San Francisco





Pages 117-126.                                                           




Owen, Mrs. William J.; 1200 Jones. Tuesday.

_____, Miss Alice.

Owens, Mr. Henry; Mr. J. C.; 218 Turk. (Tel. Mint 1676.)

Oxnard, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.; 2104 Broadway. (Tel. West 421.) Mon. Ross Valley.

Oyster, Lieut. and Mrs. J. S.; (U. S. A. retired); 2515 Scott. (Tel. West 495.)

Paddock, Mr. Charles J.; 1708 Geary. (Tel. West 49.)

Page, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur; 1140 Jackson. (Tel. East 570.) Belvedere, Cal.

Page, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 2518 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 758.) Wednesday.

Page, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.; 80 Central Avenue. Thursday.

____, Miss Evelyn; Miss Lucile.

Page, Miss Meta; William D.; 2299 Sacramento. (Tel. Geary 419.)

Pague, Dr. and Mrs. F. C.; 999 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Fell 1594.) Monday.

Paige, Mr. Charles L.; 320 Parrott Building. (Tel. Folsom 1081.)

Paige, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy; 2516 Pacific Avenue. Blithedale, Marin Co., Cal.

____, Cutler.

Painter, Mrs. J. B.; Mr. Edgar; Mr. Oscar; Mr. Eugene D.; 2115 Baker.

Painter, Miss P. W.; Miss L. D.; 2038 Baker. (T. Steiner 4266.) 1st & last Friday.

______, David S.

Palache, Mr. and Mrs. G.; 900 Eddy. (Tel. Steiner 1701.) Wednesday.

______, Miss; Miss Ida.

Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 2105 Pacific Avenue. 2d and 3d Wednesday.

Palmer, Dr. and Mrs. George H.; 2446 Jackson. (Tel. West 189.) Friday.

_____, Miss Mary W.; Miss Gertrude; Mr. Brooks.

Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Wales L.; Fruitvale, Oakland, Cal. Wednesday.

______, Miss Mary E.; Miss R. E.; Miss S. T.; W. E. (Tel. Fruitvale, Vale 285.)

Palmer, Mr. R. A.; 219 Golden Gate Avenue.

Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.; 1223 Waller. (Tel. Page 1161.) Tuesday.

Palmieri, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.: 1518 Powell. Thursday.

Parcells, Mr. & Mrs. C. B.: Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 3951.) 3 Thursday.

______, Frank M.

Parcells, Mr. & Mrs. C. E.; Oakland, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Black 3951.) 3 Thursday.

Pardee, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.; Oakland, Cal. Wednesday.

Pardy, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2548 California. Tuesday.

____, Miss Maud S.

Pardy, Mr. and Mrs. William S.; 1332 Buchanan.

Parent, Dr. Charles E.; 978 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 2201.)

Park, Dr. and Mrs. E. Everett; 1515 Larkin. (Tel. Sutter 771.)

Park, Mr. and Mrs. Howard; 2018 Broderick. (Tel. Geary 1177.) 1 & 3 Tuesday.

Parker, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. T.; 836 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 2511.) Tuesday.

Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.; 3311 Jackson. (Tel. Scott 1131.)

Parker, Mr. Edwin L.; 2268 Franklin.

Parker, Mr. Stafford H.; 2297 Sacramento.

Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.; 945 Valencia. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Parker, Mrs. I. C.; 2262 Franklin. Wednesday.

Parker, Miss Lucile E.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Parker, Mrs. Mae E.; 2066 Mission. (Tel. Church 675.) Thursday.

Parnell, Captain and Mrs. William R.; 2023 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 463.)

Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 809 Pierce. (Tel. Fell 6381.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Parrott, Mrs. A. M.; Hotel Richelieu. San Mateo, Cal.

Parrott, Mrs. John; 517 Sutter. (Tel. Main 1311.) “Baywood,” Menlo Park.

Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. Louis B.; Hotel Richelieu.

______, The Misses.

Parrott, Mrs. Theresa F.; 1922 Sacramento. (Tel. Sutter 1591.) 1st and 4th Friday.

Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.; 1404 McAllister. 4th Wednesday.

______, Miss Alma; Miss Etta.

Partridge, Mr. George; 3142 Twenty-first. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_______, Miss; Miss Nellie.

Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2526 Washington. (Tel. Pine 4496.) Friday.

Partridge, Mr. John S.; 2632 Howard. (Tel. White 1881.)

Pasmore, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.; 1424 Washington. Friday.

Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Albert B.; 1402 McAllister.

______, Albert E.

Paterson, Dr. and Mrs. E. M.; 1606 California. (Tel. Hyde 2991.) Saturday.

Paterson, Judge and Mrs. Van R.; 2530 Washington. Friday.

_______, Miss Kelsey.

Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Albert B.; 1402 McAllister.

______, Albert E.

Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R.; 798 Capp. (Tel. Capp 523.) Thursday.

Patrizi, Mr. E.; 2916 Larkin. (Tel. Polk 1174.)

Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; 1922 Pierce. 1st, 3d and 4th Thursday.

Patton, Mr. Charles L.; 2500 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 41.)

Patton, Mr. Jasper N.; Mr. Charles; 505 Cole. Friday.

Patton, Mrs. William H.; Miss Ethel Dorothy. 1513 Clay.

Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Almarin B.; 1032 Broadway. Tuesday. Shasta County, Cal.

____, Miss Jennie A; Miss Florence K.; Almarin B. Jr.

Paulin, Dr. R.; Palace Hotel.

Paulsen, Miss Blance; 1815 California. Last Saturday.

Pawlicki, Dr. and Mrs. L.; 1119 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 187.) Thursday.

