Tel. White 1462.)

Smith, Mrs. Arthur H.; 1804 Green. Wednesday.

Smith, Mr. Barclay J.; 570 Harrison.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J.; Oakland, Cal. 1st and 4th Tuesday.

Smith, Mrs. Bessie T.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. M.; 1719 Clay. Thursday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Christian W.; Menlo Park, Cal.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R.; 425 Shrader. (Tel. Page 7441.) 1 and 3 Friday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Francis; Occidental Hotel and Santa Clara, Cal.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.; 1304 Pine, near Hyde.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George F.; 1607 Clay. 1st and 2d Tuesday.

Smith, Mrs. George Law; 2226 Jackson. (Tel. Geary 428.) 1st and last Friday.

_____, Miss Maud A.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George T.; 129 Liberty.

Smith, Mr. Henry L.; 1026 Pine.

Smith, Mr. Henry W.; 2210 Van Ness Avenue. Friday. Chico, Cal.

____, Miss; Miss Mary Alice; Harold E.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Holland; 1606 Washington. (Tel. Sutter 2909.)

Smith, Mr. H. Stephenson; 1228 Sacramento. (Tel. Polk 521.)

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James B.; 1546 Page. (Tel. Park 203.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Julien; 2124 Broderick.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paul; “Olivina Vineyard,” Livermore & N. Y. City.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew; 265 Page. 2d Wednesday.

Smith, Dr. and Mrs. L. A.; 3011 California. (Tel. Geary 603.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Smith, Mrs. Mary H.; 1827 Pacific Avenue.  (Tel. Sutter 1691.) Friday.

_____, Miss Lizzie Blacker.

Smith, Mrs. M. L.; Miss Marion E.; 1418 Washington.

Smith, Captain and Mrs. Nicholas T.; San Carlos, San Mateo County, Cal.

Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Willis; 2224 Post. Last Tuesday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison; 2311 Clay. (Tel. Pine 3527.)

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney V.; 1900 Washington. (Tel. West 409.)

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. Prentiss; 2200 Clay. (Tel. West 817.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

_____, Felix.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. E.; 1619 Washington. (Tel. Polk 904.) Friday.

_____, Miss; Miss Lucille; L. H.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Willard M.; 95 Sanchez.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ward M.; 529 Baker. (Tel. Page 7671.)

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 2203 Scott. (Tel. Geary 251.) Friday.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.; 826 Broderick.

Smurr, Mrs. Charles F.; 1106 Devisadero. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Horace; 2127 Broderick. (Tel. West 178.) Monday.

Sneath, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.; 844A Howard. (Tel. South 202.)

Sneath, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R.; 408 California Hotel. 2d Monday. San Bruno.

Sneath, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.; The California Hotel. Monday.

Snedaker, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; The California Hotel. Tuesday.

Sneider, Mr. and Mrs. George C.; 825 Fillmore. 2d Tuesday.

Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.; 536 Sanchez. (Tel. Capp 328.) 4th Friday.

Snell, Miss Sarah H.; 1849 Jackson. 1st Thursday.

Snook, Mr. and Mrs. James A.; 2401 Broderick. (Tel. Pine 3811.) 1 & last Friday.

Snowgrass, Mrs. Louise; 742 Lyon. Wednesday. Blithedale, Marin Co., Cal.

________, Miss Lily M.; Allen B.; John G.; Robert B.; 1824 Webster.

Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. B. M.; 2424 Buchanan. (Tel. West 477.)

Solomons, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.; 1719 Scott. (Tel. Jackson 1356.) 1st & 3d Friday.

Somers, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 1111 Pine. (Tel. Hyde 491.) Monday.

______, Miss Ida O.; Frank A.

Somers, Dr. and Mrs. George B.; 2416 Webster.

Somers, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; 1034 Mission. (Tel. Jessie 571.) Thursday.

______. Burbank G.; Mountain View.

Somersett, Dr. J. C.; 500 Eddy. (Tel. Larkin 1329.)

Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Max; 1308 Post. (Tel. Hyde 2641.) 2d Tuesday.

Sonnenfeld, Mrs. S.; 331 Kearny.

Sonntag, Mr. Charles; 114 Market. (Tel. Drumm 34.)

