The business enterprises of the little city of Pescadero are largely represented by the interests of James McCormick, who though not a native California, has thrown himself heartily into the upbuilding of his adopted land, which owes much to his earnest efforts.

             He was born in Ireland in 1841m the son of Peter and Catherine (Gibeny) McCormick.  His parents emigrated when he was seven years of age, settling in Cathage, Jefferson County, N.Y.

             In 1863, James McCormick left home, for San Francisco, and arrived in that city January 15, 1864.  After about nine months in Santa Cruz, he came to Pescadero where he has resided since.  In 1873 he started his mercantile business which is now the leading store in his district.

             In the3 milling business he also has timber interests and owns valuable timber lands.

             James McCormick is one of the most prominent figures in the public life of the county.  He has served as road supervisor, deputy assessor, and later was a member of the San Mateo County Exposition Commission.  In politics Mr. McCormick is a Democrat.

             Mr. McCormick was married in 1866 to Miss Julia S. Shaffrey, and the children born to them are Alice A., Francis, Ella M., Florence, James, Lillian E., and Julia.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 172-173. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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