The subject of this sketch was born May 9, 1848, in Sidney, Australia.  He left Australia with his parents in 1849, for San Francisco, by way of Honolulu.

             After leaving Honolulu the vessel met with such adverse winds and weather, that it was six months before land was sighted at Monterey, California.  This long voyage had depleted the stores of provisions and water to such an extent that for two weeks prior to sighting land, everyone on shipboard was put on an allowance of both food and water, passengers receiving such small rations that when land was sighted they compelled the captain to land them at Monterey, rather than take any further chances of landing at San Francisco.

             After a residence in Monterey of less than three years, he moved with his parents in March, 1852, to the Carey Jones ranch, south and west of what is now Redwood City, and now known as the Hawes ranch, which was at this time part of San Francisco county, San Mateo county being organized in April, 1856.

             He attended the first school in San Mateo county, which was located on the extreme corner of what is known as Redwood Highlands, continuing until 1863 when he entered what is now known as St. Mary’s College, on Mission Hill, San Francisco.

             At the age of eighteen we find him farming 320 acres on the Woodside road near his parents’ home.  He continued farming and contracting until 1914 when he retired to private life.

             Mr. McEvoy was naturalized in the 12th district court in August, 1869.  He has been a life-long Democrat, serving his party as supervisor of the third township for sixteen years.

             He has the distinction of being the first and only democratic supervisor who has held office in the third township for the period of sixteen years.

             Mr. McEvoy is still very active, hale and hearty, and his many friends in this county have urged him again to seek the office of supervisor.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 170-171. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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