_______, Dr. Cassimer F.; Thaddeus E.

Paxton, Mrs. Bessie; 2409 Webster.

Paxton, Mr. Charles E.; Palace Hotel.

Payne, Dr. and Mrs. Clyde S.; 1900 Devisadero. (Tel. West 23.) 1st Friday.

Payne, Dr. and Mrs. Redmond W.; 2670 Pine. (Tel. West 23.) 1st Friday.

Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F.; Menlo Park, Cal. Thursday.

Payne, Mr. Warren R.; 831 Bush.

Payot, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Palace Hotel. (Abroad.)

Payson, Capt. And Mrs. Albert H.; 517 Sutter, or San Mateo, Cal. Thursday.

Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Luman S.; 1401 Sutter. (Tel. East 918.) Thursday.

_____, Miss.

Pease, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.; 2600 Pacific Ave. (Tel. West 105.) Friday in Jan.

_____, Miss Maylita.

Peel, Dr. and Mrs. J. M.; 124 Lyon. (Tel. Park 8.) 2d and 4th Thursday.

Peixotto, Mr. and Mrs. R.; 1626 Sutter. (Tel. Pine 3426.)

_______, Miss Jessica; Ernest C.; Edgar D.; Sidney.

Pell, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.; Sausalito, Marin County, Cal.

Peltret, Mrs. Elizabeth; Miss Ethel; 909B Guerrero.

_____, Miss Mary; Miss Constance; J. Soulas; 909 Guerrero.

Pendleton, Mrs. M. E.; The Pendleton. (Tel. East 911.) 2d and 3d Monday.

Pennell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.; 1414 Taylor. Tuesday.

Pennell, Mr. Henry E.; Mr. Thomas M.; 1512 Washington. (Tel. Sutter 1296.)

Percy, Mr. John A.; 28 Mills Building, 4th floor. (Tel. Main 1713.)

Perkins, Dr. and Mrs. E. W.; 167 Russ. (Tel. Folsom 1363.) Thursday.

Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel; 1454 Franklin.

Perkins, Mr. Thomas A.; 912 Pine.

Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. William F.; 2218 Clay.

Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Willis T.; 614 Sutter. Monday.

Perley, Mrs. M. E.; 2544 Howard.

Perrault, Dr. and Mrs. Julian; 1503 Jackson. (Tel. East 186.) Friday.

______, Miss Grace; Dr. Edward L.

Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard; 1812 Fell. (Tel. Page 1113.) Tuesday.

Perry, Dr. Alfred W.; 1914 Sutter. (Tel. Jackson 96.)

Perry, Mr. Charles O.; “Toxley Hall,” Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Perry, Dr. and Mrs. E. E.; 719 14th. Reid’s Station, Marin County, Cal.

_____, Miss Gertrude.

Perry, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; Alameda, Cal.

Perry, Mr. John Jr.; Hotel Pleasanton. Hotel Rafael, San Rafael, Cal.

Pescia, Mrs. Regina A. S.; 2006 Washington. (Tel. West 259.) 1st & 3d Thurs.

Peters, Mrs. Charles R.; 1120 Hyde. (Tel. East 176.) Thursday.

Peters, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank; 2715 Scott. (Tel. Geary 311.) 1st & 2d Wednesday.

Peters, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.; Miss N. M.; 2347 Washington.

Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C.; Alameda, Cal.

Peterson, Mr. Enewald; Cosmos Club, 1534 Sutter.

Peterson, Mr. Frank B.; 2420 Buchanan. (Tel. West 470.)

_______, Miss Carrie B. Friday.

Peterson, Mr and Mrs. Fred. C.; Belvedere, Marin Co. 2d and 4th Friday.

Peterson, Captain S. B.; Mrs. Seabury B.; 2420 Buchanan. (Tel. West 470.)

Pettee, Mr. and Mrs. John; 2505 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 783.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Alice B.; John, Jr.; Joseph J.

Pew, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; “The Pagoda,” Belvedere. 1st and 3d Monday.

Peyton, Mr. and Mrs. William C.; 1812 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 2176.)

Phelan, Dr. Albert E.; 139 Post; residence, 1439 Clay.

Phelan, Mayor James D.; S. W. cor. Valencia and 17th. (Tel. Mission 33.)

Phelan, Miss Mollie; S. W. cor. Valencia and 17th. (Tel. Mission 33.) Monday.

Phelps, Mr. Alanson H.; 1526 Jones.

Phelps, Mrs. Timothy Guy; San Mateo County. Friday.

Phelps, Mrs. William S.; 1531 Jones.

Philip, Dr. John Harold; 1413 Hyde. (Tel. Sutter 666.)

Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.; 346 San Carlos Ave. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Phillips, Dr. H. J.; 481 Fell. 3d Wednesday.

Phreaner, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.; 118 Ellis. (Tel. Red 4342.)

Plunkett, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; 231 San Jose Ave. 2d and 4th Friday.

Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.; The California Hotel.

Pickering, Mrs. Loring; 1060 Bush. (Tel. East 331.) Thursday. Niles, Cal.

Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. William; 1261 Clay. Wednesday.

Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D.; The California Hotel. (Tel. John 58.) Monday.

Pierce, Mr. Henry; 712 Pine.

Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S.; S. E. cor. Market & 14th. (T. Church 381.) Wed.

Piercy, Miss Viola; 2122 Washington. (Tel. West 489.)

Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.; 2310 Broderick.

Pierson, Mr. Frank W.; 1334 Washington.

Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H.; 1727 Vallejo. (Tel. Polk 938.) Friday.

Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.; 2214 Van Ness Avenue. 3d and 4th Friday.

