The lesson of the opportunities San Mateo County holds for its young men is taught by the life of Frank K. Towne, assistant cashier of the First National Bank at Redwood City.

             Twenty-five years ago when Mr. Towne was still in his teens, he went to work for this bank as a clerk.  This was on September 1, 1891.  He has continued in its employ ever since, his advancement keeping pace with the growth of the institution.  Mr. Towne is now assistant cashier and cashier of the San Mateo County Savings Bank.

             Mr. Towne has played a leading part in the civic life of Redwood City.  He has held the position of City Treasurer for the past fourteen years.  When the bond issue for a county highway system was suggested Mr. Towne became an enthusiast on the subject and did a great deal to secure its passage.

             Frank K. Towne was born in Santa Clara County on January 11, 1875 and received his education in the Santa Clara County schools.  He moved to Redwood City shortly after, starting to work for the First National Bank.  He has three sons, Kendall B., Frank L. and Gerald E.  Mr. Towne’s property interests are both in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.  He is a member of the Elks, Native Sons and Masons, being Past Master of the Redwood City lodge of Masons.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 141. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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