Sonntag, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.; San Rafael. Wednesday.

Sonntag, Mr. and Mrs. Julian; 2700 Scott. (Tel. West 117.) 1st Thursday.

Sonntag, Mr. Lincoln; 675 Guerrero.

Soto, Mrs. R. M. F.; 518 Van Ness Avenue.

Soule, Dr. and Mrs. Milan; Palace Hotel. 3d and 4th Monday.

Southard, Dr. and Mrs. W. Freeman; 1426 Clay. (Tel. East 764.) 4th Tuesday.

Southard, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll O.; 1426 Clay. (Tel. East 764.) 4th Tuesday.

Spalding, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.; 412 Ashbury and “Millwood.” 1st Tuesday.

Sparhawk, Miss; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Sparrowe, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.; 940 Oak. 2d and 4th Friday.

Spaulding, Mrs. Emily M.; Miss Kate; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday

Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. F. D.; 1817 Vallejo. (Tel. Geary 194.) 1st & 3d Wed’y.

Spaulding, Mrs. G.; 1332 Clay. (Tel. Sutter 1251.) Wednesday.

Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. James G.; 1332 Clay. (Tel. Sutter 1251.) Wednesday.

Spear, Captain Alexander F.; 2908 Folsom. Thursday.

_____, Miss Mayme A.

Spear, Mr. Arthur W.; 2862 Sacramento.  (Tel. Pine 2141.)

Spear, Mrs. Joseph S.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Bush 79.)

Spear, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S., Jr.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Bush 79.)

Spear, Mr. And Mrs. Lewis, E.; Alameda, Cal.   Thursday.

Speck, Mr. Andrew M.; 667 Market.  (Tel. Main 5998.) Residence, 900 Pine.

Speck, Mr. John H.; 900 Pine.

Spence, Mr. and Mrs. A. S.; “Skylands,” Belvedere. 1st and 3d Friday.

Spence, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.; 1509 Larkin.  Wednesday.

Spencer, Mr. C. D. W.; 1432 Geary.  (Tel. West 273.)

Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Hotel Bella Vista.  Monday.  San Jose.

Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. H. McD.; 2700 California.

Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 1040 Haight.  (Tel. Page 1091.)  Wednesday.

Spencer, Dr. John C.; 3522 Clay.  (Tel. West 958.)

Sperry, Col. and Mrs. George B.; California Hotel and Stockton.

Sperry, Mrs. Austin; 2100 Pacific Avenue.  Tel. Pine 861.)  Friday.

______Miss Beda S.; Austin; Horace B.

______Dr. Mary A.; 1201 Sutter.  (Tel. Hyde 311.) 2100 Pacific Avenue.

Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; Miss Emma; 329 Twenty-seventh.  Thursday

Speyer, Mrs. Morris; 2412 Washington.  (Tel. West 368.)  Friday.

______Walter M.

Speyer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, 2121 Jackson.  (Tel. Pine 3294.)  Friday

______Miss Helene; Miss Ethel.

Spieker, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.; 2100 Devisadero.  (Tel. West 866.)  1 st and 3d Wed’y.

_______Miss Georgie; Warren.

Spiers, Mr. and Mrs. James: 2114 Vallejo.  (Tel. Pine 3871.)

______Miss: James Jr.

Spinney, Mr. and Mrs. George R.; 1615 Larkin.  Wesnesday

Spinney, Mr. and Mrs. Waldron S.; 164 Hawthorne.  Wednesday.

_______Miss Emma.

Splivalo, Mr. and Mrs. A. D..; 1120 Washington.  (Tel. Davis 124.)  Wesnesday.

Spohn, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 2013 Broderick.  (Tel. Baker, 328.)  Thursday.

Spotswood, Mr. Alexander; Mills Bldg.; res., “Laurel Heights,” San Rafael, Cal.

Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. William J.; 742 Castro.

Spottiswood, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2010 Eddy.  Wednesday.  Mill Valley.

___________Miss Madge; Paul L.

Spotts, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.; 2467 Pacific Ave.  (Tel. Pine, 646.)  Friday.

Sprague, Dr. Frances R.; 1201 Sutter.  (Tel. Hyde 311.) Monday evening.