______, Fred H. (Tel. East 183.)

Pike, Mr. and Mrs. B. D.; 2033 Pierce. (Tel. West 78.) 2d and 3d Tuesday.

Pike, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.; 134 South Broderick. (Tel. Page 5501.) Thursday.

Pillsbury, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest S.; 2018 Devisadero. (Tel. West 438.) Tuesday.

Pillsbury, Mr. Evan S.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 5553.)

_______, Miss. Monday.

Pillsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Horace D.; 2000 Broadway. (Tel. West 438.)

Pinkham, Miss Ella M.; Irving Institute, 2126 California.

Pippy, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 217 Devisadero. (Tel. Page 7351.)

Pischel, Dr. and Mrs. Kasper; 1817 California. (Tel. East 433.) Last Friday.

Pissis, Mr. Albert; 1709 California.

Pitman, Mr. Francis H.; 995 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. Park 158.)

Pixley, Mrs. Emma C.; Larkspur, Marin County, Cal. Thursday.

Pixley, Mr. and Mrs. M. F.; Larkspur. Thursday.

Plageman, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.; 1040 Page. (Tel. Park 87.)

________, Miss M.; Henry G.; Oscar; Robert.

Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.; 402 Central Avenue. (Tel. Page 1675.)

Platt, Dr. and Mrs. F. L.; 712 Steiner. (Tel. Page 5661.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Platt, Colonel Horace G.; Pacific-Union Club.

Plum, Mrs. Catherine.

Plum, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.; 696 Steiner. (Tel. Fell 1153.) 2 and 4 Wednesday.

Plumel, Mr. J. F.; 18 Stockton. (Tel. Main 5894.) Residence, 700 Jones.

Plummer, Mrs. R. H.; Hotel Pleasanton. (Tel. East 340.) Monday.

________, Melville W.

Plunkett, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; 231 San Jose Ave. (T. Capp 1061.) 2 & 4 Fri.

_______, Miss Marie Caroline.

Poett, Mr. Henry W.; University Club. Burlingame, San Mateo County, Cal.

Poheim, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.; 3600 Washington. (Tel. Pine 1526.) 1st Sunday.

______, Miss K. H.; Dr. J. F.; Hugo H.; Arthur T.

Pohli, Mr. and Mrs. Emil; 1923 Vallejo. (Tel. West 533.) Last Friday.

Polhemus, Mrs. Edward; 2414 Webster. (Tel. Pine 4591.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

________, Miss Mamie; John H.

Polastri, Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.; San Mateo, Cal.

Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 208 Haight. (Tel. Page 1034.) Wednesday.

______, Thomas Jr.; Walter S.

Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. Carter P.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Pond, Mr. and Mrs. Edward; 1814 Gough. (Tel. East 95.) 1st and 2d Wednesday.

Pond, Hon. And Mrs. E. B.; 1019 California. (Tel. Red 1421.) Tuesday.

____, Samuel N.

Pond, Dr. Gardner Perry; 524 Bartlett. (Tel. Church 831.)

Pond, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. C.; 524 Bartlett. (Tel. Church 831.) 2 & 4 Thurs.

Poniatowski, Prince & Princess A.; 1150 California or Burlingame. (T. East 194.)

Poole, Mrs. I. Lawrence; 1726 Broadway. (Tel. East 297.) Wednesday.

Pope, Mrs. A. J.; 1601 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 82.) Friday.

Pope, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; 2728 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Spruce 951.) Friday.

Pope, Mr. John F.; 2723 Pine.

Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H.; “Seakroft,” Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Porter, Mrs. John; Hotel Pleasanton.

Porter, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.; 912 Page. (Tel. Page 1703.) Tuesday.

Portwood, Mr. and Mrs. John B.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Post, Dr. Charles E.; Spring Valley Building, 135 Geary. (Tel. John 86.)

Pott, Dr. and Mrs. Fred S.; 426 Shrader. (Tel. Fell 5401.) San Jose.

Potter, Dr. and Mrs. C. D.; 1914 Clay. (Tel. East 586.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Potter, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.; 1314 Jones. 1st Wednesday.

_____, Eliot G.; Winfred W.

Potter, Mrs. J. S.; 2232 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 267.) Friday.

_____, Mr. J. Sheldon.

Potts, Dr. and Mrs. John S.; Hotel St. Nicholas. (Tel. South 172.) 1st & 2d Wed.

Poulson, Mrs. Edna Snell; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Howell A.; Oakland, Alameda Co. 1st & 3d Wednesday.

______, Miss Eva; Miss Helen; Mr. Alvin; 921 Myrtle. (Tel. Red 3051.)

Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.; 2210 Central Avenue and Berkeley, Cal.

Powers, Mr. and Mrs. George H.; 2008 Washington. (Tel. West 952.) Tuesday.

______, Miss Katharine; George H. Jr.

Pracht, Mme. Julie; Miss Preciosa L.; 2106 Bush. Tuesday.

Prager, Mr. and Mrs. Lesser; 2826 Washington. (Tel. West 802.) 2d & 3d Friday.

Prager, Mr. and Mrs. I.; Hotel Granada, 1000 Sutter.

______, Miss C.; Miss R.

Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H.; 3128 Washington. (Tel. Scott 234.)

Pratt, Dr. and Mrs. E. W.; 403 McAllister. 2d and 3d Wednesday.

Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. George C.; Hotel Bella Vista. Monday. San Rafael.

Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. John Haraden; 1510 Lombard. 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Othello C.; 3966 Washington. (Tel. Scott 625.) Wednesday.

Pratt, General and Mrs. William H.; 1174 Ellis. (Tel. Larkin 604.) Friday.

_____, Miss; Miss Bessie; Charles C.

Pray, Mrs. A. B.; Miss 905 Sutter. (Tel. Sutter 2891.) Thursday.

