One of the best known residents of San Mateo County is Thomas L. Hickey who has been actively identified with the business, civic and fraternal interests of this section for many years.  He has been a leading spirit in movements that tend to the betterment of this county and has made a host of friends through his general disposition.

             Born in Chicago September 17, 1871, Mr. Hickey received his education in the public schools of that city.  At an early age he entered the employ of the Armours where he remained four years.  At the end of that period he was employed by Swift & Co., which firm sent him to California in 1892 to take charge of the killing department of the Western Meat Company’s plant at South San Francisco.  He continued there until 1908.  During these 16 years and to the present time he has remained a resident of South San Francisco.  For the past five years Mr. Hickey has been a representative of the Equitable Life Assurance Society and his ability has frequently been recognized by the home office in New York.  He has attended conventions of the representatives of the Society as a result of his successful efforts in affording protection in the form of life insurance.

             Although actively engaged in business affairs, Mr. Hickey has always found time to display his interest and zeal in behalf of the county in which he makes his home.  He was City Trustee of South San Francisco for six years from the time of its incorporation and many public improvements were well under way when he retired, leaving the completion to others.  Mr. Hickey is one of the board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Board and took an active interest in the campaign for good roads.

             Mr. Hickey is a man of family.  His son, Thomas E. Hickey, is a prominent figure in amateur athletics, especially in the departments of football and baseball.  He has turned down several offers to enter the ranks of professional baseball preferring to continue his law studies at Santa Clara.

             As a member of the Elks, Knights of Columbus and Loyal Order of Moose, Mr. Hickey has been a moving spirit in fraternal circles.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 135-136. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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