Dr. George Borden Yount is one of the few professional men of the county who was born and reared here.  Dr. Yount spent the early part of his life and received his preliminary education within a stone’s throw of the office where he now attends to his large and growing practice.

             Dr. Yount was born on September 28, 1882.  After passing his childhood days in Redwood he entered the Redwood grammar school.  After graduating he prepared himself for college at the Sequoia Union High School.  After more preliminary study Dr. Yount entered the dental department of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at San Francisco from which he graduated.

             Since starting his practice in Redwood City Dr. Yount has been interested in other business affairs and has taken an active part in civic life.  Acreage in Laurel Terrace and real estate in Oakland are among Dr. Yount’s property interests.  He is also perfecting an automatic control for aeroplanes that will assist in the science of aviation.  Dr. Yount is one of the most active workers in the Redwood Highlands Improvement Club and is interested in the Horace Hawes gymnasium movement.

             Dr. Yount was married in San Francisco February 21, 1906.  He has two children, Adrienne Muriel, aged six years and George Borden, Jr., aged one year.  Among Dr. Yount’s fraternal affiliations are Psi Omega dental fraternity and the San Mateo Elks and the Native Sons.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 165. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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