MARK E. Ryan, electrical contractor and proprietor of Ryan’s Electrical Store in the Sequoia Hotel Bldg., Redwood City, arrived in that city seven years ago, after he had  traveled in all parts of the United States.  The climatic advantages and business opportunities quickly appealed to Mr. Ryan, and he decided to establish himself in business in Redwood City and make it his home.

             Mr. Ryan has had a wide and varied experience in electrical work which he has followed since boyhood.  After completing his education in New York City, he worked as a lineman in New York and large cities of the east.  Since then he has been in charge of important work for large companies in all parts of the United States.

             Mr. Ryan’s electrical store is one of the thriving business of Redwood City and one of the most complete and best equipped shops of its kind on the peninsula.  This firm has taken many large contracts for the electrical work in public buildings, industrial plants and country mansions; and the character of its work is known in all parts of the country.

             Mark E. Ryan was born in New York City on February 15, 1884.  He was married in San Mateo in 1909 to Miss Mary Britt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Britt, pioneer residents of San Mateo.  He has three children, Mark E. Jr., Walter and Thomas.  In addition to the Ryan Electrical Shop, Mr. Ryan has property interests in Redwood.  He is at present City Electrician and Chief of the Fire Department in Redwood City.  In fraternal circles Mr. Ryan is affiliated with the Masons, Woodmen of the World and the Odd Fellows.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 116-117. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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