Few men are better and more favorably known in the fraternal circles of the county than Alphonsus S. Liguori of Redwood City.  In the business world Mr. Liguori is a salt manufacturer and superintendent of the Redwood Water Company.  In the fraternal world he is the prince of good fellows, and is pronounced one of the leading spirits in every organization to which he belongs.

             Mr. Liguori was one of the leaders in the movement to bring the 1916 convention of the Foresters to Redwood City, which is one of the greatest fraternal honors ever accorded a San Mateo town.  He is secretary of the Foresters Hall Association and was for nine years District Deputy Grand Chief Ranger.

             The Native Sons have always had an enthusiast in Mr. Liguori.  Besides being recording secretary of the Redwood Parlor for ten years, he has worked in the interests of this order throughout the county.  He was one of the organizers of the Colma Parlor five years ago.

             In the Redmen lodge, Mr. Liguori has been chairman of the Board of Trustees.  He is also a member of the San Mateo Lodge of Elks, the Owls and the Odd Fellows.

             Alphonsus E. Liguori was born at Mount Eden, Alameda County, on September 1, 1882.  He has spent his entire life in the state and passed the last fifteen years in Redwood City where he has property and business interests.  Mr. Liguori is a member of the Redwood fire department holding the position of secretary and treasurer of Hose Co. No. 1.  He is also secretary of the San Mateo Game Protection Society.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 143. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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