The career of Mr. Richard Charles Stickle, particularly since he settled in San Mateo county, is well worth reading and points a moral.  Nine years ago he came to San Bruno practically without a penny in his pocket, and went into business for himself carpentering and contracting.  For quite a time he labored under considerable difficulty, as he was without capital.

             Being an exceptionally good carpenter and thoroughly conscientious, business came his way—and it was not so very long before he had plenty of money to swing his contracting operations.

             Perhaps Mr. Stickle’s success can better be portrayed by a plain statement of what he has accomplished.  The houses he has built in San Bruno only this last year number fourteen; and in fact he has built more houses in this town than all his competitors combined.

             Mr. Stickle was born in Illinois on August 23, 1878, and only came to California twelve years ago.  The first three years of this period was spent in Sonoma county where he was married at Santa Rosa the December of 1906.  While in Santa Rosa he worked as a carpenter until he decided to come to San Francisco to try his luck.  But he only remained in the city for a short time and made his final move to San Mateo county, which proved to be the best thing he could do.

             Mr. Stickle has two children:  Cecil, eight years old and Logar, six years of age.

             Mr. Stickle is comfortably well off and owns considerable property in San Bruno as well as the beautiful home where he resides.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 168-169. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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