San Mateo County’s officialdom has not a more popular and efficient member than Ambrose McSweeney of South San Francisco who for the past five years has been Tax Collector.  Mr. McSweeney is serving his second term of office, being returned to that position at the last county election by a majority that stamped his popularity.

             The standard of efficiency in the Tax Collector’s office was never higher than during Mr. McSweeney’s regime.  He has supplemented his own competency and ability by a staff of high-class deputies.  They have put this important function of the county’s government into such a splendid state that it has won high commendation from the Grand Jury accountants, the Supervisors and the citizens at large.

             Mr. McSweeney’s practice of going to the different cities and collecting taxes on certain appointed days is a great convenience to tax payers.  Many persons living in the remote parts of the county are saved long and costly trips to the county seat; and it is a boon to the many small taxpayers who cannot leave their work to settle their tax bills.

             Before he was elected Tax Collector, Mr. McSweeney was Justice of the Peace in the first township.

             Ambrose McSweeney was born in San Francisco on December 20, 1870.  He was married at San Jose in July, 1897.  Mr. McSweeney is identified with more than a half-dozen of the leading fraternal orders in the county.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 148. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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