Sprague, Miss F. L.; 2014 Webster.

Spreckels, Mr. Adolph B.; Palace Hotel and S. W. cor. Clay & Van Ness Ave.

Spreckels, Mr. and Mrs.Claus; S. W. Cor Van Ness Ave. & Clay. (T. East 724.)

Spreckels, Mr. and Mrs. C. August; Burlingame, San Mateo County, Cal.

_________Miss Lurline.

Spreckels, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; N. E. cor. Pacific Avenue and Laguna.

_________Miss Lillian; Miss Grace.

Spreckels, Mr and Mrs. Rudolph; 1900 Pacific Avenue.  (Tel West 659.)

Spring, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.; 802 Van Ness Avenue.

Spring, Mr. and Mrs. John R.; 1912 Clay.

Sproule, Mr. James; 970 Sutter and Palo Alto, Cal.

Sproule, Mr. William; Bohemian Club and 1101 Geary.

Sprout, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney; 1124 Golden Gate Avenue. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Spruance, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2504 Jackson.  Friday (When in San Francisco).

Squires, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; 1256 Eddy.  (Tel. Baker, 1152.)  Friday.

Sresovich, Mr. and Mrs. Luke G.; 2220 Webster, cor. Washington. 1st Friday.

_________Miss Evelyn G.; L.; George, Jr.  (Tel. West 362.)

Sroufe, Mr. John; 2318 Sutter.  (Tel. Pine 651.)

St. Goar, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 2025 California.  (Tel. West 431.)

St John, Mr. Chauncey M.; Occidental Hotel.

Staack, Mr. and Mrs. George; 818 Bush.

Stadtfeld, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jr.; 1231 Jackson and Larkspur, Marin County, Cal.

Stadtfeld, Mr. and Mrs. William D.; 1606 Taylor.  Thursday.

Stafford, Mr. Henry J.; 3516 Twenty-third.

Stadtmuller, Mrs. F. D.; 819 Eddy.

_________, Miss Henrietta; Frederick; David; Edwin W.

Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 1625 McAllister. Thursday.

Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.; 112 Broderick. (Tel. Park 244.) 1 & 3 Thursday.

Stalder, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; East Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

______, Miss Mary E.; Miss Bertha; J. M.

Stallman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 1742 Fell. (Tel. Park 10.)

Stallman, Mrs. Matilda; 1822 Sutter. (Tel. Geary 569.) Thursday.

_______, Misses; Dr. George E. 21 Powell.

Stanford, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B.; 3232 Jackson. (Tel. West 399.) Wednesday.

Stanford, Mrs. Jane L.; S. W. cor. California & Powell. (Tel. Main 15.) Tuesday.

Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P.; Aptos, Santa Cruz County, Cal.

Stanton, Mr. John A.; 659 Clay.

Stanyan, Mrs. Jennie G; Mr. Charles H.; 2006 Bush. (Tel. Jackson 664.)

Stark, Mr. and Mrs. David; 929A Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 426.)

Starbird, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; Miss Sadie; 1055 Golden Gate Avenue.

Stauf, Mr. and Mrs. Werner; 3218 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 3361.)

Starr, Dr. Frederick R.; 705 Vallejo. (Tel. Main 5825.)

Staude, Mr. and Mrs. Fred; 355 Devisadero. 1st and 3d Friday.

Stealey, Mrs. Thomas; 3491 Seventeenth. (Tel. Capp 1015.)

______, Miss Lulu; Miss Ida; Miss Ethel; Dr. E. M.

Stebbins, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Horatio; 1609 Larkin.

Steele, Dr. and Mrs. D. L.; Murphy Building. 1236 Market.

Steiger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D; Alameda, Cal. 1st Tuesday.

Steiger, Mrs. Frances E.; Miss Grace; A.; Alameda, Cal. 1st Tuesday.

Steiger, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.; 900 Devisadero. (Tel. Park 194.) 3 & 4 Thursday.

Steil, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 726 Fillmore. (Tel. Page 7221.)

____, Miss Lillian M.; Miss Sebel; Arthur H.

Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 481 Fell. 3d Wednesday.

Steinhart, Mrs. William; Mr. Jesse H.; 1090 Post. (Tel. East 240.)

