Roy Donald Mullenhour, proprietor and manager of the San Mateo Motor Car Co., of San Mateo, is making the study of automobiles and mechanics his life work.  Mr. Mullenhour received his first training in the bicycle and novelty shop of his father in a small Ohio town.  He showed such skill and natural aptness at this sort of work that it was quickly decided he should follow it throughout his career.

             Mr. Mullenhour became an expert in repairing bicycles but when automobiles came into use he branched out into this more promising field as it developed from the old “one-lungers” to the latest and most perfected type of car.

             Coming to California six years ago, Mr. Mullenhour found little trouble in establishing himself here.  He went to work for the San Mateo Garage and soon became foreman of the repair department.  He then went to the Andrew Smith Garage where he acted in a similar capacity.  His success was so pronounced that Mr. Mullenhour decided to profit from the fruits of his labor and go into business for himself.  The result of this determination is the San Mateo Motor Car Co., on Second Avenue.  This big concrete garage with 7000 feet of floor space is one of the largest and most up-to-date on the peninsula.  It was only recently that the Peninsula Rapid Transit Company appreciating the advantages of this place decided to house and repair its big busses there in preference to building its own garage.

             Roy Donald Mullenhour was born in Lima, Ohio on August 1, 1887.  He was married at Covington, Kentucky, on June 10, 1905 and has two children who attend the San Mateo schools, Roy Donald, Jr., and Helen Margaret.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 121-122. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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