The same high standards which mark all departments of Burlingame’s city government are found in the police department which has been built up to its present state of efficiency and usefulness by George E. Jones who still retains the position he has held for many years as Chief of Police.

             In this capacity Mr. Jones has done much for Burlingame.  Being a man of lofty ideas he has kept the city free from anything that would cast a single reflection on its moral status.  He has had traffic rules enacted and directed the passage of vehicles through Burlingame in such a manner that this city boasts of one of the lowest rates of accidents of any city in the state.  Mr. Jones and the capable officers under him have run down many daring criminals, and have recovered stolen goods whose value to their owners can hardly be estimated.

             In addition to his activity in the police department, Mr. Jones has served the city in many other capacities.  When the town was first incorporated he was appointed Health Officer and Superintendent of Streets by the first board of trustees.

             The growth of Burlingame has multiplied many times since he first took office; and has now become a city which has relieved him of these duties.  He still retains the responsible position of License and Tax Collector, together with Chief of Police and Truant Officer for the Burlingame School District.

             For his efficiency, honesty and ten years of faithful service, his friends awarded him a gold badge of his office.

             George E. Jones was born in San Francisco on July 13, 1869.  He received his early schooling in San Francisco, and later attended St. Matthew’s Military Academy when it was located on Baldwin avenue in San Mateo, on the ground where the High School now stands.

             After finishing school he entered business in San Francisco where he remained until ten years ago, when he moved to Burlingame.  Mr. Jones is one of the leading members of the Burlingame Commercial Club and the Royal Arcanum.  He resides with his family in his own home at 226 Myrtle Road.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 114-115. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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