James Daniel Hedge

The name James Daniel Hedge has been only comparatively recently inscribed upon the scroll of names which includes some of the brainiest men of the county—its newspaper proprietors and editors. 

Although Mr. Hedge was born in Redwood City, he has been permitted by circumstances only recently with that city, where he is now the Managing Editor of the Redwood City Democrat. 

Mr. Hedge received his early education in the Redwood City grammar school and Sequoia Union High School, from which he went to Stanford University, finally fitting himself for a business career by a course at Heald’s Business College. 

Mr. Hedge has lived in the state thirty-two years; been in Goldfield, Nevada three years and in San Mateo County twenty-six years. He was married May 1906 in Goldfield. He has two children,--Roland L; and Norman J Hedge. Mr. Hedge belongs to Redwood Parlor No. 66 of the N. S. G.W.


Transcribed by Karen L. Pratt

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 185. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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