There is not a resident of San Mateo County whose life history is more closely woven into the fabric of the chronology of this county than Mrs. Geo. C. Ross.  Having lived here the best part of her life, she has the added distinction of being the second white child born in San Mateo—Mrs. Frank Miller, now a resident of Berkeley, being the first.

             Possessed of sufficient wealth to live in any part of the world, San Mateo County has nevertheless always been her first choice.

             When married, on December 24, 1877, in San Mateo, she went with her husband to Redwood City to live, but remained there only a short time.  The Rosses next took up their residence upon a 60-acre park in Belmont, where a beautiful home was erected.  They remained there for twenty years; but during all this time Mrs. Ross cherished a desire to set up a permanent residence in San Mateo.  This wish was fulfilled when the Rosses came to San Mateo in 1913 and built the home which they now occupy at 9th and Laurel Avenue.  This is only a quarter of a mile from the place where Mrs. Ross was born.

             It was at St. Matthews Church that Mrs. Ross was baptized when a child—as were her children and grand children in later years.  Here also she was confirmed and has always attended church services.

             Mrs. Ross was educated at the fashionable Laurel Hall School, many of whose graduates are among the peninsula’s leading families.

             Mr. Donald, her father, came to the county in 1851 and purchased a tract of land where the Parrott Estate is now located.  Speaking Spanish fluently, Mr. Donald rapidly won the confidence of the Indians who could converse only with the white man in this tongue, and who at that time formed no inconsiderable portion of the population.  His holdings ran from the Hayward place to Laurel Creek.

             Living so long in the county, Mrs. Ross has been able to notice every interesting phase of its growth.  Particularly noticeable has been the solving of the transportation problem for residents of the county—especially to San Francisco which in the early days meant a trip which consumed a day each way when one went upon a shopping tour.

             Mrs. Ross has taken an active and prominent part in the club life of the peninsula being a member of the San Mateo Woman’s Club, the Burlingame Woman’s Club, life member of the Redwood City Woman’s Club, an honorary member of the Board of the Auxilliary of the P.P.I.E., and a member of the Laurel Hall Club, whose membership list is made up of the graduates of Laurel Hall School which Mrs. Ross attended when a girl.

             Mr. George C. Ross has practiced law thirty-seven years in the county with headquarters in Redwood City.  There are three sons:  Dr. D. H. Ross, practicing in San Jose; Hall C. Ross and Lee T. Ross, both practicing law with their father in Redwood City.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 115-116. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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