One of the newcomers to Redwood City who has worked himself into the esteem of its citizens is John Edward Layng, one of the proprietors of the Redwood City Undertaking parlors.

             Since taking residence in Redwood Mr. Layng has won a place of prominence in its business and social life.  He is accorded a place among the town’s most enthusiastic boosters.  Mr. Layng always finds time to point out places of interest to the stranger within the gates.  Redwood’s even climate, accessibility, business opportunities and industrial advantages afforded by its water front that is yet only in the infancy of development, are subjects in which Mr. Layng is well versed and which are always at his tongue’s end.

             Although one of Redwood’s infant institutions, the Redwood City Undertaking Parlors has become a flourishing business under Mr. Layng’s competent management.  Before coming to Redwood City Mr. Layng had taken several professional courses and had a great deal of practical experience in undertaking in different cities.

             John Edward Layng was born in San Francisco on January 15, 1884 and has spent his entire life in California.  He is a member of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce.  In fraternal circles of Redwood City he holds a high place, claiming membership in the Masons, Eastern Star, the Redmen, The Foresters, the Odd Fellows and the Native Sons.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 162-163. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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