Pray, Mrs. Mabel; 741 Chestnut. (Tel. Main 5593.) Friday.

Pray, Mr. and Mrs. Milton; 227 Frederick. (Tel. Page 6491.) Thursday.

Preddy, Mr. and Mrs. John T.; 637 Haight. (Tel. Page 1172.) Thursday.

______, George H.

Prendergast, Very Rev. John J.; 1100 Franklin, corner O’Farrell.

Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.; 125 Lyon. (Tel. Park 146.) 1st and 3d Wednesday.

Prescott, General and Mrs. George W.; Palace Hotel. Monday.

Pressley, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius B.; 1912 Page. (Tel. Fell 504.) Monday.

Presson, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.; Hotel Renton. (Tel. East 78.) Thursday evening.

_______, Miss Maud C.

Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F.; “Woodside,” San Mateo County.

______, Miss Edith.

Preston, Dr. and Mrs. Walton; 343 Geary. (Tel. Bush 356.) Thursday.

______, Russell.

Priber, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.; 29 Scott. (Tel. Page 6401.) 2d and 4th Friday.

______, Miss Elsa; Miss Linda. 4th Friday.

Price, Dr. Thomas; 2525 Broadway. (Tel. West 16.) Friday.

_____, Miss; Miss Anna; Arthur Faraday.

Price, Mr. and Mrs. Gomer W.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Priest, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank; Oakland, Cal. Wednesday.

Prindle, Mrs. Ida F.; 1812 Laguna. Wednesday.

Pringle, Mr. D. Lynch; Crocker Building. (Tel. Main 5437.)

Pringle, Mr. Edward T.; 1502 Jackson.

Pringle, Mr. James R.; 1900 Washington.

Pritchard, Mrs. M. G.; 2523 Octavia. (Tel. Scott 683.) Wednesday.

_______, Mrs. Ygnacia G.; Miss Linda; Mr. M. G.

Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. John; 401 Buchanan. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

______, Miss; Mr. John W.

Proll, Dr. and Mrs. R. B.; 2700 California. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Provines, Judge R. R.; 1212 Washington. Monday.

Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O.; 1020 Washington.

______, Miss Elizabeth; Osgood.

Quadt, Mr. and Mrs. John; 258 Thirteenth, near Mission. 4th Tuesday.

_____, Miss Mamie; Miss Agnes; Miss Tina; Lonie.

Quarre, Mr. and Mrs. Emile; 615A Baker. (Tel. Page 1045.) Wednesday.

            Mayor Eagle City, Alaska.

Quay, Mr. Joseph M.; Pacific-Union Club.

Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B.; 418 Scott. (Tel. Page 1645.)

Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.; 2212 Sacramento. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_____, Miss Nora A. (Tel. West 140.)

Queen, Mrs. Margaret M.; 2212 Sacramento. (Tel. West 140.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Raas, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.; 2224 Clay. (Tel. Pine 2651.)

Rabjohn, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.; Alameda, Cal. 549 Santa Clara Avenue.

Radgsky, Mr. and Mrs. L. D.; 1008 Haight. (Tel. Park 97.)

Radke, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.; 929 Hayes. (Tel. Fell 23.) 1st Wednesday.

Radke, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.; 3777 Clay. (Tel. Baker 475.) 2d Wednesday.

Rail, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B.; 2017 Broadway. (Tel. Baker 1171.)

Rainey, Mr. William S.; 2013 Broderick.

Raisch, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.; 1373 Fell. Friday.

Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.; Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal.

Rambo, Miss Fay; 2503 Gough. (Tel. Pine 1311.) San Jose.

Rampillion, Miss Eugenie; Miss Marie; 1509A Sacramento.

Ramsdell, Mr. Harry V.; 207 Larkin.

Randolph, Mr. Daniel L.; 344 Post. Residence, Alameda, Cal.

Randolph, Mrs. W. G.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; 212 Willard. (Tel. Page 1721.)

Ranlett, Mr. and Mrs. Horace D.; 1551 Devisadero. (Tel. Pine 4626.) Amador Co.

Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. E.; 1120 Bush. (Tel. Larkin 209.) Monday.

______, Miss M.; Thomas W.

Rathbone, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.; 2215 California. Tuesday.

Rathbone, Major and Mrs. J. L.; 1230 Jones. Tuesday.

Rathbone, Mr. Gerald L.; University Club, 722 Sutter.

Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; Alameda, Cal. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Ray, Mr. William S.; Mr. William R.; Milton S.; 239 San Jose Avenue.

Raymond, Mrs. Elizabeth B.; 375 Geary. (Tel. Red 821.) Friday.

________, Lee B.

Raymond, Mrs. J. W.; 1611 Larkin. Tuesday.

Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. George A.; The Plymouth. (Tel. East 963.) Monday.

Raymond, Miss; 1115 Hyde. 3d and 4th Thursday.

Raymond, Captain and Mrs. T. V.; Hotel Bella Vista, 1001 Pine. Monday.

Raymond, Mrs. Samuel A.; 920 Polk. (Tel. East 177.) Monday, except last.

Read, Mr. Thomas J.; 2514 Clay.

Read, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.; St. Nicholas Hotel. First Friday.

Reardon, Mrs. Ada F.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. Monday.

Reck, Miss Helen M.; 717 Sutter. (Tel. Hyde 1535.) Thursday.

Redding, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.; “Oakleigh,” Menlo Park. (Tel. Sunset, Redding, Menlo     

_______, Miss Ellita.                                                                          Park.) Wednesday.

Redding, Mr. Fred G.; 1011 Bush.

