Mayor Frank P. Simmen stands out as one of the most progressive and constructive executives San Mateo has ever had.  Being a sound business man of the highest type, Mr. Simmen set out not to play to a political gallery but to give San Mateo a clean-cut businesslike administration.  The condition of the city finances, the completion of the new city hall, the extensive street improvements, the proposed municipal baths and a dozen other matters bear out the success of Mayor Simmen’s policies.

             Mayor Simmen is a man of many responsibilities; and San Mateo is to be congratulated on securing a man of his type to administer its affairs.  In addition to diversified interests in San Francisco and San Mateo, Mr. Simmen is manager of Rudgear Merle Company, ornamental iron and metal works, of San Francisco, one of the largest institutions of its kind on the coast.  The ornamental iron work in many peninsula estates and large buildings throughout the state was produced by this establishment.

             Mr. Simmen is prominent in fraternal circles.  His pleasing personality and enthusiasm about anything he undertakes soon made him a dominant factor in the San Mateo lodge of Elks.  After holding many positions his brethren conferred on him the honor of Exalted Ruler this year.  Mr. Simmen is also Past Master of King Solomon’s lodge, No. 260, F. & A.M.

             Mr. Simmen was born in Chicago, Illinois, on February 26, 1870.  He is married and lives with his family on Elm Street in San Mateo.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 156-157. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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