San Mateo County












Alfred b. Swinerton, builder and contractor, was born July 17, 1883, in San Francisco, California. The son of William A. and Minnie A. Swinerton.

      He attended Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy, 1893 to 1896; Stanford University, 1900 to 1903 and 1904-06; and United States Naval Academy, 1903.

      Mr. Swinerton began his career in the building and contracting business in 1906 in association with Lindgren Company, San Francisco. From 1912 to 1921 he served as vice president of Lindgren & Swinerton, Inc., builders, San Francisco, becoming president in 1921 and has been chairman of the Board since 1932. Also chairman of the Board of Engineers, Ltd., since 1938; partner in Swinerton and Walberg Company since 1942. His company has built Barco pipe line in Colombia, South America; Naval works in the Panama Canal Zone; United States Army Chemical Warfare Arsenal, Alabama; Standard Oil Building and the Matson Building, San Francisco; etc.

      Member of the following clubs: Pacific-Union, Bohemian, (San Francisco); Links, Twenty-Nine (New York City); Burlingame (California) Country, Cypress Point Golf Club, Olympic Club, and Monterey Peninsula Golf Club.

      Mr. Swinerton married Jane Thomas Hotaling on Januray [sic] 7, 1915, and has two children: Jane and William Arthur.

      Home: Woodside, San Mateo County, California.

      Offices: 225 Bush Street, San Francisco, California.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 05 March 2014.

­­Source: Eminent Californians 1953, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 184, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Marie Hassard.









Golden Nugget Library's San Mateo County Databases


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