Reddy, Mrs. P.; 2717 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Pine 821.) Monday.

Redington, Mr. John P.; Mr. William S.; Hotel Pleasanton.

Redington, Mrs. Lucy; Mr. Henry W.; 905 Sutter. San Rafael, Marin Co., Cal.

Redington, Mr. and Mrs. William P.; 2509 Scott. (Tel. Steiner 3711.)

_________, Miss Louise.

Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley; 1718 Fell. (Tel. Fell 5951.) Thursday.

Reed, Captain and Mrs. Wm. I.; U. S. A.; 2413 Fillmore. (Tel. Scott 1275.) Wed.

_____, Miss; Miss Julia.

Regensburger, Dr. Alfred E.; 330 Sutter.

Regensburger, Dr. Arthur T.; 568 Sutter. (Tel. Davis 831.)

Regensburger, Dr. and Mrs. M.; 3342 Clay. (Tel. West 380.) 1st and 4th Friday.

Rehnstrom, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.; 2432 Van Ness Avenue.

_________, Miss Viola.

Reichert, Mr. and Mrs. Theo.; Hotel Sutherland, 791 Sutter. (T. Polk 1051.) Tues.

Reid, Mr. James W.; Pacific-Union Club, or Hotel Savoy.

Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt J.; San Mateo, Cal. (Tel. Bush 141.)

Reinstein, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.; 906 Ellis. (Tel. East 902.) 1st and 4th Friday.

Reis, Mr. and Mrs. Christian; 835 California. (Tel. Red 2326.) Tuesday.

____, Christian, Jr.; Ferdinand, Jr.

Reis, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand; 2201 Sacramento. (Tel. Steiner 881.)

Reis, Mr. and Mrs. Julius C.; 2201 Sacramento. (Tel. Steiner 881.) 1st & 3d Tues.

____, Miss May; Miss Lillian.

Remensperger, Mr. and Mrs. U.; 2394 Howard.

____________, Miss Annie V.; William A.

Renebome, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.; San Rafael, Cal. 1st and 3d Tuesday.

Rennie, Mr. and Mrs. William; 2114 Green.

Renz, Dr. and Mrs. Carl; 423 Golden Gate Avenue. (Tel. East 722.) 2d & 4th Thurs.

Repsold, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 1400 Golden Gate Avenue. 2d and 3d Tuesday.

Pethers, Dr. and Mrs. Theo; 1519 Vallejo. (Tel. Sutter 1601.)

Reyman, Mr. and Mrs. M.; Oroville, Butte Co., Cal. 1st Thursday.

_______, Miss Harriett E.; Miss Magnolia; Harold C. (Tel. Sunset, Red 35.)

Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. John M.; 1213 Laguna.

Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. M.; San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.

Rhodes, Mrs. Charles L.; The Colonial. Thursday.

Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D.; The Berkshire. 1st & 3d Monday. San Ramon.

Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O.; 2640 Pacific Avenue.

Richards, Dr. C. W.; Mrs. A. M.; Miss I. E.; 1512 Pine.

Richards, Dr. and Mrs. Harry G.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. D.; 2915 Washington. (T. Steiner 4732.) 1 & 2 Thurs.

Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.; 2418 Gough. (Tel. East 333.) Monday.

Richardson, Dr. George H.; 3019 California.

Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. M. H.; 841 Post. 1st and last Tuesday.

Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G.; 109 Frederick. (Tel. Park 125.) Wednesday.

Richardson, Mr. Benjamin F.; Belvedere, Marin County, Cal.

Richter, Dr. and Mrs. C. Max.; 2718 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. West 104.) Friday.

Riddell, Mr. Allan McD.; Hotel St. Nicholas.

Rideout, Mr. and Mrs. N. D.; 1950 Washington. (Tel. West 77.) Marysville.

Ridley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brooke; The California Hotel. Monday.

_____, Graham.

Reisser, Mr. and Mrs. E. O.; 779 Clayton. (Tel. Page 1213.) 2 & 4 Wednesday.

Rigdon, Dr. R. L.; 1615 Broderick. (Tel. West 779.)

Riley, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. C.; 13 ½ Liberty. (Tel. Blue 351.) 2d and 4th Tuesday.

Rimes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; Langham Hotel. Monday

Rinder, Capt. and Mrs. J. H.; 1204 Haight. (Tel. Fell 1214.) Wed. “Stmr. Coptic.”

Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Byron; 3919 Twenty-fourth. Wednesday.

Rinne, Dr. Frederick A.; 2901 Folsom. (Tel. White 291.)

Riordan, Most Rev. Patrick W.; 1122 Eddy. (Tel. West 50.)

Riordan, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. D.; Hotel Colonial. (Tel. East 99.) Thursday.

Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Rithet, Mr. Robert P.; Pacific-Union Club.

Rivas, Mrs. I.; Miss E.; 1716 Sacramento. (Tel. Sutter 2710.)

Rix, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.; 1056 Union, or “Portola,” San Mateo Co., Cal.

Rix, Judge and Mrs. Hale; 42 Twelfth.

Rix, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; Alameda. (Tel. Sunset, Black 901.) Thursday.

Rixford, Dr. and Mrs. Emmet; 1400 Van Ness Ave. (Tel. East 109.) 1st Thurs.

Rixford, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet H.; 1814 Baker. (T. Jackson 390.) Wed. Woodside.

Rixford, Mr. and Mrs. G. P.; 1813 Pierce. (Tel. West 466.) Tuesday.

______, Miss Carrie; Loring P.; Paris, France.

Roach, Mrs. Mary T.; Miss; Miss Helen; 2532 Washington. Friday.

Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.; 326 Fremont.

Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. John D.; Hotel St. Nicholas. Monday.

