Terence Masterson, street commissioner, capitalist, and proprietor of the Wisnom Hotel, has been a resident of San Mateo for twenty-five years.  He came here a total stranger; but his fair dealings, enterprise and confidence in San Mateo’s future, have made him one of the leading citizens of the community.

             As city trustee and street commissioner Mr. Masterson has been developing the greater part of his time to the welfare of San Mateo.  His keen business ability is reflected throughout the work of the city trustees.  The streets of San Mateo were never cleaner and in a better state of repair than during his administration.  He has also supervised the vast amount of street improvements made during the last few years.

             Mr. Masterson has extensive business interests in San Mateo.  Besides being proprietor of the Wisnom Hotel he is a stock holder in several banks of the county and the Peninsula Rapid Transit Company.  He is also a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association and the energy he devotes in this cause is only a small part of his civic devotion.

             Among the interests that Mr. Masterson holds outside of the state is stock in the famous Silver King mine in Utah from whose ore treasures, over $25,000,000 in metals has already been taken.

             Terence Masterson was born in Quebec, Canada on March 19, 1864.  He was born on the old family farm which has been owned by his family for over 100 years.  Once a year Mr. Masterson migrated back to the old home for a visit; until last year when he was called back on the sad mission of attending his old mother’s funeral.  Mr. Masterson was married in San Francisco four years ago and has one son, Hugh, who is three years old.  Mr. Masterson is a member of San Mateo lodge, No. 1112, B.P.O. Elks.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson.

Source: Alexander, Philip W. & Charles P. Hamm, History of San Mateo County page 157-158. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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