Stephen B. Gilbert


Stephen B. Gilbert, Redwood, San Mateo county, California, was born in Yates county, New York, in 1825, in 1846 he directed his steps toward the West, and took up his abode in Mottville, St. Joseph county, Michigan; thence to Illinois the following year, where he taught school.  He came to California in 1850, and lived in El Dorado county one year, engaged in mining, subsequently following the same occupation in Placer county.  In 1852 he went to San Jose, and several years later came from there to San Mateo county, where he has since been interested in agricultural pursuits.


Mr. Gilbert was married in 1859 to Miss Ann Walkens, and their union has been blessed with three sons and four daughters.


He has taken an active interest in public affairs, and has done his part toward helping to advance the growth and development of this section of the country.  He served the county as Surveyor two terms and in 1867—’78 was a member of the County Board of Supervisors.

Transcribed by Karen L. Pratt

Source: Henry D. Barrows & Luther A. Ingersoll, A Memorial & Biographical History of the Coast of Central California. Page 343. Chicago, Lewis Publishing Co., 1893.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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