Roberts, Mrs. A. E.; 1630 Sacramento. (Tel. Larkin 1613.) Last Thursday.

______, George F.

Roberts, Mrs. Martin R.; 904 Washington. Tuesday.

______, Martin R. Jr.

Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L.; 1803 Broadway. 1st and 4th Friday.

______, Oliver L. Jr.

Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen; 3724 Twentieth.

Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M.; 827 Fell. (Tel. Park 96.) Friday.

Robertson, Mrs. Henry D.; 628 Sutter.

Robertson, Mrs. H. S.: 164 Hawthorne. (Tel. Black 2577.) 1st & 4th Wed’y. aft.

Robertson, Dr. and Mrs. John; 2104 Market. (Tel. Mint 1568.)

Robertson, Mr. John D.; 1413 Van Ness Avenue.

Robertson, Dr. and Mrs. J. W.; 1118 Sutter. (Tel. East 104.) Friday. Livermore.

Robertson, Mr. Peter; San Francisco Chronicle.

Robertson, Mr. Sidney; 417 Larkin.

Robertson, Mr. Wilfred M.; 1103 Bush. (Tel. Sutter 1681.)

Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D.; 1823 Turk. (Tel. Pine 209.) Friday.

Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.; The Renton, 712 Sutter. Monday.

Robinson, Mrs. Charlotte; Mr. Walter H.; 2178 Pine. Sat. Santa Catalina Island.

Robinson, Dr. Frank B.; 1626 Steiner.

Robinson, Mrs. J. A.; Miss Elena; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.; The Knickerbocker. (Tel. East 123.) Monday.

Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. James B.; 1130 Fulton. Tuesday. Vallejo.

Robinson, Mrs. Luke; 2626 Steiner. (Tel. West 419.) Thursday.

________, George Hagar.

Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Liston C.; 2026 Pine. (Tel. Baker 1431.) Thursday.

Robson, Miss Jessie; 1012 Pine. 1st and 2d Thursday. Oakville, Napa Co., Cal.

Roche, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert N.; 1203 Buchanan. (Tel. Baker 1331.) Wednesday.

_____, Miss Charlotte; Dr. George W. W.

Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Percy W.; 1915 Golden Gate Ave. (Tel. Page 404.)

________, A. Carroll.

Roden, Mr. and Mrs. William H.; 1718 Vallejo.

_____, Miss Mamie; William H. Jr.

Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur; 1801 Leavenworth. (Tel. Sutter 911.)

Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus F.; 2516 Broadway. (Tel. Steiner 2041.)

_______, Miss; Henry Crogham; Robert Dean.

Rodgers, Dr. and Mrs. Lee O.; 817 Grove. (Tel. Page 5441.) Thursday.

Rodolph, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.; San Mateo, Cal.

Rohrbacher, Mrs. Mary S.; Miss E.; Miss A.; 310 Fulton. Monday.

Rolker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Xavier; 910 Sutter.

Rolker, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry; 1953 Pine. Tuesday.

Rolph, Mr. George M.; 3626 Sacramento.

Romaine, Mr. and Mrs. William; 3231 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 491.) Friday.

_______, Benjamin.

Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe; St. Nicholas Hotel. (Tel. South 632.)

Roos, Mr. and Mme. Adolphe; 2000 Jackson. (Tel. West 389.) 3d & 4th Wed.

Root, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott N.; 903 Steiner. 1st and 2d Wednesday.

____, Miss; Harvey B.

Root, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; 736 McAllister.

Rose, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; New York. Office, 532 Market.

Rose, Dr. and Mrs. Frank N.; 807 California. Tuesday. Sum. Res. Belvedere.

Rose, Mr. Herbert E.; The Colonial, corner Pine and Jones.

Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Numar; 2472 Market. Wednesday.

Rosekrans, Mrs. Josephine; 770 Oak. Wednesday. Belvedere, Marin Co. Cal.

_________, Mr. and Mrs. Newton B.; 2337 Vallejo.

Rosekrans, Mrs. M. A.; Mr. Chester W.; 117 Lyon.

Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.; 947 Hayes. (Tel. Fell 1152.) 1st Thursday.

Rosener, Mrs. S.; 1611 Bush. (Tel. East 3931.) 1st and 3d Tuesday.

_______, Miss N.; Miss D.

Rosenstock, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 1641.) Monday.

Rosenthal, Mr. Adolph; 2007 Devisadero, near California. (Tel. Steiner 1631.)

________, Dr. A. G.; (Tel. Steiner 1631.)

Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 218 Haight. Thursday.

Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas; 433 First Avenue. Thursday.

____, T. Paterson; 1528 Taylor. (Tel. Sutter 2872.)

Rossi, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.; 2502 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 667.) Friday.

_____, P.

Rossi, Mr. and Mrs. P.; Miss; 2502 Broadway. (Tel. Scott 667.) Friday.

Rossi, Mr. and Mrs. P. C.; 1918 Vallejo. (Tel. Jackson 531.) Thursday.

Rossiter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul; 926 Dolores. (Tel. Capp 821.)

Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel; 401 Baker. (Tel. Park 171.)

Rothchild, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.; 2108 Jackson. (Tel. West 792.) 2 & 3 Thurs.

________, Miss Irena.

Rothchild, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.; 1700 Broadway. (Tel. East 980.) Wednesday.

Rothenberg, Mr. and Mrs. M; 2714 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 4231.) Thursday.

_________, Miss Mabel H.

Rothschild, Dr. and Mrs. Max; The Richelieu. Monday.

Rothwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy; Hotel St. Nicholas. 1st and 3d Monday.

Rottanzi, Dr. T. A.; 19 Belvedere. (Tel. Page 7401.)