Steinhart, Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz; 916 Sutter. (Tel. East 765.) Thursday.

Stephen, Dr. John I.; 623 McAllister. (Tel. South 140.)

Stephens, Dr. Charles J.; 231 Post. (Tel. Red 1721.)

Stephens, Mr. James A.; 924 Haight. (Tel. Park 43.)

Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; 52 Mint Avenue. (Tel. South 47.)

Stephens, Dr. William Barclay; 231 Post. (Tel. Red 1721.) Res. Alameda, Cal.

Stern, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 621 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 47.) Monday.

Stern, Mr. Abraham; 16 Battery.

Stern, Mr. and Mrs. M. M.; 120 Broderick. (Tel. Park 149.) Tuesday.

Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund; 2319 Buchanan. (Tel. West 460.) Friday.

Stetson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; 1416½ Washington. Wednesday.

Stetson, Mr. Edward Gray; 508 California. Residence, Toyon, Marin County.

Stetson, Mr. and Mrs. James B.; 1801 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 677.) 1 & 3 Fri.

______, Harry N. (Tel. East 677.)

Stetson, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 13 Scott. (Tel. Page 5071.)

______, Miss Ethel; Miss Bessie; Arthur W.

Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. A. K.; 1907 Bush. Tuesday.

Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Stevens, Mrs. H. A.; 1111 Hyde. 1st and 3d Thursday. Del Monte.

Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Paru 1089.) 1 & 2 Tuesday.

Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard G; Menlo Park, Cal.

________, Miss; Mr. H. G., Jr. (Tel. Suburban 214, 4 bells, Redwood City.)

Stewart, Mrs. Granville; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Stewart, Dr. H. J.; 1417 Van Ness Avenue. 1st and 4th Wednesday.

______, Miss Frances.

Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. James; 806 Van Ness Avenue. Monday.

Stewart, Miss M.; The Stewart, S. E. cor. Ellis and Leavenworth. (T. East 954.)

______, Charles A.; S. E. corner Ellis and Leavenworth. (Tel. East 954.)

Stilwell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.; 1620 Sacramento. Friday.

Stillman, Mr. Alfred; 305 Walnut.

Stillman, Dr. Stanley; 2209 Buchanan. (Tel. West 946.)

Stincen, Miss Alice M.; Miss Emma E.; 976 Chestnut. (Tel. Polk 481.) Tuesday.

Stinson, Dr. J. Coplin; California Hotel, 416 Bush. (Tel. Main 1220.)

Stinson, Mr. W. H.; 3136 Washington. (Tel. Baker 392.) 1st & 3d Thursday.

______, Miss Fannie J.; Miss Ida W.

Stirewalt, Dr. W. H.; 305 Kearny. (Tel. Main 1474.)

Stock, Mr. Ernest C.; 633 Waller. (Tel. Fell 872.)

Stocker, Miss Elga V.; 1900 Washington. (Tel. West 409.)

Stocker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter W.; 928 Valencia. Thursday.

______, Miss Ruth; Leslie W.

Stokes, Lieut. and Mrs., U. S. N.; 741 Chestnut. (Tel. Main 5593.) Friday.

Stolp, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.; Oakland, Cal. Tuesday.

Stolp, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M.; Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Stone, Mrs. A. L.; Miss K. R.; 1822 Washington.

Stone, Miss Annie L.; Hotel Savoy. (Tel. Polk 336.) Wednesday.

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Bertody W.; 3820 Washington. (Tel. Geary 628.) Wed.

Stone, Mrs. C. B.; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 161.)

_____, Miss Emily; Walter C.

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 2520 Green.

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; 1074 Dolores. Thursday.

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P.; Miss; H. B.; 1030 Dolores. (Tel. White 1281.)

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.; Hotel Granada.

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. George; 2004 Broadway.

Stone, Mr. Leonard, 620 Parrott Bldg, or 1101 Golden Gate Ave. (T. Howard 701.)

Stone, Mr. and Mrs. N. J.; 2305 Howard. Mountain View, Cal.

Stoney, Mrs. T. P.; 69 Fair Oaks. Wednesday. “El Madrona,” Oakville, Cal.

