Dr. Power has been a resident of San Mateo county for a period of ten years, and although his professional duties are confined for the most part to San Francisco, he takes an active interest in county affairs, as serving as chairman on the Board of Health of Burlingame signifies.

             Although a resident of the state for twenty-two years, Dr. Power believes that his choice of Burlingame as his home will be permanent.

             Dr. Power has risen high in his chosen profession,—medicine—being Dean of Medicine in the San Francisco Polyclinic, Staff Physician of the San Francisco Hospital and chairman of the health committee of the Civic League of San Francisco.

             Medicine, nevertheless is not Dr. Power’s only accomplishment; he has a hobby, if such a difficult subject as color photography could be so termed.  Dr. Power is an authority on this branch of photography upon which he publishes valuable and instructive papers from time to time.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 166. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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