Rouleau, Mrs. F. A.; 1209 Leavenworth, near Sacramento. Wednesday.

_______, Miss Laura; Miss Estelle; Miss Blanche; Oscar A.

Rountree, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.; 1602 Vallejo. (Tel. Larkin 936.) Friday.

Rountree, Mrs. Florence K.; 2706 Laguna, near Vallejo. (Tel. Scott 158.) Tues.

_______, Richard H.; Harry S.; Edward K.

Rountree, Mr. William G.; 2816 Laguna.

Rousseau, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.; 110 Ninth. (Tel. Howard 1571.) Wednesday.

________, Miss Minnie; Miss Fannie.

Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Purcell; 816 Clayton. (Tel. Fell 772.) Monday.

Rowell, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F.; 2407 Webster. (Tel. Jackson 725.)

Rowley, Mr. and Mrs. Brainerd N.; 718 Broderick.

Royal, Miss Ruth G.; 2515 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 4481.)

Rudell, Mr. Albert E.; 222 Sansome.

Ruddell, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J.; The California Hotel. 1st and 2d Monday.

Ruef, Mr. and Mrs. M; 422 Lombard. (Tel. Davis 673.)

____, Miss Marie; Mr. A.

Ruggles, Mrs. Elizabeth W.; 2210 Jackson.

Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. James D.; 2210 Jackson. (Tel. Pine 3297.)

Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. John W.; 15 Vicksburg. (Tel. Mission 103.)

Rumwell, Dr. Melville E.; 223 Frederick. (Tel. Page 7861.)

Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.; 1102 Green. (Tel. Sutter 1011.)

Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.; 429 Fillmore. (Tel. Page 5481.)

______, Miss Belle.

Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.; 319 State Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Runyon, Mr. Frank W.; Palace Hotel. Belvedere, Marin County.

Runyon, Mrs. S. M.; 429 Fillmore. (Tel. Page 5481.) 1st Thursday.

______, F. F.

Russ, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B.; 14 Columbia Square. 1st and 3d Monday.

Russell, Mr. Albert B.; 1142 Jackson. (Tel. East 694.)

Russell, Miss Charlotte M.; 1818 California. 1st and 3d Friday.

Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; Miss Ada; 686 McAllister.

Russell, Mr. John L.; Russ House.

Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Monson; 2215 Pacific Avenue.

______, Miss Beatrice; Tracy.

Ruthrauff, Mr. and Mrs. William A.; 3732 23d. (Tel. Capp 437.) Monday.

Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Black; Occidental Hotel. Monday. Menlo Park.

____, Miss; Shirley B.

Ryland, Mr. and Mrs. C. T.; Hotel Savoy. Thursday. San Jose, Cal.

Saalburg, Mrs. William; 1220 Ellis. (Tel. Steiner 2691.) 1st and 2d Saturday.

_______, Miss; Miss Dora; Samuel W.; George H.

Sabin, Mr. and Mrs. John I.; 2828 California. (Tel. West 5.) 1st & 2d Tuesday.

_____, Miss.

Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.; 906 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Polk 684.) Thursday.

_____, Miss Agnes; Erwin L.

Sahlein, Mr. and Mrs. H.; 1718 Jackson. (Tel. East 774.) 1st and 4th Thursday.

Salcido, Miss M. G.; 793 Pine. Thursday evening.

Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe; 1414 California. (Tel. East 288.) 1 & 3 Thursday.

________, Miss; Mr. Sidney J.

Salstonstall, Miss Lillian; 2700 Broadway. (Tel. West 921.)

Salz, Mr. and Mrs. J.; 2123 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 121.) 2d and 3d Thursday.

Salz, Mr. and Mrs. E.; 2109 Broadway. (Tel. Pine 3901.) 1st and 3d Thursday.

Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. John A.; East Oakland, Alameda County, Cal.

Samuels, Mr. and Mrs. D.; 1624 Octavia. (Tel. West 394.) 1st Wednesday.

_______, Miss Jennie L. Last Friday. Maurice V.; Louis T.; Arthur M.

Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G.; 1020 Dolores. (Tel. Blue 1281.)

_______, Miss.

Sanborn, Mrs. Lucius; The California Hotel. Monday.

Sanborn, Mr. Sheffield S.; Claus Spreckels Building; residence, Oakland.

Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.; 2502 California. (Tel. West 662.)

_______, Miss Chispa.

Sanders, Mr. George H.; 336 Sutter.

Sanderson, Judge Austin A.; 2310 Washington. 2d and 4th Tuesday.

________, Miss Charlotte; Miss Elizabeth. (Tel. Scott 1223.)

Sanderson, Mr. Lemuel; 3417 Jackson.

Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.; 3708 Jackson. (Tel. Geary 22.) Thursday.

Sanderson, Mr. William W.; 3417 Jackson.

Santisteban, Mr. Gabriel C.; 1424 Jackson.

Sargent, Mrs. A. A.; 1690 Folsom. (Tel. Jessie 221.) 3d and 4th Tuesday.

Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C.; 1690 Folsom. (Tel. Jessie 221.) 2d and 4th Tues.

Saroni, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 1309 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. East 19.) 1st Friday.

Sartori, Dr. and H. J.; 1331 Leavenworth. (Tel. East 163.) 1 & 3 Wednesday.

Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore; San Rafael, Cal. Wednesday.

Sawvell, Prof. and Mrs. Carl; 427 Sutter. (Tel. Main 1612.) 1st Thursday.

Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.; 855 Bush. Monday.

Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. B.; 617 Hyde. Wednesday.

Saylor, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.; 242 Twelfth Avenue. Wednesday.