_____, Miss Kate.

Stoney, Mr. and Mrs. Donzel; 318 Walnut. (Tel. Baker 473.) 1 & 3 Thursday.

Stoney, Mr. and Mrs. G.; 69 Fair Oaks. (Tel. Church 958.) Wed. “El Madrona.”

Storey, Mr. William B. Jr.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Storm, Mrs. F. E.; Occidental Hotel. Monday.

Storror, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.; 711 Broderick. (Tel. Park 236.)

Storror, Dr. Edward; 711 Broderick. (Tel. East 274.)

Story, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; “Yellow Jacket,” Sausalito, Marin Co., Cal.

Stoutenborough, Mr. Charles H.; 2901 Devisadero, N. W. corner Union.

Stovel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.; 2613 Buchanan. (Tel. Scott 306.) 3 & 4 Thurs.

Stow, Mrs. A. E.; Miss Nellie; 1013 Pine. (Tel. East 239.)

Stow, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderlynn; 2900 Broadway. (Tel. West 528.)

Stratton, Mr. William; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Straus, Mr. Gaston; Maison Riche, 104 Grant Avenue. (Tel. Grant 88.)

Strauss, Mr. Levi; 621 Leavenworth.

Strickland, Mrs. George D.; 1907 Larkin. (Tel. East 497.)

Strickland, Dr. and Mrs. S. L.; 15 Belvedere. (Tel. Fell 773.)

Strippel, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.; 310 Fell. Wednesday.

Strong, Dr. and Mrs. Colin G.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Strouse, Mrs. Emelie; 2412 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Jackson 492.)

Stuart, Mr. Francis; 1615 Jackson, near Polk.

Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. James F.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

_____, Miss Amy.

Stuart, Mr. William A.; 606 Montgomery.

Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 2519 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 446.) 1 & 2 Friday.

______, Miss Helen; Miss Mary S.; Miss Edith; Miss Beulah; Donald.

Stuparich, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.; 1217 Greenwich. (Tel. Hyde 1711.)

Sturdivant, Mrs. L. M.; 726 Octavia. (Tel. Page 81.) Friday.

_________, Miss Belle; Paul H.

Sturdivant, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B.; 2015 Sacramento.

Sturdivant, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.; 1432 Leavenworth.

Sullivan, Miss Ada; 525 Oak. (Tel. Park 48.) 1st and 2d Tuesday.

_______, Miss Georgia; Charles A.; Emmet V.

Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.; S. E. cor. Van Ness & Washington. (Tel. East 785.)

Sullivan, Mrs. James F.; 2416 Fillmore. (Tel. Baker 281.) 3d & 4th Thursday.

_______, Miss Angela; Arthur.

Sullivan, Dr. William N.; 2416 Fillmore. (Tel. Baker 281.)

Sullivan, Judge and Mrs. Jeremiah F.; 1814 Vallejo. 1st Friday.

Sullivan, Mr. Matt I.; 3434 Twenty-first.

Sullivan, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice J.; 900 McAllister. Thursday.

Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas; Miss M.; 1901 Scott. Wednesday.

Sultan, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 1807 Laguna. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Sultan, Mr. and Mrs. Julius; 1821 Laguna. (Tel. Jackson 256.) 1st & 3d Wed.

Sumner, Col. and Mrs. F. W.; 2206 Green, near Fillmore. (Tel. Steiner 1091.)

Sussman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel; 1819 Octavia. (Tel. Steiner 3671.) San Rafael.

Sutro, Mr. Alfred; 1935 Jackson. (Tel. West 538.)

Sutro, Mr. Gustav; 1935 Jackson. (Tel. West 538.)

Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert; “Brookside,” Haywards, Cal. 1st and 3d Friday.

Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.; Hotel Langham. (Tel. Bush 15.) 3d Tuesday.

Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. John G.; 1022 Green. (Tel. Polk 145.)

Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter; 2514 Sacramento. (Tel. Steiner 4314.) 1st & 4th Fri.

Suydam, Mr. and Mrs. James H.; 3315 Washington. (Tel. Jackson 475.)

Suydam, Mr. James N.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine.

Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.; Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine. Thursday.

Swain, Mr. Edward R; Bohemian Club, or 227 Crocker Bldg. (Tel. Main 814.)

Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Hadwen; 2531 Octavia.

Swain, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.; 2000 Bush. (Tel. West 657.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Swan, Dr. Benjamin R.; 2212 Hyde. (Tel. Polk 122.)

Swan, Mr. Edward S., Jr.; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Swanton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.; Palace Hotel & S. Cruz. (T. Sunset, Blk 191.)

Swasey, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M.; 1668 Fell. Friday.

Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo H.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. P.; 2936 Jackson. (Tel. Scott 1164.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

_______, Miss; Miss Rose; James P.; Frank H.; George J.

Sweet, Mrs. Annie E.; Misses; Mr. Adolph; 2230 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 234.)

Swett, Mr. George L; 1018 Page. (Tel. Page 622.)

Swett, Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur M.; 2417 Washington. (T. Geary 204.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Swift, Mr. and Mrs. James H.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Swift, Mrs. John F.; 824 Valencia. (Tel. Mission 249.)

Swinerton, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.; Hotel Savoy, 2d & 4th Tuesday. Belvedere.

Sykes, Mr. Franklin C.; Mr. James B.; 39 Dehon. (Tel. Church 226.)

Sylvester, Mrs. Helene; 722 Eddy. (Tel. Polk 501.)

________, Miss Freda; Miss Armanda; Dr. Henry; Dr. Albert J.

Symmes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.; 630 Harrison. (Tel. Main 5843.) Thursday.

_______, Miss; Whitman W.; Harold S.

Taber, Mr. and Mrs. I. West; 1715 McAllister. (Tel. Page 806.)

_____, Miss Louise.

Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J.; 2727 Jackson. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

______, Miss Jessie.

Tait, Dr. and Mrs. Dudley; 1054 Post. (Tel. East 300.) 1st and last Tuesday.

Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P.; 1945 Pierce, cor. Cal. (Tel. Pine 971.) Friday.

Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. A.; 1819 California. (Tel. East 112.) Tuesday.

Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Talbot, Mrs. W. C.; Miss; 1730 Jackson. (Tel. East 91.) Friday.

Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.; 2680 Jackson. (Tel. West 356.) “Casa Ramona.”

Taliaferro, Miss Mary; 916 Greenwich. 1st Tuesday. Redwood City.

Tallant, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; 2321 Buchanan. Tuesday.

Tallant, Mr. and Mrs. George P.; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Main 251.)

Tamm, Mrs. Augusta G; 329 Bartlett.

_____, Charles I.; 316A Post.

Tams, Mr. Sampson; Pacific-Union Club. Monterey.

Tappenbeck, Mr. William; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Tasheira, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.; 703 Oak. “Vista Redonda,” Sausalito, Cal. Thurs.

Tate, Mr. and Mrs. John H.; 1915 Broderick.

Tatum, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.; 2535 Pacific Avenue. Friday.

Taussig, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A.; 2430 Fulton. (Tel. Park 79.)

Taussig, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J.; 2540 Vallejo. (Tel. West 182.)

______, Miss.

Tauszky, Mr. and Mrs. E.; 2526 Pine. (Tel. Jackson 171.) 1st and last Monday.

Tauzy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 716A Union. (Tel. Black 2916.) 2d and 4th Wed’y.

Tay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.; 1967 Pine. (Tel. West 719.) 1st and 2d Friday.

Tay, Miss; 2002 Pierce. (Tel. West 436.) Friday.

Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. A. Miles; 928 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 585.) 4th Wed’y.

_____, Miss Frances.

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus (nee Hopkins); 2221 Gough.

Taylor, Mr. Charles Dietz; 2221 Larkin.

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.; 2308 California. (Tel. West 544.) 2d and 4th Thurs.

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D.; 1724 Pierce. Thursday.

Taylor, Mrs. E. M.; Hotel Bella Vista. 1001 Pine. Monday.

Taylor, Mr. Henry H.; Mills Building. Residence, San Mateo, Cal.

Taylor, Mr. John; Miss Augusta; Redwood City, Cal.

Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Oscar N.; 3014 Sacramento. (T. Baker 76.) 2d & 4th Thurs.

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.; 534 Capp. (Tel. Blue 1306.)

