The task of educating children of one of the peninsula’s most flourishing cities is the responsibility that falls on Horace E.H. Ruggles, supervising principal of the Burlingame schools.

             It was not long ago that Burlingame although destined to become one of the county’s leading cities, did not have a single school house within its boundaries.  It was shortly after that Mr. Ruggles accepted his present position.  With 217 children the Burlingame system was founded.  In only three years the number of pupils increased to nearly 500.  Burlingame has two handsome, modern, up-to-date school houses of which any community would be justly proud.

             A recognized feature of the Burlingame school system is the perfect co-operation between the teachers.  To bring this about was one of Mr. Ruggles’ first undertakings; and succeeding in that he is now encouraging a closer relationship between the schoolroom and the home through the mutual efforts of the parents and teachers.

             Mr. Ruggles came to Burlingame well prepared for the responsibilities of his position.  After a splendid primary and preparatory school education he attended the Potsdam Normal School in New York.  After holding several teaching positions he became principal of the high school at Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania.

             Mr. Ruggles is a native of Vermont.  He has lived in California for five years.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 146-147. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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