Joseph A. McCormick, Justice of the Peace in the second township and insurance broker, has claimed San Mateo as his home for the past sixteen years.  During that time he has grown up from one of the popular young fellows ‘bout town to one of its substantial business men.

             As a young man when Mr. McCormick first came to San Mateo he was a great favorite.  He was a brilliant athlete and a great future awaited him as a baseball pitcher had he chosen a career on the diamond.  However the sterner life appealed to Mr. McCormick and he chose to launch the business career for which he prepared himself.

             Mr. McCormick has been a factor in the business life of San Mateo.  He has been proprietor of a stationery store, and was associated with Charles Brown in the Smoke Shop.

             In public life Mr. McCormick was born at Vallejo on December 23, 1874 and has spent his whole life in the “Golden State.”  He belongs to the Elks, the Knights of Columbus, the Eagles, the Moose and the Hibernians.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 164. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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