Taylor, Capt. and Mrs. Thos. G.; 1911 Pine. (Tel. Pine 1081.) Wednesday.

______, Miss Henrietta E.; Miss Bessie; Miss Laura; Miss Gertrude; T. G., Jr.

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A.; Hotel Savoy. Monday.

Taylor, Captain and Mrs. William H.; 2701 California. (Tel. West 364.) Tues.

_____, Miss Carrie; William H. Jr.

Teggert, Mr. Frederick J.; 2725 Pine.

Temple, Judge and Mrs. Jackson; Santa Rosa, Cal.

Tenney, Mrs. Eva; 1199 Bush. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Terrill, Dr. and Mrs. George M.; 3002 Clay. (Tel. Steiner 3731.) 1 & 3 Monday.

Terry, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace I.; 1010 Sutter. (Tel. East 946.) 2d & 4th Monday.

Tevis, Mrs. Lloyd; 1316 Taylor. (Tel. Main 623.) Tuesday.

Tevis, Dr. Harry L.; 1316 Taylor. (Tel. Main 623.)

Tevis, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 1128 Ellis.

Thall, Mr. Mark; Alcazar Theater, 116 O’Farrell or 431 Ellis. (Tel. Main 254.)

Tharp, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.; 2032 Scott. (Tel. Steiner 4614.) 4th Friday.

Tharp, Mr. and Mrs. Newton J.; 1600 Lyon. (Tel. Steiner 531.) 1 & 3 Tuesday.

Theller, Dr. Edward A.; 2723 Laguna.

Theller, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S.; 406 Sutter. Residence, Oakland. Thursday.

Theobald, Mrs. George J.; 3005 California. Thursday.

_______, Miss Annie; Miss Emma; Robert W.

Theobald, Mr. & Mrs. John J.; 2010 Pierce. (T. Jackson 1148.) Thurs. Sausalito.

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.; 1323 Vallejo. 2d and 4th Friday.

______, Misses.

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2614 Pacific Ave. (Tel. Pine 1601.) Wednesday.

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William P; The Colonial.

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. Peard; 1937 Broadway. (Tel. Baker 794.)

Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.; 832 Sutter.

Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.; 2214 Broderick. (Tel. Pine 4736.) Wednesday.

Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. M. F.; Golden Gate, Alameda County, Cal.

Thompson, Dr. George H; 109 Ellis. Hotel St. Nicholas. (Tel. John 2771.)

Thompson, Mr. G. Howard; The Plymouth, 952 Bush.

Thompson, Miss Roberta A.; 2517 Washington. Friday.

Thompson, Captain and Mrs. R. R.; 1501 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 53.) Thurs.

Thompson, Theodore S., U. S. N.; The California Hotel.

Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William M.; 1910 Broadway.

Thorn, Major and Mrs. S. F.; Grand Hotel.

Thorne, Mr. Andrew; 1511 Washington. (Tel. Sutter 2701.)

______, Miss May; Dr. Isaac W.

Thorne, Dr. and Mrs. W. S.; 2906 California. (Tel. Steiner 3566.)

______, Miss Grace; Dr. Walter M.

Thornhill, Miss Emily; 575 O’Farrell.

Thornton, Mr. Crittenden; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Thors, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1910 Gough. (Tel. Jackson 1199.) 1 & 3 Thursday.

Throckmorton, Miss S. M.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Thurston, Mr. George P.; 925 Pine. (Tel. Green 281.)

Tibbitts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard C.; Marechal Niel. Wednesday.

Tibbitts, Mrs. Jennie; 504 Geary.

Tickner, Mr. Henry L; 1913 Baker. (Tel. Steiner 3012.)

Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.; 3334 Clay. (Tel. Scott 335.) 1st Tuesday.

Tiffany, Mr. and Mrs. P.; 3035 California. (Tel. Scott 92.) 1st and 2d Friday.

Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus; 1258 Tenth Avenue. 1st Thursday.

_____, Miss Irma.

Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 2626 California. (Tel. Pine 2316) 1st Friday.

Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. H. N.; 3000 California. (Tel. Steiner 2346.) 1st Friday.

Tillmann, Mr. Frederick Jr.; Fruitvale, Alameda County, Cal.