_____, Miss Myrtle R.

Sbarboro, Mr. and Mrs. A.; 3401 Washington. (Tel. West 228.) Thursday.

_______, Miss Romilda; Alfred E.; Romolo A.

Scamell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.; 2113 Fillmore.

Schenck, Mr. W. T. Y.; Union League Club, or Palace Hotel. Res. Alameda.

Schiff, Dr. and Mrs. G.; 1820 Pine. (Tel. Steiner 91.)

Schild, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. T.; 1911 Green. (Tel. Pine 2738.) 2d and 3d Friday.

Schilling, Mr. Claus; 2210 Vallejo. (Tel. Pine 1911.) “Rhine Farm,” Sonoma.

Schirck, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.; 222 Broderick. 2d Wednesday.

Schirman, Dr. and Mrs. M.; 1409 Van Ness Avenue. (Tel. Hyde 1176.) Wed’y.

________, Dr. Ralph J.

Schlesinger, Mr. and Mrs. Bert; 1243 Ellis. (Tel. Scott 430.)

Schloh, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A.; Miss Hilda; Waldo Point, Marin Co. Cal.

Schloss, Dr. and Mrs. A.; 1709 Webster. (Tel. Jackson 1361.) 2d Friday.

Schlueter, Mr. Edward; 2446 Howard.

Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. R.; 2627 California. (Tel. West 285.)

Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Val.; 2216 Van Ness Avenue. 1st Thursday.

Schmiedell, Mrs. Henry; Palace Hotel. (Tel. Main 905.) Monday.

Schmiedell, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.; N. E. cor. Washington & Steiner. Ross Valley.

Schmiedel, Dr. and Mrs. R. J.; 1334 Buchanan. (Tel. West 743.) Wednesday.

Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Max; 2614 Sacramento.

Schmitt, Mrs. Maurice; 1501 Gough. 1st Thursday.

_______, Miss E.

Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.; 1268 O’Farrell. (Tel. Steiner 4336.) Tuesday.

Schraubstadter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; 1951 Pine.

Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.; Redwood City, Cal. Wednesday.

Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. William; 938 Howard. Wednesday.

_________, Miss Julia.

Schroth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; 1005 Geary. 1st and 3d Monday.

_______, Miss; Miss Florence; John S.; Charles A.

Schultz, Mr. Martin; 434 Ellis.

Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. F.; 2505 California. (T. Baker 489.) Ross Valley.

Schussier, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; 521 McAllister. (Tel. South 124.)

Schussier, Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. A.; 1905 Van Ness Avenue. 1st & 3d Friday.

________, Misses. (Tel. East 258.)

Schuyler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.; 2812 Washington. (T. Jackson 399.) 1 & 2 Fri.

Schwabacher, Mr. and Mrs. A.; Hotel Granada. 1st and 3d Thursday.

__________, Miss Mina; Louis A.

Schwabacher, Mr. and Mrs. Louis; Hotel Granada.

__________, Miss Jacie.

Schwabacher, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig; 2000 Gough, N. E. cor. Clay. (T. Hyde 1851.)

Schwabacher, Mr. and Mrs. S.; 1900 Jackson. (Tel. West 814.) 2d & 4th Friday.

___________, Miss Mina S.

Schwartze, Mr. and Mrs. K. Gustav; 1427 Washington. 2d Wednesday.

_________. Miss Martha; Miss Clara; Emil B.

Schweitzer, Mrs. B.; 703 Leavenworth. 1st and 3d Monday.

________, Miss. (Tel. Sutter 1961.) 2d and 3d Monday.

Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; 524 Chestnut. (Tel. Main 368.) 2d Wednesday.

_________, Miss Albertine.

Schwerin, Mr. and Mrs. R. P.; 1111 Pine. San Mateo, Cal.

Scoofy, Mrs. Martha; 1541 Taylor. (Tel. Larkin 865.) Monday.

______, Mr. Leonidas.

Scott, Mr. Austin C.; 1414 California. Corte Madera, Marin County, Cal.

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.; 305 Buchanan. 2d and 4th Wednesday.

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O.; Hotel Pleasanton. Monday.

Scott, Mr. A. W. Jr.; 1236 Market. (Tel. South 565.)

Scott, Mr. Ethan W.; 300 Baker. (Tel. Park 197.)

Scott, Miss Etta; Miss Annie; 905 Post. Last Friday.

Scott, Rev. J. E.; 14 Grant Avenue. (Tel. Green 371.)

Scott, Dr. Catharine V. C.; (Tel. Green 371.)

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. George W.; Alameda, Cal. (Tel. Sunset, Grand 661.) Thurs.

____, Miss Maud; Miss Rena; Mr. Bert.

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison; Mill Valley. 1st and 3d Thursday.

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.; S. W. corner Clay and Laguna. (Tel. West 300.)

____, Miss Mary. 1st and 3d Friday in Jan. and Feb. Burlingame, Cal.

Scott, Miss India Willis; 1840 California. 2d and 4th Tuesday. Santa Cruz.

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Irving M.; 507 Harrison. (Tel. Main 5215.) Wednesday.

____, Lawrence Irving.

Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Jr.; 546 Indiana.

Scott, Mr. John T.; 929 Hayes.

Scott, Miss Josephine; 1112 Clay. (Tel. Polk 851.) 1st Tuesday.

Scott, Miss Laura S.; Miss Kate C.; 3925 California. Wednesday.

Scoville, Mr. and Mrs. John Jay; 2223 Pacific Avenue. (Tel. Scott 424.)

_______, Miss Bernice.


Transcribed by Jeanne Sturgis Taylor .

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book. Pages 117-126.  Charles C. Hoag, Publisher. San Francisco 1901.

© 2010 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.







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