It is safe to say that it would be hard to find any city or county official in San Mateo County whose duties keep him busier than do those of Dr. William C. McLean, Health Officer and Dairy Veterinarian for the city of San Mateo.

             Dr. McLean was born in Palo Alto and came to San Mateo when a boy.  Since then, up to the present time he has resided in the county almost continuously.  He began his education in his chosen profession, in the Veterinarian Department of the University of California which was located at Post and Fillmore Streets, San Francisco.  When the University discontinued this department, he completed his course at the San Francisco Veterinary College.

             His first important public appointment was Veterinary Inspector for the federal government during 1906-07 when his office was located in San Francisco.  Dr. McLean’s next appointment was for the office which he now holds, undertaking this work two years ago.  Accomplishment has always been the keynote to Dr. McLean’s public stewardship.  Instead of being content to follow his work in the beaten path, Dr. McLean has systematized his work along original lines so that he has been able to accomplish daily an almost amazing amount of work.

             The passage of ordinance No. 175 on December 8, 1913, was accomplished by Dr. McLean’s efforts; and is a piece of legislation that reflects great credit upon the city government of San Mateo.  It provides for the inspection of meat and meat products, and prevents the sale of that which is not up to high standard, providing for its condemnation and destruction.

             Dr. McLean is a member of the San Mateo Odd Fellows, No. 265.  He maintains headquarters at the Wisnom Hotel.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 124-125. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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