For its advancement in the last three years San Mateo county owes no more to any one citizen than Major Bert Johnson of Montara, president of the San Mateo County Development Association and chairman of the advisory road commission.  In an unparalleled spirit of county loyalty Mr. Johnson has relegated his important personal interests into the background to devote practically all his time and energy to the momentous civic tasks that have been thrust on his shoulders.

             When Mr. Johnson accepted the presidency of the San Mateo County Development Association two years ago, he said he would make it a banner year.  So great were the fruits of his efforts that some of the county’s most influential men urged him to accept the presidency for one more year that he might carry to completion the great undertakings that he had started.  Again his spirit of loyalty overcame his personal duties, and he consented to surrender one more year of time and vim to the county.

             During this time Mr. Johnson has represented the county at conventions of civic bodies at San Francisco and different parts of the state.  He has become a national authority on highways and development work, and has directed the vast undertakings of the Development Associations.  As chairman of the advisory roads commission he carefully watched he expenditure of the $1,250,000 bond issue for good roads in the county.

             What time Mr. Johnson allows himself to devote to personal interests finds him secretary and manager for large real estate projects at Montara on the coastside, manager of big land and cattle companies in Mexico and associated with business projects throughout the state.

             Major Bert Johnson was born in Iowa in 1874.  He has lived in San Mateo county for eight years.  Sixteen years ago he was married in San Francisco.  Mr. Johnson is a Mason and a member of the Sequoia Club of San Francisco.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 122-123. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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