It is a well proven saying that, “A rolling stone gathers no moss,” while on the other hand the career of Asa Edward Hull who was born in San Carlos (San Mateo County) just goes to show that a man who sticks close to his native town and county, not only “gathers moss,” but earns the respect and admiration of his fellow townsmen.

             Mr. Hull was born in San Carlos on July 1, 1870, his father’s name being Mr. Wm. Whipple Hull, being the pioneer brick maker of this county.  He received his education in the San Mateo County schools, and began at an early date to master the dairying and farming business, which he will testify has as many technicalities and ins and outs as any of the so-called “chosen professions.”  He thoroughly mastered these pursuits, and then went into the hardware business.  At the present time he is President of Hull Bros. Hardware Company, located in Redwood City, and is also a director of the San Mateo County Building and Loan Association.

             Mr. Hull has always taken pride in the condition of his herds, taking great care that no diseased animal should corrupt the output of milk, cream and butter fat.  His herd of Holstein cows is the largest tested herd in the county, and attracted considerable attention recently by the creditable manner in which they passed the tuberculin test, which in the last few years has become extremely rigid.

             When Mr. Hull was only fifteen years old he went into business for himself in 1885.  Besides business friends and acquaintances innumerable throughout the county, Mr. Hull takes an active interest in fraternal circles where he is very popular, belonging to B.P.O.E., 1112 and also N.S.G.W., Parlor 66.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 138-139. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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