Successful dairyman, farmer and cattleman.  Thus in a few words we can outline the interesting career in San Mateo county of Sebastian Lombardi.

             Nevertheless success did not come without effort and a hard struggle.  When Mr. Lombardi first came to San Francisco to go into the dairying business he was without money, but he soon had established a paying business.  With the capital he realized in his San Francisco venture he again entered the dairying business in San Bruno upon a larger scale in 1900.  He rented a place here in the beginning.  Today he owns this place together with other property in San Bruno, San Francisco and Stanislaus County.

             Mr. Lombardi was born on Dec. 8, 1866 in Switzerland.  He has been living in California since 1890 and has been a resident of San Mateo County for the last fifteen years.  He was married in San Francisco on February 15, 1902.

             Before leaving San Francisco for San Mateo county, Mr. Lombardi took a thorough course education in the night schools of that city to fit himself for the responsibilities he knew would in time be thrown upon his shoulders, as well as to prepare himself to earn more money.

             In recognition of his ability and of his sterling integrity he was appointed postmaster of San Bruno, which term he served for two years.  He is also prominent in fraternal circles being a member of the W.O.W., and of the Y.M. Institute.

             Mr. Lombardi is the father of four children, Steve, aged twelve, August ten, Rose, eight and Loretta, six.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 167-168. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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