Tilton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S; 1938 Vallejo. Friday. Napa.

Tilton, M. R. Fletcher; 1714 Clay.

Tilton, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S.; 1824 Vallejo. Friday. Napa.

Tobey, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis; Menlo Park. Tuesday and Thursday.

_____, Miss Theodosia; Curtis Jr.

Titus, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; Berkeley, Cal. Thursday.

Titus, Mr. Henry W.; The Renton, 712 Sutter.

Tobin, Mrs. Mary A.; 1021 California, cor. Taylor. (Tel. Black 1421.) Tuesday.

_____, Miss Agnes; Miss Celia; Richard; Clement.

Tobin, Mr. Edward J.; 1021 California. (Tel. Black 1421.)

Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S.; 1315 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 575.) Burlingame.

Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.; 764 O’Farrell. (Tel. East 755.) Tuesday.

Tobin, Mr. Robert J.; 1380 Geary. (Tel. East 75.)

Tobriner, Miss Adele; Dr. Oscar; Leon; 2506 Clay. (Tel. Pine 2272.)

Toby, Mr. and Mrs. S. B.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Tojetti, Mrs. Emilia; 1236 Hyde. (Tel. Polk 732.) 4th Thursday.

Toohey, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J.; Mill Valley, Marin County, Cal.

Topping, Mrs. Harriet E.; Frank P.; 1826 Vallejo.

Tormey, Mrs. Annie; 2310A California. 1st Thursday.

______, Miss; Miss Ida; Dr. John V.

Tosawa, Mr. and Mrs. K.; 1323 Clay. (Tel. East 905.) 1st Wednesday.

Tourny, Mr. and Mrs. George; 1316 Jones.

Towle, Mrs. Ella; Miss Alene; Miss Sadie; Hotel Bella Vista. Monday.

Towle, Mr. G. W. Jr; Miss Kate C.; 508 California. Res. San Rafael,  Marin Co.

Towne, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G.; 2524 Pierce. Friday.

Towne, Mr. A. N.; 1101 California. (Tel. Main 6.) Tuesday.

Townley, Mr. and Mrs. D. C.; 371 Capp.

Townley, Mr. William D.; Mr. Stephen J.; 3436 Nineteenth.

Toye, Dr. and Mrs. W. O.; 1831 Polk. (Tel. East 763.) 3d Wednesday.

Tozer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H; Commercial Hotel. (Tel. Main 5335.)

Toy, Mr. and Mrs. George D.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal. 1st Wednesday.

___, Miss Mabelle B.

Tracy, Mrs. Augusta F; Mr. Theodore F.; 2004 Pierce.

Treanor, Miss Alice; 1118 Gough; (Tel. Larkin 921.) 2d Tuesday.

Treat, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald J.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal. Friday.

____, Miss N. L.

Treat, Mrs. Helen S.; Mr. De Witt C.; 2117 Hyde. (Tel. Polk 970.) Friday.

Treat, Mr. William W.; Palace Hotel.

Trezevant, Mrs. Henrietta V.; 1008 Polk Thursday.

________, Gray S.; Lewis K.; Paul A.

Trezzini, Mr. and Mrs. B.; 3718 Seventeenth.

Triest, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard; Miss; 1421 Sutter. (Tel. East 61.)

Tripler, Mrs. E. A.; Mr. Charles S.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Trittenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Gustav; 1312 Fulton. (Tel. Page 5821.) Thursday.

Troutt, Judge and Mrs. James M.; 510 Clayton. 1st and 2d Thursday.

Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.; 2128 Lyon. (Tel. Steiner 3619.)

Truesdell, Mrs. A. W.; The Berkshire, 711 Jones. (Tel. Sutter 1871.)

Truitt, Dr. S. Watson; Franklin Hotel. (Tel. Folsom 1851.)

Truman, Mr. and Mrs. I. J.; 3540 Twentieth. (Tel. Blue 511.) Wednesday.

Trumbo, Colonel Isaac; Mr. Howard T.; 1533 Sutter.

Truslow, Mr. and Mrs. John L.; 1914 Washington. (Tel. Sutter 2481.) Friday.

_______, Miss Carrie; Howard.



Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 107-116.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







Golden Nugget Library